The Seven Seas (A Will Turner fanfic) [COMPLETED] - Back on the Pearl (2024)


"Welcome my lady welcome" Jack bowed his head as he walked forward and took Athena hands in his "what business you have with us?" He questioned.

"I'm here to see Will" Athena smiled as she patted Jack's hands and looked towards Will.

"My lady" Will gave a deep smile as he walked up to Athena.

"Give is a moment please" Athena mumbled as Nor dragged Jack away from Athena and Will.

"I'm so glad you came to meet me" Will exhaled as Athena looked out at the cold sea.

"I'm here to warn you" Athena said under her breath.

"I didn't get you my lady?" Will looked at her.

"Cutler wants you dead" Athena mumbled as uneasiness was seen in her expression.

"What?" Will was puzzled.

"Will" Athena gave a deep sigh then she looked at him "he wants your head" her words shattered.

"I'm not afraid of him" Will said as he cupped her face. It was soft as the rose petals and smooth as silk. Athena backed away so that Will could not touch her.

"I'm sorry my lady... I forgot no mortal had touched you" Will spoke slowly.

Athena nodded as she closed her eyes "You have to give up the quest, before it's too late" she said.

"You know. I can't do that" Will looked at her with a heavy heart.

"But if something happens to you, I would never forgive myself" Athena mumbled.

"Nothing will happen to me my lady" Will smiled.

"But you don't know Cutler nor do you know Davy Jones or black beard" Athena clenched her jaws "and worst of all you don't know my uncle Hades nor medusa" she stammered.

"With you no power on the sea, the earth or the sky can destroy me...with you victory will always be by my side" Will looked at her.

Athena gave a small smile and said "you turners are the bravest of them all".

"You have been spying on the turners for generations?" Will chuckled.

"Well, I know your bloodline well" she said.

"Do you think we are betrayers?" Will asked hesitantly.

"Everyone makes mistake in life Will, one or the other that doesn't make him a betrayer" a slight smirk passed the face of Athena.

"So you mean you forgive my grandfather and my father for betraying almost everyone at sea?" Will look at her with a heavy heart.

"Your grandfather nor your father knew what their greed would summon. If they knew they would never take such steps. Men are weak Will and forgiveness is what a man need in his life to move on" Athena smiled.

"How can you be so kind my lady? I heard the wrath of gods and goddess no man can stand" Will looked at her in an awe.

"Because what mistake my forefathers did in Olympus, what mistake my father and my mother did I don't want to repeat them Will. If only there was forgiveness in their hearts we wouldn't see a time like this where Hades wished to rule over Olympus, medusa waiting to be free, the blood thirsty kraken waiting for the day he could roam freely" Athena closed her eyes "if only Hades had a heart, if only Zeus had forgiven Hades, if only my father did not fall into temptation, if only medusa had a heart and thought my father had a wife and a daughter, if only my mother knew forgiveness and hadn't curse medusa" Athena words heavy.

"You are truly breathtaking" Will looked at Athena in amazement "no wonder why everyone wants to be with you, no wonder why you are everything that a man could desire and more" Will smiled.

"And you are the kindest" Athena smiled.

"I'm honored to hear that from you, my lady" Will came forward and stood next to Athena. She was silent she didn't say a word but was looking out at the undying sea, as she inhaled the fresh breath of air that was circulating in and around the pearl. Will inhaled the sweet fragrance around Athena. She sure smells like a million pounds he thought.

The silence between them was comforting and Will assumed Athena heart was lighter than before as he could see a glow on her face, under the starry nights. The Stars surely brought out her beautiful eyes and her comb that twinkles under the light of the stars do look like she had a galaxy on her head.

"I've to leave" Athena mumbled breaking the long silence that was between them.

"But___" before Will could say another word she looked into his eyes and said "I've to Will". Will couldn't say another word it was like Athena had a hold on him and whatever she said always strikes him like he never imagined.

"When will I see you again?" He asked hesitatingly as she was about to leave the pearl.

She turned back and smiled warmly and without replying to his question she disappeared from the pearl.

The Seven Seas (A Will Turner fanfic) [COMPLETED] - Back on the Pearl (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.