The Morning Record, January 23, 1898 · TADL Local History Collection (2024)




Fint T«v—No. 2»L



la M «3ct«Mln property. whWi to
located nponnrinr where the force of
;Um etreaiB wm eo rmt that It wm imVDVOBSMKur WnOJAII AX^ poeelMe to r*t the rold oat profltabljr.
Mr. Lenll to eoeiewhat InfehtoM and
he Inreated a plan for retUar oot the'
-fxm tlM Wtdmfl OOm M^mt-CcA- preeiow »#tal eaeUy and inoceMfuHy.
Ue mine to
tend With Prtstdwi Twtetej
In nl^ lor hto ■
ud it it ThMCht b Mmj Xtatet
Mr. Ueell w^e (l**nM InterMt la the
■MMtar Borrow’ Blus te OovaU
mine. He eaeloeed in hto letter te Mr.
Bate* a piece of c«)d m a aampU a the
WMkinrtoo.JM.tS.-Th* fnqMot p^aete ol that tDcali^.
rtait* of OoJtriwui WtUikn &Mm
LMtare Opara* in Pomona.
teiith U> tk* WkiM aome Md the loaf
Prof. C. H. Bon opeoed a leetnn
oonteMoW h* to hoTinc with Mr. Mexutor OM MldAo b* Mwilfif Mnnl

DXBPOUB OP nr onumzr oeermT
Andrew Leach Mivt XMvid* Booeehatd Bfleew with Sto Wife-Mat•ca and Jeoaea Om* Settled-Pethr
Anna Beonfod a Tardlot .in .Aotlen

AcalBM Buck Orlflbth.

The taet of the jnryaaaM were dtopoaed of In'the Clrenlt eoart laet ovoainf. The flmt tew daye of thto week
wUl probably be devoted to divorce
I. of whioh ttere bm eeveatoea on
ttc COM of Andrew Leach va Albert
anyamoestef worry.
‘Tbere are etUl two blf offlom la to girmt aader the aa^tloM of the Weleh. Mean Friday, wm datohed yeeWeetm Miehiraa to be flUed by the ^ eohool la that place Bnmaer Gilbert, terday ateraiad. tha jnry deridlar that
pniident. The Hailed biate* dtotrieija formeratadeotand*r*dnat* of the Ue booMbold faraitare la diapnte
attorney to to hi appolatml. M to atoo iTrarefteaiy Hlyheeboel, and a ^tb- •hoald be dividad between the plain­
th* Unitod btalee
Many oa! er of City Attorney UUbert, to the tiff and M re. Leach. ByUe declrioa
Mrs. Leach will reoein one-half of the
t^-lMld* barn are now of the oplalen.i teacher.
crockery, oae-half of the kltehea ateathat Mr. Smith propeee* to ban a>»eelto aad one chair.
thbir to my aboat theae appdlaUBeau.
in the MM of wnilam Mateea v*. J.
Aa a matter .of fact the men be may
AteBtate O. JeoHn. a motion wm made to q^aah.
' n—Bey be ^>p^ted to the Acelaet Awi
Priouac te Adnettot Pub. Oe.
bat Ue eoBteetoata eaam tofeUer at■ and the eeaator'a ehoipe.
Wheeler end Conll. be baay j Ihe Adrenttot Pnbltohfnf Oo. of Bat- terwardaaad Mttled Ue maUrr meUe Craek ban out in the leweat bid taally between Uem.
It WM eevea o'clock le«t nichl when
Baeh na oowome woold be a eerenlfor the itale prliUny araliul Bobert
Mow to the aenator and weold be ink-1 Smith A Co. thatpraaeat etaU priater a verdict wm rendered Id. Ue replevin
of Peter Aaoe vv. Hi
Tbe adveattot
«■ to mean that McKinley favored aed'nnothar bidder.
It to
Thaaetioa wm brongbi
Smith aa a eandldato for eeaator to eaeelaalvely and there to a elroac protaat rooover a portloB of a crop of rye
oaad Mr. Bnrrowa
rmtoed by Aaaa apoa a (arm brioafflBC
It to kaowB to be a fact that the clone by the oaioa men from all <
toGriffeU. nad wbieh wm worked oa
irfeode .of the praeldent any that Mr.
ileal anlea U aharm. The Jnry gan the pUlaUff Si
__ Hmllk to a rmt Mvorite with him and
Umy alee reeatl the feet tbat.he wae eeadlag eat delate to all important: boUeU of the rye.
Uaderwieod A Dmlor
fraaUy Utane^ed la two oampaicne oitiM *f the etata to oeeore proteeto
■r. Smith want Uuoa^ lor a neat la agaiaat awarding (he etoteoentraet to j Aaaa aad Pratt A Davie w<
tha lower hooM. Mr. McKialey vtoited the Battle Ciaek people. W. J. -iood- forOrifleU.
Gtmnd Bapids apon two dlflmnat oeLABOBffT OP MABOV.
Torlnr la order.^ help- Hr. Smith'a a^ aeveral braaehea of orgaalaed la­
bor have already adopted very vigoroampaicB aleaf.
X. Weller Broagtat la a Lead ef 160
Conframman Smith ^at more than one rmolutioa* ngaidlag the toatter.


party of SS ffirU apoa a jolly eleUgh
rt^ ahoat the city aad auborha from
Evetyoae ehonld hrnr the tamooe lectorn. "Broine.'’ to be fflvcm la the City Oa the beet MUtag booka TboM that have aold beet la M of the lar^cltte
Opera Hooae tomoriow alrht by Bav. te the moaU of Janaary are: "goo Vadto." Baaiy SleaklewieB: "HeCtefr
lariaible." JamM Lane Allen: "The Chrialdto." Half Caine: "Hu^ Wynaa.” B.
Wler MltebeU; "in Kedar'e Teato.” Beary Merrimaa: "Priaaaara of tha Sea.**
Floroooe M. Kiiualey. We alwaye have the vary lateet hooka that an in tk*
aary platform otaGory.
market, Jvt m eoea m they are pobltobed.
P. W. Kane, the SonU reloa etreet
draftiet. to aboat to enlarge hto boeiarm aad hM leaaed the Skllaoo ftore
an Ue eoraer of Ualoa and SereaU
•troele. He will take peaeeeeioa Pebrnary SU^U an laereaaad atoek.


Mr. Goodipeed etatoe that a aamber of
prominent pollUdaae beve agreed to
vrfra protoeta to tha Mate aodlton.
Tbe manager* at Ue Adveailet PnhItohlag company my they vrUl ineUt oa
their rIgbU *to the jMt extremity.
They have ao (earof Ue labor noieae.
MeBagarGoauaehowedby the report
Of Labor Commitoioaer Cox Uat the
Arm paid Ue average wagee ef aatan
n. Their pneemen
Alt a vroek and eempoelton tit. Those
It WM etatod that Senator Bnrrowa whe belong to the ebareh aeaelly
had toadered the Sea- triboU oae-uoU U Ue oaaae. bat are
nwr.ConU and .ea-Senntor Wheeler,
tpelled to do ao.
hat a Uter diepetok atntod that the
matter wm etUI anderided. It wm
lenraed yetierday that Seostor CenU
had not received oOcial potlee of the To be Dedicated Today at Barnard U
Borwood Oiargo.
deeieles. and be etatod to the Bacou>
iMt niybt that he had aothtay 1
PiMldiag Elder Kellogg reporto the
te pahlioatlba apon the Babjeet.
dedicetioB of «aoUer aew M.
ekoi^ la thle district which will take
plaee today. Uto at Barnard, in Ue
Nororood Uarge, Bev. Jae, Allan, pas­
<}. X Paoor orxaaletee Barted Tfadnr tor, aad bMjMt beea completed
Two Balt Veto.
eoetoftlMM. Service* have bean held
Maatotae, Jaa.
Veatorday after- la Ue ebareh te Ue pMl Uree day*,
BOOB Ue ei^porteof two of the big proparauty to U* dedtoalloa.
groiaer valent Ue-Baekley A Dooglae makimU* Ulrd aew M. B. ekarch dedmill gave Way and two men were pre* leauTu Uto dtotrtel Ul* moaU.
oipitaud in Ue raiae. Cbarlea B. Peecf
being urrlbly acMded by bot brine.

l>ecwr and Chriet. Jobaeoa wen
the aortbrre end of Ue balldlag and
wcat dowa wiU Ue floor, nearly flftoaa leel, wiU Ue debrie piled abeot
themi. Peoor wm Urowa dlroctly^^lade^
Ue brokap end of the tall pipe 'vrkleh
dtoehargM Ue beillag brine tern
vaU. ahd WM platoaed th^ by a
great Umber which coatod bp3a
. right leg aad other* apoa hto ‘
WiU a eapreme effort he eocceeded la
freriof; himMlf from hie porUooe poaiUoD. bat not nntll be bad heea moat
terribly Maided. Jobneoa wm not
lonely hart.
W*nW>*eaU ParUM LawklBg
Aomuea for Tanaaty.
Maatote^. Jaa. st.-WItooa KtoUer of
Lock Havea. P».. from oo* *( Ue larg*M toaaerie* la that eute. aad J. M.
Weodllagef Ml Jewett. Pe.. alao eagi^ la Ue taaaiag bakiacae, are her*
looking te a loeattoa-for a large' eole' leather taaaacy. They are pW
wiu Ue ptoM'eitd may daeide U eaUbUU their boriaeto here.
Brea WIU
•ormv An flmirtoclal »gbi
Anaapolto. Jaa. tt.—The elgkU bal­
lot for Halted Stotai eetteter at non
remilicd m followe; MeOoama U. Uorama «o. Shaw IS. ShryoU A Findlay 3:
tout m.
Bhoa. LeveU. Fermerty ef Thto Oitf.
Jbgaged la-FroflUbl* Kialag.
Tboa T. BaimUM roaeived a latter
irom Thoa UreU. fcnaerlr-of Uto
Mty. wbe to now eagaged la goU mialag AtTroatUke. BrlUah Oriambto.
to U* Cooteaey dtotricL Bleb -gMd
tolM have bean dtoeovered U thto dtotriot aad Mr. Levall hM aa iatoroet

O. W. lardle reports Ue largoet load
of pototoM yotbroagfat Into the city
Uto winter. It vtm healed la by ~
Weller yeeiarday. aad
baekela and *0jwaadMor which he
reoelved SO ceiAa a boeheL Mr. Wel­
ler also brooght Is aaeUer load ef 151
■Ueto. for which ba reoelved Ue
me price pei^gmehel.


J. O. LanrworUy. Cbarlea U. Carver
aad Jack Ynaleh aro eompleUac nrraacemeate to po to the Daadflm irold
Belda March Ity Thera will be fonr la
tbe party bat Ue oUer one to aat yet

Any kind—etyle—eize—shape—color—and
the beet made in the city.^-.
uroeL poa-tf


MHUiam BlocL


. half na hour la ooafe'reaoe with the
^deat thto monlay. It cma be
t and It a'eed aarprtoe no oae if the onadMatae favond
by Smith for the two WcaUra Miehloffleee akoold M named la piece of
frn‘~~ Bdnowe' eeleetloae. An oot«MM of thto aort would add a
ptetareeqeephaMtothdaest eeontor.Sal debt In MiohlfM


Do you think yoil will have a
list of wants for Monday morning P
J oat Uiak for a momeoL Are yoa oat of Toilet Soap, or don’t yoa
.^iok yoar TooU Braah baa ontlired lie aaetalaMB? O^hare yoa de­
jUatSScor soeabox' Theecaadm.-,
cided to try BaU (per* ___ _____—
addltieas Uat may be a de toyoarllet we can eapply wiUgoode that are right
at prieee Uat are righL If yoneboold happen to beoat of Baking Powder, try
orM eon uve tea tieketo bring Uem la aad
oam at 85c per poond pi . _
get a qoarter ponad package free.

J~a>8. Q-. .Tr>>i-i-»i=><-i-n

"Ihere is Something
fiotten in Denmark!"
____ _______ Ue I
_____ ____________
oo«i to hto *
to aoUlag like baadaom
and ap-to-date
« Far*
F iraltare for _
eattofseUoB aad a

Bilver Gray Fin Oaptared.


Our shoes stand hard knocks bet­
ter than most and cost yon less
to begin whb. Try a pair.

Boys, we


The Popular Shoo Hoo»c



Houm TornUhins Btors,

B. Schomberger to Ue happy pameaw Of a flae epeelmao of eUvor gryy l»-m Front SL TRA VBBSE CITT.
fox: eaptored bmv Beaaoola by a
(armar. Mr.Sebo
fox from L. Barrie aad H. Praror. wbe
beaght Ue animal from Ita captor, who
caogbt it la a trap after It had pUyed
havoc wiU the lahabltaBU of hto
chlckea soap for aoato Ume. This to a
valMhle aad very rare qtedae ef fox
Bot Uaro to always room te
aad It to maay years elaoe they have
pore. TkeroXoro eome at once for
beea known to any extent la Uto
PHOTOS. We have a eomaleta
of PlcUrs..MDaIdlBgs aad will fiU
callty. It to atotod U«t the eklas
rdar* promptly. If we have to <
Ue aUvM grey fax. U prime, are irorU
aU aigbL

We are

Gaining in Popularity^-=.
Lut Mooli Excelled AUPMtBo8Ui«<«.

Ail Dclere SeU Tbem lor

Still Very Busy

TonnsUar Bloek.


*11 Sootb UolM 81.
iiemea aad Mia. F. C.
rtaised a company ofUir^ frteode
at Uelr home oe SlxU street Friday
evesiag. Vocal mule aad progreaalv*
W. B. Tbaoker WtU OaUer Vamee pedre formed Ue program. The prieee
were won by Mm Briatee and Joe Zii
tor Mow Olty Diroetoey.
mermaa and Ue eooeoUtioM by Mm
M. Fahroey, Ue Milwaakee p
TV tbaer vtio Irorr Ibelr vkevU wlib mr tar
A. J. Doyle and J. H. McOoogh.
re-emPFlIse or ropoifit dorUA Ur vlatvr. I
ar who to getUag oot e new. diroetorf
froUmeato woe aarved by Mm Dee- etil chmrf* nelMer l»r rorr &nd auiraev
for Uto city, to oregreealag Id a very
aati-ifaclory nuaner and recelvipg a
great deal of eacoaragemeoL HawiU
Searehlag te a ‘BroUer.
bIj piker Is town vbst* ro* ru cVI Artlwle
aegle to eaavaavUc city for i amea rtor Friedrich hM received a O
airlpW »ed Onup^uU JO.
marrow aad hM aa^oya I W. B letter from Lawroaoe tfaaloa.
Thacker to aeel»L Mr. Thacker hM her of Ue fire department of Mllwaa.
Imd each an extaaded experiei
ke*. Mkingfor
each work la tbto elty Uat hto
hto broUor William Jlaalon. who lived
laaee will iasare a Uoroagh and aeea. UthtoflOBBtylaim.
rate odmpllatioa.

Free Storage
for Bicycles.




Thaatrieal BfetaA
Steinberg’s Ormad Opera Boom wm
oowded iMt night wlU aa aadleaoe
which Uoroagbly eatead Ue protontotioa of "Between the Acta," by Bryana Comediaaa Tbe piece to a hom*orMM ekit which affords opportoalty for
UelntrodacUeaof tntetoaeepeelalttoa.
Tbe eompaay hM had a ........... .
week aad Uelr eaterUUmeata have
beea plearoat aad Ue work of Ue
member* of Ue eompaay extremely
good. The aggregaUeagoM from'here
toMaatoue. .

Mr. aad Mm L. J. Spaacel weleoLed
yeeierday a baby boy toihhlr doateatle
Clemest Hut allpped oa the walk
Friday aad eLffend a bad opnio of hto
righ wrtoL
The Portia Onbwi’a meat wlU Mm
Dan London Meaday aftornoop at I
o’clock. Mm Doyto, leadw.


Are ooring onr goods, bat w^
bare lots of go^ left which we
wish to close out before taking in­
voice, and we have some ^leoiAl
bsigtins to offer.

The SonU Bide Shakeapepfe Clah
wUI meet at t:» Monday a
of Mm J. J. Gray, on WeV
star etroet
Pateakey hM not yet had fro* pmtol
dellro^. bat It to expected Uat Ue
Mm. W. B. Fletober to qalte efok.
Nye Jerdaa aad vrife of Battoaa Bay. syatem wUl be eetabttohed there Feb- ^iiM caa"iiiiiite............. ;::..:toc
Hop Cora..................ISe pack, GOe bai
were la Ue city jMterday.
1>. B. Oatder retarned laet nlght^from
Dr. Marie B. Bmtoa. who hM beea
Grand Baplde.
confined to her room by lllaeee. to oom
Nela*B%BiUof Beaxonii
r aad wUl be aMe to
city oa baaiaeae yeaUrdaybar pattsBte la a ^ daya
Mr. aad Hr*. Frank Cook aad child
There vrill be a regular meetihg of
left yesterday te Teaaeeaa. where Mr.
DachsM Ctomp, No. SSiS. X W. L,
A fliat Claes stock of
OwU expecu U regala hto baalU.
Mtoe Fmacee Wehr of A
epeat Monday ai^t la Moauga'e haU.
Sooday wiah-hv friead. Mlm Florene* membonaroreqaeatod'U ba praeeaL
TheatoroofM.Obmila and tha of­
Blakeeley. tlttcpmllmeoathca
eoathcMtef Ue
fice of Ue Barker Cedar Oo. at Blar
ereoB. U* Obeatt eeart ham are ooaaeeted wiU Ue 6nttoaa
telephM* Um aad the mU la thtoe
WM joined at Park PUm
yeetardhy aftoraODo
Mm Header- ringa.
nap amd |brir asp and daa^ta
YmtedaT sfterKxw Mtonw Datoy
Shadek aad BeOa Dana-ehapemad a Oor. Tth And Uni
qmd Sunday la Ue elty.

Gold Medal Flour

Will want new dresses and aprons next season,
and nowlis the time^totget them mkiTe.
We have nice lines in ‘^ew Spring Styles. "
Percales and fine t^nghams.

DON’T Ullll»Tm~StCtlll°-SMM RURRtRS
Buy the I>yc<nning*or Goodyefir Olowe Bnnds,
the Beet on Earth, at



AR8RC*nA-mr TEtEOMhis.


. BUHDAT, JAVUABT 28, 1688.


u Ind. Ob

s bla MG
. •! will aaear dl^iob aoothB Omia an
PiTrident H«H,
Btll club. Mrs tber« >i nbtUnc Mw in irtfiKHl Uvo. I ^ Ina nJapBiA which it tbe record at tha new game.
adher. aa tmeanipTba*. eperwtdr and dJa. tha AnaoD iMUBr.
Seore—Schaefer. 4«; Cation, tt. Ivea
A Wf grnf tUnbar wrij
la the evenlnr defeated ^inka. Score—
I Ivea. «»: BplBka. IM.__________
B««r CllBtor. Rock eounty. Wto^ after yrank but atnoa one yiwr ar>
bare not been Invtda of a le)c«npfa office.
a three den' chaae.
' '
O'BHew Oaelarad teiaeB
Cx-Portmaaiir John Weeda. of t>OB. ai>d XU- reiy tick of tbe InatruioaotmakiB |
Manitowoc. Wla.. Jan. St—Tbe Jury
kJrJi. O.. » n» Bruck by a faM irala and
a the eaae of Mike O'BrteB. chargwd
Oted IB lem thae as hoQr.
Thu* kpoka ah eld U
FIrldiBf on Kay
OevrmoT BuihoeU. of Ohio, la auffar. Miort tlmraco. HeUa
0 laat. by abootlng. broupht I
national bring oi I of tbe brat train
1T« from dlabetaa and bin pb/aielBB
Om wMk. br euTtn.
let to the effect that O Hrfen a
tUy.and prertou*
. ' 4K , aara hto recovery U doubtftiL
OMMMh.bjMll. ane
crime «ai
. i
«•!• Mre-rErnat. of Nertah. Wla, dropped lo tbe arotdenl which be related be bad
lUtted. and la aUll tnaanc.
tail a lirbted lamp and fainted. Sbe rraa orrer Uiade an trror. Although Uw tralu«< ■—111., 19 baU,
men Mid be cuuld raako a oluarr meaUhg
• ato'reaeued Joat In time to aaer bar Ufa.
Cmt jmr. hr BaO,

ABlgawrat of do**'** XM*~point than any otber luaB In the buHoeiai.
- _
______ _____ 1 Brtieat Uaaafk waa atnick by a train
Moweaqua.. Ha.. Jan IT-Ab aaalgnidcml
and careful.
• «”®i***“*®*i while drivlar acroaa the trmck near
hart night.”eontlnued tha, ment wa* made yeaierday by Pw *
; Boaedale. Wla , and InaianUy killed.
dtopatcbrr. "Thr anew waa Wuwlng or.T Bogg, clothier, of tble city, to J. P.
The Medfort. Wla,. btrwery
thr whole dtvicten. and all of tbe enu Aydeloue. Tbe amount of Indebiedneaa
itaMaaelalf bataid ' an aaatciiment
anntnment to K.
H. Uaurer. The ila- wen- clnftial full. Tbe paMmgrr irwlBa ft not known, but they have a Ui»e
bimiea art ««.«» and the aaaeta M.OOa. Inmi Ibe oiwurn -dltUluo wore late, and atock on, hand.
of ahoi cop- UM! tliitecaud wo»<J mi-ueo
a reported t
Tbcrr wi-re
..... --------------------I., aa aeoand elaaa Bauer.
anumlirrof uwuiet ivlirg. and they Were
I depth (
all r»m..p for onicr.
Collin., the olgbt!' BrrtngflelA 111... Ja^

If You Have Logs to Sell



IM. T. B


3. W. HAxmn, Bdltor ud Mwacv.


i'"U. court
M. of'Illlnula dN^«■».»yrotenUy

trick loan. Iwd bron A*>ng t»w
.................... _
• appointed
a ! convention
a .
could <
to.^ but whin 1 caw no el 4 1 to incorpomie the iaaoeUUon under tha

«{ tba modle/law. Tbe Iwo-mlllloB.;
at hia homflB rHoomlnAtun.
Aoiiae aorplsa of DeeeDber waa aoise-; aped Tk

in the nKuPlng the train .hroi;«»»» «f the
through I

ware iiutah-.
truiii the tuaet. waa irrcliMl ab<nil tiiidnight from ibo
Helow la a liatof the buying aadaelltv Work MwwaeiaVtty
log price* of yeeterday for {rnicerffw,
prOTiel^a and farm pr^ucla In Trnr.
".*<be had broii laid out a nnmhrr of minnine Cit/:
nlra mot'llug a anowiilnw. which wae baakLijyi-. rwf*:.
llig enil weet Willi all lawalblc baete, but
aeldetrom il,at
................. '


(raa-trwle adroeaU* abbot Ue deficit I

thlBf of a Btarrerer. aod aUboofh Ja«-'

■rata Ineldeet to tbe oovinneetDeat i
^ fartiH r- tn a northern klletatpan
of tbe year. tbe roeelptt for tbe tDontbMownrhir fmii m and thret'quartrra
wUl be larfer Chao loDoeraiber. aod 111 aciw of tand *dd nearly »7« worth of
BOW be but a abort U.e

,oood tacked

raoalpU win Bleat all earrenl eypeBdl-



farcrabla aeUon by. that

The ownarakip of Iba Ulanda will giro
e In tbe


■grea of the F elfle^and If wa abonld
Btty to allp by for
allow the <
aoqolrlng tble territory,
avail object to theoccni
UaBda by aoma foreign p
TBxyrar IKBT aboara C^orwlo
banner mlBlag aUta.



loUl, prw

dnetlan of maiala aggregated MC.BSfs000. of wbleb iSI.400.000
-'Tot BotwilhatandlBg






BmoklBg tn Gennany i* sot a paame. ■ It U an an. aad an M that baa
grouped abont it a rwqiecUMa ndmber
of ludnrtriea Every loiuhro raniaa a
cigmr oaae, a cigar clipper, uatebbog
and'BSDallyallttlo Iraiher bui for tbe
cigar tipa Tbe tipa art- rollerted by a
notety oganlaed fur the porpoae in
raeh.{xovlncc> and aiv nld to the maan{actnrsr fur the hnnefit of charitabU Inatimiooa
_ •

ralne of her agrlraliMnl pradiMU for
tba year to

baro axoeedetT eron the

gradacu of bar mlsea

Voniahad by the Bodpeotira Obvrebag.
oBACt griatvhVAi- .
S*T. Chartae T. Burnt. B*«or.
Oaraer Boardman aronua aad Waab-

}*^a^. tbe fox Mnicr wbicn aa* aiway. aocmBjknietfSlT lla>ry Irving on

iagton atreeL
Hol.v oornmnnlon at tt:iS a; m.

bi» travel^ rrauilyfell through a trap­
door at the Manebtarter thuaicr and waa

Mornl^ aerrloa and termos at 10:JO.
Sunday aeboot aad BlWe elaaa at
Kroalnr aervlee aad aarmoB at T.


cordial UiTltatioD U exuaded to


tlmaa aarrleea.

the Aheeaea af Pn

feae.R Oackua.aaataf.
“U the Cbnreh Fraelleair- arlll be the
ral AapecU of Cbrlatianlty.”


thongklful. pracUeal people are cordi­

uairot. Jului ncMT allow-e the ptekax of
drop tblnkiag to aocuiunlate mat by in-

ally Invited. 1‘leaaa jeU baartlly In
tha kymu* and reapoaairo reading. All
of tba aerrTee ia impertank

He It oppe^ to auy prutrotim for
Paluicttu SUte. for
the lailnem
lem <i
tr tbe
that throogb
.prore of
tectiuo gnngMw wwura a largerabare
onr tnarkcU and ni-cive good pricea for :
tbclr prodocta. which would eni^der 1

Mnalc hr

tbe tjneea City quartet
Sunday achool l«naon U "Tba BaaUtadhv"




nut aniiwcT. I B-nt lbe<ad<-r flrat l<
wUh the tntentluo of later n-pcatlng U at
f. 1 then made buoUmt meet log pelnt
botveroi Ibe rouwplow and a Iteight train
on the w'cwt ciKl and enUed berk iu ni)
ebair to enjoy a eniokw 1 btye wa. tn> one
around Mm- tbe oprralur '
la aelcrp. 1 railed F. etaofllce. and b«
lion, but <11
DwIgbltlOe. tmt oould Dot g<-l aa anraer.
Ttiuo ww. gelling abort, and 1 grew nervoua
i'roarmly Itwlghivllle eallul Dl,'
and 1 aoawenvl. wlim liie liiatninn-iit eini. j’Ki to luj eaiwlvJegrapbiCBiddi'nt «.

Una baa atrark a wraliby lode of fret
trade Ibonght that |bb« ont IK> pet CMItntn of pure theoretical ore at ev«y
ahovelfnl. au<l. puMaweed of all agile iB-

aaeond in the aeriaa on "Tbe I*r»eti-


a WantifnI in tbe Bible than tfala laaaon.
■ The children need half at borne

Ur ■lUahneaf.
■hdaraund it Commit aa much of It
The Hun. John luagw for tbe silver
age. wb.-u farmen wUl bcudinc au laito memory a* poaatbla.
mwnt witli gnat gUdaem.
Junior Cbrlatlan Bndeavor aoeiety at aelflslyaa
ol—betn aud pim-ntro of mind to giro
■p«.pl.'.—1.1, ol CbrUUu
w end Lai nmteBt with tbe
Mravorat t:4S p. m. Study asd pray
privilege uf oatiig fcoeigli fab•ror the tople.
l nr. provided they have
Sunday evsning gnpal meaUng at
caab or credit with wtaietta
p. m.

AHareeordially inviud.

4Hve each other a good haBdabake at
'•very meeUng.
. VKIKMIM' l-HI-ilCtl.

•avert] Henri’ ao« Mary Moor*, fianurw

C. E. meeting 5;45 p. m.


Amoa Wood


------- •

Id Use FvcB^ng Mr. I
•even reaaoaa wtay be belleroe t
gf^y coming of Chrlat



All are cordially InyltMl to attMd.

.. unlmp wi.-.’ amiaoore* mure ^

A Full Line of Heats


thx tluiiiM Ivt* lur ii>e nippuK of gov-



*b* Paira

furoiBi w^
The soperetltloii «h-t buman brtn»
tniien Umfuil benrtlt of onr nB»M ^,uld »h«|< wiib tlidr beads tv tbv north
witb<n>tpB}UDK«<l'^JUrfortb<'igivilege, 11* ta-iu-itil byihv Fr.wb to have t.rr lu
ServlcraU K. O. T. M.hall. Is.tFnwt Juba idiould ala> Bak onr KTUUgurt lo ! f .umUiluu a KM.iillbc lac* Ylny alUrm
ianpr <Toanii>i<*
(Toaniiiiv* of w<x.i
w<Xil aad give thsT-roch human ............. *w iargrr
•Graet at mao a. m.
it all to t\ r> it-a auuiulactnrrn ia tader
SobJact-"Jrana Traehlag tbe Brall<’ bv< Ibv OliM
to stiI^Iortla<r*minus llk'l>ricvuf wnar,


nmuTt*n aciMtx.

TaaUmonUl raeaUag Friday at 7;io

lag apprarl.
The Ttm* Is Ba Very Wile.

To Bblppan On tba X A «. N.
Oommenclng Monday. Jan- >t.
Loral Freight on Ua M. A N. K.
leave at <l:So a. »Freight lor
tralB mnat be dallvraud aad blUad

Ex'iiovmiar i^tti«ra mum tiave
•merged from tbe aacluxira wtaiob pri­
vate life grant*, for bie name i* uuoe
more luiuiiiuavd la iDanectioo witb tbe
fra goveraor oi
wlM. tbey u
pear: Ifetlx

the AroOeiM. of >W?waB» wi* aUowMd te
makevD ib.- IntH <if a man wbo was guil­
lotined Tbi. •£. taken the Iratant it loll
ami iiiaenl uj«»ti a pilot Inw lo uiwve a* 1*
might ri» b<*d iiart. afivr a llulc »ailllaiMiB, lunird i» the iionb. and ibo body
then nsnalnwl Aalkataty
It was tuned
half way round by uiw of ibf profesaon
aad again tlw bewleod of tbe trunk awvrt
aluwly to Uw cardioal poiat due aorth. the'
rame craolu.beinu repramid uatU tbe final

The demand for Improved and Un­
improved city Property ia becom­
ing brisk. I have

Two or Tliroo Hoosos and Lots

anti! pncli ]>artiee take poaseswon, Januar)- 15tb.
Don't fail to call at once and
take adrantage of Special
rricra. Also l-Vll Line of

and a Number of Well Located

Vacant Residence Lets
in Traverse City that wDlbe sold

■'"Reduced to



Pricea. Don't Fail t.^Profit
by TbU.

Caulkett & Co,,

At Low Prices

O’er. Ninth and Union Sts-

ii sold NOW. Come and ask atout
them, if you want a borne or a good,
investment ■
- :

—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.

TH os. T. Ba tes.


Air I
UOCl.t Ib.. 1.1 ..I.-. Uaujs to granger*
iag aad evening.
Eroniag rabjeet:
iiii< ui.cld bcaonlm
ilih< re•'The Two Huild.ra'-; morning ankjeeu
1st «.► 41 jh«». but very on.
kUlu I bBi wi.* •’lit- J.BT Bgo tonight, but
.♦•The Lopd'a Side."
I.'> l.iuu. Ihlii upuo tbe Tury
av.-iy yrar 1 ahall prolwbly live ow r again
Clara meeUag at icsoa. m.
Id ol-]iur<- nud.uudvliled bCBeviw. tbuo k'rrit.W iuurutiw bounB* IvngBsl
Swiday achool av 1* m.
r farutm h»vc <i
Jaalor League at S;U p m.
All are cordially lavlted.

18 ON A

HaviDgfiaW-lheir Mett De
partmont to Hdotoeb i- El­
liott of Manistee, will contiuoe to keep

Bev. J. A. lircady *will praaeh morB-

BpworU Lrague at S:4d p. m.


C^lilkett & Co




(irmad Ra^.' Jaa. ^-ffbeat tec.

Wiol rl.irk aliinwt .Irove u,e
^ ■ tbai I doubt tf 1 raulil even bau
*o j
■lb. •arcklcnt wa* a abnek to Ibe
All Inquiwt wa* held at w hich 1
eotirviy ekum-retMl ut blauie. and Ib*
MUd me Ul return to
dues nrrt n-liri* niy

however, prrtaiuivl uii»tly to tbv pgiM.
For exatiipli'. we uved tn pay h lo 10 1
cenu per puiuiri- t<r Imvigb wire uailt. {
Tbrougb jirciri-titui we now getbetinr^

Evaalng tarvloe 7 p.


It vmwk terror
bwror tv my heart and 1I al-t kat my BiU ulhirol
IIhu t,>11uaod
ir tiqaift In ail lu barrowing dcialU aa
W*. Ibr U|anun In bla nmoua baate
lUld tvnd it. ho 4 bail met h<i T In a
itvhwtot iraigbullle. and ae.lbe cnglPfTwwrti' ninniiig through tbe rut at lull
«-d to Mrttv w itli tbcirow n ■•lowialiy
lilt that uilglil l.ti'*' bti« lb<-fi- Ibecolllon waaa tcrTitOeimr. Tbe i-nglUBir and
man oo Ibe •«.!'of .So 4 wetv klll.ll
lu.iat.ity. while ib* men unibe'SaT'
h... ; wera butb taullj Injuirol. aud 1:
mall .wr waa wmuroBl and burned wtih
H- 1*<A
cU-rk In
li 4t
a1 «b'rk
my band. I ataU
"kly pen Ul •from
rU row .
1 « Urd tiH- oiarauir. wbo
_____________ uvuv
i ratig fur tbe call
Uij.andrvut oicrto the iwtcl lor the»u.
lailntiHlrto. and the erroeklng <nitUt
war grii r.ut afiiir_«on»IUtvalil
Ill'll lUelf wnuldbaro no gnat
UiT me limn did thiwe mtiuiriiu
a* If inainitHv. ami «r«iU ran m-vroexprvm tbe Iwllug uf horror that

foreiBd graal* u» Imig as furrig?flnna | oy ■■ trteudi. and


Jablor endeavor. Sp. m



Ghlongo Marker

John lift* up the voice
• It iiukea me abudder ir.rclaleltabd I
mgta* over tbe aej.ri.-d good old free '
,uut that
1 trade day*, wbr-a lb* W
nn octu)wa <
u«j ,na niglii 1 h.' paramgwi
laopphed uawlOttiu po.oTSqoalUy. but i »..,vi-rllj rjwkrn up but nruie of iben.
j rlcb Ul IKlcC. In fact tlitre waa ntway* : w a* mjnn< Tb» ihouglil tbal 1 bad iai-t)
I b largi- umoont of richuvira olinRtog to ] fiwi.Hi.ii.u- f<ir the ol iw.. of luy

Bible lebool. »:4V
------- -----------t-S—
.Meeting for worablp, II


rc-T.S' TtZl

not kwklltg to are
wbvtlK-r U badUvin pot on tbe train abort.
"After ux|ilalntngafewuf tbeunlat* be
bad given ColUtw put on bln overoial aud
CBp and went out Into tbe night. Stating
m.vaelf at tbe desk, 1-gUooed uverlbe Iralq
ebu4 and fig und upon arTml nnhm> to
be glron
1 goew 1 bad beua tblnklng
a]»nt nty *tck laiully. 1 don't know wbat
elan could baro lawn In toy lulod. certainly
work was not when i oallcd Ibeopt r^
at C-. and be copied an order mak-

Halt John Gary Evan* of iioatb earo-

^rmoB at loi» a. «. on the aubject.

T.A.TTPS you S^I^.

Mil! Maebtnerjrof til detcripti^.iDclading Two Engine*,
Ret Works,'Ctrn«gra and Kswb.
complete Saw Mill Plant
for tale.

rlyuuirnlDg I wo. lovt«T jCom per bu . old..
.11 uiyfaultl i>rrouinuIs,U5icrbbl....:v...’...........
aim though iht-y do wy I w«. im ,
. J........................
Bliwlly n*iion»lt.h-. A* 1 onlrrrd the ofluw i
^ _ ......
CullM» «a« alumg at tbe dewk. and from p-tatoea. e^
luiumer In which he pofful hi* pipe 1
nrviiH, »*n» OF TgAVkRix OT
eould uai be had bum having all be ouuld
A* I dusted the >ouw from luy
~'ee cuat
CTBt Oilll
Dluibiw and |nit nn my nlHce
arovc from bi* citair, and

taken from tba howela of the

•artb. be^ farm atotiatlea abpw

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.



• pak carmedirine.
Wllllam .U Shular.
who alx yeara ago
larolcd from the Uu-hlgan City
I**" nrdered by tSt.vrraor
Mount to be returned to complete n
aeven-year aemenro,
^ motement haa bet
Tpartford. Ctmn.. by the
to erect a monument ov. r the remain.
9f Henry Clay Work. Buthi.rof "Marob.
Id. Throuah tleorcia.”
■ Three bundrec aiumni
unlvenlty. at Ibelr annual banquet af
Kew York. Cavl deflanie ft) the teeth Of
thoae w ho tiitlti*.- the u*.- of llquora tn
the famoui^Prtnretim Inn. Preeldent
Patttin'B decfaratlen that prohibition at
Princeton would not atop drinking, hot
would ln<tt*i“' tne trade In erktu'. wa.
enlhtulnallrally cheered.


altbcraffb b two-tbtrda eoia 'u required.

•a aa Immenw


liuuabeih .

1. the Sanatc cloaaly. It la thongbl
that the treaty wUl ra^ye promp>

Short Cot

„f c. A. Keym. of

ttoo treaty are wawblog lu progreaa


TrareroaOity lUrkat.

The n»rt^

will ..doobudiy .bow a
owinr to h«ry iBleroal aad other oa,- ■ ™


Oonwpond with the Tr..«» Oitj Lomber Conp.nj.
We h«.-e tor nie Good,

«jn> 3. W.’ BAnn.




I and yoo Will buy tio others
1 in Boys', Youths’, Misses'
Ixnd Cbil(U'en\K.
1 thsm of ,

lie Pn»t SUMt, Worxbiae Block.



mim co*kFIBMED.
Minority in Favor of th« New Aeteeiate Justice Reported

cerervlnc II
fore and th
the oOtre.

jrux imuzB tub dbama.
■aeitee te'Bftec


riaxa Thai iUea

WaablDSton. Jan. B. — Dai
free allver leaden have ra»rfved upon
an ekporiinem in pulliical^ cninpalsa
work. Under the InDurnre of Senator
JoAea. nepreMBIatlve Urildlln. ChauD-

Coal Operatore and Minere Take
Four Deye to Find Out Where
- They Do Not Agree.

pmaiim of the min. At the clean o(
4h* amion b"Un naked that the miner*
‘remain lu the ball and cdnault on the
letuallon. PreUdeat Hairhford wan on
Mt feet laataaier. aad declared hlmaair
oriueed to any. nwotlnr of the miner*
a* proponed. Hr thea left the hall wUh
ht* exerutlve ufQcrn and moat of the




This is ^peciallj true of Shoes.

Ibe Bebet (-blei. M CabMaa.


There is nothing in which the back*
WaahlnEion. Jan. B.-Tbe apnniah
i tninlatrt hai received tbefulloHlus cabone of quality is so essential as in
Amm e lmic
rm* eeM
Ibe Bnim . blerratn from Havana, dated yntrrtWeelnp* lb* Pm* 1
footwear. Our bid for your patron
,_KAliber! day: "Oeeenl CaalellaBua ha* taken
produced ti The Cun* of Gold.’
Mbw’Baa. RW Klabi uebn Oirrtee i p.»ar».lt>n of ehe vIllaB* of E»|»rnnaa.
age is chea^hiess and qnalitj. Onr
aairiii MrmI naxidax-BMM' pM«4> the free nllveniea cUim 1» another
(Wetprewce TMiea l> *M Bepeit mm4 { in the Sierra de CubllBi. When the Inteem Ara PuK-Ma«T M AmUIt Wvm* “Uncle Tom'p fNiNh.” and fr~n. it thar
rtete iUair <■ Ibe teM nape m the rurceot Kovrrameni had lie M-adguar-fl.SO
shoe for men combine both.
ardently cxiiect (hr prenieat muita
Ste-th« ^nilarWM. Ball.
CommUine. enable te Urebtei
j ter*. Dunn# the •lubbc>m S->-li>ianc >•
. made by the Ineur^ni* Ihelr *.ivem.WMhlnston. Jab. SI.~An BcrwrowU
rhli-apo, Jan tt—The conference c^'mi-nt »mr1aie eerai>ed-. The nett day,
vte rwbPd i>)- the teBBie r«a(*'OUy
coal •i|ieralora and miners In M-ealim at | ctmllnuInK lit* uperaii ra. the aain* s<-n*
ttiAt • nniL^volr on (he Tel^ n-»uluIhc Oroat Northern hotel baa beta busy j rral defeated a te^dy of S.UO Ineuracnik
Udb pn>t;>«llnc that lb* twbda of lh«
•ince the laat report la the»e dlipalch««. 1
were i-omliip lo the aid of the
the Ameri<en F.-amllon of LAbor.
CBlWd «lBlra, max be paid lt» allvrt^
It. ai-Bii
and-reaterday aftertiooa tame to order I
■ rd'^llUhi; flfly-nine.
4oll»ri,.and all pendlnt ameDdinriMa are advocatm of It. and Itetirhla of lo hear a niwri from thi--» ale commit*
M^tu. abould be Ukeii seat Tburaday t.alr»r naa^'Tii!.!^ No dl oana aii*ck in
the rorporanop It will bt put upoo tbv
.Ite/orr ad)uuniB»-tH. Vnat. In vharsr otl * ^
I havlitp Iron annuumed^ihal the »calr
__ __
A____ _____________ -A
___ .
Aillimtllev.-upiiB' Uhli'h
rr*uli* of , aware that the insuntent (
b^ Ibe beeate.
real mcaaflHaii establlatied at floperantn.
WartUMKlon, Sad Jt-Thr aenaleBdn. ' ‘h' c«iventl,.n dep.-nd li
Anal vote on Wednebdax at 4 p m..
conferenrv'ieviremc weal ead of the Cubda.
but readily arreed to a poat|«.aement flntK-d tlK-K- noinlnatloK*: Jor.> i-h Mi-- i “re- a**^ wbUh had been
bf'lhc viiie until Thuredar p« the auk- Jualk-.e of the su|irrtne cviur
rhalrniaa'-llolcnnih culled fori
M. it. Eularr. of Indiana, a
! VI,. rrr..n. .t,.
..... .1.1^
1 scale coinmUtee, reata-nd.A He aald: ! fourty day and
ihe r
th the rtmoluilon that would
"Heind chal
I remaionee V>f 1.<K<» InsUnrc-nl*. |<ur*ui.
debate would be oRervd Ute lu llv
and de»tr.-y1 ew. liu..d. —— Ibtete ti^ti.
»>" *■*»“ ‘aborlo* and ,hen.’’»>*ti *1*'
dlacuaalon, but pate ou mumatluu of
t KiiperterTaaiamiw.
*** I try Inc lo agrei- upon a aiuh or baA* > Inft and hurhlnc th<
* a*.
J ... _______ l,
le.^tutllny cl-e
the inauifeni liovernwhh-h II .,,,,.,1..
w-pnld re^-ommetid
r luri of
SprRiEflelA nil-. Jau. a.—The princi­ v-vnlkm. I will now male that we bavejmenT bulldlnL
the afternoon e aeiiaie «
pal proilaiu^k of the revnue bill paea-<l been dlcw-ueekiE four propoalllon*. and i On the following day General C'axfelUve aenalon.
bx the Mnale mierday are Inoountcep have not taken a vo|e on any of them i lanow enemged the reunited tosuc
BUaa Mwaw** MeBenaa's Ba^laaMab. not uhder luwiiohlp orgalilaallon Ibe until this afi-'jnoon. These pm|»iUlon* > ti«) stiong. near yuperaaica. lie
In rset-uHve ae.ei-in the Bominalion coumr treasurer ahajl be ex-oUvlu the have been very dlfllruU. and we htref rouied (hem after two hour*'
•f Solicitor Octieral Uc Krnnayo hr an county aasL-ssor. In countien under tfork
-orked hard
lo arrive, at ___
aume definite
___ , The Insurgent Inn* Is believed to he
•aaorlalc Juatlce'of the ■u[irru>e ciuil townshU' vrgnicliiclh>n, 0»<^ i-uiiniy. ex­ plan I will now (-all upon (hess^rretafy
........... W(.t .. >-Cme
V roua.
tA fkA
owing to the cyenslty
cutne up and Alien op|uM--d ii
H* cepted. the eoimiy trvaaurer shall be
read (he reaulutiuns and the vaUs*' the wood* II la dim<TiIl to aarerialn the
brouiffet alone *br charce* llled with
i fuU extent of Ibe defeaL Tbe Inaur•offlclo the kUiH-rvlaor of aasessmenta.
thb cvnamiiiee on Juduiarx. which h*|_
deafl on the Held,
genetul asaessmenl aball be made
read at lanyth. TbU rompnaed a large | ‘
lecreury Uamer. of the ac-.le c^m- ' The Spanish lost me klUed and had
i-.i . r.s ; ®“
*• **■*•
event fourth year
Mihbrr Of leitem.
mltlee, then read hh. re|«.n as follow.: thlrty-on* wounded, amow the Utter
the pioleat of^tawyerw *tid Cl™
‘ “■
*' vehlng year a*»«*a all the real property
th* ParitlC coast c-haiaiac thu. kl< Ken- uHlch khall treumr Uxable andlenolon commlilre meeting that Dempster pro- c TWO HUNDRED HAVE A CLOSE CALL»a I* unfilled for the high ottlir of .the xenetal asseeanirnl. and makc-jusl pciaed that the t«*U of uur fx-ale be U {
gvpremc court luallre. nn the grouivl fit addition* lo or reduction*.fn-m Hie asi<er ton In and Ohio. risbenawB sad Their WIesb aad Chlldrea
• want of legal atiali ineuis. He <-um-swept Oat lo^ tbs Laka.

of pmiierly already aas.-Mt-d. ThU waa amended by Morion, of Ohio,
" laented at Unglh uf«n this lalit-i Jiso- Hc-rsnl«l property It to be aasearrd an- that .there l>e k P-ceni dIfferentUI be­ "Randusky. O.. J*a. 2t-Or-e huadpd
meat. and war interrupted by |v>hin* nually OB the 1st May of Uai> h. The tween the Hocking valley bmJ Cam«f Callfomlv who read a published de- l>ro|>erty oa ner-is reuatred to make out liride flc'-ld* In Ohio and l*rtin*ylvanla. flabernten'i huts ob the ^ In L-akr Flrl*.
*- feaae of Hc-Kenna. gtving siaitsilcu to and ^algn a printed blank .chediile With a relative dlffereniui-on machine off fui-ln-lUy. were swept away In
ahow that he had nuL as fudga of the and make oath to the corrcclnete of tbe work.. A aubslllute was offered that Thursday^ night'.* g«le. Two ‘
children narrowly ca­
Califomla federal court, been m«re-fr«-arnle be based
mped drowning by tbe IcV breaking up
^oeally rexersed by au|ieriur tnbuaals
Thi* Rr*t propIsmuB was voted upon and carrying them uiit Into the ink*,
tbkn had other Judge* of the aame
yeaterday afternocin and
and l-y the hula calcblog lire. They
lom; Illmol
Oppodta Steinberg'A, ’Phon« 146.
a Irmg and terribl*
* roBflrmed by an o
retained n all the ©
fight w-Uh ^he elem*^ __ Wbelmlnx von-.
dlana mlnera. aye: Ohio operelocs. Bo:
Im-ludlng r
-----«lw Maw M'la a Point in the Hea*a.
rmmr Mas'x>tww»(d la Use Wwkask.
curd of -re view Is provieded for Ohio miner*, aye: rvnnsylvgnu o|>eraThere was a parlUmenlary sTruggie munlles under township organUBUoTiut tor*. no: ^nrwylvanU miners, aye:
Princ-eion. lad.. Jan. 25—Word bais
In the houte ykkterUny over the bill
NM.OM inhaiclianu. In raun- West VlrgiBla miners, aye. Aye*. S4; reached here, from the Watsash. ten
mlira west, that three unknown young
tar the Irelief of tbe b...k publishing liaa not under township orranlutloo naya. i:.
men were drowned yesterday. They
lany of the Methodist Kplscopal the board of county commlialunmiil}Bn
BMll wa the Vharier nay.
rh south, w-hk-h was liefore the
the board of tTVlenf. It. Cook
'The next \otc «aa taken (he were out In a small boat w hen it gtruck
■ laat PrWay. By, tlirewd man- county the board of review conalat* »( proixiHilon for an eight-hour work day. an old tree and the boat Immediately
•auvering It* oppMient* >ucc'eded
three member* to be elected by the peo- The Hllnrrla uperiRurs refused lo vole, sank. .A -man named Kmsiey from herpreventing action. Previous lo thrtkmTbe paasaae of ihl* bill wa* all ibe and Ibe fvnaaylvBBla and Ohio opera- It la runvored was with them. U ao. tbe
Mderatb-n of tht* bill the house paaaed
neia dune by the leglaUturv ytalrr- per* voted Bn. resulting 54 aye*, and I casuBlIle* mil amouat to four.
If Y'ou Do. Try The Want Department of
the lull to extend the pulillr land law*
nay-a On the pncpuaUicrti for a uniform
«i( the (tolled KUIe* to the Isrrllury of
Alaska, ahd to grant a general railroad
right of way through that irrrttory. cUTkey Aie'aaaMWMt t> and Drilled by IVnaylvnnla oi'.-i-ators voted aye;
The urgent deficiency Wll wa*-*ent to
Hmd»rMd-> Agewey.
ayew. 4 nay* It uaa then mov'd ar
noBfcreiKT, alter the iilvrr force* with
New York. Jan S -Hradilreet'aaaya: carried that the committee rej-oin i
Aetarns are Quick-Because Everybody Reads the Record,'
•omc outside aid had •ucceeded In conthe CoBventli-n.*’ '
'CUrn»E In the sera e amendment alrik- A large measuA- of drllvlty In buMnraa
inJrnr amoct M'HkKR.TMKY vima.
iBg.frum the blll the pn>i iiiun rrqulrinx

the depoBltocs wf bufllon at goieinmenb
Week •(('«
•May oRteea to pay the chat of Iraiia.*t«pli» ta t>erha|olh.
. portallon to Ihr nlnla
The conveniion a<vepted the report
trade wlluatcun the* Week.
Uuounton* of r^-real* shc^w the most and Voted unanimously b’ consider ttBEUreselVr slreiiKlI'. Whll* tbo»e of aeriaiiii
The mota>a to adopt th*
Ana Sheir Thsl Ike-KIlUag W CHIia*l
maker of pic Iron lirtiay ralliet preiwcsiuon for a wale i-sWed upon UiMala UliaaM II* C wadoawl. deetde-d w-edkio-u IhSIc ibc] did raftic tun «aa decUiW iusl. uiidcr.;tlp
Waablnglon. Jan 21—Th* bou«- com-k aE» ^r’l-riiiR trad* oiaen* slow­ rule. ih*e vote reauKing 24 ayea. 15
■tm*| on forrtgp Bflaira yrnlrcday ly. as udual nt ihle llm* of the year.
ggreed to ncske a taxorable rr|-on ou buC coni'clence l».»i.ll unlii>|-alred T^ Haya-'-ihe Incfluha.' >>hl->. and I'ennsyithe ntolutum of Itciueacnlauv* Wlll- Immense vurrt-ni i-t-elui li-n ol pig irvic. xaida <.|<erst«r» votlej in the negative.
It l.-caine pisin'thcci n> tiling, eobid ieiania, of Ute*i*siii|-i. u'klng (hr atair amounting to fully l.auu.wu tuns iwr atvoRiplIshed' under the rui-w uf the
SefMrtftienl fur Inlortoationmn ih* Rut* month, ha* legur. to exereiae an IMlu- .cotiveciicon. which required a unanlemr Pi-iii lb>- l-rlcv- uf tliat staple, bu)
oa*e. There was no dnision over the diwn-a>'» tv|«>rtcd are wllll only frav- mnus tote Iktrlrk Ddan. of t'ennsydteaoluUun. nod tbe vote wa* uuanl- Ibnal
vahls. askeo a teconslderallon of (he
Ihoir* tn favor of re|e>ning IL lleyoml
The li.ciustrial alluatloh. with. .the rub*. (Jhalmum Xerice, uf the tuI--s
this there was no rrferrme to the Co eliiCle e\reptl-m%f the wdlwti ludiksiry. cvmmlitee. endeawted to explain th*
San uii'kUoii. exceptI ill thy r-(erence
I* .ine*cf exc.-i-lli.nal strength. A*.yet riile*.
tha Bub" olicmmre of the VarktUB t'J- the- strike* In Ibis branch of trade. > Phil Penna. of Indiana, offered a aubban r<a->iuu.iiitl,.iruciu<<M cgv'niiy. Th' howey.T. are lergely c-onliiuM lo Ha*- aiitute preriding that the •i-nveaiion
Etulx tvleiced -o In tbe rewlucimi IS sai-huseii*. Men's- wear Woolens are resolve itseir tnte a commltK-e uf the'
fit Dr. Ki.ix killed ai a auiiurbof lU movlnx fairly well. The good export whole, which was adopted Then be­
Vana. 'who*, -use ha* allnx-ted much demand for n-tli-n prec-luib-ii l-H- heavv gan a prolonged ilehaie <-«er the min*.
•tleBlioB. i-ut is I'oionrl Rula. lb Bc-<’Un'.olatliins at primary leilnis iiusi- rOn sysiem under the nve-mdiute rule.
Spanish offlier at Havana who la aald n-ws I* acUvr on the I'ac-inv coast Cal- I■l••«ld>tlt l;utr|lrnrd said th- mine run
*y«i.-iii puts a pretiiluni U|>on Tractital
to have gorle um ‘a “r.’g ' .1
Ifomta' c-ji.p i>row|ce<-ii
Wdit.iuen and rii^immeniled That opmeet the insu>E-.-i
the recent rain*.
‘arcept-aulo^bm). After eiilerlnu the
A *fuMtirr falling <fT In the hitmlMir empt.iy nom- other. He u so
thsurgent llpv* bta piodvr ol auK-nomy of hU'Ineenc faUuiv-c is reiMcrted in the alaied that the nilm-is .would certainly
for lo <*-<11* iidvance.
was rrlecled and he was vxeeuied by 1'nited Smtes llil* week, the total bring
la (he debale It was riiown that the
arder of the lnsuri:enl rainmandrr.
only .'tew *i.-*ltiri-122 last week, C» In
Th* vaee haa not been taken up la this peek a year ago. ."It lu ihi* week M|ienit<>ra of Pennsylvania, ohln-and
were a tinll, wgalnat (he adop­
nonki-'S* leftii-i. and It la e.vid that the
lU In I'K. and sa in ikm.
tion of tbe mine run s)-siem. The argiitncfuiry- wi:f prveont th* traoaael.on In a
tMi>. TsHarr ft l}l kal Meet Dale.'
Tuenl put forth l-y al: th* ubjertors was
new d-<lcl .Viiliouh'b scvecal member*
redu. * ,thr coal to mere

l^.i.miine* tic*ated that tbe Cl
Tanrr-r n-e«;|v.-d a ic1egtwiu.^eaiecdny' slat* Hut the Hlinols (.[>-r*lors rec­
talc uipk had nut b.-en tourbed*^i
ommended the sysiem fully as sin.nxiy
axvrid cn lb. adupltoli cd Ihl* lew
tUtKdi Mtn-'ie atterhec] <-<>ns.drrabl« glEBltK-aie.. to iiii|iclnes c.y i>nr of^lbe K«- wehtime ("hli-sgo. stating f^i {th* Bdogdlonuf th*« run s)*lem sns
- puMksci (;>*loo. l». ItmiUi <i( Ji)t^lgan. It would be gratifying to th- pre>l-wt|-(tne;.v loltM' U|s>n and declared lost
. on-b't th" rglc*. 2t aye*. 15 naya
Cuban ulA-i^BHMee lUcKtnley) far Tkimer lo do *0,
govern-ir replU-d that h* bad mad.- kiK -Afi r a brief r.--*** the (.-nferi-nre
, .tton recurmxiiiR ’ t'uluin* l•eIngera'J|lt:v an-angemente for a trip to Biirlngv: 1 rwass-mbled at » o cl.a-k last, ev.-ning.
Adamif (iislrinsnn -f ilo siib-cvmnht- Ark.wilbapa- * of ladle* and gentle- Timr.lnlv in'o-niiiilltee of ihe whole,
How ii your ch«iioe to buy goods »t your own price. Como early and have your
tw. «aplaln-d thwi iu<|iilri>-. ware bring men and cegr . , J that It would be l.rti- t m- ralor Kobbln*. .g IVnnay-IvarJa.
mad* ol 4h> au'.- d.iutriiiH-ni wtib a p.«slbl<- tyr I.n> lo I^.mply witb itei , iireM-nied ih.- foJkiwIng'rewdutlun and choice. Onr prices arc so low it will be money aaved for you to boy now your Spring and
].rf«bl< nl'J u she*.
.moved Its' adopllutu 'That all
View of taking
, Summer Oooda. We have a large line of Dimitiee. Organdies, and Whito Goods, Drees
Hri....*.AWanpri'^iiiitioritt,. .• lIT-incMn .he(..m,o.llt1VedlMrt.W
froprlMe. Thi
1- of ii..|uU>- by Hnil»
-Plcdll. tl
lenre whaii be paid | Q^ods. Flannels' Outing Flannels, Oaliooes, Cottons. Yarns. Silks, Silkalinse. Laoes, Hand*
kluui ' Vernun. Ilia.. Jan 22.—John O. I fr>r 'llhcr as Itdn*nr.
rtin -d- Screened
gtker BepubUcaii
VariW'II, city oli-rk of ibta city. w%* arkerchiefs. Notion*. Corseta. Bibbona, Astrachans, Eiderdowns. Ladies’ and OhOdreh’s UnnlKcg. deeli.*d Si-tiuii
1 th« belligCr-f rweted tn W. 1*>UI* and brouglil here I a* mxy lie.di-P'rnilncd hy th* uptrat^r*
■ fn>ni time to Itms. Tliai screened [^l
^cx BUtiJacL
upon a warrani -sworn out hy Maim j sliBlI be wurh as has paefed ocfiV n darwear, Boaiery.'Ladlee', Missaa’ and ChUdren’a Shoes and Rubbers, Men's and Boy’s Un­
/ WlUlama, author of tie- Uulr ii-sutu- Halt charging him wllh forging Die
g«rem (if wv'em»-lwi. feet superficial derwear, Overahlrta, Box, Cuffa<~CoUar8, Heokties and Suspenders, lesdles’ and Children's
maytu-'s name U> tniudulypt city ord- r*. area., uoffonn tint tiar*. w'llh one and
------------ • .
His briitber Oeorg* wariatso arrrwird (■ne-giiarter lt»i:hrs apace between th* Jackets and Cloaks, Inolud^.with everything In the stored
bar*, and th* price arreed upon tor
such ni-reened coal shall lie taken as a
aay*. never haS the rljrtil turialm tmtha^^ha’dT^*^
basis for the mtn* run t>rlc*. The dlf‘.r,—.urer buLfh.d nut been stamped i—;"
^ -.^iren;;.'- reUT
Snd,VAr«l^v*. that he *«u.d u.......................
an., n-ld' to tb* decr»i» of tbe 4o*4:- : »
»Md*d laaa Aewrima*.
la «*ch district '
gent Buvsrumant. croaof *rbl-b**a lhai 1 Bi. Pauf. J*a. 22--The last Of tha 1 Aholhr long argument wa* id«duced
SB) j' v.ou entering the Insurgml (snuj. I mui.»- 6a*es gw ivlng out of the stnaa- ’
ths TUlnolt IhlerwMs. It was claimed
lasta bad. alreaSy
and |i-|H.idng aulononiy -abou'ld iw 1 ti„.mi failgre ..f several gl. J'aut Unka mat th* mine 1
HUinrf* over a aevtresied as a spy. Wmiahia says thrr- Jja.t ended yreteiday. ms tboae'pre- t*"en eatablUhed
-eiehtha-tnch screen.
Finally an
ts .uiti .iily -for stating that Coi-.n.l o-dme It had d-ne. tii a vctJlit of hot
iiwas nffered br Inaerttng the
Rulr 'lii.-i. d Arangu-*' camp with this ( guilty This -*-*4*"*
UiSi \V F. Iiukel. vice preridem aoif wn*# '-tecept Ih Illinois A subriltuU
unileiMot .itiig and b«k bM '
nenai -r of ife Ummiota favlpga | w« al»0 offered hy W, T. DewU. of (he
miners, covering
all the polnta.
I suggesP-J that ^perific bank. t,;id envertedn. htsown use car- I) niiln
Ohio ..mlntra,
' Put
- beii--lll« »ou:d In: vr-nlerfril upsn th* talB n-.te» -i^r^-Vby J Ln Nuaecr.
Hu* when
when (hear
the* amendment* had been
I vried on they were all d-.-l^tvd lost.
t»sun:-i-l badera If (bey acreptad th*
_ Mere, l-retelsrd a HsaaiV. Tte
adk«ni*d_for' th* d
groj-e-iimn riiie of Arangueg* aaauChicago. Jan. a.—('brls Meiry, .auch; ,.jo, Hobblna' moVoti aim iwnding.
gfatag driiiandrd that be do hJa duqfin
•erordanc* with (tie decree of (he tn- la tha ;.f tbe court and'lury. - paipick DoUn. Header of the IMnh'
ayivanta mln*i»: refused to vote oa
•Uigani guvemment. whereupon RnU
any quewtlnn at the evening BCsatOB.
fPM ahoL
He vaated th* rule* svapmded So that
t the Judge ordered hu a majority vote wJsM be of aom* avaJL
and declared tliat no motion of vital
Me»ry '
impsrianre oould ever be pot tkrwffh
deMh a
r tbe preaekt taler'aahlBCtun and Vlrclnla pallildaoa
and bUBlnean men hasbei-D Incurpimled
under the name of (tie "AmcrlcnD

we are Selling


Fancy Daily Butter


Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 19c per Dozep,

Enterprise Grocery,





Our Entire Stock Must Be Sold.

Must Be Sold For BOc on the Dollar.

Do No) Miss this Great Bankrupt Sale Now fn Progress.
Goods After Being Sold Cannot Be Returned.

Brosch Block;

244 Front Street.




km* Micbigwi PMpt* Attaek«d


tv MwIpU toob* nto&tt Wiu b« «be«t'
CampbeO allayes ti
ni«0.«m. «r About KMMW U «kc«M
|1.0» a* a tai to l
•r th» oorrMpoBdlns momh of UIT.
with OlteTi>Aiun <>metal< i
Uv« opinlos tbot t
•loAdi])' froID thit
A «oulhrrn
a Vaa tciHni
Topeka. Kan.. Jan. XL—The fainnuB
* 01017 In onr of
tIn«n-to«-D bntolf
ItiUmon tneumnee rsae. which haa been
o fro nl(ht* <«•> about hit t^thtr, t
fooxhi thronxb five mate, waa aettled
«rll-knnn lawirr of Ti iiin« i obg
yeaterday ad far aa the claim axalnat
OfrvMl loo tarmt In ooncrtot yimrt o«o.
the New Turk Ufe Inaurantv cornFacy
••«>• falhn- oat i«r> ttcrn to men
loacerned. HlUffloB waa inrared Is
and very kind to aoirralt
Durinx my
, Ihia company for tio.oee. but upon what
• hole life I n.'ver
dumb thine but once.
.1 rmnrietoe Mb.
wTmaSwr Barws
^prwmlw waa made cannot |
,.f,. .. be awreTtalned,.as Ibe attorneys on both :
Be lived on a lartr pUaiaiinn In the
wed Ihkaw
to talk. ' - ■soluiely refuse
rnuunialne of TenneaMe! and on tbi
Hllhnon rwviv.s I
a It that 1
place tttuld Tm- found eierr *]oK-le of
- ctelm. tl'i.ww,
doniaaticnMd animate known to soulnto ftt.ow
with the puaalUe ckceptloi
tlwiltew I*awbar< ■
When Insuramw Com*
and -t
Altboukh k
._ _____ ,
aource of ci)n«ii
him. I i-eally
Oinrinnttl. Jan. St-The lexfstetlT*
believe ipy fat
ilhec. loved e\en' BBimat committee
Oite[if/'f ““i;®
be owned.
Amonf othri charces of brite-ry In the recent elec-L
far ....
tion of a I’nlied Btaiea senator at Co-l^j enrtinx Krb.
lumhus held a seeMon here laai nlxht. the mat Ilivnte year. It was
feeae. I can tet
*. —1.,-----------------------------—
jp ^,tie the imirnon clalsii
the cnnunlltre were
tlfy. that they make the moat all«
prwwnt. together with quite a delexa-.

Seh8*Smi, by th* Ohi* 8*nst«
Cemrnitt»« lnv*ttig«ting

th« AHtgwJ Bribwy.


Ar» Alw
•r or tb*
Hark a«T^>ar mwt f
'ortallM (m OMd 11

af lM«wb-

Waohlnxlnn. Jan a -Henattir UoUllUn alone It re«T>«fi*Uile fur the candi­
dacy of W. (t. Thomiiaoa (or ibe>olloetorahlp of the port of tietivll. That la
not a local om..-e.

lA-ary maa In Vlctai-

*an ta iniereated In It.

Henator Bur-

have brra litckward about It.

The fad

la. that althoutb Ur. Thompaon la as
abla bUBlnraa tnaa. be la .not popular
witn peaoiui|M-r mon. nor nrlth a lara.'
olement of.ibe beat people In Detroit,
and thmurhout the aiaie.
ttenainr jdcUlllan'a i^vaie aerratarr.
Chartk, a|.ent throe dapa In De­
troit laat eeek. and while there be told
Thompw.n all alwut the proieaU which
^havr been ^led aminat bitn Df oourne
evcry-niini vmanallnc from fala enemlea ha* barn laid before the prraldenl.
- and rile whole
deralnod In the white boute and in the
treasury driiannient. Ateer tUpMly t•aneeet>a.

, .

AU xiHMl Ulihixan feople. rexaidteu
of ]N>lltlcal.anilUiUon». uUI W (lad Id
knob that Omerat Alxer la alowly Imfirurtnc and that bla phy.Jilana ht^
for hi* ronipl. te teetorailoa to health
afier a brief le-ilud of r«sl and rrcuper
The preullar dtaeane knowa a* Iht
•valent here
“Trip" ha* l>e<>D very ifevalent
thi* winter. Tht* i* «hai Brel attacked
. Geneml Alccr. and f .om it came the llnm-rlnc cold and fever.
Hut many
. othcre hate similarly auffered. General
Spa.dins, the aaalauni aa<rrtary u( the
trensurv. one of Ulchlcan * beet men.
haa been alUtiied with tl; but he hae
CVinfreaamen Iteaick and
.»beldo9 bare alM Wn In M with It.
but are aaain aliendinc l<i -huameea.
■a^tihnuxh Ur Meak-k waa (reatly weak­
ened by tb» attack
It la rumoiv-d here that ea-ronrreaoman Rd AIMK of TpeiUntl. ha* de-claied blmvclf a aiipporter of Ootemor
Pinxree Ur. Allen |•rllral)y left tinJlepuhllcaa party nt the Hi. L«ul« con­
vention. when he advix-atcd free allver
colnace He afterwardH made a apeecb
at boirte. defendinc hla poaltlon
A -__---..a

siitite-itet ul Govetnor PIngree.

With MrKIWIer.

es.CViigrcaeman Mark Brewer? who
wa* leiwntly apis.lnietl civil sefvta^
«omml*aloi>«r. a* a mark «rf icrsonal-re­
gard on the part of i'rt*id--m U.-KIn-

Kmoriua me Boiley wheel oan'ne car­
ried acraaa the )naenoa of Uie oanah
and theeirciiit-nmiittBlBed In the inatar.
The M
this trolley eouweticn ean
be applied to other pnrposas than oaml-

Erer Burned Ontf
. If ao yon Ichosv

tarn where the rigid tniHcy pole eaoaot
he aatisfactorily Bsed by nicam of this
InvrDliau a ctreiiit can .he eata'bli»hcd

O. P. OA&VER. A««n.

betweeti the line wire and tb«Toan-lln'
aoeb aiuanner as to avoid alldilBcnltiaa
and Inconreelara which might arisa
from ibn motion of the btaU nr the .

Suits to Order.

ehangiag of difertioo <r im«nlariUea
,k->.sn«i i—k
•—•>-----------•------- *------

,S;Fine Merchant Tailoring.

'J* “ ”
Md a free ebannal ■
-to* the vemeL
The acflfni of the derloa is aa follows;*

The troUtT wheel te noontad on ibe >.
11 the wheel in an

:s:f.^stta|iortiiit to Pwptttj BiMml

rino throngb
thonool. I V
be wire, the cnrrcs.t pnasing

tIon from Columbu*. and others from
of the thre^ tntetvaied companies last |
«»"**y*! “
dllTerevil parti of Hie state.
roc mem­
bers of the house oomolltoe were ateo
____________ I rtsite the nylliag
_ a rocJdng motion of
John W. HIUmoQ. who Is
d at Medicine i the Uat froih affeotiiig Ibe tmiley
The examination was held In the asMareh
»:». had life in.; wheel, nnrt tlM liability of the wheel
nembly room of the GUwon House, i siiranct amounllnx <
es.<m in three jjeariog the wire Uttlniiuiaed. TbeUolJared B. Biles and Charles B. Grflln. companies
The o
■ i„y pole la preferably ctooeetwl
t*vo of the cmBdentlal aaMycmirs of that Hlllmon hart murdered a
; stem of the tsjat. wliiuh («' tfaveUng eilyta
Karti In the receht c..nt«*i. werean*onx nalmrt that b-idy off for his
I draws the trolley wheel afliw it aluog
—“ haa been tried
Isltora. a* were ateu Atiomcya
I tlic line wire.
each case the Jury has <
ArewiMl til* MywipaUir.
Pulllvan. Doaxheny and liullln. repnAnoiber eddltion to tbo lift of ree««t
“All the symiiathy In my father's anitlax Major Itk-k. H. li.. Hullcubcck
ri act the vetdlvt a*lde. | elsctriral deci(«s ftir owmll—I |xopnlheart went eui to this unfnriunaiecan- and others, ii Js rbarm-d la the reso.
der. and diaouunllnc Iroiu hi*' horse, lutloni adifftted by both branches of the
' a. whiA
be pelted It, took It under hte atm and Ohio leatsisture that U. H. Buyer, of
■Mb mil hiM Asoept Aay fwlss. oU ! einplqya w loeomotiye mtiving alone
hrouxbl It with hint t.. his ofBie In the New York, mn.r l<> the dlbsoii nouae
lew 1. twwplled
railway onths canal t<iw|aih. -At the sarwmewlkaddi
yard ..f the home plate.
The tn tht* city a few days before the baUuliaiior Hide rtf dde of the track lana or
Xander seemed
Inc for t'olird Plates aenai'T Wan
. L*.
Ir place of hl> l<wt irate, nod
Columbu* and made s |>ro|s sltloii «d ' the federal tew; rexardlng the cvui^nga preferably of •wch nil. is a rack with
IS Trsv.CUy
Oonlentedly all the way home.
twth prujectinj lati-rally. au aa to <wn*e
railroad ^rs. after Feb. ^ ^be M‘i
bribery to ReDi>-smtatlve otls.
•That cander stuck by the
_____ ______ not accept any c^ to be the din to drop off and pas* to a pant
cloasr thap a hnuher The w a
he Xoi
•hte oieinbers .iT ih<- committee and • bauled In paaaeng'^r trains untesa It i». bevuud the rack. The track of the'mo.
familiar on ahdri artyualntano
vertical plane voupleia -*or is provid.d with flaugtvl wbaeU. aud
ethers spent e«me IfWte early In the equipped «
I ( MX k.aj Pewwker
•"« 'vf"rr • "eek bai
I 4 to 10 4V Mack. CUy
, ecu...* used M-ratlnghouae quick-aclinx —.........— - dapoodiug from it on each lade an
-hlef• .1....*.
•li-Blre seemed ... t... . .
: I lo......... : Csdf—
nu me feih>e fr. n. k>* *....11.' f iWs.. ' ^ Boyc. and Other Bcene*. fncludlnx air-bt»kee. and M’cstlnRhouse air train tnidteiB oarrying roliim to ran oa the
I t ai .....I Bee*
teJ^L"Jlk, .r
' ‘he apwtmenlk o«-ciip»ed by IViy.-ewben i etenala Kastem roads have ooinplled widendde of (bo rail flanga to bold (be
oar on (o (be (rude.
ia^le mvmmW uh.o Jk
»» member, of the cummlliee veitlcal coupler te m.w almost nnlvers.
Moimted on (be car is fararipga is a
fanrisonul traorvtnely arranged abaft,
day. JsD to *aad that be cwnnoi now I Imitrovemeol hss'not Iwen so rapid, an.i.
which ii routed by an electric motor
when any one menUoiH-d that gandej
JealoiMv' and thst io V
alUtoux'h the c.mmlittv hat many line, are stUl iislnx the old-siyi.
supplied with cnrmii from an overfaead
yeaimwy, and .aid Chat in a week i*r ;
Miller hooks.
ihaiteled-ns reaourres In trying to aeline. This shaft oaniea a wima. prufarThe
-jre hte atlendaf^ The story Is that
ahly on at each end, gearing with a
the bribe waa i|^r«l by
between Chicago and BOffalo must be worm wbevl nu the opjier cud of a w
“i •
terrible quacking and
('nlumbUB equipped w ith atsam beaUng apparatus tical abaft, tiio It.wcr end uf. which Car­
come atrahrhl to ratber.
taken down
rie* a piuiun in giwr With atadL When
hi* roaversailoM
Aa AptlPh.lw.
at anciher lelepba
the Olbson Mate law in force in New York pro- tbd sbatl roiaiea, tbe actum uf (be pio.. r, W.JM
.•Tip proved himself an apt arhel.
pssaenHouse, a* alt the t*
ioiiuo (lie rw-a o4ow.w the car to be proar. and. although the old man was s
per coaches.
The KurHngtas
pellert steadily, with Un liability to slip
greai talker. Inside a month that gan.
o have the record of all Ibe haa given similar ..rdera
back uu an up grade. a« tu luuooluig a
der could give him card* and spades In
Atuoiiud i.< the uiut'ir car tiy
a-KV' of talk. The old man didn't
dcfenai- In the mcau* of auiuiiliug pin ia a draft rod
say anything about It. hut when he was
....... ..... ................... ............ ... .1 of wllneases (g drawbar. uiu<.- rvtunible ao that tbe
talking with a mend aiid Tip would
I could see him give the gam
1 yesterday and wo lAielgert waa put on towliue. wbwh i( te to tarry can be
«l»l/«,not ana|.|.eal
‘■•>"'**‘-^'"ithe stand.
He testified to hte wkrty
■r end uf (te cnr.—
n 1<
to let weue.rlae talk a lliile b|t !'»>‘ ’'•» ""
•'■"'J Rurlng i,,,,
hi, lurqe marriages, the fcvond
to him
^anff^tete rate sac* siilisaa* UAOa. ■
Uoutnoil 1 jigiu
"It was then about the time of the
taking , place two menths after the
p.w. c.k.Mvktur.AaBA.
breaking out of ihr civil war snd sll*'*"'
•howltig. that Henry H ;
of-hi. nrsi wife, and to acme
r. A..ataadCaslia.
was exrtieraoBt In our nelghls>rhocd I Boyce,
occupied room W nuJltert tonnecled vhlh the attempted
Dunba9.t«*iined lo^ ,»H. ,,f bla aaiwag^ plant, but did not
Men whu'd atop and talk to each oth- i from Jan : tn Ifi Dunba^^tvsilhed
er a* they passed m the
»usp‘clons aroius-d and u.-^t
to the tlm; of the dteappe_arroad and the
ihe : ll*''
be road,
old man had any nuirber of prominent **** cleric* walchlrg^ Boyce. Allen O ;
of hi# wife
I.uetgvrl proved a
men come lu talk over the event* ' “Ter. Jr . on.'..f the day clerks, ar- u.hry m.iv-«mi*e#*. tears coming freAUonejra at Law.
crow ding upon Ihem
One night there
* rtehogtaphlc report of the
,nd In roniSderabte volume
was quite a humtvr of them gathered ' c.mversall..n* Boyce hod over the te— ■ *,h,ocxer the name of tala site waa
often Is Mraiagne kloeh. Tn***s* CHf. >Uck
in the time office, talking eatnesUy. i
Ku^ll rr>.q. , brought Int.. tbe vase________
wh.0 Tip -..i-mnly strolled tnwnd t*bk Ithe ronirt-j

Ina doca In their fldelliy
"Ify fbibor came home one day from
an a^ulnlnn county where he had been
to attend court, and found that In hi*
ahaence one of the aandera. In a flpfai
for a mate, had been defeated, camlnc
-out of the hallle with a bruken wine
Bui he wa* ellM faithful In the bikiw
of hi*, choice, and followed arQun>l aft­
er the happy pair with bis win* trallIns IB the dual. '

WrgZBTBO Bboex


6rud Ripidt S iHiiutt R. i





. IsUjwllh MtElnl-)- and when seats wrte
rtiBun in Uie house of represeotatlve*
McKinVy and I werr hvq’*'' **de hy
aide Gur personal acqualntanc- rspldfy ripened Into fiiendshtp. Kx-t’ongresamaii Junai MKlowan. of our ataie, up hte p.w<iu,r. by fsthiV. cha;r, yh*. ***'"”'?’ “*•'**'- B-V"" ••• f"-n ond I1
Bi. leiute. Jan. S -A apectal to The
T **‘'
also drew s seat beside McKinley, so old man luild nr attention to ihe bird. I
Ote : Br.pul.1lr from Anna. Hla. says: John
but Il.tened attentively to w hat was be. . he aanlert
we hart ».elwem u* the man wh'. waaAo
arrangement* rtowratatr* were always i McT.owan. »he school teacher In the
Ins said Directly I uw him rise in I
W'fime prekldeel. aJlhtAigh of courscomplete for reimri* of whatever went »onbi-rn part of Algsnndrr'county wh.>
chair, hi* face.agloH with excliemei
we didn't recognise p'residenilal limber
cn-et the telephone wire* when Boy.w j sms'assaulted hy two of hta pupils
and raising hte arm In a fervent it
In him at oniv ThI* wa* In the fortywa* using the private office. The ateii- | while walking along tbe road at nlghU
tTBd. Alteneys. ayeetel WP
tutu, he liegan;
S4-vrtiih congress. Two years later. In
ogTwpher. who ha* a deak In Ibe offlee. ! ha* not died, a* reportsd
He la In a
•ratepcseoee. n»ow» taad
Awd iw BM ch. OaaAw.
Ibe 'forfy-elahth rongrewa
to. HrrewatUa Oo.
called Into requisition whenever
-T tell
H ^u, gemlemen—
drew a Best ngM In front of the one
Boyce called any a
IK K. BOrroir.K D.. Mysleiss wa*
•arigned to me. *r> We were rJ^ to*
irawra bra losaied la Tesveew* Cuy.
atteiri proapUy Is WU day er wlrbt
gelhet fur two years more.
sod wtU______
• • mtewtlos siros IS stenetrles
call* Bwe^
Believes that hte 1 *«"1
I Bow the MaeMaisfhfthe All*««d B
ao4 rMld^ras'* airawss.. Karitew- Bloek, wp
alr*. that-------'
n of SMO.aUl
Wm Walehed wad TrwIM.
- -Quai'k. quack, quack, .qukvk,' put
for a new war vessel on the great lakes
Duntmr recited many of tbeae
. will Is- panard l.y the senate It Iq Tip louder than before.
:yeTSat1on.lover the
• That w. can new------ '
hg* been favorably re|>ined fn.m thHORSE AND STEAM POWER.
quack.' phone
rt one of Uieqi ihe maj-n
committee on naval affalni. and has •
volt/d Tip In limes loud enough lo railed up at Columbus andasid: '-Bltane
grood plii-e on Jbe calendar.
druin the old man's voice.
and the president n.iuld arrange thing*
^>M Wot WspiwH C levsdawd.
- My father raised bis Voles te a high on Saturday Bpyro rwpllrd: ' Hav.
T' te expected that the c'ul^n quoallon pilch
seen one of the party. Wants money
wrttl come ut> tn lbe'faoa*r of reprosen'• 'No.
ta'ive*. In c'.mmKiee -.f the whole, and
How can I handle him "
The npl)
Alswg • Kallwwy ra ti
C.incr weman M'lII ain AMen Smith will
,aao>‘'UbIcb'mtssI. THepbrae If
quack.' from Columbus war! "hupivme o.
sroech Iih the siilipvn
He I* ^
tray* you. whst then?'' DunlMir said
aervanu-d Tl|> In tones to suit.
- on foreign
nt a
afnu-mtier -.T Ih"No danger.' !'
-- Are being heaped u|Hia aa. and. by that Itvlce replied:
would kill him.
men tell no
lb* gods. If—^
hone. Meah. and other motive power*,
•Dilte. le'ready In iliS'Vaa t|ie mallet
-- vuackl
Quack!' < Tip tnles. " Dushar testlfli-d that Allen -O. ii rtailv develrqiiDg a wider applicatioa
It |. ui«teis|o.d that Mr «mllh will
Myers. Jr . who was In Oilutnhua as on*
screamed as loud a* heT-ould.
of electrioslderiora. Aoioogreotmt pntdefend in. murwe of'Presid^nl UcKIn—Proper leparatlun 1s bot made. U Bf tlie managers against Hautta. was eut* is a trolley ononeetion fer cnnal■ ley. lo'r It* .nnser.aitem It wiU he re­
enlled up 00 Friday Jan. 7 by Jerry
membered, how. vci. ihayfir Hmlth did
BHsa at.fl laid of the siluat'nn here and brteto. .(be invtaitinD of Kredericfc J.
4,V! Quack! Quack!'
not sttid'iit Presl lent «*K;V^tid when
Thi* iovoDHcn
-whal'llojce wa* doing
M>-eni advised Hbewriog of Toronta
he parauch a course 4lnwStydemi<-wi
«' old mao;- and Blla* that a ntan named Hollenbeck provide* BirolleTnianectiai which will
.with that which ha* loom h.
be esucht Tip on the toe of his bbd and would, leave Columbus for Ciniinnaii make a. pravtiraU.v perfect eiivoit boMcKInl-y

iande.1 him out In the middle of ibr that nlglK with mom-y, and tu have twAiu tbe line wire and feedur for tba.
The house of reprMieniBilve* lias aphim wau-bed. Tbe next morning tbe
>ard 'j aotely sunrised gander. Tl*
motor aiTd at tW «an>a ttate uffer bo !
propr'.alrd HW»nh foi seed rttetrlhu- wa* faithful, howexer. but Iw s<>on for­ Miller rtelertlvr agency ua> employed
otatructloi to tbe asooesslal ttavlkaUoii'
tion - ThW win ciuhle tbe pecreury oj
got all that he waa taught about talk­ to wajrh Boyce and keep track of llol- tif (be
agrl-uliure p' eslaldieh a wee.1 dlvlatim
Hr remained around (be place un- Irnbeck on hte Arrival
and employ aU-ui fifty wurtv-n who
On Jan. s.U. H. Hollenbeck, of CharIII eome noribsrn trtx>*w that cam<
may l» appointed wlihimt civil seiiiro
don. O.. Tcgiatered at the Glhsoo House made and uui^ opnntad, iDcindi
Ihioti^ declared they needed
examliiailiiiia. .'The
confor lirvakrwal
He bad no rmim as­
a* Up was about t
•gfes-roen expect •laluge 1 with apsigned to biro, hut was seen.^ com-•> ibiof about tbe plare. he
munlratc with Boyce. The nAt itame
plpationa for woik aw s..on as'lhl* fact
^oiiiplly captured and devoured."
1* known and they wll not thank
OB the-tqgiater to that of Hallenberk
r poMtehitig the fa
I was E II. AriW. CoUimhua, O deputy
One of the' attaches of a prominent . railroad --ommlaolooer. Dunluir showed
n Fhyidon ha* rerelved a
etiilusay in Wasblngtot.,vwbo esllt hlm- Idhe
letter f.o
• rieaar w:nd toe oMIuary addrease* de­ « 'I a diplnmat In the absen.'e of all
that T J. Mulvlhni. one of tbe leading
livered a'l-.»t dejtl oingresamen. , I
Ihe way to make hlmarlf Ulkr.
Pcmocrailc mansgera of ttate cUy.
like to read nlmut dead .mngTeaamen''
sod to
From a In the aame dtelrici
irhirl I* to compUln of tba msnner )n the detertlVew. They watphed all the
w hich he t* served. Hte greauat eom- movements of Hollenbei-k. and traced
I IH- got I
plainl i» that SI the hotel where hr him to the ruon Trust o»d Raving*
llvM tbe servants do not brush fate b^ak. of which J. O. Refcmldllapp 1s
and m bwk arte
lolfiss and in othri ways mad* them­
He teas then traced to the
be Mite* for youselves us'fdl to him He waifte the at- different plstw*
f meeting at charged
laces of
• HI8 wiFatenUon of a valet, but he
aarvantaaoirtVe that aiientlon. In lan­
did net remain in
*Tt makes
guid Vines and with a weary air h4 said QaetanaU Bnyro »ra* here on Friday. X Wire a gravity haUm«l trolley wheel I
BputelL '»<> long s* a new cruiser I* that the sttvante did nut open Ibe bed Batutday. Sunday and MoBday. At the I ai^ oSidBeatiBg ii» i«dJey
for him afnlght. When be went to hi* augMUon of Jerry Bltea. Dunbar bad______
with a srin of_____________

pul upon the greal lak** to repia.-e tbe
t to uD^v-s* be found tbe bed re­
bou-ekeeper and chambermaid* | p^it gf tretdom is (be mOTelDeiita of
ul.s-ileu Michigan. Consequently It Is
around room
a maltar of pnde as well as pleaaure mained a* it bad been made up is the watch
• J«
On HundaT’•ugfff'Boyte told Dun­
that tbia subjefi ts new under conaid- morning, apd the ckiihe* were not
.. . ite tbe trolltrwire muM be tnffleratloB by the naval affairs tommiae* turned tetek for him Ttate qm* ao dif- bar be bad
dently bigb to avdd aay poaribility at
It detecand likely to be Incorporated In the ap- (eraat. from tba way he found things ^raadent. aad c
IM roantap into oootaot With tb« veMe)
home that It wis really very dia* tleea being put *tenio” him abd
liroprulloa for the maintenance of the
wgreesbl* and he wa* not »ure that be Mhen watching him, and especlaUy or porta nf tbe awanl paaainx below it
naval csialittehmeot of this Country."
ould al*y In such a country. He wa* about the piirtlra in room SU. After
of its ottetrueting tbe matt or otber
At Mrs. Algef's receiiiloB tbe other
evening there was the usual predoml- explolUng hte woe* one evening recent- parVig hte WU on Monday, and before
ly..*nd a member of the lUtnol* delegs- departing. Boyra told Dunbar that If
nance-ef tbe army and nary cootlngem
lion Interrupted hiyn with the remsrk:
ited to win aomt money to bat an juDCticB of tbe canal* to an eleratfonj ttsmi
fibe was assteled by her gocsts. Min
"Who tn b—I rare* when you leave thl* Bann
Bhore tbe maata
masts of the vearal and to A fe
Dike of Chlcaga. Mtes Swift of-Detrelt.
It waa announced by the commluee pc^de these poles with annA braoeg
' Mrw ffheAdan. Mis* Mites. Mtea Et*ie country? No hra*s band* met you
Anderson. MM* MbUML Mte* Sayburn. when you came: but there will be a hal- that T. C Campbell will be called as and an derated trolley win la eircoit
lelejab chorus when you r' “
BOOB a* he can hr roaAed. and that
trolley wire at a l^cr
Rapresentative Cite will prnbRiv he
elaratiai. Koomad oa tbe elevated
Ke eit.ts from eastama arv pottriag
At TonngSloWB. O.. Robert O. Has* aucamlned m Columbus. Pending Ibe
trolley wire i* a trolley wheel baTiag a
tnU' iqe iressuiT In a way whteb oot Mn. s iB«Bber of the Iron .Tty Prodnr* newDtlattona and moymenta of Boyce
Oa lai****** ear laepMty.
:n ihte city Colmiet depeadinff rod or wire, tbe lawtg -eed
only .u.prises laii deligbu the oaMste. •ampauy. was M»« and killed by Hoy . and
Mi1:Ksi.;^.t Tbere seems to be no rraaon to axpact Lee. a young man in hte employ '•ho .Camsben wa* actire aa tba attoraey of at wbleb ti bodi duped to eagage tba
are of. tba troUa wbeeL fir this oobB|r^^^«K7 maHMAl teUlng oS. aoUM^^m wm Mtf^Mly haadUiM a taigat rific. '





Mtes l>lbcr. Mtes Bitea a|^ Mra. Rad-

-Honey to Loan

PAxoszir * CMomm. Ataan

|OOA 1* A Umg*V atatanrart Ooteal
c 'C -


Chicago —
West Michigan.

•!-7-, :•:-

- '-T' ^



fmiis Men ad W(fieD Dffler
on What Event Shall Be

Opinions ol President Eliot and Senators Morrill,
Daniel and Cullom—Views ol Souttem Gofemors.
The Deslpis Made hy a Famons Italian Artist. •

of my aorha Besides the work at thi I rmicnlsrd Id tbe <
capllnl. I'bave painted here In Wash- rniiVd Ststn. ana
lactoD a portrali of Halt. Juatla'8. Mor­
rill of Vermont. Pi. Patrlck'a church
and a portrait of OardlnaJ hatoill which ; of forea deprlvlnc any mao of oobsUi
Is In the Corcoran Gallery of Art. In
New York ray 'work can be aean in the1 , law mentioned
<;iatbedral.a portrait of Cardinal McCi6sdome, irhieb irlves the capitol lu hn- 1 sere ralrulBted to nil tbe wbole frleae. key. There are alao palntlnsa of mine
poalBK appearaoce. ' Around .tbe dome I naa allvwed to make aJCcratlODf Ir in B! Ann'a Pt. Oabriel's and the'
the feoeral and
are jtallerlee to ^-Hleb vlaltors ma>" details na i saw ht. but s'BS doI permit, Kpiphany rhur«^ and the C. I*. Hum.SIrlotlsm.
lb. Thuuaaada make the pllsrttna«a ! ted to make any 'Impnrtanl charurra.
' cvnslderstl
o (et a nearer Tlew of the , baa nftch been erroneously aa
>t know that there Is any event
eveBt in
to ewr
decoraUuna and a view from the dome's worked from Brumidi'a drawlp*a. but
loty since 1M» which mlgnt be r*e
Bin-s of ibe cjiy of ^\'Bablnctos. The ’ by compariDf tbe traclar with tbe
de^ aa epoch making. Put the opeaabpiad which
h they ha<
have It so leas pbotua of my drawings It sril
Ibe fullowiiig rhurrbew: Pi. Ann's, St. I
lullful thkn dt w^ts a Wdosen years
James’, St. AugusUse’h Bi: Raul’a.
>. btrt close ranee Inspection e
splendid frescoes In the capitol 0»me Is
not XTatUylnt, Tbe beautiful eolorliiv
is half obscured Iw dirt, and: look
down fr<Rn the sallerles' 6r looklnc
from i6e noor. the drst thiur to catch
the eye U tbe rwuffh pine scaffoldlix
banfflns sunesllvely In front of the
■ frl(
a dealfn
B space and Ur. Coa
1 It. the snffoldtni
tnc will c
down and workmen will be pul at
task uf rleaninr the freacoee In the
dome. If this
of consreas will*
the ework of cleaning can be done
summer, and
add the capitol
le by (be time the first installmenl of touiisu amvea In the fall. But
if concresa does not act now tbe whole
matter mult bo over tor another year'
and then another peihapa. and »
samen have not been wholly
It to tbe untonuoate eonditinn

on the Hluarr be Instructed
sacertatn the cause of the delay to co
pletlnc the cblarvsouro (U(bt a
Bbade) by Hr. OostaMlol In the rotunda
Lvtpyrlsht. imC. by P. C
of the capllol. and whether
would be advisable to remove
folding sHlI rsmalolng^or ti
compleUng lhe painting, and (o iel«>rt
the bouae tba.jesuU of the Invesd.
aubjeei, i got from tbe I Joseph's. Pt. Agatha's. St. John'a 6tl c trie light and tbe t<
tlnn nf th- Biih. ‘ MalKehl-a >h. V.ilsH.s- -e SK. n V- U ■ —r
p the es
Nothing was done aUiui
for tbe frlese. he chose U4lstortr tart- > complete, and for elphl years tbe art- by the house committee, and Id Ml. Jtets upun Ibe
e frlesc
fiiesc It
1 waa found iliAl ,at Hairlshurg. the senate -chamber. !
4«tta. becl*titl^ wHb.tbe laadiac of‘^'a rau(h scaffold baa bunc Id place.
IIansbp>ugta Introduced In the sen- It dbl not fill the entire belt and a space which Has deatruydd by fire, and for
at».i)l so feel In length still remains un. ] wtali^ palntlnea I Feeeived a v.rv flat. I
Gonnnr Bushiiell Totes hr Liacoli.
finIsh.Hl When I waa given'the sub-{terlnglc
. .
jeet*. I remarked In aurprlar that there jin llaltlmore. (he new additions
.......... the PUle of Ohio, Executive Departneot,
was no represeninllcm of AnteHca'a
j' cathedral, a port:
>f Archbishop ; Office of the Governor. Columbna.
the i«rlor of
I would think the signing of tlto
cardliInal's r rwdenee, a i<almlng of emaoclpaJlon proclamaUon by Preat.
Inen selected and approved by congresg. i toe At
for the Masonic Tern- dent Uncolo-'should be considered* tba
Uke.the other sul.JecU,...........................
the final onc»
. I..pie:
also 81. Peter's, must importani historic event In
p«Cf be selected
iected by tbe Joint commit- : Pi- Jeseph's.
the !mm«c aisle Poncep-. Jlod >•"••----tee cm library and submitted to consresa I lion. Pt. Deo'a St. Ann a. St. Kranela I
Xavier's. St. Plus and the Paailonist |
1 cannot give an acetirm- perlc>d of t monastery; at nuffalo. the drop curA Polilial
tliisAj worked on the frtexc. as I did not tain In the theater; at Rondemt. tha
worl^CMdlly and I seldom workt^J ev- ! slatlona of tbe crom; at Richmond tbe
^ *>»a«ppl. Executive Depart'
«n;>lar, in a month. Romeilmea se»-ml ! cathedral; at Scranton. Pa., the cathenffintha passed wiihcmt my working a dral: at Naxarah. Ky.. the stations of

It Vcaitsa
ussy that I commenced the .roas; at Hyde Park. Pa.. St. PatI"
>11 of Itxo
KO aand have not w.rked rick's church: at Wllkesharre. St. .•
—r--------------------- «---have painted aboul two- Mary's church;
k; st
a Wilmington. d,i,. I*'In answer to yonp
other works of : ‘ndnliT as te whsi epoch making evwt
thirds of the lieU and Iregan ml the three
• Ibe cathedral, and
I am at !
> suggest as man ap.
Indians In "IVnn's Treaty.''
j Importance noi
suggeat the polUlort
I pp>i>oaed several events of Ihe citil I present palnilni a picture, for St .
war which 1 thought' would be sulU- iChaiies' ehurcb Philadelphia, which
overthrew radical
'« Mladlsalpp!.
of tbe blainrtcal
%i«ahed I Janumrv.
> thar •
I lo me Ihe only
1. Ufa.
propflfd. but IfcU w»a opra
iha ume «b]M-tloD--tba( noil of'thr
piM. ih* rlri'I* of thf frl««* ar(»r*
iDria.nt ware
(»r* lirthr iDrld.nt
ilrlu. IW.
•boni tb. muBda‘of th» rapliol *• Wide* ihrtv
pu•----------aoBia politics
Id the obVFaabtncton?
» this subject.L Mr. Clcyeland-B
... ............................. In h«.lh l-srtK
•r a number uf I that be should Ovure
pronilDWntly i
e Brumidl................

hIst.uT since 1M».
great a fetival of the past feeling l*eiween thr north ahd the south was not
desired. AIm>uI a year ago 1 was asked hy th- Joint cimmltin on
m.raev ' '
n Tlh^ar^
to prepare four sketebea^ li'^ thought ^
«ouM I^ppriiprtaie Two were iwe- • *
^nled to r^nii^ and w«
Ihalf by 9. OastagglBl

Tapsik Otge^ons.
Harvnnl Tnlvesa.lly. Cambridge.
"UggesT the following events
“>e Bnimldl frieae of the


Commonwe^th ot VlrgUita, OoeertoTB
t>fBre, nichn-.ond Va.
Nothing more obJecUonaWe . to tb*
south could be adopted than the "alCBa
Ing of the emanripatlon.'' and I canhdC
think any man but some wild tanatl«

- -..... - -................

i tor a moment.
CHAB. t. oterralu
,'vee ,.o. —■ ^'aablhgton treaty.
rallrosi and the first telGovenoruf Virflnbk ]
,ted. as IT was too near the. tim.
time ^
Chssr. while
x.ngresi. All
the adjournment of cmer—
an at
of «>*«*«•
mith. (>nMn>o
theise sketches ape st 1 In the commitToic*
Ftoo iibtiBi<
Columbus and ending with the dlarovn the beauty of tbs ',,aie
ale a Joint
Jotni nwolutlon appropriating
sketch of the
State of AUbama. •
ary of gnM m Callforala In IMS. These I “Tmt
completing the painting of the fneae uf "Rmancliatton Prurl maUon by UnUnited Sutes Senate.
Oovemor’a OOea. '
, ll would seem that there are enough 'the rotunda of Ihe edited Slates capllol
r. 1 Intro*
WaBhiagton. O. C.
I do not know that our people partto«s
Oottes entering the temple of the sun incidents Ir. the history of AmeHea be- ' by FHIpihj Cneuggmi, after dealgna ii>
IB ravaKing the subject as to what
it is , larly object to a cartoon of kba algniaar
to UeHc.
tween IMS and 107 to (urtUah one car- be fumlahed hy him and
thr moat appropriate for tbe com^etlclbnlof th- ----------—--------------PItarrn. with the horse.
ot two, for the completion of. the Joint committee on
Ib the cosquest of Per*.
K.OOO. or so much tbereoi
Tlie buhal of De Soto it
The signing of the emanclpailos proc, : necesssry."
lamstloo or
some other
other Incident
Incident c,.„
-- --------------- was reported favorably, but n*.
rescue of Captain John Smith by r.M iedailth
the elvil-war suggests itself action was ....
had. aad when congress ad^-■o.uvss,
I immeoiairiy.
Immediately, nbut unforsuoately jciumed laal March the reaoluUon died,
Tbe dlsembarkaucm at Uie<>llgTlro gress has been afraid of offendl'tg
offencllng Ibe 1 Meatalme Mr. Boutelle of Maltw ‘—'*

— '
'Uth b> chewing
cbo.«lng such rf-subjei
^subje. I.
Introduced the resolution
which he
IVnn', tresty with tim Mlans ant
Tbere sre.msny
American inremiona
.... - W'hichrefer.
died with the uthers
tbe eeUlement
ement nf PransVlvinlA
the last hair n niury which hav/'rgV-. M.,gr<-h 1.
The Industrial
ndusirial colonlaaltW-~or the
thi ; oluU-nl*. d • l>o»lne,, and social ^ndl-, The suxgestlon,' betow- come from
Ksw Ensland
Bland stalea.
j) 1 members ot the senate and house of
■I < 'gletborpe and thr itoscog of the great west, Ihe'a
an Imident in the seiiramcDi
Of Oaorgia.
! Union, III" passing of the American Inre|.resentallvc women. Th- y show
The Iwttir or l-eslnctiwi.
dlan.-are matters of deep m.imeni In the , as wide a diversity .if aentlment ns Is
Thr Dn larwtion of Indep
development of k>e country.
j found In enngresa sin this sulijcct bul
-------------—-----------------Thgre seem to he subjects enough, they contain, s.ime suggestion, wholly
death of Tecumaeb.
'and probsbi.v it la to the mulTlpIliity at ' be*'- which are so Innocuous that < onThe American artny entering theCity isubjecis that the failure of tbe eomrplt- 'greas may find Ih' them a relief fp.m
jties of congrra, to reach ap tmdw-I‘he emlArTwaamrni which hasdriayed'
. The dlacwrery of gbid In Cailfomla In aUndlng can be attributed.
; Its action ao longJ
t Itncnily 1 addressed an inqalrr «n ‘ Pfweding them Is the,story of the
Not a eery 0eeessful attempt lo pic- j the subject to s.une leading men and. arU** *h- has executed most of tbe deture the hlsKffy of America, almost any Iwconen of Amcrii a. In the hope that an . allfh^ b'hich Brumidl outlined and
one would My. eqpectally aa ll nowhere lexprewiJon of popular} opinion
representAbe figure of-George Wash- (help to guide the .nmtiilttee
I and. .that
a d.rislun
might b
Fifteen cartoons there are. Room re­ • thi, session of congreiui. so that the
main, fur one large rartesiff* or two fries* could lie ci>mpleled within the i
amsIl-T ones. F<»ur or five ycarw ago It year. The renovation of the dome -qS ,
was planned i.i uae tbe Incident of th*
. _
. .
Thq imclng which was taken from
*ot».0 ilon of the PsMfic railroads. Hay
- Bomtldr, drawings of tbe aul.Jecia of |
a, one of the dtwlgna. but ob- .In such
a shabby condition that they the fries* was made by one -who wws
0.pynrtl, UK. by V t
JacUun wn. mode that loojnany of th* ,arwadl«gT..-e to the nation.
. not ap artist, and was the only thing
Jlguiwa ..f ttoit tw idenl were sUll llvlngThe n.iunds nf the csiutol I. Itamoat -that ws, given to me-to go by when I
Tbla Objection was supposed' to be dl7 auranlve feature )l t* usually the jaccvpled Ibe work at Ihe capitol. I have
rtoled partu'ulsrly at c. !■. HanUnglon. first iwri <1 r Jha>ulldlng which a vlsH- ! never iwen the original akelch of BmThan the tacideni of the opening of the
la W feet • Inches In dlamb- I mMl. and I pr^t«r«l all of
Columbian expuamon at Chicago. May tat. wnd 10 fast abova> lu
lU marbls Boor I■ wiiflT
tnyaetf. the irari'ng'r'ring
trwrin* *ivi,.' r
D on that gabjaeC
portant a place as he
still It I tunda It fan* occurred l
I Un- down here. I t many look upon It aa •
U a slight memorial of him. gnd ve
idlng tbe proclamation for tbe complete vIolatli.B of tbe cunatJtiit^ o
could say at least that be also la rep- ‘ freedom
slaves wouM do. but tbe tbe «
• -llevlng tha proatdM?^
resented In the blslorical belt.
! aoulh i light object lo Jt.
uUonal authority to ta
Twmormttng that kind of aa
no ad^spuon to makeaa ta
*ge of 14 I lost my tather. J was talaed
by an urvcle. I atudled ai the Aewd«my
of St. Luke, tn Rome, under the d«ainquiring of me what. I
kiss Wilkifi koal Tin.
I maatarw Cochrttl. Podeotl.
t. Is the epoch marking I World's Woman's Cbriatian Teinperanea
My noted
event In the
history since
Union. Office ot the PnaldenU Et-anaand the well known : ’**• *“* •**«» f«celva«. 1 think tbs ; Ion. Ula
of tbe
aculptor Monieverda. In l»T0 1 taime
...................... .
It aeema tome tbe rroarning group at
America and engage^] as a prufensor of
the capitol should Include Ihe figure* ■<
palKtlng la aa academy to the west, bift
tbooe who have been foremoat to the
resigned owing lo the dlfhculty 1 bad
service of the republic and o« to one
to acquiring the English langttage and
eteat. W* have had the .'wpew
ihstiois. historic
my sirung dealre of dedlcaUng my Mm^
aeoutlve (if war always at tbe fiou*.
to painting. I then went b^k Ui BaltlConcord. N. H.
m<-re. and Immediately received earnA trkto at vestibuled Pullnuui cars.
mission for. aetvral important works.
utkturs. writers. Journalist,, i
and.phiaanihroptst* to tbe lead. M they •
lealll'arv today and will Iw \-nstly moru
cxacated many portraits and aacrvd
tomorrow, The srwrrior I* a diminish"
MtaUnga. and while lltiag there 1 wag
caBed' ‘o .WakhlBgton to compieie the
■ricgl trlMte at the capitol. and bars
ilty and Ks hallowed Inter,
OMyrlfto. 107. It f. O—gglBl
led there incev haring built a
. (Moved people by foece
are looming figurea, and will stead.
studio aaltohle for lam work.
took away ptoperty of riUsens of state* Hy grow upon our risloti until th. vh 4a
B.tMfort in U» act or .driving the la«BHka. Tohl.IWt;
sm. oil U0 istu,
I douM K lhK% la BBotbar artist who. that were
for tbe Cnlon at tba . rare to lifted to li. n0httui plane Ba«
baa dune aa much palqitBg as 1 have In Ume and
. . --------„
.* * ___
' llevs me youra to the hc^ of lbs: dty.
mna aadVi^
the Unltsd Euisa. J wlU awt^ boom Marred and Ke&tweky. SUvary

Ovyrtght. UK. by ». Oeaiacclnl.

leB-l. Tj< hi* Tlgb
s. i>. hW u sup

' TH* ijnm sroET.






wbfeh. wfaUe It doea txA alwart lead «o
tbe Tmlla aliaedai.ert iDtaHebly «os
aceoniplleb tbe ■•elnito. to of ■un>r petfUoni for Initiation. i!VitbeT remit orton
t anda
cDiamie lod«» MmilUaa hMae***VS^^ PretK-fa AeadesiT of Sclenoea an i
JHHid • ck«lcn and awaided ttooostaKt tbo lodite. ' In .numeeMi
1 *0 3. H. abJp cluto bate ■■relied ttoiMmibmSlp '
be «aUe a ina«Deut
irhiob U digued to te
•Ibbooc M die*. N. Y. Tb* B
*u to to {Mt bi(b and ito MMW7«iid
‘ tmeetrlal

ot coal faiB treblod ifi tbe



■rtbat la Qoaurpaaaed.
: SaniDel T. blorrU. eeer(tai7 cd Spring
Oa^ lodpe. Pblladeipbla. bM toeo a:
taentorof tbe ortk-rof Odd Frfh>wa for
U rtan. and U now nrelag bU ORF-aaeand rear aa aecretarr of bla todsa
Tara orer a l>e« leaf ihU rear and to a
^better Odd Fellow tu I8W than r°u

•d bltfacrto uDitfcd Id AuK-rtes.
nd ■unctBial pans will be
Tbe QiaboUr*) miarof cl»d«d|tD UlD
•BOORUpc* with tto vaHoiM embletni acd
totetDODlM af tbe udet. Tbct«'od^>«
M tbe riRfal ejnnMlte Maxlehlp. Iboee
«B tbe left ebarttr. and tbe gWw. eurv
.■tODDted l>y anixir aod weapone. anebsiil
....................... On tbe eztreote point atandj

I We Always Keet Their Best Prices, and I

dfgaaperdar. Tbat ia S.4TS oabte feat
ptt ninnio. jA foot of aararal gaa daTdopa MOO nnita ot beat. I« tbat tben
are >.47S tiiuea 1,100, wbi^ oqnala
ASIASOO beat nnlu. or S.HiO.tOO Udm
77«, «bi

Go One Better



I solid, $1.16.

Prices reduced in Warm Sboes.


wiUllti tiHi otb«, An inamatoa »p^ , ^
tbwmlc aqolTaleot of tbe
^ abore, we wcnildbo po<nvr tbao are ai«
>EB di«v«awltb that of tbe oolaf ooe, ,
K tbat iia rqnator revolvea in iba plane ;
Of the ecliptic. The Interlcir torfano of '

and orp]
^ cabae a i
Orwnaburp, lod.. U
I tnabing an tBon to
'bxu uf I
twees tbe luaftM-bKn
aaenre^- lotaUon
Tbe winter eainpalgo f* OH tu. Let It and maiiUme tepioo-.
Tbo un ara (vovidW arttfa inaolMed
to a prodtablo one.
bndbar aui
rlngjt. whieb rtvolie oIuur with tbeoi.
________ ________ -ne------------------------rtiijfr oanv e-lectrlc ctinvatt to j***
be tNwrir *n DBor dropped for nonparitMcii of due*.
mmu« Ida train of epicrcloidal tootbed
Uaior ONx-ral 4, P. IBIaran hat been »beela a. alow dlflonntial niouaa i»
bemored 1^ the pnnd Jurladlrtlonof Iowa] oomiuuuicnud To (be internal nlctbe.
br being cuiv<i.iN.l.u»d pr umad Maetee thank* tu wblcb there naT be aecnnte4. C Koonu 10 l.cture In the <taic
, It reprodneed tbr priui<i|«l tdienouena
Onr of the lira >t ItK-ldono of tbe nu-; of terreetnal uiagnatiani bud tba MCttlat
nol* Hetokab aas
aaeepblr wa« the prawuutlOD 111 Orenif R«prm-nta(lre W. K Catlln
of an eli-itani Kwel In boiwrof tbewrvlee*
reodiTiTlIbr Kriickabsin UistruvUng tben.
W) the ^n-t work.
A bntlwr wbo has been dropped tron
ttsembrnblp In hU <aib«nilnat« lodge can­
not bold ai.-ndier*blp In a Kebekab lodga

be eH<d boL
eape^alnot cfliok m bending, on aceunot of iti
great en<-^bUitr.-it prepaml bj dia•olrijig HI ]an« gotta jierrba in
part* Iraaine and ponring tbu ■olntinn
into 100 pajta lisac^ uil vaniUb. abak- •
Ingwell. Tbe Ire'hvr tnnat be resgb. I
eoed before nsiugTbi* eetnent. in mdt*
V> insoru greater dnraUUlr. ^ a careia bores
gin* is imparted to tbe loatber. Tbe
borax is diraulved in boiling water and
(b«4i0rax aohitifai pnnre^ into txeahir
pnpaHti toHuin. Thv Btunble thick ca­
mel is re*7 aarrkrebla. —isciwtiAe



Cloak News

..IngllngelrviM. Seven of tbesa broUMTS
are meubers of Baralioo lodge. Na 14. uf
WlscotjdD juHUIetlw, aiwi after tbe
..Xhanoallor TfUllatu B. Tbcnlar of Read seven %rra all iuemlara <.
tog. Pa.
Onir tboae who .taere latUated In tto Kingling brvi
niw rean ago are adnl^ cuiilertto d
ftalernltr Pu at nK
iveral puslUou. In tto lodge, medeed tba
faltor IDUJ tto ludga and eoufmad tto dai neraeaof
XX sfaeeC irun scraped down
•era upon bim.—Freameson.
- Tbcae are bold togot^
tomUlaa in tbe Pythly oi
The total SUB pnw-titud tuefaarltiae bp
tbe Freauiaeuiu of Kngland In oaumcan•aiiuo of itw dueeD's diamond jubilee
# .
Tbe twpurt uf Grand
Texas sbuwed tbat it widows and ar­
briaade wUi attend t
. .
fund was swel
reriatians nt the dtvlinatkm and in
ing tto |e.l year, and
olinatirai tbat bare ukeii place for tbe
centorics at Londua. tbeCape
was S3.00U.
One of tbe grrateK ev lls wbieb efBirt of »ood Hupa, at Helena and Aaocn,je world. Masunrr nut caeludrd. is tto aiem island.
of time
giTsd iur ufllce. In Maaunrr U should to i
-----furblddea by leglsleiluD. NuuitinUaus , to ■ differesoe of une rwolntioo in Urn
tor ■Dernbersblp
nbenblp ronto
miNt Ibe ■twiuM brf'irblddcDeswell as eDlicIlatlon ; rotations of tbe two spbeiw is »S0
at tbe data of b
Lsa each Lrv.ibervote forwlKim to please*, i rears, and tbe anntia] retardaiioo (rf tba |
m (be dauelectro dreamlr spb<-re is SS.6 loinntM.
nslKJuid pmcni
bis name Car traded 6S n>rn.lier* fir uii.MaKwIc
Tbit period oumprises all tbe different {
In adraocT of tbe age limit to duct, TU: l<ir prolane swtsirlnK. 74 fur
gnanl against anr chaoca <f errur or dv- sainbltng and Sf7 fordHnkmg M intosl secular variaiiuos al tbe iwagneiic elt-1
n>f«ts npiiu tbe different parte of tbe
lar- Tto law Is Imperative and do penun cntlon.
tnovstriaJ sortaee.
' «ae bcflcgallr adopawi who bas passad tto
There 1* t>ut one way to
age of 46 rears.
Tbe appantna likewise
kwp tto O. B. and properly guard (to tbe varions elonento tbat followMli
Rot luucb dangvrwlib anr preaentroagTto ioivyoalitpof (bepcriudsitf derJina- !
nWornt growth of tbe Modern Woudimn
^ AnxrtcatieuamliJKinoraezpeDdTe. Tto
tinn npra> tbe asnie meridians in tto ; .gALLgST SLBirrBlL-Morom SZACT «tu
t for laiMwa* onlr»t.60p«r »1,0UU; Journal
nortbuin and wmtbern b. mlrpberra are .
,„id oorew* and woond with Ba
It has been taforau In
,nd I olrarrod dunns the abcM
• g8 siU corcrwl wire. Tbe annaran is
dings of tbe grai...,
couDcIlof tudlana/oT IKVTct.ntaln»ona| westers ekmgiitinB ot Lndnn
(lOd ^ the four pdle typo and M
ion (100
«< Pirt
|«ge portnits of ttoir grand masters.
| frars) end during tto long P®r™* ^ ■ No »e wire. Tbe UtUe b
>io. L
U the
tl first one woo/bra inembtrof
».If «ood i
Tto grand lodged Colorado refnasd. to j vreri(«v>«g«‘‘'««t»*^<>pe.^«"^i^n«Ted
copper and „
are. «f conrae.
Ibe Modefn Wouduen of AnMrtea.
Indorse the Wlseaosln leutusltlun for re-1 Hoiie
nt W. Helena.S68 j ^
is annall gold swildh
Mambera traldlng awar- from tbe4r
oppratd to tbo Intro- yearsi; (S« tbe
|tsi a blai^ rubber bare, made with a
«D|». if in
ductiuu iDUi tto systeni of F?*.
dtp|d»^ tn to wore (ff tbe lapel of tbe rest
•agbslr clerk for ralns(aten>eiit. inust acping needle for tbe double moremest, A small rbloride of silver battery, oarOMopur lbs romlttauae with tto beallb
forward and bnekwar
bnt^iwaid. and nt tbe dec- riM iu Ibe vriwi pocket, fnniiabea tbe
Tto grand hxlge «d Mt.^ bolde that | jjn.uon nredJe. - it bat beno oiaerred
Poet uflhmwUI take the Ufa outof
current f.w tto opmtinn of tbe little
anr roclrty or orKsnlaatlufi A poor
Tberootorninsatarery high
^dlngoflleer will kill, a camp Seal
fane. tssstflUcd'
«ba( a tnan is \eb<aeo fur vanerabls mhsnl she wiTGclore a
Who bos tbe -Wlltr to fiU the pMlU
tino needle toward tto Vfeat and Itt re- •
—Hectrlral Beriew
witb credit.
turn; (8t tbe change, of dip in an op- |
b<»ctnqai tterrew.




is good reading for yon-good
becaose it pays yon.

Her*^ final CLQBXNd PRICES on garments
that are right in every way—
Style. Pit and Material. Goods turned over to yon at


Not all Sizes in At|f One Style, but
We Can Fit Ten fmirSjinie ot Them.

PlneKaney. mine ^.60. ,
^(iood Bearer. relneEt.SO.
mriag illt^ftraium showa * .Booela. mine $6.60..........
wbac is saM 1 be tbe nuallt-st electnc
Extra Booela. reloe $i: .
_____ in 'ei
-xistcace. Tbe iUnsiraliuu
. toows tbe motor ii> its fnlMdse .It was
' made to be wiiru a* a suaApio by Mr.
1 D. UoHdin. a jeweler and waK«niakrr
I of McKtoaer. Tex. li weighs cnmpleu
I 1 ppunrwwigbt and ^ grains. Tbe front
I <it tto uolcr is of bigblT poUaM gold.
{ and (be oommacateg eagiDeau are also
of gold. Viewed fro
tbe front, tbe
! neotor inreeisw (»T* a

_____________i the drelgn. and BoffMan & Prochatka wiU ereet tbe idobownc Tto untnilngwIU to made tto
«eea*loD uf a grand mnlon of all tneraboajof tbe Older In the rnitsd Statea and
«QI uka place in 4unc. IWQ







Misses' JecketsHIliillrei's Jackets, all
at Prices less thee we Paid for them.

H aciiiess uis

oo Ofimentfi nold at Thew Prieor.

BeliAble Dry Qoodt.

0mrp«t and Clothing



T«a Kattla or Sarving Diah.

Price from 60 Cents Up. Call and See Them.

Ufi Front SlnseL

•TmvJ.rne City, Mich.



Atteathm Is nslird tu (to latenlietlon of
u. tto Kb^kc
goldfields, astbe order w III not now to reMomdUk- U itoy dU- from espusure ttoee.
All niembwe who an.- nmii-n>plat(t
nndi-naking of an • stra liastuduus

Ru. l.nru Uburlng altba wUl toward |sw
feitlog tto' HtuallsUr avwk and lotend
Starring tbruugb Con<MvtK.-ut during the
wlnu-nuui.lto In vrurUng tbe ampUllud
Aanu uf luiilatlua.
B. V W A Undwry ba* gOM into tbe
«ald forth.- Utvwun Maocatora. find good
MU- an- cjpt. i.d tu lullow hb labora
Tto blauotlsu. uf Canada are .In good
nAspeand have mapped out agraat wlD'•wv-amiwlao
Humboldt tent bone of tba llknlkst In
iniDola. It bra a mcmiwrriilp of b74,
most of wbkb were su-uted und^adbaedM.^
- Arrerepba Srifae. Ko. lU. of aUten
fiaigbtA Pa., be* taken In rrocntly 66
^w nHsnbets and relnsreted S6 members.

nutee to Ort tke Yeaas Mm la the Oe- ,
' tor-Prara VertM todgra.
| ipherea as ..toereod during tto prereW
Let no tnetnl-T of our order ever forget I*'"'-* *»
“*■« dln.inisbto in tbe
tbat It U bis esprdal duty to luwsenl tto , British IsJauds and incn-ases at Cbo
advant^xd tto same tu tbe sijungtiuin iCapr uf (mksI Hupe. .St. Hehiia and on: i««
. ififid O
a a duty
icr, and oou. t«u. « be uwes to Ito
Uie dip in tto TlduitT'of the
fill B»-ifin P«*S» of tbe Bailie
yuuDg luaD ‘I'ha urder iMrab young niM.
th- magnetic citiabw I
*>*• «»«*
B»cific eonit
p. a, a griM-ral thing, the you^ (i; mlnnteeper aonuru). as utorrrwl iu r^ic Uwwtll hot go intoopentioe until
a bKI.r risk than the (‘Jike-ly luas .the first plaoe by ziahito iu tbe gulf .rf ; yrer IbOO.
^ainre and at tit. Helena, a, well ns; Whim a bone frll into a large and I
Fuur |n>t ku|griiu>dlclatur* of Ibunrdrr the western progresaioB (jf tbis node it-: deep wtJl’-a( Htmdtrerm. N. U, aosne I
> pra^cnl geniof aluebed a bore ton I
have dlrd, J.' A. Ibmarra, John A. Cuoi- sbIL—Nature. ■
-------------------------I nenrby hydrant and, turning <xi tbo*
miny,. A F. Keyra. R li. t'urhrao.
Orewth ml grate laSratiT.
I wsts.-filletl Op tbe Well and Atolod tba
lalph it
Th<- Briush cretrul at Moroow. In a; l*«w
tbe top wo^ reaeoe sws
au.r 4*,I
rrponoD tto Nijui Norpirodexhibl. Mttpotwtiwly***!Tbf j..ri«i
tltai. deaoribe* tto iadoatrlal program I Elbeifdd'a otorborgi-nneister aaua
10 kda.-, ..>..1 u
i-hip of 800. Nine of Bnmia rince tbe Moaoow exbibiti^ liibed the diatlngniatod gnesta inrilod
ol tto lob.- AIT lucalMl Id RalUmOCa.
of 1886 as very greaU Tto pragrAw : to tto'Twnlog of tbe new BnmadiFidTto n liuUMiU uf tto urvirr lo Rinsas If made in textiles is marTrlotu. kud tjolingru bridge by driving to tbe rai)many of' tto silk ai»4 prliit exfaibita ; rosul sutkin in tbe BlwA Maria. Ha
eqoaled anything that l^ons or Man- had been nnabla to find a cnki. and had
(toater oosld pc^ooe. Tbe machinety {i
{naed tto only ^Bcial ooareynfioa that
etlou waa foil uf-goodwork. bat anrt- j wni randy.
Roporram tto suprenw araaotary Indleaic that ib^ uurk m N.-w Vurk juriadlaUOD b lar
abai It abouJd be with lu
«. boarts afliM
' OUbmt raraneU. Brooklyn,'iwya •
of •400toUssaeivta!7ai>d$500ibcbecolkewr.
Id CiundcD cunKlI Ibe “rotatfen In
ofBae" tiwurv only applba to tboae wbo
attend faitbfnily In «fae anb

FUbln tl.L- bn thn« i
Kibe* kiave to'D inUIIDted. '^bpensstloo*
antborblng i.istUuilou of iribra Id
fiilrar eiptloHA. UaosrlUs. Koriyo and
Bsigbts and tadbs of Ummm. ^
Mamaroueck hare torn Irauad. and ni-w
The Rnigbia and Ladba of Bonor &re
. tolbraare In proccas of fonDaCkaiAn VhUa
PlalDs. TonswBDda. Buffalo and iUns- teasuD tu n-juloe In tbe uagntflaaDt reeoid
raade tbe past year.
. SlrE. tc. Samuel, M. D.. sufam com- for tto purpura eg'exteodlhg aodsali
reonder, stabs (bat be loictidaenpayMne log tto order. A oonpotant oorfn (g oa> N«w T«cb ganiids alii to put Into tbe field U apttatlona. aad tteespMM an fin baheena
by tblasgedaJlax.


, - .'-ra

Stamps I


Are prompt.'----- Make tbe right pricea.
anything In tba line of




John J. Brezina

8w«et Pidclefi, lOe per dosen.
lOweet Mixed PlckleG. SOc per qoArt.
Boor Pickles, 7o per dosen. «


We have tube petnte, wmtar color pelnte. Bed 8ehle
end Albete • bruehee, eenvee. Academy boerd, peetel canyon
end the pesM board, weter color peper, blenders, etnmpe,
omyon holders.
If -we dOBt hsTs inet whet yon went we enn enfl
will -get It for you et
phorteet possible time. We ere
here to pleeae you end.w
will do all that
to i
overytUng setiMhotory.
We have etndiee thst we sent.

230 Front Street

M. B. EOLLBT, Menager,




- A-.

At U*t tli«7 T«Mb«d the pol-t wh«m
«fa« tnil tnrard (owwt) the mouiuin.
*be mvtir
became ftboMlr tfime «pd the red bwM pfoee and taU
An#naed tbreai«tiitig (<pinu. Still be
tbeir vny upward, lookinit hade
tame (bet tbedroo^g, ewafUg fignre

^ not tea

I Wbcoi the clcarad epac* wM reachk1
lAure} aroQiaid, gave a alow gtenoe

SIM mnetubrred bow te had .
aeib him, mxI the fiudiug. and tbe Mind­
ing grief that bad wrapped her round.
Her btwrt could nolraifHYfaalditKagaur.
&|)e aiml>^ KWiftly. like a wild ci«atore. p>ward tbe n.« Ly rsinmlt. Some­
thing waa purvaiug l^. Sb« laiut ew

art oat with nii face toward the
xtat tbe bean <d thegraiidtaotber bb>
Mis that bad atood
dmood and waa tooebed. “She ten*
barim ct bia tboagbt.
Vl<mg t’ sa” idle mid. '“n we hais't
TbefotBtmd through the ttearoor'^
ner n( p**!*** land acroa the nps^
arm of the dewsR a^ reached tbe monollowedwfpwn
Min path. Aatht7wen.-aboaltoanad of planning, after which Wilmot went
bte and lifted tba atender fem is hla
'LMrek little Sower. I am omning
after yon in a few moiw days. And yxn
will go with me Ibcti?"
8be luur <1 agaiiut him aa one who
badfooudBlielMrfrtim a iijtilem anni.
■•Yo* didn’" abe ao•wered. "1 tbooght yo' wcinld amir.
bnl to' didn'. 'N he come. 'H then 1
got a' bad fanrt btra." and abe laid btr
band open hvw hmrt. "tbrt I can't git
luyhraith. Dnt yo'1«t coma V I'll
go with yo' anywhere, i'll atay with
yo’. ni wait «w yo' when yo’ bit'n
gtme jv*' 1 la-'n data them tbar tlaya.
'Pure yn' c«ine that fn»t time I be'n
dead: It bo n empty Urta—'feen yo'

****^ tevatlile* BDd Mn»gihlei».siiDa I

' ^ing of h^ belored. She Bank , *P«'
I>»e Md , Wilmot eptang off bii hone end called
tbe groand and tnm^ her faiv toward I
tbotigh eb.- »«i». u mil lay
,be ycmth with an InvoKiutary fiere*teie »ow monntein with a boarae half
btr heart. SbeoputtlbiruitiQihaud Be>«>:
• j poTf a jiTtilnoged iTv. Apain and again | -• Wh.* eJonld I go? 1 apA no doctor.
Tbeyosth bad grown to man’eestaiei Ibepitootbwail tangent ontil »b*-ATrw,‘i can do ntabiug for y<mr lainrel. He
boan*-ami «»iuld no l»>i;g.Y cYy. bur the i t,it
heiv toni<»TVw. 1 ani ear*
, e%il would not b.- driven away. Jt that he will come wam. 1 cannolgo.'*
« becanec Ibi'v bad U«n eu faitfa.. clnlobedutbir bercejy. Ay bvT ibooghtA ' ju ui luetaut tbe yontb wan at hie
fnl asd btonght a bbiuket iccorertbe, grew iTuin}>ed intolinetB>a mad tbont^t (ide. ■•Oh, Inil m’won't be a' bard
■till form that layAxaicatb tbeftgbt-. that reached ai high ak the aky and that like’e I - g.1 beck now I Selikee yo'kin
laid bold <if tbe ailcuce beldW.
■ mj nnietbin aa’ll cuiufiiri bor. Sbe'a
alng acamd m«.
lundiloreroi ber : graved feared, like a wild bird.
Tbia auaiu
Be wayebed beside her all tbe uigbt
A gurgle came in Mlkud t' nie.'boal God anice yo’ wri
his yenng bean ficnw with anger
■gntaat tbe one who had cauenl ber ber tbrtat. and a stream of warm blood tbar, an abe aaid he waa big an white
lugh be
te ole blonnt Hood. He'd take keer <>'
■oeh B"C"t-h When tbe light «f mtss•tlitl tye
1- an tb’ gran'then an th' ebUa be
* tbe di
oold. 'cante yo' aak«ri biin to.
10 the I
- ■---- --------I
nvik goes.
tdoed on iu dclioate lij*. Ey.iyihtag I t<r nor miwdouary. But von mu»t pnt
faded fpcm bL-r sight. Tbe light went u,p ponies in the Bb.ri aod let bie auy
ouu Waa it like thii to tbe pretty dwr; I outride nucil it ia day. Th«i if obe
He did not know what bo wrold hare
Aft'T a lime tbe light caiiic bade,
iatirfedand. fearlittle
latCT she
could lift b.T and added. The other v
link aUgU btf. fcbewaauotd.wd.Uun, ling more objection, baiitoned os.
like the d«r. It was not an well with j Whin tbe ptniei wsre ooriallcd. tbe
btraathai. Nothingwaileft to bw l>nl, .vnotb Urmighl a bUnkel for hu oomto go lan k into ber old. poor life, older : panion and. Wrapping himaelf in anutband potwer than' ever, ■rinev she knew I er. laid down at a little distance. did uot try to analyae hi
that it Wa* so. Njnhiiig but to Wilniot
bearing the eonimou fretting if Ibe emotious duringlbetawiicf ttaitnlgbi
meager days without teltertag. A thon-, Sympathy for U>e bol.l yonug heart
sand pitiful n.a-s woe wrung from ber [ wboae affection bad nmgbt binL ragtag
aonl. Sneh silly dehiaoda as were made 1 tadignatkm against tbe one who had
fitful, peevirii iduturbed the puuv of' tbcM>
upon luw!I Snch

■ folk
............................... bia
words aa ber pourtunihadufientobear!
a pity
Her apini, shswiA irmu tbe dreary out- away in iuru.
Tbe etmtal etara afacew ant drerbead.
The dnsk came on. Tbe oatline at They wooed hie tbongbu from tbe Un
trees and rocka grew riiarper at tbe gled* maae U-low to the band tbai could
Bumnit and beuame an tadiritact maM bold them <« tbeir lUent and migiittbelow. But abe waa not afraid. ,Sbt,
bad oft«i ahivenri at Imagined bearing i pity was like Uwt «f a father,
of tbe lawn.- alow Rwad and tbeateal-) "Oh, Ewwvl. linie flower?" be
Bnt thi^ bad . -Stanebdw. wanewbeire and at
tby spring <d Ibe ^th.
no lemir <iuo ta her nd. Diwtb in I time the wrougi of life will all ba


CravsHT kepi bis half pramiiv to
Wilmot for one day only.. Early tbe
nest memtogjie ariced tbe Cbinaman
for bmkfatlj^d nth r eating hasiily,
ifmo trigSTt weaken bis pur­
pose, be mmiDte.1 a p<iny aii.l wilb the
l.-iliiy Ckrnac of twuriK-s and puints bc-(
1 upiiu llie well known
His tlioDghU wep. swayiri I7 con­
flicting em.rinmi. Among them was
an|or loward Wiliiuit, which b« nuzsM
s sort of exTYUr fcracikm. He was
a boy that be Bbc.cld b* m taken to
. He tnniut to marry bis betrothed
at the aiipoiiiie.1 lime. He bud only a
few wi-eks in this wild place, aud
be bad not made good cm-nt tbe rime
CO .fill bis 'piatf'ilio It b.icwme him.
tb^ore. to be diligent
He did not ask himself why (hnnghts
of weak always led him irfrmedin*tiuo. “to bi-sure, beliad' to Wilmot llust bd- would make i»r.
more pictures of Her. tnitUf Wilm.1t
' '..all
1 he
bimaelf—<aie with that ststaly tun of
tbe tbioat like aa affrighted deer—uot
for exhibitiau. bUtforUs own atodio
Be did uot know bow Jong bo bad
ridden, bnt felt that be mast be near
tbe uonntBiu. He looked up to find bU
gaae abut in by an ImiKnetrablo mUiy
walk Then be became oouaeiaus «f the
tdiill that was <T«FpiBir over bim. but ho
be then-, and jiorb _


gitrwspn ani tbereeefcoadaTotaeta
Tbe worffB hita hardly oeamd,
it jjj,
aad.thBe were the word* it
yet too lalB toSH.O
mve the.
usti ebbing
WUU1« iI
I rode swiftly
up. .
go wiffi yo’ uywbera, b b*'a
Bis;Ups g^ white a. ^ fired aignal
gnalii ,aiptr Urta T« yo' otmiw ' Ooodby.
_ „______
and lo.iked______
s glam out ii
Ooodby. olebounl Hood,
into tbe clesirtunmiDK
cleartunmiDg tosee that aonma>
______ _____ iw. wi"
of bawmen in tbe bear distanoa,
beard and wen tumtag in tbe ri^
Be aturlcb'li gun into tbe ground and I Ttsi—Howdo you like that Boral X
faeteewd hU bandken-biof to it ta order . Bought you yeeterdaT?
tlut tbe ridera might not lose tbeir . Altaa—1 don't Uke it at aU. X te’>
way. Tbos be mobnted Bit harm and cate to fiuirii U.
todeaway. At the foot of a tall moon-1 Ton How mueb have you read? .. - teta upon who* .ride dong a vitw en-.
Allow—Una ebaptar.
wreathed but be paused and looked up i Tom—Tbmi you. reaUy bav«*t god
throogb tbe momtag fplendor which ; into Uia story. Ibe flntcbaptB'a B«itbe 'Twdiaut suromlto and 11^ « nn .f tatiodoottan.
touebed tbe hiddoi placoL op at the | AHoe—But tbe Arat dmpt.r im't tba
clouda and aenwa at tbe autunc. white ! -.aaJ’Te
read, and tbe bmoinedies. No:
mooauta. and as be iboked.^eart ]
may^take it hack.—Chicago Newa.



Thai Old leal
isrm\ber Maeli.. Bettor
Vonr toetb aib iu
about tbaaame shape. Youcun't
turn tbeiB o»et; but- we would
draw yanr attention u our 00mpleu line of Tooth Broahea—
10. IS. ro. -iS, »(i and SO eanto
eaeb-all. guarautoad.
Also a
tail >iM.. of Toalb Pewdata.
Paataa anA-Soapa. We are land­
ers ta Deatnl fcoppliea.


■ i


213 Front St

Baltimore Ktock Becelred Three Tlaiea a A'eek
Counts. 40c p«r quart
Standards, 30« per

Fleithei’s Opter Depot apd Restauraat.

A Few of ThemiLeft

Bewnfched tx«t<rclUTa^^>ral'dt(■
lSg atreaked tbe
be tucA tbe cup
Those pretty Solid Nickel Quadrople-Siiver Fl«te
fretn tbe epring and went into tbe paatnreand milked It fiflTof
giBt biwrth lighted.
Bilk which be bnngbt to Laual and
He ba.1 given the pony rein ai be had
paemid her to dAuk.
always done before, but now he notloed
“It'irmake yon aotaig.” be aaid.
with a sudden failure >if b«vt chat this
*’ao'a the gran'tben—they mna'n'
was not tbe pony be bad always ridden
on Um^ emndA Tbos? Indians were
t After repeated oigtaga abe diank* tbe
fools, every <aiF of tbno. Re bad lost
Bilk and. looking at him. tepeated,
tbe trail and was wandering be knew
**lbey tnni’n’ know." Then abe altaie
not whitber.
nod went slowly like an old woman loPrcsatlj a fine. drixxIingAia began.
waidtbebnt. . .
The old ftdk grumbled becanm tbty
j myihat it Ukdnotrained at tbatseai/ci
bad not returned tarlier. Laurel, alCHAPIEBIX.
< for more tbsb 40 year*. A rain at tl.i<
waya aihtit at tvyanacb. did not reply,
Bbetnost guback. Tbeyantwlywimld 1 Moniing canje and tnncbsd evety- lime thaadt leveru and maay ills, for it
Moneon Block.
while tbe yontb waa careful to appete betwlliug ber. She anw and U«an Ibe tbtag with splendor. Tbeyreaiberbear. u always Issiod dmiug many daya
tbam. Tbe boon fliri. Night came on. The
deaasi, hnt ber knees were weak and I bnt grew eoCt with pntple sbadowing.
And tbe kmg. empty day dragged oa. ber feel slipjad. It Was adiffienh tbyng :
•rbiob fell Atwdily.
buree of tba vine that ciamlMn-d
He pnwse.1 onward in tbe bopwof strik­
when one wm> stnasg and well, bol up tbe sie«>p jtiof tuuibifri ta tbe
-.. . .i;.j i-----------—.....i., Tnjr ^
ing tbe liri'lle path, but add. exhausted
, raAPT>3l
laurel went ahnnl iik»oue in e trance. leas abe was and h.iw sbert li>r bn-aib. whi.-b Wiliiioi bad O'd nnii.^-d bcf'irc. and bungry be ‘sank at lasi.upeai the
At nigfat abe sank
a laavy aleep gke.ulutcbtsl at t>M- btanebee as rite'bad Mill a f.-w blomoma op>n it. They gnmpd IsMiili- bis borse.
that wmiinned nolmioZ until mnentag wniT. and she wh» bad baudiy known . must luava- tmiiKsl b<r4or the trw“—riiu.

ig- rat
other. Anctber
fatigue must now te-i tiftm.
dadt-mlnai. laureL How mneb pivttiur
b.n^ wet. gray
There waa^o diiu^tr ..f losing tbe, tho sbcrtiY uame was!
Utbe Itailw aeemed cliaintsl. ber banda way. for wsV^- came ini.i each i-Jeiir | TUed'<ir.4 the pirturcaque old but
wwf taarr: she coaid boM nothing apol abe l.siksri uw simw m.ianiain oik iiM and Laurel .-ame slowly out. Tbeypkalded through tbe thii^ day.
ateadily. In the kftemnon aa she lame and gui.W.1 her
s> ibo marimT' Swruw bad na ber aa frrwt cuts a fiowIn with a jnicht? of waiiT trcmi tbe louks at bis a4arpiid\.akM mm id bis er. bb.- did not siv- Wilmot. but with
■prtag ber hand ebook so that a great wat)-ty ]uib.

‘ npllfltd eyce rim Shid ta a tender, bro
^ilasb went over tbe cbild'ii hme (v'l.
."laurvllI ’sbebisnL
’ sbe blank “iMBrtdf"
k* voior. as one would do a tulHiual
Tbe Furprianl shriek of Ibe mall voice
■tartftsi her and the pitcher elipiari from
................. ................
_ ... 'tioiri inomiu. pntty
ber luutd and broke spon the floor at tag au.l .■veiiii;g to tlte c hnidABudlu tW cloods. Good m.miu, ole klnout Hood.
bw fiel'.
I tij.nintaiii ix.ultl boritly find vinua to lu( swwi mtmin t’yoj.’.' And kbe kimed
*‘Ab. what be tb’
ter wid yo'. 1 buu k»M\v.wU- iv t.i tin.l h.r.
her haudA Then.'riweTing biT cyea. she
iMtei;-" said tbe g
notbiY. per-1 He .-ui...last, and when he took st««ri lor a little with lamed lioad—not
npun the ) her battita-fin-.v w.rv ri» oilil tliat tiny } as one awaiting a blearing, bnt as ooo
lied him.
bim. Iveauitig ni-m bis eboul- • wleise siiungtb had isx^iant; w
a bit color. 1 11 rud up tb’faonsa. Go d<T, rireTVscluri llir hni uud Mink upon j Out over Ibu dcMTt thee
ber Uri aij.l lai.l the whole night i
ta high ivticf againri the eky. like
laurel turned tlowly and went <«t. tbrongb wiibont «vvn trying to lift her wim.> gliateumg Bhraw bel.aigiug lu aufibe stood a few nHiiueiits iu hklf mi.-.iu- bwd./
otlMTun.l It fain rw.irld. WiUn.n twgan
ptrowtng em it nHuw bupi-lem and disidf'
mious iudensifui, then tmaose the trail
■ to mid. retumi linw, in tlii> j. yless,
iuri. Tl»e t.mrth nnwniiMibe tried to
tiut Ud.downwaiyl bad pgiiwu loo iauuCHAin'EB Tm.
lated lif. . her tine nature hini givi
nrge-tbe pony n> arii«. Imi after aertnl
« fnl sbcTjegan slowly to climb Ibe mouiitVilmot reii4!uized the' .Tomb who qitrii i-. ihew fairer objivi.. mid bad
aneni|rts it atmchfri out ito neck and
• Mtasidi-. Anguish was bvatlngbcrbe^ bad Ki-v»ri as pilot to thu.Tui^ and ! Wnsl ml« kinship .with ih.iu.
with «hips cd -steal, anil she bail nut blinw lf (in lliat mrnionble inomitlg.l fche tuttnd and caw biui. but she did wonld no longer riTUgglo. He bad to
be.11 abb III cry out.. She mastim pdim tbongh the time was pniiiator. ]y auxf^^tKH sUri nr ireuillc aaliebad I.wmL leave it. When this wn-t.-lHil rain was
no .41. wKiilil biur and wbwe, ff^a ions uni U>a eyes w. rv wide and iu-rM>T‘^«nl,v luokcd at him .-iilnilr with a ov>T. it would ariM., no doubt, and find
its twu way hack.
ailil a iinrt:
. truviiiit.l III tiarani. rile qmild t^koby
Hoar afuw boor ^ Willed leward.
grief ulgud in>tvud of. giving it siltsf^
Be did not ap“What ba fh* matter:-" be criod.
Travbbse Cm, Mich, Sept. 16tb, 1B97.
». lUisDm.
• bailie m bci,
‘‘lamn'l h.-T wutrti an Imt be I pruacb
I gn-.-tiug, bnt
Sbe S.0I..1
doan’ come. .\u she gut m> wilu wid !^iteo eaine i.lmvl.v toward him.
fear that he be silk that I coitiiil here * "Wiiy di.iu’ vo' .nine back’slid o* 1
Dea« 8ib;—I take pleasora in ataliog that one of yonr papik,
IS abu w.tit higbtT f
w id bdr oce uigbu An rite h-f ina>ont i tb' <dh:r mi:-" 'ebeaskiri.
' great
Tin- imiaiti.iicr an.l snuiu made his ' Mi«M firoiv.^
nor and in-an. Tbi-lainr
in my employ as dlerk, office girl|asd stoDObrain nvl. H.< ■auk ujsitMlir jntmud >n
died togetht-r by pnieny of arvil.
They : An wb.-n I comtritoriM] ha<ta' nikhe
oail.nt.aiid tli. y watfbed bv «r- Sol lef’ th' Ire^ts an went an faun hiT | "Why diiUi' yo' cunw?" aba repeatod beavy t-xhaoriimi. A dark abj«ri lay urapber for about one year. She was « rapid writer of dictations and him. He amse aud tried to apEb. «m.d (.. i..,k W-k. Tb. .wj- -lottei tbruo lb' buabi-Kat him an a girl | iu tbe Haui.- slow miandnaa.
a very ready and rorrect rasder of her notes. Having bad in my of
rilobjte had fnme .nit of the sky. and bar aettin wid btr arm ruua ,hia Qck. An, His h.-ur: gr<-whi«vy with tendermW pnacb it ceutiomly. but. ouable lon­
gradnates from other schooU I am free to sgy yodr methods
' betavedmonuiata. m-m- she guv a Icrtle grcaoiiu cry an fell and wiib Mnu.'iliuig which bkil ln««i ger to guide bia funtoteiai In- riumbled , fioe
ed. far away. Everything w;i. falling down. An I be f«>red4bey’dfin bar. B>i gruW-iug
l<.r many wo-ks.
P‘^P“^to *ny- ’
1I drag her'way.
bcY'way. fcli
fcbs didn'wake up all
"I have.niiH-now. ’ boauswered. *'I and gav
Ui> atTctf'biri out his band. Could it
Yonre Very Truly,
' Kmcfaed beyupd
th' way bom. bat 1hiT eycii
WUK open. I am KOiy that 1 did not come before.- 1
Bbewenl ua'npwawl. and her tlm
An riie gm-s 'round m> atill—like a iRaid away be<au«-LT, w
waa not wiae uid be tbc^puuy be bad left boon befrre?
Iwgui to take on diatta.-t f.fftu.
■bra': Come laok wid me. fcbc liked . did not knuwwbalii
it wru best to do. With one dtoperate effort of bis «wiftly
ebbing strength be made oouviotion
miug <4 IboM-two'uj
tbe fear that had banuied farr 1
heart! me 1 will bring my sister, a dear. ta»r sure by findtag tbe knot ta the bridle
girl, to ace y.m. and sb« and X wUl tak rein which be bad handled nerronaly
Utnmgb that dag. She- n-men.U-nd ' grcwln-avier. ,He aat down
Tbatose Cm, Mice, Smpt. 14,1897,
during the drutdfol boun of that fliat
T going that nei.....................................
. ,.......
you away,. and you
y u ashall be with n
ditodful day.
:"tb’ tall
Mil un" about 6.
; and pot'one big ann around him. Grief ’ wat»—if you will.”
I tAkf plMsore in recommending Mr. Dockemy’e eelmol io uiy
Great facaTcnst Re had gcee ta a cir­
Why didn'be
e’stid o' th’otb : makes etrange cuanradm. Tbe boyUb I ^be clasped ber hands .tightly lopernon
work, nnd do not keeitete to my tbnt
uni.'--’rito wuiM uuooamcioori.T. "H.- b.urt lenu.d against the big. true bean-^getfaer.
^ 'a' tkoa aoch a way
way. be ___________
«d uum and______________
was cn»nfAsi»ri _____
would ; "1 bavc come J^my that to you." ha
Mr. Doekermy ii nn eicellent iontmetor. 1 nttkndod hit kchool thieo
I aaid. “P-sgive
ter nut having
and made such tigrkneai'iu his aonl that montlin end oonej^t tbe time weU epeat.
u longtime Aeatood as one be-80 b* « and patiratlyJ
-- ------------A _ did
A.A ----------------.
. Wildtjvd.^Her
thought had lo« itself.
Bnt aa tba other
-i, butts f sUy hera," rite bM. be grew mad. and, 0vtag a great cry,
and eh. ewavTd lack and forth Uke one 1
waiting bo*tawJ»*d tbe band ••Kr«mhlng buna.” 8be tnmnl away, •wooutd away.
berid.. h.TM
. ...
if. Then tbuugbt took up ; »P«> I’i.* rinmldw.
Hp wailed pnticiiUy. PramoLlv riM lift­
Btjikce we’d better go." be mid.
tto uId thread .4 surrew and went cai.
ed her eym again to Ks ta^, fcoouThe ailetit boun pamed. They made
Then Wilmut's bdphmnem flaabei thing ta his look mcUfdiHT. Sbbtbrew tbrnnselves into night and tarn day aud
Sbe rciiu-iiile-red her surpriae when the
fgb.r.die came ahme aft« a few daya orrr bim. "Hy dtar foUuw."be an- btoself down nproi tb^ mum covered log into aigbt again. Ibe nnlookad to
•nd ihr gladis-M. liuit grew at the saw ea.wd. "my going will not help you.
ibishvt and •*'------^------dawn was rising aefUy on alow Vtaga
him ofteu chujtmg the atiTT and knew I'U uaagrairi a duotor to visit your
when be arouaed hlmselt.
OaUOTwiitofbrlturtharlnroniiAU.mta \
•hmbuLliiuUd it bwnun Bbewaatbtrw lamrel lumormw.'
•'Itwaaadraam."beMid. "Heloi.
Afterward came tlie luug. emp^.dayi ' Bnt tbe y.vth wept arm tbe band be 1—1 want t' go."
my Letrotbtd. 1 have come back to you.
orIte before the cotutag of these two bad
toward* the dear lam atained with tbeeartblyllfe. lam
Tbmi Wilmot n
Mt been worth the naming, and since ■7 word until Wilmot promieed.
of' tbe but. aud meeting tbe "gran'- not worth yonr taking, but your tauoIt waa tba wuric of a few nMmeBM to tben" toU tbe whole atcry ta simplert ow>B will make me true. We will go
ha aameno mon- bad gro« n to be woew>
IkW Btmelem—tbe long days when, aa go to his room and tumble the bed; to language and b^ged fttxn iben gbeir awsy .togetfaM. dear, and I will teach
te hHiud to him. abe BW <m)y tbe write a blind note u McAlvord and 1st
you tofaellere ta ma. Intusgo. Where
ted tetri etmcbfd out, ao old and it on tbe breakfaet Mbia. and after that
"Wa (wn't -git long aobow Ifaottt b your hand? It b growing dark. Why
ID get a peny fntn tba Itag sMUee and Inurid." fruited the BBMtate.
did 1 bring yoa out Into tbbdrtodful




Get One Before They are All Gone.

F. A. EARL, Jeweler,





Traverse City Business College?

Many have’done so and are glad to adviae.
othera to do the same.










TBS KUBBlfra aSOOBD, 8tTHDS.Y. JABBABY 88. 1898.

CURREXCY REnSION.i the curse of slavery.
to vwbto IB th* to
mt »B«b«TS ItoPOT.
Tb« prttoim ScprwMQiKiB tbs ootton
Koodi BBrket, n far bs U ,ii dos to
tbe dscline in csottob.
«hto b IB Um WIthThBtrrMi ThtaiMB.
If a Btriltliia illartratlcn
tta« evili pt
! B low ataodard of life and of tbe in[ abUit7 0} fre*
nsaterial and free '
Vi» MjMbIbIb tim CMS a«B.rT».
' tradeoo build «p ioterxtate iwodDCtioe
rbso U>a« ti
U a:
a serlipos dtffsnuwe in
---------tbe Btandardf uf life. Of coiuss it 1« inootogres aomaio rlaa*
"***"'*® ■ pntoiljle and-ttsdefinble lomaketMeo.lltm «d pr.ton
.iM ua,
U.; ,
»WI,. *.U™. Ua. U».aal.l«™io. .
■waa boabd to prewat a-plan for tbe ^ 1 bm tbe fact ibat tbe iwrtbeni cotton in­
form of the cnrrettce. toil cmlj beranM ' doatrj ie dcpnwiml aiuatig ulber reaaofu
«Kb reform woi demanded ttj ^be bnai- \ on aoeonnt cd the low auntdard of life
BMi, {ntercsta. boi BN well beeante tbe!*>>d wagea in tbe aooib. dne to tbe
fispnliiiean {wnr bad pataiclj- plidgcd ! beredii; of elaec^. agaiiiFt which pro
<»tinot be ioToked other than by
.^Itari!If to nch reform if focoMfal in Ibe S
of I^TTic^
/ munpXb
aid of life, abonawbat prolecticmiata
mm PBrtainn i» nndoobtedlyexpraabrej • ’
--rhilehiKhnaof tbe btniseMf HWtimtait of tbe ootm-1 tif^ial Mali
^e^ire tariff
tiy. bat tbe Bepublicau party bar nerer' protecUuu asainK IOW0 nbti^ «and.pledfpd itaclf to reform the
tbe enmwey at
at' arda
‘ rariaiio in domealic
niaterial and free Trade
Ume. ItoiJlydccbmd
It only decland that
Ibat oor »ara* where free
la cturniL-T ehunld be kept at parity. peoMarily prerail moat be cored by
Tbat waa nmply tn my tbat tbe cur­ edooatlcto and tbe dovelopmoot of a
rency aboald be kept at tbe rating it boiDogeaeatui inople. .
haa boniFjnmv Janoary. is;i*. Tbe re- , Tbe aooibt
anmptiaa of apwie paymettja at that | edoralUn gars tbe aontbem
timo bruogbi all of our corrency to par- : wbai they oslkd "the big head.’* and
ity with goJd. Tbe regaaptiao act waa I Ibe ariatoenc hatea any mas ririlixafooghl through rad enacted againat the lion that enrrim growth of aoclal am- |
l^ieallynminituonaoppoMtinnofthe biii» amrag tbe j^in peoplo Bence
to It wa. inopomd tbe Kepublicana 1^ progfeaaiw Demotrau in the wiatb have nqted (be im________,_____________ ............... .
portance of expanding isdaMrial. aocial
idrau The iwrty pledgol lumaiu- and idncatictoal ambltiou anddidcipllne j
tain the twriiT u( tlie-corn-DcTfn'Ui tbe in ih«i aooth. Capital maks \ grave j
tocraent it enacted that law They re- tniateke In Wing it* hope* on tbe oon-1


Bnt in Tifn-.if (h«v.g<ii<'r
btndnea* men ilie prriddi u

Th.- HuDtb i. Itockward bnt not atag-1

i ^
| (#
I (•

Lying off a abort dlaunce with onr
boBia we attempted to open a |wrl<7 wllb^
an.ainii]' of liariairiaiia « bu croadtd down'
CO the bcarb. aruxd with aairhibBtoDd , ^
lareliOB. Their tbraalenlag gmiureB B. 1
tlMj brBndUb»d'lbrirwiap..o.Bdjaooia»ed 1
i» of wh»l we tulBht expe« ahould wo bI- ,

.... -—‘-ory. BPi!

There’s Nothing
Quite as Cosy

11 llitic
T tOB aafur dia- ,

"I don't llketatglre A npwitboi
be mid
be kwk iba lltUe leicacoix.- fn
utxhr the Mem nhnta and brought. It up
to hl« eye. "A* fur old J»rk. be lulgbt
wo^out htoow|i aalratkili few augbt 1
Ha!" be exclaiuird. with a aiKldeti
ilKhllDK up of hlafaoo. ('Tbf
tdb'i landad.
tbe taco are 'ditAmed c
the Ibmd of U."
There’, the
Ing much larger than tbe ordlA bulldini
nary but* uf the village Mood a abert dlt-

and homelike as a nieely hirnished parlor. We have
a fine line of Parlor Suits, Odd Ackers, Over Stuffed Book­
ers, Leather Bookers and a fine line of Conches from $4.00
up to a fine leather. A nice line of Beoeptio^ Chairs in fancy
WiHow and Upholster^
You have no idea how cheaply you can furnish a nice
Utile parlor with nice comfortable furniture until you call
and look over my stock.

n abirld or Urget.
pyglaM thto
thto wa..
wa* a
«like a lltUe pile of «wtwd '
the Mavra, and we al’olm- dlriiwi that It
had born "■h.nkod"
"■hinkcd" for Uw mkoof
iem bi*»i». ib«' only |iort lituly
valoed by Uawe barbariana
Ibr bund
b« notin.l thr llltic
lo Ibu buola Ala
K-veral wen r
it and ewny It Lnaldu tbe building
But aa tl.r) iij.-ned the dour for tbat purpoae a Bkuiv pu.i>rd b.v them and darted
Into tb.
apace wllb a luud cry and
(raoMu givouruK.
"Buy Bill:" aald half a doniD voKea
He wae nvv«i)»>d at a glaticu. TVe had
no Uuubl that Sullivan waa alao Inilde.
though be pntiahlT n-iuaJnud there at hie
own dndre Tbe boy plainly ebowed hie
Mtoprauil joinbU

J. W. Slater’s House Ftfruishiug Store,




-1 .


. _____

TraTeree City, Hich.

128-lSa Front Street


nnrf adrauccd.
be nnliflM
n{difted end
capital will premote iu-own proapesity
by aecking ii> advancu tbe aodal amhi- i
gold a^in drplrliou byi^n-rtiUlive .. tiun ut the e'mtburn b
llie prvwctatiiJJ c( grow-: ibte.) Joorual.
mlatoM.- He baked !
----treaniry a« would'
frotert tbe gold rewjrve
- by
iwU replceilfbing witbont reaort to lbj>
tale of bondiL ThU wa» met wilb the I
hi* wile'
criUcUm that it did not go far enough, j Tbe deciviun jmt annonnoed to raiw
- and it waa imputed Iq. tbe prt*iditit that tbe wage*'* tbo.tbi>usandi employed in end. It would nevur du lo eacriller life Id
'' belscki>d tbe runngc of biatxaiTirtiatu. thl- PiWidaMe wonded mill* i* anotber making an attack upon Uwau |w^eat
cime guaru-ra, and rrlucnuiily tb<- order
Tbe enlDclrm reply to tbia ttnaeuenoi j gratifying eyident*- of the improrement •raeglveb to Weigh the grapn.-U and poU .
criticinii »rooW have been tbat the par- j in baaineaa ll iudi<-at4« that the Bbude aaay fur our *btpii!_lhe offing.
ty of the critic« bed publicly declirvd j maunfatiutvni Bdu ntoMHi u. beWe had hardly made a half doxen dip*
(bat Ui> R-ririou of the curreticy Uwa liwe that they cam coutinoc to market of tbo .are when Ibe crack of a tiiu.k.-t
wa* beard and a hall struck in the wauv
woold be favored tiy it* mewb<-i> in cun- their prodncia
iiitfaeooet near ua Yell, of derl*l<u> roae on the air
ll^ fibieiiecretary Uage * eren afu-r a material
tbcwlinlo pupulaltuo, and the dea■ I ....
id _—.,
labor, —______
fur eoch step a<a general
prvado >ullivan, swinging a mukkA aktfL
a tborongb revi<icoi of tbe cnrrency iadvanew of wagaw fat bauds said
joined In Uiu Inaultlng vtj of deflaoce.

nnmtwr about 20.000 i* not taken with- I'en had on tb.’ roof of Ilia council bouiw
laws and- a rntwener embudymg
change* which hud bevei declared nccr- ' oM anxiiiu* cuunderatiioi of tbe ''undi- he had flrvd iho *bnl at tu a* avu*M be
aary 1iy vaTiniii Uvtnorratic editor* at I liunii likely to goveni tbe market for mw wo bad alaoilomd our uqdcrtaklOK
on'iorrforiiKiiitbK Did th« »e.*eir*tTi I material* and fie* prudociA ,
Tbe Iwy Bill vva* nol tu U- ««n
"Ltt'aatand In with Ibe ahlp and give
loMora lutfi tbe prtiff.e of li.-cr.-ury
During lb.- lart fooi niuuib* tbu mill*
<iage with the ap{>roTal that dinuld j have been Irving
efleci of the new tbemarimt fmru tbe big gun,” aakl Ibe
mate. "WeitoB.tla It *afo coougb. sir.
bare followed u>mpliaiK>- with their i uriff under circnmripuiva. knerwn
n-Ite-m? only i.-miicBaty. Large imiwrtatiao*
pwti pnfwrlptioa*
prwrriptioa* for cnm-n-T
••I will dn it." trttinwd. Captain WL.Thty
They didnot. cm
tm the
tbe contrary, uueof i gu’d* lu adranci-crf that Uiriff bad Kup- ODX, "01.11 if I b-«- tbi- •«!. • Bull ahead ,
II- {wri III
the lu-ieT
ul the market npiai and let **g.-i
lu-iet ntg.’ui
ntg.'ui of the
ihe denumdanu lor, pli.-d for a tinuget ol*wnl Mure ibe brvero diei
ii e.iir jie<Nloc<TB
rabh reform met the pniff.r »iih. *'1< ; which ihe dom.y.iir
»<n1occtb n-ly.
n ly' It
va.«* TbcH-..ViU.lfvl"’
hatdoobilew- iu(.-re»i>-<laiidamtiM-dMr. ' may pt-rhap* la- lol.-m-d that aiaonfarlb«"liJcguri’'itT which the tnatcepi'ke
Oage to prew-ui bi* t-uiTeucy plan to ] turtTa Imd that ibe luruign sopplin of wo* U(-rel.v BO c>Jil-»lx imunder which
ooogre**. but ar tiH-re i«ti<il lh>-reninte*C I nch gocxla a* lliev jarxlnn. arc well cfiild uDly' lie rtI.-.-iln> at |>r.-tty ebort
chance of tbe adoption of that plan it i nigh exiiansi.v) and have leauird frum mogc. It Wiui or.ixa.ry t.i-apimai h very
the land, put (nvunil with a line
Lf hardly u.-mMtry to dikooM it."
four months'exiHTiptio. that they can near
workiOR l>n««’W.' v«-mu.-d to tviii the
compile with ««*,•«» bereaflcr. in »pitg rUk Th<- nsilvia io»k tie- alnriu a* tli.-y
of probable flucttmiioux in the coat of HIW the ship Irt.-ndlly holdirig her way alCUM (bat or any •
-ial rad a dcUnit.- incrcaw in tbe D»»l n> Ibe outer JiniU nf (Iw msf. aodreform? Situply lacaBM.- the Dv-mutran
if Ubor.—N.-w York Ttibone.
wb.-o her bruadddr awuna Yo hrwr U|.oa
in ooagteM are almoet to a man agaloirt
the bnwb and Uu- word wa* given lo. Urc
any leform of the cmrency. aa tbia rad |
all oth.T Democratic .’Title* are w.-ll I by (hr Pre*l«Mt and PaMy Plv^aa. not a buiuao bdog Wan to Ik wien.
Tb.’ gun wa* traliH’d aa accurately aa
aware. We cramA get aneb a plan
Tba Bcpnhliera party ia in poww wc koewWw .upon tbe larm- liullding. and
thpongb th}- iwDBle becanoe tbe Eepob- pledged aa macb to rtndvt thvdegrads- the mate ap|> Ux- mweb. grinding bU
licana cannm cnurrol the vote of that___
- bvth a* be did an. Aa lu *harp m>orl died
of Ibe.......................
pD%li( civil ..........._
armce ba to rebody and bewu*.-. With two eiceptkm*, j
ij,e degradaiiut.
of ibu money.of ibe
of yell* (ucemednadai
every Dtanocrat in that body i» not only ’
]|. character a* a party ix as
a free River bat a gn-cuhai'k fiat OKOit-y
qoi caw- aa in Ibn
,jnBD. A lovely iBirty tbat in rritiuiw'i ctin-r. lu bope'of mcnaa in uffioc re»bi
rvvhi.m fruiii varlou* .,unr- anylbiiigin tbe nature of imaiiiv!
aniv: aho
. npcai
,be l>otH*t
l>utH«t fulfillmeDl
falfillmcoi of U.hanert
u*haDr*t i ai-rt<al*uan.-n
l( reaH-ctiiiK I^iii
1.1 <bi not at I obliiatioua It* pn>id<iut .ume* m iha < itb g-Mumauf and eupplkat;
all iimu* and in all idaco*
LJu’iiotcutritl’ \i w-ratctvwitiioni
w-rateb. witbont niueiiuig.
"Jctod upAgnIn ciaick!" aald Mi
>t only
dae their d«n |Brty lack m-t
I tiiW t^ tb. *up}HHt .d hi* |omy? Can I hm
-m.*. now Uioroiighly'excited
oonrageof their enovictirm*. hot wimc- j hun^rty r-foi, him »op|>un withutit
lunl ‘ mitbillh’- iniiilKK>ai.d thau b et>mt th.<r
Ihiug y.-^iaotT’ imi»inauj.-^rhila<ici- uuknig «hiin(VT.i-k of itwlf and of iu tmr* (bat time 1 know I ran wc ih.’ bolr
pbia North Aumiiau.
u}ipon unity'r- 'Wahhiugton f^turdnd.l | lu the t>p>«d»<le of tiir bou.*'.
Bill llh'tv wa- uu nml to lliv ogalD. A i i
il v.
vtllh Ibe I.OV mil In I
group it”W api’.-onil
A WaMe of Tloic. '
p hi
him down to live wa- j
*. tbi-c iiu r. hmrylug
. A™™.oll|-Po,.»ij«n»...W. ot;,...__________________________
•t Ifrantic MgiiaN w.Te ,_
“ i t.T*ld.-. and Ibe mu»t
Barlag TWato Abraad TMim Mm •r Awag.. cxtogreiu-i* anou tu b-held for lltt- purinviting coujrouulcatlon Aivolb.T
AnolbiT I

----------I tmaeuf det.-rmiiring ibcir aititade on yn.up tvon-the body of tbe wouudrd man. ^
.. A aiatpr fibip of the Hr. Faol. the City { pablii- 4|iu-a(iuua Tbi* e>«ui* like
and the wumeo and children f.irmrd In ^
of Paria
waa built acrnM<bc(to».and * gnn.ii>«aT7 wa*te of time* *inoeit ie ' tlie lou-kgruuiid «f tb<- picture nnemg the ,
the m«K-T
anioog the alw.iv - a aafr prtilictkei that Ihi* rlao* c*’* p’lnv* with niiralwti hamil and ,
___________________________ - -

:.l____ r .Ui.

4snk Raillran
tb« bor BUI wars
niMng fram tbe ship Good Iptotit oos
nxtruinc in tbe KacISo aesan. '
••1 nuA do mr btot to itot Blit back
aBBlO." BBtd the mau. "Of nnine U>«7
Mnrted fiir TafWell'e IdBOd. and It was to>
uuuotb la« nlafai thatrebancewafcood
to ratrb tL I onl7 bo{w. firtbe boji'e aBke.
tbat tfac old tab baao't Ulriied tonle with




Real Estate
Fire Insurance.


Money to Loan!

Become Chapped or Rough asd Red from =
any cause, use Carnation Cream., It will ^
make them soft and white.

■ _ i


Improved Yarns and
City Property.

all thlNWv well Uiattli>Ueof'’4l^riral’
gidixed *bip> mn be toilt ootFida Ibt-ir
(iwn rhipyard*.' Dot tbe emptoyiwt of
kw-iiiug iifTiome
bouie worker* and tb.- kn-jiiug
nionev among imr own tiniple i* bat a
part of'ibe iKto-fit tt'hen the civil war
broke out ID ibOI. onr m.-rclirat inarine
wa* of more tonnage ifcan that of gny
otbur c*ntTv.
country. Tbo
*liip* Ihad oU U*n
bgilt ill thl- Cniicd

*uo.livtily the fopulut ‘f
g,, ,h,. Uo.dinu plaA-. wa«d with 1
i | u 4,1*1. and Ibi* i* m true of tbt- kvyr- ^
,, „„ pi^rut. iuid our ,
age rt-Iurm cuogr.-ahnian that be aenEily i
inanugee. to get lu hi* ov»u way brfore - wii-Iruariilv g

naiiv,-.. lay Uir laoly of Jack ri.tIUlou, hi* , ,
la>v u}gurrK»l u> the blaxlng tropl.-al eun. ,

--------------------------•1* be bddly bun?" demaiKled Uw male ,
PiaMer ra tb. Mabia.
■•He.Hl.Mr." anawerwl tbe boy. "Tbe ,
v if arery cwner of a btirae. cow «f' banVtru^k btra fdil in lix-bead.
; chi' ken really knew (be valoo of land ;
laid 1
We've noiiiur to low ifUb Ibcahlpeo.,
7 ato
bandy rad that it 1 clo«e into tbi- rvitk*. and tbey
ar welopme ,
m had ample abipverderad dtKika. the 'niuf it —--------„---------.........................

find M.aiiirir w.i- imiU in 00 dayA and would be ejirinkled iu tbe nable* every 1 *« bl. body If
captain oboiAi BlH'a band, with a ^,
3 i* cleaned I
d we had tbe moot
rtaug .after the n
when the wgr i-luwd
1 bU .ye. wboo ha atood-ooeo more ',
n tbe world. Buying
■I'bi* will largely
gely (oweDi Are fang
Ha •
forvign *bip> nut only drain* a country and prvM-rve all plant food that ii iu
of mom/, hot leave* aurnltlvated the ] the maiinn-. Plaxler ebuald aiway* i« ^ g,vo reiu^-och him. but »d» him
•'eve* audbMi<l*of Dpniple. Ut ^rm und ptuikled aroandaU tuirM tbat owaih’uiglua.
tbi* i* but an .jld argument, bnt i^ are kept in the name baildiog with ttua 1 The,b had not been laarupon hlm^
maaler hiiuaeir. and
... |
•uem* tojcckhary to i. (Mit it very tdtem cMTuigt to aboorb tbe ammonia, a* thla Bov Bill U now a ohlp
to the AnK-riiwn people.—Salt Lake ga* is detritnental to the paint, and ita thl* rakli adventure of bl* boy,hood an-ui* I ^
abeoiition kwp. (be boilding ■jraat— aliiuat like a diuiiu to him.—New York ;

American Oardraing.
Caaaat OverlOak’thr F
Tbe men ratling tbcniM-lvca Bepnbliotlaa
Pig Iran.
ail, who are now kitting up all nigbt at
The prodoctiem of pig iron be* now
vWilngtoo devihing wuy* rad luran*
Kiredaed to tb<- maximam rate that baa
lo beat M>e civil aervice-refimi law ap­
ootinny. Tbe
irch, «Ith a mtlo drapoCT. I* ■ great
parently have fragotien tbat there i* an
-ov.i>K-Bt u..^-4ialli5y- All •«>.•
ntwtacle In the way—a rety aariotu i.b- Iron Age'* monthly report of cavity
Iwork CAD Pb minted a pale gnwa ami
Otaclto an ohMtod# which they cannot of ftmutoea ifi blart given a weekly cae
iMosibly reiDOvts. Tbe name of the ub- nacitv of *26.0*4 groa* tun*. ’ftiU-O®- tlwduureand riall* aa OvOry tint. The
•tain >bould have a torn ooua broireU
atacle li WUllam MdKibtay. McKinley rvspude tu an annoal ptudaotlon of rarprt. and tbeWlI could be uovered with
ll.T60.0Qp gtra*
groaa tuna
bJ-i-r-cx-jrt.bywmmptewidhyactiQnhaa onr ll.160.0Qp
dark red lliiub-mu, with a good rag war
deiijoiiatr.iied (bat be ta an .tmcompro”
(be center.—Extbange. a ,
Uifiiig ffteiid of dvTl aarriee refmm.
Amowmb oud-re ta a
U t... .uoom-rof tberefonn Aosld aaoWhan the propoaala were opened rely hii.r pn«di,i,- chanet to^gatting a «raUy for a bridp” owr the Ymri riw
^■HilKiiijtetNigb.Wia.r-nUtiog tbe oririltiff ia Holland. ibeiewHa bid by
bees «obu«y making'oaUe all day
would nut b.’ worth (be papor it wax fram tbe PeDooyd Iron worfca tn
OB. rinra.tN imidrat PbUadulpbia. Tbe total
IVrfaet lady - CalUag
hta^Oe vrio.— yiAbOa AU tbe
"Carii!” 1 |neuma.-Iadlaaa(«U* Jour-


I Beadle BuUding.


-Phone iS.







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The Morning Record, January 23, 1898 · TADL Local History Collection (2024)


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.