The Birmingham News from Birmingham, Alabama (2024)

THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1539 BIRMINGHAM NEWS if The South's Greatest Newspaper if TWENTY-SEVEN 1 orw WWW VWWW Spare Rooms Are Renting Call A Rent Ad To 3-0242 This Ad MERCHANDISE REAL EST'E FOR RENT REAL EST'E FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS APARTMENTS 74 HOUSES FOR SALE 94 I "HOME-GROWN" GOWNS RALEIGH, N. C. () One hun-dred and fifteen college girls will model "home-grown" gowns of their own making at N. C. State Colleges twelfth annual fashion show, April 20.

The girls, home economics stu-I dents at nine colleges of the state, are busy designing and stitchig the apparel out of cloth manufac-1 tured by State College Textile School students from raw cotton grown by agriculture students. REYDONIA Wnere nice people enjoy liv I U3H HILLS mg moderately year after year. 4 rmv, closets, screened porch, garage. 3-1441. i 2-STORY BRiCK WEST END APTS Steam neated.

some I furnished; Frigidaire; will show in day-tme only. 135 Princeton Ave. A BARGAIN, $5,500 59 SEWING MACHINES OILED INSPECTED ADJUSTED Tuned up by factory trained mechanics on any make machine, fti.00. WHITE A DOMESTIC AGENCY PI2ITZ SECOND FLOOR FIRST CLASS upholstering, FAJ RV I EW-Address 2 or 3 connect-ing front rooms, private entrance, fights, water, phone. Reasonable.

An exceptionally fine home for the home- seeker that will act promptly. Extremely design and arrangement. Large 'ommunity Houses In City Make Arrangements For Special Programs Special I monthly payment plan. 4 im mem. 3 brSomi.

In, m.ST 3-5702. Work guaranteed. 1 30 00 Du ''rv' Exclusive Furniture Shoppe. stephenSON apt 1M61j n. 29)h SSt TSKwX 7 G- refrigerator, 6 cu.

new 49 pri; $37 SO on Available Close to school, car line. etc. Terms, rea- I model. $154.50. The Evans 172 a.1 7-0244.

Open evenings. DUtleT R. E. IDS. Co.

onablt cah payment. tht balance monthly Lr' T'1. Call today. HAMILTON PERKINS. Res.

2-1556 Office Proves the for Rooms Demand in the dr 7-0201. MACHINERY AND TOOLS 61 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILESFOR SAIJn 1936 CHEVROLET Sport coupe, original black finish, tire mounted on side, radio and heater, new tires, driven only 23.000 miles. $395. Call Freeman. 7-1151.

'36 OLDS 6-cyi. coupe, heater, privately owned. Sacrifice price for straight sate- I 7-8675. '36 CHEVROLET Std. town sedan, good tires and motor, seat cover, clean, $375.

Call Deerr. 7-2144. $65 Down, $13.55 Monthly 1932 PONTIAC SEDAN, new finish and tires. If interested in a good car at a bargain dont pass this one up. AL DeMENT 3205 N.

27th St. 4-21Q4 '36 Cnevroiet fKd. 2-door new tire, reconditioned motor, seat covers, excep tonally clean, $325. 7-2169 1937 BUICK 4-door sedan, looks like new. excellent mechanical condition, driver less than 20.000 mites by original owner has radio, heater.

2 spares and white sfde wall tires. This car taken in or. debt. Owner has no use for car and will sacrifice. Terms and will take older car in trade.

Car stored at Hertz Drive-Your-Self Station, 2020 5th N. Call 7-8144. 'bb Chevrolet Std. town sedan. trunk, near new in appearance and performance Wood Chev.

Co. 3-8256. S98 Down, $20.84 Monthly 1935 DODGE SEDAN, new robin egg blue finish, recqftditioned motor. Excellent tires. Ideal famiy car.

AL DeMENT 3205 27th St. 4-2 104 USEO CARS $95 AND UP. A Good deal depends on the Dealer" DRENNEN MOTOR CAR COMPANY APARTMENTS I W. B. LEEDY CO.

BOILERS, hoists, air-compressors, rotary WALNilT none screens, and oiher mine, mill equipment. I Z7U -VI. vvi.e. ciifvs i I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 cuui yii'vii. Western Section 1500 Walnut CAN SELL YOUR REAL ESTATe'aNY wwn Cdlmlfl ANY I A AGE IPMENT CO Si I JOY to own a home so per month attractively decorated.

Bungalow large inviting porch; large Expect every home advantage location and Improvements to self NOW. Monthly as low Jefferson Mortgage I STEAM ENGINE. 75 H. ERIE CITY MELBA APTS. 1905 14th Ave Th AUTOMATIC.

COMPLETE. CONDITION best bargain in the city. For only $27 50 NEW. Living room. bedroom.

dining alcove. EMPIRE SALVAGE A EQUIPMENT CO. kitchen, steam heat, hardwood floors. 1240 8th N. 7-3850 shades, gas stove, hot and cold water! sssrzp Small front porch.

Apt. No. 5 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 62 luolow COURT 37 s. 19th st. east lake with eight rooms.

of plan; at a price 74 1074 -Reconditioned 5-room bun- The lady who inserted this small UNFURNISHED ROOM AD reported results plus many, many personal calls. No phone number was used, proving prospects were especially interested. If you have a desirable room in this section, a News-Age-Herald ad will bring you a renter and extra cash. BEAUTIFUL Spinet exactly like apartment building is conveniently I galow. large lot.

some fruit. One block new ud as SnstS can boiioht loca'a 1 Flve and ha car- Small down payment. 19.00 at iedT-rf 1 5-room apartment with 2 Mr- Wood. 3-1231 Ret. 34324.

Seal. Piano Co. 172, 3rd Ave Je XZL'VSJT 7, I separate dining com and kitchen, front USED piano, small size, good condition and rear entrances. Furnished or unfur and tuned. $37.50.

A real bargain. 8332 nished. $42 50 and $50 i 4th Avenue. South, CALL RENTAL 7-0281 pianos tuned i Jackson Sec. Inv.

Co. Have your piano tuned by an expert. It cost no more. Call E. E.

Forbes A sn Ground Floor Jackson Bldg. i Piano 3-4154. 403 N. 20th St. Spain," She started one of the earliest Hollywood gossip columns.

Famed as a beauty, she had posed for war-time posters. The couple's two sons. Edward, Jr Transcontinental Western Air employe at Newark. N. and Jack, a student at Washington and Lee I University.

Lexington. boarded planes for California when informed of Mrs. Doherty's death. LEGAL NOTICES I U. 8.

ENGINEER OFFICE, MOBILE, ALA. i Seated bid in duplicate, will be receiveo until 11:00 A. M. C. S.

March 31. 1939, and then publicly opened, for furmshtng all labor and material and performing ail work for dredging approximately 1.100.UUC cubic yards of material, including overdepth. from channel in Pascagoula Harbor, Jackson County, Mississippi. Further information on application. NOTICE TO EQUIPMENT CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received by the Opp City Board of Education at the of-; fice of H.

N. Lee. Superintendent, until 1 1 :00 A.M. March 30. 1939.

for furnishing and installing In the Opp City School Build-j mgs. School Equipment comprising Steel Lockers, Storage Cabinets. Filing Cabinets, Pupils' Desks, Window Shades. Library Tables, Chair and Desk. Laboratory Tables, and Furniture and equipment for Home Economics Department.

No bid will be received after 11 a.m. at which time bids will be publicly opened and read. Specifications and contract documents may be inspected at the office of H. N. Lee.

Superintendent, or may be procured from the Architect upon payment of $5.00, which will be refunded to those submitting bona fide bids. Certified Check or Bidders 8ond in an amount equal to 5e of the total bid must accompany each proposal. Successful bidder will be required to furnish Performance and Labor and Materialmen's Bonds. Right is reserved by the City Board of Education of the City of Opp to reject any or all proposals and to waive informalities No bidder may withdraw h't bid within thirty days from the date set for the opening thereof. CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION OF OPP, ALABAMA.

0 H. N. LEE. Superintendent. Carl e.

Cooper, Architect, Bell Building Montgomery, Alabama. News March 16, 23. '38 OLDS PIANOS FOR RENT New or Used $4 Per Month Up E. E. FORBES SONS PIANO CO.

403 N. 20th St paved corner, plenty of room, lot 107x167. p-ice reduced to 3,950, 395 down and 35.55 mo. Call Huffman. 3-4263.

W. B. Philip, 4 404 N. 21st St. EOGEWOOD SHADES PARK BEAUTI.


3-3124 7-7778. MORTGAGE CO. (EXCLUSIVE AGENTS.) FHA LOANS. EOGEWOOD $3,790 Three oak tile bath. fur.

nace; fine lot. near school and car. Call D. E. Denney, 3-6144 or Res.

4-3898 Special programs celebrating St. Patricks Day have been arranged for each of the community houses operated by the Park Board and WPA for Friday. Programs will include Irish songs and dances and pther special features Music classes at Centra! Park "ommunity House will be in charge of the program, which will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. It will be directed oy Miss Janie Orman. The life and acts of St.

Patrick will be included. Solos, duets and quartets, as well as dances, will be included in the program at Willow Wood at 7:30 p.m. under direction of Miss Mary Tush. Those taking part include 4ary Brooks. Myra Brooks, Frank lazlewood.

Mary Giorlando. Louise latthews. Elizabeth Franklin, Johnnie Kilgore. June Archibald nd Jimmy James. The story of the Shamrock will included in the program at Hardison Park at 4 p.m.

under direction of Mrs. Frances Wood. Mrs. Gertrude Turner will be in fcharge of a program at Elyton Community House at 4 p.m. in which junior and senior glee clubs will ake part.

MINERS TO DECIDE ON A. L. four Units Will Answer Affiliation Question Soon EMPLOYMENT SALESMEN AND AGENTS 35 SYCAMORE MANOR I 1248 South 22nd St. 4 rooms, consisting of living room with rcll-a-way bed. bed-; room, breakfast room, kitchen and bath, Convenient to shopping center and bus Lne.

Newly decorated, excellent value at $35. $37.50 and $40. Martha Washington Apts. PIANOS PIANOS NEW AND USED. Shop then see us.

3 blocks from high rents GOLDEN-WOODS FURN. CO. 2227 2nd N. 3-6720 FINANCIAL ATtoTdANS 40B AN auto loan at 80. no endorsers, ride and repay $2-50 weekly any car of value.


2004 5TH PHONE 2-5477 4-door sedan, built-in trunk, very low mileage. This car has looks and performance of a new one. $795 Trade and term. Jones 3-0M6; nights 9-3815. BECAUSE of sickness I must sell at once my 36 de luxe Plymouth sedan with trunk, beautiful willow green color.

The car is practically new. If you can pay a couple of notes and give me something for my equity, see me Friday or Saturday on parking lot across from Post Office 5th Ave. $1 50 Down, $21.67 Monthly 1936 CHEVROLET DE LUXE SPT SEDAN. Original black finish, new Goodrich tires, one look and ride will convince you it is a quality car. PIANO SPECIALS NATION-WIDE edudational organization requires the services of a high class man to contact leads, man selected should make $100 weekly.

Must have a fine car and neat appearance. For interview write Box 686, Birmingham. Ala. UNLIMITED opportunity for ambitious man with car. Preferably one with experience selling refrigeration or other allied lines.

Direct factory contract to those qualifying. Big commissions. P. O. Box 1540.

San Antonio. Tex. 1 200 S. 30th St. 4 rooms, consisting 0t TA(l ''ving room with roll-a-way bed.

bedroom. MOLTON-ALLEN-Wl LL1 AMS breakfast room, kitchen and bath. Just off bu Across street from nice park. Convenient to shopping center, $32.50. $35 and $40.

New studio piano New baby grand piano New spinet piano Good practice pianos, E. E. FORBES A SONS PIANO CO. 403 N. 20TH ST.

MocRS tic 40. ytn. AL DeMENT For appointment to see call 7-4153. FRANK B. CLARK CO.

408 N. 21st St. 3205 N. 27, 4-2104 FOREST PARK 3-Bedroom Bungalow, $6,000 Located south of Clairmont Ave. and east of 4ist this attractive home is on a large lot 60x160 with play yard and flower garden.

Three bedrooms, lots of stor age space, automatic heat, corner break Cm file porch. Call Joe Hammond, 3-6144. or 7-1267. Grand Piano Bargain Fine make grand for nearly two-third less than original cost. Piano in excellent condition and is real bargain.

Terms as low as $2.50 per week. Coble-Burton Piano Co. 1711 3RD AVENUE. NORTH WANTED TWO SALESMEN To handle new, low priced necessities for filling stations, garages and all business places. Products they have to huv.

Experience unnecessary. Reserve territory, great repeat orders. 50 profit. Write Harper Mfg. 2301 State.

Fairfield. Iowa. WAGON JO ERS We A a ncf meet all prices. Write for new prices. Standard Sales 2208 3rd B'ham, TRUCKS Auto Loans Lowest Rates Include Insurance Terms to 18 Months Alabgma Acceptance Co.

WOODWARD 3-4469 HOUSES FOR RENT 77 RADIOS AND SUPPLIES 62A $20.00 MOLTON-ALLEN-WILLIAMS 300 S. 86 Place. 8 rooms, furnace $27.60 VV 1 f-L. I AV1 R. BROWN 3-7141 FOREST PARK SITUAT'NS WANTED FEMALE 36 EDGEWOOD 7-room furnished home, modern conveniences.

On car line. Possession April 1. Call 7-6574. PLAIN cook, nurse, or general house work. Part time.

Can live on place. 725 S. 17th St. STENO-BOOKKEEPER Young woman, experienced, wants work. Moderate salary to start.

References. 4-3723. RADIO BARGAINS GRUNOW. table model $10.00 New small Emerson, only 7.75 Emerson super-hetrodyne $12.95 Grunow. 10-tube, your old set and $49.95 Philco cabinet set $35.00 R.

C. A. 5-tube table model $17 50 E. E. FORBES SONS PIANO CO.

403 N. 20TH ST. DEATHS OWNER LEAVING CITY Sacrifice $6,750 For quick sale. Brick, 3 bedrooms and sun parlor, tile roof, steam heat, 80-ft. level lot.

unobstructed view of golf course. Act quickly for thi outitanding bargain, as it should sell in the next day or two. Call Fred B. Nelson. 7-0281, Res.

2-1831. JACKSON WE KNOW BIRMINGHAM HOMES" GROVE PARK SECTION 6-room bungalow, with furnace heat, in good condition. near car line, $45. McConnell-White A Terry, 3 8243. NORTH 224 N.

65th Place. 6 rm. $20.00 CALL RENTAL 3-3211 Montgomery R. E. Ins.

Co. SITUATIONSW ANTED -MALE 37 WANTED A set of books to keep in spare time. Price reasonable. Write P-367, care News ELECTRICAL MERCHANDISE 62B LIGHTING fixtures for every style of home Visit our showroom. AUTO LOANS $6 or $8 per $100 New or Used Cars) 6 to 18 Months.


Practically new tires, rear auxiliary spring, original finish. Will sacrifice for only $475. AL DeMENT 3205 N. 27th St. 4-2104 ruck Values 37 FORD sedan delivery.

The appearance of this truck is like new. A-1 mechanically, has good tires. $395. 38 Chevrolet 1-ton chassis, cab and box. motor reconditioned Good heavy duty tires.

Newly painted. $475. 37 Chevrolet. IV -ton. long wheel base chassis-cab.

Dual heavy duty tires, helper springs; mechanically in A-1 condition; newly painted. $450. '34 Chevrolet, IVz-ton, long wheel base, chassis and cab. In good running condition. $175.

38 Chevrolet. zton panel. Mechanically in good condition; good tires; body o. k. $250.

35 Ford IVa-ton. long wheel base, chassis, cab and stake body. Mechanically A-1. $225. '37 Dodge 2-ton panel, in good running condition.

Tires like new, $295. We Have Any Type Truck Your Business Requires Drennen Motor Co. SIMMONS ECj 20 3 st Ave I PIN-UP Limps, White wrought Iron, were1 $3. now $1.79. Simmons Elec.

2023 1st N. 3-9284 3 9284 i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 38 STORE Stock, general merchandise, groceries. meats. 5 living rooms, best location i the country. Sell or trade.

Average $2.000 monthly. K-367. care News. SEEDS, PLANTS. FERTILIZERS 63 GLADIOLUS bulbs, large, best bloomers for home use or to sell.

$1 per 100. de-Hvcrcd. Chas. O. Johnson.

6-2240. 65 NORTH 1640 North 19th Avenue. 6-room HOMES for sale in every section of tho city ror $50 cash, balance like rent. Call W. Rush.

3-1141 NORTH'S' HA 331 928thPlaice 5 roomTt S1-2 month. Call Beailey, 3-4108. DEAN REALTY CO. NORTH HIGHLANDS 1912 15th Court, N. Reconditioned Like New You'll be proud to show this fine home to your friends; a large, strictly modern living room.

3 lovely bedrooms, breakfast room, furnace: block of bus line. Make this your home, sit out on its wide front porch and enjoy the distant view and clean pHng air from high on this sunny hill- bungalow, furnace, garage. $27.50. FORDMYATT A EBAUGH 2115 let N. 3-5243 NORWOOD 5-room bungalow.

Areola heat, hardwood floors, garage. 028 29th St. C. V. Orr.

3-502 7 NORWOOD Modern brick bungalow, furnished. Also 3-bedroom bungalow. New-ly decorated. 2229 14th n. SOUTHSIOE 1501 Milner Crescent, one of Southside's most desirable and convenient neighborhoods, two-story home, in A-1 condition, living room; dining room, breakfast room, kitchen, den.

lavatory and toilet downstairs; 4 bedrooms, closed in steeping porch, two baths upstairs, ample closet space, hot air heat with automatic stoker Whether the four units of the 3rothcrhood of Mine Workers of aptive Mines comprising certain bf the Tennessee Company's coal niners will affiliate with the American Federation of Iabor will be decided during the week, it was announced today by Oscar Hutto, bhairman of the executive commit-5C. In a formal statement Mr. Hutto M'd: The four units of the Brotherhood of Mme Workers of Captive fines (coal miners) are voting this peek to determine if affiliation with the American Federation of Labor phall be sought. The brotherhood was ganized In 1934 and has since that time vaged a successful fight to restore and retain a higher rate of pay for employes at the T. C.

I. mines (captive) than that paid employes at pmmercial mines. The brotherhood will continue to fight for these same and other enjoyments regardless of the results pf he election for affiliation. We arc not being over-hasty in our decision, having carefully considered and dis-bussed this question, and shall continue with cautious steps in our final decisions. OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY Chicago manufacturer wants manager for Birmingham and adjacent cities.

Immediate income should exceed $400 monthly. Investment $900 to $2,250. References. Write, giving phone. Box J-199, care News.

Ford $125; $150 $325 $400 term lease if desired; $62.50 per month. Let us show you. FORDMYATT A EBAUGH 21151st N. 3-5243 -919 4th Ave. W.

5-room bunga convenient to Birmingham or Ensley, car line aJ school: good condition; possession; $25 per mo. FORD-MYATT A EBAUGH 2115 1st N. 3-5243 END 800 Cotton Ave Chev. $1 50 1 $1 75 i $200 1 $275 $350 $425 i $525 CLOSING OUT knitting dept. March 31 All yarn? r.nd supplies greatly reduced.

4-oz. skein princess worsted, 45c. Instruction given. NEW WILLIAMS. 1911 3rd N.

SACRIFICING about 70 uncalled for (tailor made) suits at $10 and $12.45. MARC LINX. 1911 1st N. MONEY TO LEND 40 Call LOANS E. Denney, 3-6144 or Res.

4-3898 $7.83 Per $100.00 10 Months 420 N. 20th St. PEOPLES FINANCE 8, THRIFT CO. Loans on Most Makes and Models $25 to $1,000 No Endorsers Payments Reduced IMMEDIATE SERVICE NO RETURNING AETNA AUTO FINANCE CO. 1 10 S.

20th St. Ground Floor (CONVENIENT PARKING) 2016 Ave. E. S. 7-5121 66 SECpND HAND furniture.

bric-a-brac, china, silverware or anything you have. ALABAMA AUCTION ROOM 2011 4TH AVE N. a 1 1 7-4073 WE buy, sell and trade used furniture. Ideal Home Furnishing 2017 4th WEST WEST low, near immediate WANTED AUTOMOBILES 17 fAQU SOUTHERN '-njn FINANCE CO. 308 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.

MOLTON -ALLEN-WILLI AMS NORWOOD 1 324 N. 28TH ST. $4,000 Attractive evrn-room bungalow, on lot 0x190 Completely redecorated. Small down payment Balance 28 26 monthly on HOLC Cali Hub Hahn, re, 3-5427! ottice. 3-6144.

MOLTON -ALLEN-WILLI AMS DEBOhDlt Harry DeBorde, age 57, 709 Tenth Court. South, passed away at the residence, Wednesday afternoon. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Mamie Grace DeBorde. one daughter, Martha.

Funeral services will be held Friday at 11 a.m. from Luquires Chapel. 1115 North Twenty-Fourth Street. Interment Elmwood Cemetery, the Rev. Joseph E.

Smith officiating, Luquire directing. Active psllbearers: Or. A. L. Stabler.

L. A Taylor, T. W. Brents. C.

W. Ledford, T. E. Tidwell and Wallace Boothby. Honorary pallbearers: Members of the Optimist Club, members of the staff of Life A Casualty Insurance Company.

Fred Hale, A. M. Burton, C. Herron and J. B.

Burton. DUSSEAU Frank Maynard Dusseau. age 46, of 902 S. 27th passed away Wednesday at a local infirmary. Survived by the widow, Mrs.

Loraine Dusseau; 2 sons, Gerald Graham Dusseau, of B'ham, and Charles Harrison Dusse iu. of Port Huron, mother, Mrs. Mamie Mahnen; 2 sisters. Mrs. Norn Hassett.

of Detroit, and Mrs. Ella O'Linn, of Youngstown, Ohio: 1 brother. Joe Dusseau, of Toledo. Ohio: 1 daughter, Mrs. Robert Schuchert, of Toledo.

Ohio. Funeral services Friday. 9 a.m., from Jobns-Service Chapel. and 9:30 a.m.. from St.

Pauls Catholip Church with Father Burns officiating. Interment Elmwood Cemetery. Johns-Service in charge-Active pallbearers. Milerd Perkmson. George Foster.

J. A. Hate. C. T.

Harrison. Mr. Long, Mr. Pasnick, Toledo, Ohio, papers please copy. ELLISON Mrs.

Frances Laura Ellison, age 90. of 3518 8th S-. passed away at the residence Wednesday afternoon. The remains will be sent to Roberta. by Brown-Service, of Norwood, Thursday morning for funeral services and interment.

3:30 p.m., Thursday. The Rev. A-J. MoncHef. of Decatur.

officiating. Surviving are 1 daughter. Mrs. V. McDonald, of Hendersonville.

N. 2 sons. J. K. Ellison, North Hollywood.

and M. A. Ellison. B'ham; 1 brother, L. D.

Moore. Macon. several nieces and nephews, 4 granddaughters and 4 areat-grandchildren. MADEWELL Mr. Mary Bruce Madeweli.

age 23. 2119 Ave. Ensley. passed away Wednesday night at the residence. Survived by the husband, J.

A. Made well; 1 daughter, Patricia Anne Made-well: 2 brothers Cranston and R. H. Hilton. 2 sisters.

Mrs. R. C. Lloyd. Mis Jsne Hilton Funeral services 10:30 a.m.

Friday from Angwrn-Service Chapel. Interment Elmwood Cemetery. Angwin-Service directing. Active pallbearers. James Gober.

W. J. Moore, Woodrow Sims. W. Cuniffe, J.

L. Lloyd, F. J. Lange. LOANS A N.

7-2051. WILL pay $10 cash for bargain in good camera or kodak. Write full particulars. P-97, care News. WILL pay cash for furniture, tools, antique.

etc. 1st Ave. Trading 2112 1st N. 4-3966. DIAMONDS COLLATERAL INDUSTRIAL Low Rates Convenient Terms PRUDENTIAL LOAN FINANCE CO.

503-4 Comer Bldg. Phone 3-269 5 MONEY for salaried people, $5 to $50 no security no endorsers. STATE FINANCE 505 Empire Bldg. r. EMPLOYEES FINANCE CO.


21ST. 7-4420. A CASH offer for your car, any make, any model, equity, large or small. Call Jim Davis. 105 S0th St.

4-1818. BEST cash price the city for all cars. Call or drive by. WOOD HERREN. 611 S.

21 ST ST. 7-6875; nights, 3-6654. CHEVROLET Good 1936 coach or sedan with built-in trunk, give description, best cash price. J-367. care News.

HIGHEST CASH PRICES 3 AID FOR USED CARS. ROY BRIDGES 414 8. 2 1ST ST. PHONE 7-4300 Will pay cash for good used cars SMART-BRUNSON 211 S. 24th St.

7-4645 WILL pay you the cash price for your used car any model or will sell rt for you on commission basis. See Mr. Davy, 1530 2nd N. Phone 4-2342 7-2221. When In Need of Money PUBLIC LOAN COT 404 Massey Bldg.

house, short block car line: Areola heat, suitable to subrent. 2 entrances, double garage. $27.50. Phone2-l947. OFFICES AND DESint6dM78 SUBLEASE downstairs office, ideal for real estate, on 21st near 3rd $25 jno.

Call 4-1621. RENTAL LISTINGS WANTED 81 A Consult Our RENTAL DEPARTMENT Successful for 51 Year Your Agent An Important Thing MOLTON-ALLEN-WTLLI AMS 2026 3rd N. 3-6144 TistyoOrvacant LEARN Oiesel engines. Low cost course1 POOKA AMD ROACH with shop training. Many engines.

KWTI DLfMtVLf Transportation allowed. Write for free booklet. Hemphill Diesel Schools. Regis- i ROOMS WITH BOARD 67 tration Box 686, Birmingham, 606 N. 24TH ST.

Enjoy hotel privileges; rooms with running water, shower baths; splendid meals. $6 up. week; steam heat. 2906 HIGHLAND AVE. Large room, connecting bath, shower, large closet, room-DOGS, CATS, PETS 47 mate for young lady! buses.

3-6429. rsnii a CtCfS f-r DPT cOAD Flvt PCM NT8-1325 s. LOVt- bUKMAN bttL) Cr rt I bHUr ly rooms; excellent meals: $5. bo Special mating food, 50c lb. CLO nestling WEEKLY: LOCATION IDEAL.

3-2498. food. 35c lb. Mixed bird seed, to lbs-, piVE POINTS 1715 11th 213 N. 24th St.

heated rooms, with good meals. $5.50 ENOORSED LOANS-AUTO LOANS 90 Days Before First Payment FIDELITY. 2010 FIRST AVE. QUICK LOANS. $5 to $50 ALABAMA CREDIT CORP.

423 (4th Floor! First Natl. Bank Bldg. BUSINESS SERVICE PRICE terms $100 cash, balance monthly, buys large 5-room home, 2405 21st N. Nice, level lot with shade trees, paved street, near school, stores, bus line. See Mr.

Leonard. 1910' 5th N. 7-3836: Res. 2-2306. SOUTHSIDE Don OVERLOOK THIS ONE Six large rooms; attractive 'snow white bungalow so "homey;" every room newly decorated.

Monthly payments $18.99, Let us show you. Jefferson Mon 74107. WEST -5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floor, double garage, paved street, $2,400. Small down payment. $18.23 month.

Call Chas. Johnson. 6-2240- 3-7141. WEST EfNKD 1148 14th Place. Southwest 5-room biAgalow completely reconditioned.

$2,250, 10 cash, bal. monthly like rent. CALL MR BONNER. 3-2312 GARBER-COOK A HULSEY. INC.

WEST END Modern bungalow, 3 bedrooms. Areola, tiled bath, alley corner, new roof; newly painted. $3,500. terms. Call Nelson Weaver.

3-0111; Res, 6-0036 A. R. DEARBORN CO. WILL trade 2 lots for 1 to 10 acres Improved near West Virginia, Ohio, or Pennsylvania town. Pay difference.

Write Paul Stevens Locust Fairmont, West Virginia. WOOD LAWN Price $77500, terms. 5 room bungalow, good condition, near car, school and stores. Gunter. 3-7197.

VvF SI 1 HOLC HOMES ENGEL REALTY CO. 1909 1st Phone 7-0255 week up. 7-1041. HOTSES, CATTLE. VEHICLES 48 -jnpwnnKr.

i NORW OOD 1307 N. 29th nice room- HOUSE OR APARTMENT WITH US odl. both; twin bed If deilred; good we have year, of experience In lecuring ntp rtdnnn 4.Q In Young 5-gaited with saddle, meals; garage 3-9353. BURGLAR BARS BORROW fhe Easy Trustees' Way Loans 100 to 500 or More ENDORSED LOANS AUTO LOANS Trustees Loan DISCOUNT CO. 2010 2nd Ave.

18A PONY pony Very gentle. $60. Bessemer 675. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 49 SOUTHSIDE Corner French doors other room. young lady and keeping desirable tenants.

CALL RENTAL 7-4153 FRANK B. CLARK CO. 408 N. 21st A-1 BURGLAR BARS, collapsible doors, and iron railings. W.

Jesse Self. 125 N. 9th St. 3-7936. PROTECT your home with McDONALD BURGLAR BARS.

Patent pry-proof hook I fasteners. 108 2nd N. 3-2962. room, bath, 3 windows, balcony, closet. An roommate.

7-3689. WOOD LAWN 5413 5th TerC Front room, connecting bath. Near buses. Meals optional. HONOR LOANS.

$5 to $50 DAVIS LOAN CO. 209 COMER BLDG. 3-5109 FUNERAL DIRECTORS OUR chix plus Purina Startena enters you In our $7,000 contest. Checkerboard Feed Store, 2409 1st N. Hit Saver For Baby Chicks JAZZ ALL-MASH STARTER Contains all necessary vitamins Cash and Carry Prices: 100 $2.55: 50 25 70c Ralph S.

Hall. 2413 Serond N. HAT CLEANING 19D $6.00 PER $100.00 NEW INS. PLAN ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 68 NEW PROCESS Ladies' and men's felt, straw and Panama hats cleaned like new. Gluck's.

1713 3rd N. 3-0853. IFE OFWRITER IS FOUND DEAD lystery Surrounds Demise Of Mrs. Edward Doherty BEVF.RLY HILLS. Calif.

UP Police looked to an autopsy today Jo determine how Mrs. Edward nnerty. wife of a national maga-ine writer, met death in wooded enedict Canyon. The body of the 41 -year-old worn-Bn was found in a sloping thicket by an army of searchers yesterday, nearly 24 hours after she went on a bike. Officers said she probably had become lost and fallen from a narrow trail down a rocky incline Tuesday night.

She had telephoned her husband in the afternoon that the planned a walk into the hills from the home of Writer Richard Jarroll. their host. The Dohertys had come here several months go from Larchmont. and had arranged to return bay. More than 200 officers and civilians, seven planes and a blimp from Jhe sheriff's arerial squadron were pressed into the hunt.

Among the searchers was Barney Oldfield, old-pime automobile racer and friend of Joherty. Their marriage culminated a newspaper romance when Doherty vas still a reporter in Chicago. Dnce an actress in silent pictures lunder the name of Mildred 4rs. Doherty became movie editor nf a Chicago paper as 'Mildred AUTO DISPLAY Johns-Service LLEWELLYN W. JOHNS COL.


9-7273. LOANS Par Value Inv. Loan Co. 411 N. 2 1 It 8t.

MONEY BY PHONE Cali 4-1904 EASY PAYMENTS INVESTIGATE OUR LOW INTEREST RATES JAXSON LOAN INV CO. 806 Massey Bldg West End Bargain 6-room brick-veneer. terms. Areola heat, tile bath, hardwood floors. Exclusive Oakwood section.

Call Futllngton. 6-6766 or 3-0163. Shepherd-Sloss Realty. Company. FLOWERS MARTIN FLOWERS FIVE POINTS PHONE -3103 PAINTING RAPIft I 24 WALLPAPER SALE Pizitz is offering a large stock of wallpaper at a great reduction See the large selection in the latest designs.

Why pay more. Save at Pizitz Wallpaper A Paint Second Floor. MERCHANDISE TrticlesfoFsa BARGAINS No matter what you want to buy. sell, or trade. Call 5-1585 for in-formation.

References exchanged. PAINTS Brushes, ladders, wheelbarrows, garden tools, plumbing supplies. Cheap. The Ark, 2118 2nd Avenue. North.

SPECIAL Venetian blinds, sizes up to 36-inch wide. 64-lnch long. $3.99 each. Phone 3-9471. Guarantee Awning A Tent Co.

BUSINESS EQUIPMENT BEAUTY BARBER EQUIPMENT BARGAINS 2 Padair barber chairs, 2 large mirrors and other materials, used 2 months. $60. Permanent wave machine. 52 REAL EST'E FOR SALE INVESTMENT PROPERTY 82 TO BUY or sell business and semi-business property call Lamar Smith, 3-5141. JEM I SON REALTY CO.

EDGEWOOD STORE To settle an estate will sell this tile building on lot 60x140 for the small sum of $1,000. To see the bargain call Cornelius or Berry, 3-0163. Exclusive agents. Shepherd-Sloss Realty Co. FARMS AND LAND FOR SALE 83 1 ACRE Close-in 6-room and bath bungalow, screened In porch, basem*nt: electric water heater, garage, well.

$2,500. easy terms. Woolsey, 3-2236. Crow R. A Ins.

Co. 10-AC RE tracts on Florida Short Route. Going fast at $300 each. Easy terms. Winter Realty Co.

3-6279. 40 ACRES ON hTghWAVL 4TROOM FARMHOUSE. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 6-9524. 50 ACRES- 3-room house, barn.

2 good sorings, good well, approximately 200 young fruit trees. acre In strawberries; power driven syrup mill, price $1,250. half cash, balance $90 per year. 200 acres. 2 houses, plenty of barn, good creek through property.

160 acres of level LOTS FOR SALE SINCE i15 HARRIS FLOWERS ALTAMONT SECTION Large front room, southern exposure, garage, quiet home, only 1 room to rent; gentlemen. Phone 7-2749. i A i i i. li iiit well nished room, twin beds, closet, sem i-private bath. Gent i 'red.

9-5119. WEST "END505 4th St .7 SW iVh -ed room in private home, block of car. Meals If desired. 4-1409. FURNISHED KEEPING ROOMS 69 1160 11TH S.

2 large rooms, first floor; water, lights, gas. furnace heat. Also 2 small rooms. 7-0146 ENS. I HLAN DS 2 8 1 9 18th 2 rooms and kitchenette.

Very reasonable to business people; block car. 6-3339. MARYLAND -720 StTulroe, Imall completely furnished apt. Gas. lights, refrigeration steam heat; close in.

NORWOOD 2-room apt. Lights, heaf. gas. continuous hot water. Phone.

Block car 3-7631. NORWOOD 1229 N. 26th St I fight housekeeping room, every thing furnished. 5 per week. SOUTHSIDE Nicely furnished bedroom and kitchen (sink), connecting: utilities furnished.

Furnace heat. Real clean, modern. Want business people; references required: $20 per mo. 1707 Cul lorn 8t. 7-7901.

85 EAST LAKE Have vacant lot; will build home and finance to suit purchaser. Z-367, care News. MAYFAIR LOTS 60 ft. and largerwith or without trees; $700 up. Call V.


Sales. Delivery. 1910 4th N. CITY GUN A. KEY 3-8751 CEMETERY LOTS Cash in 1 0 Minutes $5 to $50 Loans On Your Signature No Mortgage No Red Tape Phone Us or Call at Our Office CONFIDENTIAL JAMES CO.

LOANS 418 (4th Floor) Empire Bldg. 3-0557 REFRIGERATION SERVICE 28A REFRIGERATION SERVICE TELEPHONE 3-5635; NIGHTS. 3-9673 LANCASTER EQUIPMENT CO. WANTED RIAL ESTATE 89 CASH clients for group rental property, any condition. Ebersole.

7-4153. Frank B. Clark A Co. dition. $50.

Luke Busby, 4600 10th Wylam. Ala. NEW AND USED Grocery Market Cafe Ala. Fixture N. 3-1902.

OFFICE FURNITURE AND FILES Herring-Hall-Mavln Safes Sales and Service Ala. Fixture 2126 1st N. 3-1902. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Elmwood's $230,183.92 Trust Fund for Perpetual Cart Is Increasing Dally ASSURES THAT IT WILL ALWAYS BE The South's Most Beautiful Cemetery ELMWOOD CEMETERY PHONE 3-3M4 BOX 968 AUTOMOBILES SHADES DRAPERIES 29A SAVE money on your window shades. We clean, repair and make all kinds of window shades.

For estimates, phone 3-0145. PERFECTION LAUNDRY reek bottom land, fenced and cross fenced. I There are more than $3,000 worth of im- SOUTHSIDE One large front room, fur- prnvements on this property. Possession nished complete. Electric appliance for this year, $3,750.

half cash, terms to suit breakfast: very neat: utilities furnished. 1 on the balance Mr. Veitch. Aufo or Endorsed Loans $100 Up BUILDING MATERIALS 54 STOVE REPAIRING 29C CIRCULATORS and heaters repaired and installed. Free estimate.

B'ham Gas Appliance 1808 1st N. 4-2601. EMPLOYMENT THE GREENWOOD INC. 206Hiqhand Ave. 7-8106 HOUSES FOR SALE 84 EAST LAKE Beautiful 6-room brick bun- galow, hardwood floors, lot 50x179.

paved street. $2,750. small down payment, $20.89 monthly. Call Chas, Johnson. 1 6 2240 3-7141.

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY iRENNEl IF ALA. BLDG. A HOUSE WR ECK I NG CO. Used lumber, brick, sash, doors, glass-plumbing. tile.

Yards overstocked, must ove at Once. 912 N. 19th St. 3-6195 DOBBS MFG. lumber, cash, carry, $15 1.000 up.

Cedar posts. Kiln drying, dressing. FHA loans. Deliveries. 7-1966, SALVAGE BLDG.

SUPPLY 3.000 galva-nized line fence pots: lumber, brick, hoi low tile, Plbn- J231 8th N. 3-3744. SCOTT LUMBER CO. If Its building materials or lumber for re pairs or remodeling you need, call 6-1101. COALco*kE WOOD 55 2026 First N.

T. M. NESBITT. Mjr. Furnace heat.

Business people wanted. References required; $16 per mo. 1707 Cullom St. 7901. WEST END 207 East Tuscaloosa 2 Large nicely furnished or unfurnished front rooms.

Conveniences; on car. Home of adults. 3-0331. UNFURN. KEEPING ROOMS 69A NORWOOD iToi N.

31st 3 unfur nished rooms, private bath and front porch. Lights, heat and water furnished. Adults only. WOOD--1 566 Walnut Min clrcTl- 3-room redecorated. Private bath.

Light tei, phone. T0V1 WEST END 7033 Princeton 1 large rooms, private, quiet; utilities. Best section Block cars. Prefer adults. $20.

6 0831. A-1 BLUE JAY Cahaba Red Ash (4 ash), lump, mine run, nut-steam mixed. $2.50. co*ke. 3-3875.

HELP WANTED FEMALE 32 ASS'T. MGR. 23 to 28. millinery exp. Ass't to buyer, $20.


ALL DEPTS. COMMERCIAL EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 1826' 3RD AVE N. CAN "YOU QUALIFY? DISTRICT MANAGER of international or-ganization will interview applicants for permanent position. QUALIFICATIONS Good education.

at tractive and pleaaing personality, executive ability, energetic and ambitious. Position requires full time and will pay qualified applicant $200 to $300 per month. 2 openings in Birmingham, 4 traveling. Apply in person. 220 M.


2004 5TH N. PHONE 3-5477 LOANS Household Furniture Automobiles Endorsers TOTAL COST: 10.00 per 1 100.00 for 12 months. Two years to repay if necessary. Total payment including principal and interest, $8. 5 Per month on each SI 00 borrowed.

We lend from $50 to $1,000. It is easy to gel a loan ners if you have any sort of income- We like to make loans. We go out ef our way to find a way to make loans that seem Impossible at first. Our business is built on friendliness. HARTSFIELD COMPANY, INC.

220 N. 21st St. Phone 4-2439 BEST RED ASH COAL. FURNACE, 245; NUT, EGG AND LUMP, 4.50. PHONE -9863.

BLACK CREEK, Cahaba Itotf Aih. Low- HOTELS 72 rp' iTT VSiaf3'40 drliy. fed- John.on Coal C. 7 ,464 private bath, newly deco- HOUSEHOLD GOODS 59 I "ltlly. wr.k up.

25" genuine original" pe i REAL EST'E FOR RENT MATTRESSES Floor 9.60. I ISCAAI. EJI rVIV REIS I Mahogany finish library table. $2.95. Ma- APARTMENTS 74 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 11 AUTO LOAN A RS Remarkable values repossessed cars.

Fords. Chevrolet, Plymouth. Dodges, etc. 800 S. 21st St BUICK 1936 2-door sedan, with radio.

Well cared for, looks like new. Perfect condition, low mileage. Will trade. M. Warner.

503 Comer Bldg. 3-2695. BUICK. 18 sedan. Ford 37 coupe.

Ford 85 coach, Dodge 35 sedan; Packard 37 sedan. Save $100 on each car. Wood Her-ren. 611 8 2 1 st St. night 3-6654.

ROLST- '38 Mister geicfl. Only 1 000 miles. Like brand new. A-1 condition, $595. Adamson Motor Ave.

A and 20th St 8. 3-9121. CHEVRbLET-i938 Master de luxe coach. Finished in Jet black; with radio and heater. Reconditioned from bumper to bumper.

Special for $275. Trad and terms. Newman. 3 0595. nights 9-7571.

CHivWLfct-TlI coach, trunk, practically new tires. Black paint, mohair upholstery. I guaranteed mechanically. Call Yeager. 3-0181.

STREET MOTORS DODGE 1936 4-door touring sedsn thor-oughly checked and found to be perfect. Price right. Trade and terms. Call White. 7-8129; nights 3-1497.

FORD '29 sedan, tags $39 Ford, 29 coach, tags, good tires $65 Ford '29 coupe, new tires, tags $85 Ford '31 Victoria, tags. V-8 wheels $125 Ford '31 coach, tags, new tires $136 Ford '31 sedan, new tiree, motor Wood Herren, 611 S. 71st St. liliH. ve ipriii credit memo on new large or small Hudson.

Sacrifice, Il'tO or trade for cor a r5--A hoVfieiw. luper 1 se dan beautiful gray finish, new interior; radio, heater; ready to go for only $425. will accept tritfe or sell on easy terms, tee car st 2011 Ave. B. S.

Mr. O. T. White. 7-6577.

WNffjGE wo -door sedan, 1 mode, 6-Cylinder, good mechanical condition, low mileage, good paint, good tires. Small down payment, balance Iras than $30 pgr month. 1. R. Welker, ewner.

LYMOUtM '14 dr lu nil pc od tiree. black finieft, smooth motor, mohair uphelefrry, tags. Harris, 1st $-7479; gr itUOEBAKER r.4q-ins are til beet money can buy. Burgin Motor Etude baker 404-8 S. tet St.

7-1742. you are looking for extra good transportation at a very low cost you will come by and see these "bargains that are real bargains 25 $45 $50 $75 $100 $125 $i5o $195 $195 $175 $195 $195 $195 $225 $325 $375 Alverson 10 20h S. -121 1 1118 S. 16TH ST. Four rooms, attractively furnished, modern and private.

I Heat, hot water, JarWtor. G. and rage. Available April 1. i U0 S.

it th ST Beautifully furnished 4-room overlooka Glen Iris Park, high claa. positively desirable. 7-1427. 1636 HTH PLACE, ft 2 desirable furnished apt I. Free refrigeration.

Near hue Reference. Mr. Snell, 1 700 iSYh Apt. IT Spacious, nice ly furnished corner efficiency, 6 windows i 20 mile view. Frigidaire.

$27.50. 7-1287 a i I A MONT APARTMENTS tUT High- land Ave. Fireproof, elevator, switch- i board, grill. The cost la so little more i for to Res. Mgr.

3-S271. FOR 't PARK (Oil 46th i rooms, all conveniences. Sublease April lit, $40 1 Call Mr. Cason. 3-8245.

FOREST PARK Clairmont Terrace Apt-, 4024 Clairmont 6 rooms, newly decorated. $70. Phone 3-7108. PERRY ROSA MONO-iTHERl DOE Jlft 4 room, front 3 exposures. Me-M-White A Terry.

S-SlSSt 12th 4 NORWOOD APTS. I Steam heat, fire protection, Frigidaire, Out tht stirring glory of Kipling's Indio thty roar Throo lighting, loving, wog- 1 goring son of Mm Krillth Moffoml GUNGA DIN ALABAMA bogany radio table. St. 96. Metal porch chair, 2.95.

4-plece walnut veneer bed room suite, $29.50. Bed davenport, $14.75. Round mahogany dining table, $5. Stick reed desk and chair, needs repainting, $5.95. 9-piece mahogany dining room suite.

$25. 9x15 Wilton rug. $35. Bargain Furniture Store, 204 South 20th Street. ANTIQUE beds.

dressers, washst.indt. mall marble-top table, chairs, lounges Now In storage. See 12 to 3 p.m. 2625 7th S. COAL RANGE, $10; kitchen cabinet.

as range, dining room suite. $18. ISth t. 7-7474. LEONARD REFRIGERATOR 6.25 CU.


it good. Chance for quick edvanrtmont. See Mr. Kinnev, 2 to 6 p.m., 928 Comer Bldg. 1 'i i lENCED salesmen, with qood record.

Must be capable of furnishing bond and good references. Thi work paye alary, commission and car allowance. Call 7-7111, Mr, Locffel, for appolnt-ment. CocaC man to service nut meat and candy route. Must have car and cash for merchandise on location.

$30 weekly, salary plus commission. Write only, f' I 1 Si i 5 AM nt.i Salesman Specialty, experience, 25 to 36; $175 and rommiaeion. MURRAY HILL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY $40 Brown-Mare Bldg. 1-6974 6TRIP PHOTO OPERA jrpncd, who can drive truck leaving for Teas tuwday. Rhone 3-7464.

VATtD-Twnfii man between lb and 40 to solicit moving of houeehold Roods. Apply Continental Van Llnea, 306 ttat It. WaYEK treatment salesmen with knowledge ef boiler. Diesel and domestic water to represent old established engineering company, Commission and salee aide. Give business and personal date.

Writ J-16. care Newe. SALESMEN AND AGENTS J5 IG uniform manufot (ur.r ir.h. I ox, I man contact raatatiranta. hetala.

btau. tr parlor, nuraat, athara. t-HM Inamna. MM turnlahad. Rrrm-MM.

MuiWHant Fat. Hoover, Dipt. tiH. Ml tout. Now York Grty.

STARTS FRIDAY at the MORTGAGE LOANS 40A RIAL UtATE loans made, mortaaaaes bought. t. Leonard Mtg. Co. ivlOlf Ith N.

7-3136- Wl mikVTHA" end otfier type Isine on residential and buemeat property. Frank B. Cl Are A Co- 406 N. list 8t. 7-4163.

40B AUTO LOANS aifB'wwrsr' uiVgr high-grade ueed iypes Hanna Motor t. 3-4191. ttnghdftt lovvrat pmr. Mi C. Ave.

and $, dealer. S' offer line:" i Birmingham, room, fjo mo. 4-room onemney. furnlthrd. 7.80 wk.,, 7 978. )'UTH Ilmttrt Apurtmtnt. 907 I'lt'h 8 Sublrat apt. No. A on tlrt floor, 2-bodroottt tvp.

all rvlca. 5 J. Warrrn Lach. 212 211 SI 1-lltl. I WEST tNCLrurni.hd 3 room private hath, grs Ftmcrd In yard.

Light and watr trw. 822.50 month in advanc. Rrfar.nca r.ouired 4H 1th Starring Cary Grant, Victor McLaglen and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. SEND IN A WHITE ELEPHANT AD AND WIN A GUEST TICKET TO SEE "GUNGA DIN." AUTO LOANtTif you need quick money or present payment reduced, set ue first. Lowest rate.

Entire traneaction handled In 10 minutes. You keep cur. No endorser necessary We also handle trucks, Guy L. Burns A 810 ft. I let ftt.

S-967t. AUTO LOANS An Furniture 100 or Mon TRUSTEES Loan A Diacount Co. M10 Seon Av. 1 1.EWING nd i BARGAIN thrtwfheu. Max- iults 791 NEWS-AQI-HEXACD WANT 1008 Afa.

The Birmingham News from Birmingham, Alabama (2024)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.