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Handbook of Prophetic Trading A SCHOOL OF PROPHETIC STRATEGY

Jim Reeve

Open Sky Publishing Knoxville, TN

Copyright © 2016 by James M. Reeve. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below. Jim Reeve/Open Sky Publishing 2204 Misty Trace Knoxville, TN/37919 Email: [emailprotected]

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Handbook of Prophetic Trading/ Jim Reeve. —1st ed. ISBN 978-0-0000000-0-0


Contents Why This Book? ............................................................................ 1 Is This for You? ............................................................................. 1 Why the Markets? ........................................................................ 2 Preface ............................................................................................. 3 An Advantage ................................................................................. 7 The Game of Advantage ................................................................... 8 Special Ops Teams ............................................................................. 9 Corporate Man .................................................................................. 10 Is This Just for the Select Few? .................................................... 11 A Personal Invitation ...................................................................... 12 A Prophetic Trade ............................................................................ 13 Foundations for Prophetic Traders .................................... 17 ….But God Doesn’t Do That .......................................................... 17 Prophetic Gifts: Transformation and Anointing .................... 20 Abundance vs. Scarcity ................................................................... 25 Three Common Misunderstandings ................................... 37 God is not a Code to be Broken .................................................... 39 God Wouldn’t Let Me Lose Money, Would He? ....................... 41 Why Won’t God Give It to Us Straight? ...................................... 45 Faith and the Interpretive Process ..................................... 52 Applying Faith ................................................................................... 52 Maintaining the History ................................................................. 55 Keeping the Dreams Before You ................................................. 57 Be Aware of the World Around You ........................................... 59 This Looks Hard ................................................................................ 60 Post Audit ........................................................................................... 61 Markets and Feedback Loops ...................................................... 62 Interpreting a Prophetic Trading Dream ................................ 63 Interpreting Prophetic Trading Dreams: Basics ............. 69 Dreams are Metaphorical .............................................................. 70 Why This and Not That? ................................................................. 72 Your Dreams are All Prophetic, not Historic .......................... 75 Even Small Details Matter ............................................................. 77 iii

The Underlying ................................................................................. 78 Finding Dad and Other People ..................................................... 80 Observer vs. Actor ............................................................................ 82 Driving With Headlights ................................................................ 84 Not likely today ................................................................................. 86 Dream start time .............................................................................. 87 Dreams with Unknown Clues ....................................................... 87 Repeating Dreams ............................................................................ 88 Assumptions and Biases ................................................................ 91 Geography ........................................................................................... 92 Sport Metaphors ............................................................................... 93 Dream Objects ................................................................................ 100

Interpreting Prophetic Trading Dreams: Advanced .... 105 Am I My Positions, or the Market? ........................................... 105 The Lord Does Not Induce Mistakes ....................................... 111 Chutes and Ladders ...................................................................... 112 Ceilings and Floors ....................................................................... 121 Numbers ........................................................................................... 129 Trivia vs Tradable ......................................................................... 139 Putting It Together ....................................................................... 147 Prophetic Trading Dreams ................................................... 151 Previews of Coming Attractions ............................................... 151 Sequence Dreams .......................................................................... 154 Ministry Dreams ............................................................................ 160 Warning Dreams ........................................................................... 161 Isolated Trade Dreams ................................................................ 178 Chart Dreams .................................................................................. 180 Timing and Clock Speed ........................................................ 183 Timing ............................................................................................... 184 Metaphoric Timing ....................................................................... 186 Sequence Timing: Trading on a Fast Clock ........................... 188 Sequence Mapping Across Resolutions ................................. 198 Kingdom “Double-M” with Tower Control ............................ 212 Risk Management .................................................................... 219 The Get Rich Quick Fallacy ......................................................... 220 Don’t Go ‘All In’ ............................................................................... 226 Don’t Jump the Timing ................................................................. 226 Risk Pyramid .................................................................................. 227 Layering Entries and Exits ......................................................... 232 Stops .................................................................................................. 237 iv

Hedges .............................................................................................. 239

Time for Change ...................................................................... 243 Resistance to Change ................................................................... 244 Dissatisfaction with the Status Quo ........................................ 247 Hope and Vision for a Preferred Future ................................ 249 First Steps Path .............................................................................. 254 Glossary ........................................................................................ 263 Preface to the Glossary ............................................................. 263


Dedication To my Dad, Bill Reeve, who provided constant support and encouragement during the Wilderness journey of this endeavor. It is no surprise to me that my heavenly Father uses Dad in my dream life to represent Himself. I think that is fitting.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. ―2 Cor. 9:8


Why This Book? That’s an easy one. I had a dream where I was looking at a book that looks very much like this book. It was entitled “Handbook of Prophetic Trading”. I flipped through the book and it was very visual, with lots of graphs and pictures. Looking through the book, it was very familiar. I understood that the book was not about theory, but was to be very practical. The book was to help people get a jump-start in prophetic trading, and help avoid all the mistakes and losses that I’ve made. Someone in the dream stated that there was nothing in this book that I didn’t already know. I wondered in the dream, “why then didn’t I write this book?” I woke up, and asked myself the exact same question. So here it is. Here’s my desire. I want you to have success with God. I want you to get to know Him and His ways. There’s nothing like a little money on the line to get your attention. I think He’s setting it up that way. I think the Lord wants your “tuition” to be less than mine, and your speed toward success faster than mine. So that’s way He invited me to write it. Its time is for now.

Is This for You? Haven’t we all felt that we are in transition? The birth metaphor is all over my dreams, and I bet you’ve seen it too. I believe the Lord is saying that the Jordan is being crossed, and it’s now time to take the Promised Land. Wilderness living is coming to an end, and the spirit of poverty is about to be slain. Promised land living is about moving by His Word. It is having the direct counsel of heaven in making day-to-day decisions. This book is about this reality. You don’t need to understand markets or trading to read this book. I’m not really assuming that you do. I’ll try to introduce concepts as I go, but this is not a book about trading techniques or methods. You can find that other places. This is about interacting with God and learning His ways in the context of financial markets. It’s a “how to” book. It’s a school. It’s an experience with God that will change you and your expectations of what is possible. It’s God beginning to prepare you for navigating the challenging times that are coming. Even if you are not called to prophetic trading, I believe God can use the market


context to prepare you to move by His voice in whatever you are called to do.

Why the Markets? Can you imagine a more perfect schoolhouse for prophetic decision making than financial markets? The markets are ruthless and unforgiving. The markets demand precision. You need trade direction. You need timing. You must apply faith. You’re the sheep about to get sheared, unless you have His insights. There’s no faking it, or coming up with excuses. The feedback loops are fast and clean. The learning curve is like a rocket. You don’t wait years for fulfillment; you wait days. You either made money or you didn’t. Your heart is always under the test. Will you fall to fear? Will you fall to greed? Will you be mad at God when you lose? These questions are all in play with the markets.


Preface This Handbook is about seeing trends in the market before they happen, and then entering and exiting trades to make profits. Does that statement make you uncomfortable? It’s true. God does this. Read and discover, and leave doubt at the door. The financial side of this is very real, but we need a heart to hold it. So watch out if you have dollar signs dancing before your eyes. If you’re in gambler’s anonymous, this may not be your calling. The Lord has two agenda’s, (1) to transform your heart and, (2) to bring finances to the Body of Christ, and thereby neutralize the spirit of poverty in the Church. I’ve written the Handbook because the Lord is going to use prophetic trading as a training ground for applying prophetic strategy. By prophetic strategy, I mean the use of prophetic counsel to exercise our authority in the earth. I believe this school can prepare us to use prophetic strategy in a wide array of fields: our families, our businesses, our ministries and our communities. The counsel of heaven will give us what we need to manifest the Kingdom as His return approaches. We will need to be able to navigate some rough waters ahead. Because dynamic prophetic strategy is the learning context, this Handbook is not about long-term investing. I’m making prophetic decisions day-by-day, not year-by-year. I’ve got a fast prophetic clock. The markets are a fantastic training ground for this purpose. Money gets our attention, and the markets give us incredibly fast feedback. If you let it, the learning curve can be very fast. Unlike a lot of prophetic information, market based information is pointed and real-time. The prophetic trader is listening, acting, and adapting to prophetic information on a day-by-day basis. Prophetic skills are honed in a prophetically saturated, fast paced, and decision intense setting. Most of my prophetic information comes by dreams, so this Handbook is oriented toward dreaming. My visions have similar prophetic symbols, so I believe what I state here will apply to visions as well. As such, the Handbook comes with a Glossary to help get you started. The Glossary is just a beginning. The Lord will give you a personal language as your prophetic time progresses with Him. I have many examples of dreams and prophetic trades in the Handbook. The dreams are as I wrote them except for minor editing, and abridging of personal information. I’m not back


testing the revelation to price charts, rather I’m giving it to you as it felt to me in real-time. I will also include examples of my mistakes, because we are all fallible. Virtually all of the trades in the Handbook have witnesses to their veracity. I work in partnership with others and much of what I have written would not have been possible without these partnerships. We’ve learned this all together. We’ve spent our time in the Wilderness and have benefited from it. While there are many that are part of the emerging prophetic trader community, special thanks go to Michael Goforth and Keith Smith who were my closest trading partners during this journey. Also, thanks to Mark Simpson for reviewing the manuscript. Of course the Holy Spirit is my silent partner in the venture, whom I also thank (I’ll put the “the” in front of His name because it reads better that way to me). There are many topics about trading that you will need to learn beyond the prophetic. There are unique terms, trading instruments, trade types, and trading platforms. I will not be discussing these. I have neither the comparative advantage, nor the space for teaching these topics here. Besides there already exist many fine sources for getting started. I wrestled with including a trading dictionary, however, that seemed redundant. I recommend that if you find a trading term you don’t know in this Handbook, use Investopedia on the Internet to get a good definition. I suspect the Lord will ease the process for those of you that are inexperienced, before you get to the more complex derivative products. There’s much I still need to learn as well, which will be my future training ground. However, I’ll start you off with four common terms I use throughout: when I say, “going short” I mean placing a trade expecting the market to go down. When I say, “going long” I mean placing a trade expecting the market to go up. When I use the term “underlying” I’m talking about the index or commodity that is driving my trade vehicle, which are often derivatives of the underlying. The main underlyings I trade are the S&P 500 index, NASDAQ index, Russell 2000 Index, crude oil, silver bullion, and gold bullion. When I say “equity”, I mean one of the three stock indices, but usually the S&P 500 index. I don’t trade the Dow Jones Industrial Average as a matter of personal preference. As a result, the Lord does not speak to me in Dow terms, as you’ll see in the examples.


I’ll leave the rest up to you as your read. I try to keep the technical language to a minimum, but out of necessity there are some limited use of trading terms in the Handbook. One of the hallmarks of good writing is to never introduce an idea before you have formally developed that idea. I will be violating that principle often, because I want to pepper the Handbook with real examples before I develop all the interpretive principles. I want to show that God is doing this without you having to wait until the end of the Handbook. There’s some responsibility upon you in this process. The dreams are metaphorical and should not be skim read. Slow down and read the dreams carefully so that you can see how I’m interpreting them and using them for trading. This is a very intentional activity, so I recommend you get practice by being intentional with this book. I also have chosen to write this in the first person, rather than the impersonal third person “the dreamer” language. I’m in the middle of this with you; so I use “us”, “we”, and “you” when discussing dreams, dream interpretations, and trading. I fully expect that after some years have past, I’ll look back at this Handbook and think that I could have said more, or maybe said something differently. That’s spiritual progress, so I suppose that’s OK. However, I do believe this Handbook will stand the test of time, as more and more people are invited to swim in this pool. The Lord told me this book has everything in it that I know. I think He means what I know is enough for a book. That does not mean there’s not more to know. So, what I have written is my best current understanding, and I’ll let the future give us better understanding. I encourage you to join me and experience the rich flow of His voice in your life. Be the Body and embrace the Head. This is for you, and this is for now. The Lord said it would be fun. So, have fun, and enjoy the ride. Jim Reeve Knoxville, TN 2016




An Advantage


hen you trade in the security and commodity markets, you are likely competing against people that have greater resources, greater experience, greater information access, and greater technology than you do. Think about this. You are sitting at home in front of your computer, and you’re trying to take money away from these people. Trading is, after all, a zero/sum game. Meaning, what someone wins, someone else will lose. You are going up against professionals. In fact, it has been shown that nearly 80% of retail traders are the losers of this game. There is a constant churn looking for new suckers. So, let’s not fool ourselves, it’s not like you have a 50/50 chance going in. It’s all stacked against you from the very start. So, how do you think you’re going to fare? I’ll tell you. Its sheep shearing time, unless….you have an advantage. Well, what kind of advantage? When it comes to trading I’ll admit to having very little advantage, at least by the world’s standards. I’m not smarter. I’m not as skilled. I’m distant from important market moving


information. I don’t have lightening fast technology. I’m not really very experienced. I’m actually pretty simple by the standards of this industry. My school has been a Holy Spirit school, not Merrill Lynch. So, I have one incredible advantage. The Lord allows me to see the future so I can position myself ahead of others. When the market is getting ready to go down, I can position a short trade days before it happens. Likewise, when the market is getting ready to go up, I can put on long trades before the market goes up. Is it 100%? No. However, I’ve had better success than worldly traders in terms of consistency and return on capital. And, I think, I can get better over time. Our learning is progressive, after all. The gift grows with use.

The Game of Advantage I had this dream a few years ago: I am sitting at a dining room table with others. I think we will eventually eat. The person next to me gives me a gift. I unwrap it. It turns out to be a board game called "Advantage." I’m excited about this game.

I want to invite you to this board game. This is a game where we sit around the table together to eat (consume revelation from the Lord), and play this game. What is this game? It’s a game of Advantage. Our Father is on our side. He wants us to succeed on all the dimensions that implies. He provides a game that we can play, even if we don’t have all the world’s advantages. Isn’t that just like the Lord? He’s going to take a bunch of simple folks, weak people with little training, and turn the tables on a very sophisticated and competitive playing field. We get to be the lions. So, what does Advantage look like? Here’s another dream from several weeks after the one above. I am sitting at a card table where one is given three cards. One card is a “War” card (the game of War) and the other two cards are a "Blackjack (or 21)" game. One can look at the cards, and then make a bet (which is a huge advantage). The guy sitting next to me get's an Ace for the War card, and a Blackjack combination for the "21" part. I'm thinking this is a good combi-


nation, and I hear him say that he can't lose to confirm my thinking. I get my cards and I get the exact same combination. I'm very emboldened, because I can't lose either. It's a perfect combination. As a result, I place a significant bet on this combination. I don't know the total bet; it's just everything I have with me. I know a win will give a stake for the future.

Wow, what a game.1 Talk about an advantage. My partner and I both get the absolute best hand you can get. We both have an Ace War card, and a Blackjack hand. We even get to see these cards before we place the bet. That never happens in Las Vegas, but it happens with prophetic traders. Note this particular game allows me to bet all that I have. That’s a spiritual message, but it plays out in natural ways. So, we have access to the ultimate informational advantage. We can see what God see’s down the road. He can share it with you. As a result, you spend very little time honing trading skills, and a whole lot of time listening to, and talking with the Lord. Does that sound like something for you? I mean, are you a God oriented type of person, with really very little trading skills? If so, this could be for you.

Special Ops Teams So, what is the Lord up to? Well, I only see in part—but let me share with you one of my “parts”. Here’s a dream from 2011: I am in a large field with an army of special ops. teams. Each team is sitting at a picnic table, and there appear to be multiple tables within a section. There are multiple sections throughout a very large field. There are 1000's of people. We are getting ready to be mobilized. We are told that as we go forward into our assignments there will be prizes. I go to an area filled with flat screen monitors hung above our heads at the tables. There are keyboards. The monitors apparently have many uses…. Walking around the


Please don’t be offended at the gambling motif. The Lord is not nearly as prudish about these things as we are. Trading is metaphorically like placing money on a “bet”, so the gambling metaphor fits in this instance. It’s not like He’s condoning gambling, because when we see the future, the game is being skewed into our favor. We become like the house. Like in this dream, we really aren’t gambling, because we aren’t playing the odds.


tables in this field are some very tall people. Around this time one of the tall people who is providing some help comes by. I talk to him about a prize I know to be available. I begin to go back to my table. During this time the tall people are sending sections of the camp to the food line, by working their way through the camp a section at a time. We've done this before and it's now our turn to get up and leave for the food line as I return to the table. Good timing.

Here’s the overall picture that I see. The Lord is getting ready to mobilize millions of people who are, or are going to be, placed into teams. These people are fully equipped and trained. They look imposing. These teams sit a picnic tables with a large flat screen TV overhead. The flat screen TV is prophetic information. The teams sit at a picnic table because we eat the revelation together. There is a prize, which we know is the Lord. The tall people walking the aisles and providing assistance are angels. This is a perfect description of this ministry, and I’m sure of many others. We are clearly at the frontier, but we’re learning. Prophetic traders work in teams sharing and interpreting dreams, visions, events, impressions, and all the other sources of the Lord’s voice in our lives. These are brought together to build a picture on the “flat screen TV”. These pictures show us future events, that allows us to trade (manifest the Kingdom without). This isn’t just for a few. This is for many, and is happening now.

Corporate Man This picture of teams is important. The church is getting ready to become the Church: a corporate body of believers that are directly connected to the Head. Jesus is going to manifest again on the earth, but this time as a corporate body. I believe I see a slow transition away from the “anointed man” model. That model had a season, but a new season is emerging, where the anointing is falling on the people of God like rain. We shall all prophesy. We shall all hear. Joel 2 will become a reality. There will be true unity because we are all hearing and being led by one Spirit. This is the purpose of


teams. It is to express Christ on the Earth through a variety of personalities, giftings, ministries, and effects. There will always be a role for leadership, but the purpose will not be asking people for their service. The people of God will serve a lost and darkened world. The leadership will not stand between the people and the Lord as intermediaries. There will be no need. The voice of the Lord will be heard in such a way that we won’t need to hear the marching orders from appointed and anointed people. We will hear them for ourselves. This is what is coming. This ministry is primarily about training for that reality. Come to the trading arena and learn the dynamic voice of God in day-to-day strategy.

Is This Just for the Select Few? Let me share a dream from Keith, a partner in this work: I am at my grandparent’s previous home in a nearby city. I am in the front living room giving a presentation on a new flying car to about 20 people or so. This new car is in the shape of a flying saucer with a clear glass hood in the middle that lifts up for entry. I am explaining that the new one will go as high in the air as you want, with a much more powerful motor. When looking into this vehicle, the interior is light colored (maybe white) and comfortable looking with a lot of space for a large family to sit and even walk around a little. The exterior comes to a sharp edge all around and the circumference (when looking down on it) is a rough circular shape with some jagged edges that seem a part of the design. I wrap up by making one last point, “When Henry Ford invented the first automobile he could drive anywhere and didn’t have to deal with traffic lights and stop signs. But as these flying cars get more common there will at some point be a more controlled airspace. But for now you can fly it anywhere.”

Flying saucer cars! Isn’t that a great picture of the teams? Here we are as a family in our own flying saucer. This is a new saucer. This saucer can go high, and has a powerful new engine. This is what the Lord is saying about this trading ministry. But look at what else He says. There isn’t just going to be one of these, but thousands! It’s going to be like Henry Ford all over again. Right now we can pretty much “drive” wherever we want because there are few teams commissioned for doing this. But that’s going


to change. Eventually, there will be many teams. So much so, that we’ll need to have new understandings, so that we don’t run into each other. The rules of the road will need to be established. I honestly think there will be many contributors to developing the fullness of what is coming. For my part, I believe the Lord asked me to write this to help get us started.

A Personal Invitation I know the gifts are given as He wills. It’s not our decision. However, I have found this principle in my Christian walk. If I can see it, then I’m invited to it. By this I mean, if I have a revelation of something, to the point that my heart is moved; it is like an invitation. It becomes “ask, seek, and knock” time. So, look over this book. Do you see it? Do you see the possibility? Are you excited about the Kingdom potential? Can you avoid offense, just because it is something new and intersects with worldly people and culture? Can you trust God to protect your heart from the dangers of the money side of all this? Could God overcome all that nasty stuff? Would He want to? Wouldn’t He want to make His mark right in the middle of where the world gets so much of its weird energy? Do you see how market unbelievers might be attracted to look into this One who is nothing like the anemic religious and cultural portrayal? Couldn’t this become a harvest field —right in the middle of Wall Street? For a long time I’ve had a revelation of a coming time, when the Lord would be moving in amazing ways in the Earth. I understood that it would be during my lifetime. What I saw, I took as an invitation. I told the Lord I didn’t want to be in the bleachers, and I didn’t want to be on the bench. I wanted to play. I would accept any position, even if it was water boy (actually that’s pretty good if you think about). I told Him, that I would commit to His process, knowing He would give me the grace for it. I asked that He would continually reveal Himself to me, show me His ways, and allow me to continually behold His beauty. I wanted to play, because I saw that it would be a way of getting to know Him better. He answered this prayer, and is answering it. How about you? Are you game?


A Prophetic Trade Can God anoint an individual to see the movements of the stock, commodity, and currency markets in order to trade for profit? Well, let’s start with a simple example. On April 29, 2010 I had the following dream: I was given a silver box. The box contained a gift card for the London/Poland department store (the store name was a “knowing”). The card had 100£ in one corner and 508 in the other. The card looked like this in the dream:

So, looking at the dream we can see that pounds sterling is like “silver” (sterling=silver), which connects to the silver box. London and Poland are connected together, and there are two numbers, one of which is denoted in pounds. So, while I never traded in currencies before this time, I did know that currency is traded in pairs. So, I looked up the currency pair for the British pound and Polish zloty. It was currently trading at 4.5 zloty’s to the pound. I thought that number made sense in the context of the dream. The card was like an invitation that was suggesting to me that the pair was going to move close to 508 zloty’s to 100 pounds, or 5.08 zloty’s per pound. I entered the trade that day. On May 4th the currency pair began the largest three-day move in five years, and several years since. It went from 4.5 to over 5.0, or a total of 5 cents (500 pips) in three trading days. I traded out at 4.93 (It did eventually hit 5.08). You may not know a lot about currency trading, but this is a really big move in a short period of time. Here’s the graph:


To get a sense of the size of the move I’ll place it within a bit of historical context. Here’s the same move showing the price changes for all of April and May.


It’s a big move. Since this time we have received revelation on 100’s of different trades. Sometimes they are small moves within a week, and other times large significant moves that happen only rarely. I dream almost every night, and often multiple dreams per night. Many of those dreams are about future market movements, both short and long term. I don’t do this alone. That’s important. The Lord has put me together with other gifted prophetic traders. I work with people that have been handpicked by the Lord. I saw them in dreams before they arrived in the natural. Interestingly, the Lord uses a common set of metaphors across all of us. That’s really helpful! It’s like the Lord has a dictionary for prophetic trading. Given that, I’ve developed a limited glossary of these dream metaphors at the end of this book. This glossary is much different than some very good dream dictionaries available to you. This glossary is about market trading. The metaphors are tailor-made to that purpose. It took us years (and a lot of losses) to learn these, so I’m hoping this will give you a head start. I know it’s only a beginning, but you know about the small beginnings (don’t despise them).


Here’s the deal. God is larger than we know, and His ways are still unfolding before us. So let’s move forward in faith, and open up the box on this gift and take a closer look.



Foundations for Prophetic Traders


efore we get into the how to’s, it is important to deal with some basic principles that underlie what we do. It would be mistake to skip over these principles. I can pretty much guarantee that you will learn them one way or another. The “other” way to learn them is often uncomfortable, and I’d really like to spare you that. So, let’s take a look at these.

….But God Doesn’t Do That I am claiming that God gives us the ability to see market movements before they happen. This is a very controversial claim, and potentially offensive to some. I get that. Some have told us that God would not do this. Without going into a critique on whether it’s wise to state what God does or doesn’t do, we will admit there might appear to be some sound biblical claims with regard to the objection.


Here’s a sampling: Prov. 13:11 Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it. Prov. 28: 19-20 Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worthless pursuits will have plenty of poverty. A faithful man will abound with blessings, but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished. Prov. 28:22 A man with an evil eye hastens after riches, And does not consider that poverty will come upon him 1 Tim. 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs. Matt 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Eccl. 5:10 He who loves silver will not be satisfied with silver; Nor he who loves abundance, with increase Heb. 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

These statements are true, and I would not disagree with any of them. So, the question is how one reconciles these principles with the reality of prophetic trading? Isn’t prophetic trading just a “get rich quick” scheme? Won’t it promote the spirit of Mammon in the heart, and a lazy attitude toward work? These are good questions. Our answer is that in the hands of men (soul led), yes, surely there would be great danger in a prophetic trading gift to corrupt the heart. Our experience is that prophetic trading does not violate these principles in the hands of the Holy Spirit. Our ability to forecast and trade the future requires effort. After all, the Lord calls the game “Advantage”, not “Handed on a Silver Platter.” The revelation must be stewarded over periods of time, compared across multiple people, and analyzed relative to emerging market patterns. These are not casual efforts. We are applying faith. I have seen people who don’t really believe that God is speaking, trying to do this casually or intermittently. They get subtle holes and gaps


in their understanding, due to lack of connection to the revelatory stream. It is very easy for the inattentive to drop through small holes and miss the trades. I have also seen others wanting the prophetic people to do the heavy lifting by having them give all the answers. It’s the attitude that says, “just give me the trade Ma’am.” This is an unwise strategy. It fails to appreciate the fullness of what God is trying to accomplish. He wants engagement, because He is after your heart. Money is just the context. You don’t get to know the Lord’s ways by such passivity. If we think it’s just all about the money, then we’re missing what is going on. On the bright side, this ministry can be the “and these things shall be added unto you” that comes after the “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” The order is important. The Lord gives the interpretation, and anyone can hear the Lord’s interpretation. But, we must be on top of that revelation for the Holy Spirit to make the connections in our minds. This requires review, prayer, quietness, and all the other ways that we prepare ourselves to hear. Moreover, our experience is that gains from trades accrue over periods of time, rather than gambling type returns over very short periods of time. Looking for the 100:1 trade that “solves all my problems” is the wrong answer to the wrong question. The Lord is always our source of security, never our bank account. More importantly, the Holy Spirit invites us into prophetic trades. The Lord determines both the amount and timing of profits. We don’t determine the profit by our own decisions, and one can’t run ahead of the Lord by chasing profits that are not offered. Rather, we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and agree to His pace for each of us, individually. The Lord will not be undone by an immature attempt to overcome His profit timeline. In His grace, the Lord can take money away by this ministry as easily as He can increase it.

Implication We do not expect, nor do we position trades to make large sums of money in short periods of time. We steward the revelation and work to


wards slow steady gains that are available by accurate prophetic forecasts. We do not expect to be perfect, but we do expect errors to be sufficiently minimal to allow steady profits. We do not look to the profits as our security. The Lord is our security. The Lord occasionally provides a trade opportunity that could be stylized as a “home run”, however, these trades are usually developed prophetically over a long period of time before they manifest in the natural. Often, patience bears greater fruit than impulse.

Prophetic Gifts: Transformation and Anointing2 We can think of the prophetic gifts as operating in two planes of influence. One is primary, while the other is secondary. The primary role of the gifts is in our own internal transformation, and transformation in others. The Lord uses the gifts to interact with our own hearts to conform us to His own image. At a secondary level the gifts are the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This is the gift in operation as we see them, for serving the world.

Transformation The primary role of prophetic gifts is our own internal transformation into the likeness of Jesus. In this sense the gifts operate in concert with the Holy Spirit to work out heart issues that are unaligned with the Lord’s desire for our lives. He wants us to participate in His life, and He does that by using the gifts to purge the undesirable, and grow the desirable. While transformation is ongoing, the gifts act as an accelerant, gasoline if you will, on the process. The two ministries of the Holy Spirit are summarized on the chart as follows: Transformation vs. Anointing 2

This section is informed by the writings of Chris Anderson, who I want to thank and acknowledge (firstloveministry.com).


Transformation Foundational Seed Internal (Cross) Private Relationship with God Eternal

Anointing Secondary Rain External (Body) Public Service to others Transitory

For example, take the issue of greed. Prophetic trading and greed do not go well together. So, how do you suppose the Holy Spirit deals with this heart issue in the context of the prophetic trading gift? I know, because I’ve been there. It will feel like this: You will think you see absolute grand slams. Indeed, the revelation looks sure fire. You put a lot of money and leverage on that understanding (because you want to fund the Kingdom), then watch it go up in flames. You go back to the Lord and realize that He didn’t lie to you, but that He also didn’t give you clarity or fullness in the interpretation. It remained just fuzzy and clouded enough for your own heart to lead you to the wrong action. It is like the Lord knows you so well that He creates a prophetic scenario where your own corrupted decisions come out of your own soul, and leads you to the cross. Then the Lord gets you up to do it again, until you learn to move totally by His voice. Eventually, you move according to His invitation, rather than your own soulish desire. This is how we learn the ways of the Lord and allow Him to use the prophetic gift to bring the cross to our lives. It’s all part of the Joseph experience, that prepares us to be entrusted with authority. On the positive side, the gifts can accelerate faith and trust in God. In prophetic trading you get to see and experience amazing miracles, literally week by week. Your inner heart gets transformed as faith and trust grow. You see how the Lord really is our source; it’s not just words, but experience. You see how He provides tangibly in the most elegant ways. You walk the incredibly non-linear ways of God, and trust that He’ll get you where you’re supposed to go, even when you can’t see it. You come out with a level of faith, trust, and experience that is difficult to match without the gifting being part of the equation.


In prophetic trading you are constantly putting money on the line. This is faith in action. Its not paper trading, it’s the real deal. The losses are real when you miss it, and you will. Yet, you trust that God is controlling the whole process. He’s absolutely in the game with you. He’s controlling all the gains and losses, often with purposes you don’t see at the time. You learn that you are safe in His hands, even if it doesn’t feel like it at times. What a great gift! Can you imagine a future where these realities are built into you? To gradually grow into the place where all the little fears of our life begin to dissipate as we see the Truth? Prophetic trading can offer this as we walk the transformational pathway with the Lord. It is where the real profits lie. I liken the transformational role of anointing as a father working with his teenaged son on an automobile restoration project. The father doesn’t need the car; that is not really the point. The point is twofold. First, to provide a context within which the son can learn, grow, and mature. Second, to provide creative space for the father and son to deepen their relationship with each other. In like manner, the Lord provides anointing for service as a way to transform us, and to deepen our relationship with Him. As a byproduct, you get a car (ministry calling).

Love and Transformation Paul is clear in 1 Cor. 13 that without love, we are nothing. Love is the ultimate in internal transformation. These gifts operate for the purposes of anchoring our hearts into the love of God, and then into a love for others. The gifts are motivated by love when they are in right alignment. When they are in wrong alignment they are about power, prestige, and identity. When God grants us the ability to see markets and prophetically trade, it is never about building our identity around the gift, building a following, or seeking affirmation. Likewise, it is not about following the anointing. We follow the Lord and His voice. We grow daily in deeper love for Him as we learn more about who He is in our experience with Him. Our experience with Him fires a flame. You know what I’m talking about. It’s a revelation, experience, and reality that can never be taken from us.


This gift is amazing and fun, but it’s not the substance. Jesus is the substance.

Anointing The secondary plane is the anointing. This is the “rain” of the Holy Spirit that is external and falls publicly. This is the service aspect of the gift. This book is an example of the rain, the public, and external part of what God is doing. It is what people see. What is really important to understand, however, is that it is also the transitory and secondary part of the ministry and gifting. The money will go away, the healing will only last as long as the body, the prophecy will depart, the miracle will cease. None of it will last. The only thing that lasts is the internal transformation to yourself, and by love, to those near you.

Transformation and Anointing Together I hope you see that prophetic trading, as a niche gifting, is like all the others in one sense. Transformation is primary and anointing is secondary. However, it is also different than the others in one important detail. Prophetic trading is about money, and there’s nothing like money to get our attention and reveal what is really going on in our hearts. So, I’ll submit, prophetic trading is particularly effective at working the Lord’s transformational intentions. Expect it, because it is part of the journey. Don’t be naïve and think this is all about getting ahead financially. That’s small potatoes. Here’s a picture of transformation and anointing combined:


Those who know their God…

Will do great exploits.



Kingdom Impact Zone

(Kingdom within When we put transformation and anointing together, we have a powerful combination in the Holy Spirit. I think it is well captured by Daniel 11:32…. but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits. Those that know their God are allowing Him to work the transformation side. They come to know Him, know His ways, trust Him, and love Him. They become strong, because He is the source of strength, and they can apprehend it. It’s a big deal, and changes everything, when those dynamics become real in one’s life. Take this, and combine it with the anointing, and you have a spiritual bazooka. Anointing is where the love that that has been poured into our hearts spills out into the world. The Kingdom Impact Zone is where these two combine. The kingdom that is inside becomes the kingdom that is external. We want the transformation that is core in our lives to impact the world of those around us. In the arena of prophetic trading, we have promises from the Lord that we will have significant impact on the world of finance. The Lord can place us near the “titans” of finance and impact their lives. We can be one of the avenues for the much-awaited ‘drawing in of the wealth of the Gentiles’. Join me, because the Lord said there would be many that would be doing this.


Two Parables Remember the parable where Jesus commends the righteous for feeding Him when He was hungry, giving Him a drink when He was thirsty, and visiting Him when He was sick? The righteous responded, when did we do this? Jesus responded, “As you did to the least of the brethren, so you did to Me.” These are the one’s that lived and embraced transformational lives, and yielded a fruit. They were so unaware of themselves they didn’t even know that they had a commendable claim. The Kingdom moved both within and without for this group. Now, contrast these with another group. This other group will meet the Lord and say “‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?” Here is a group clearly doing anointed works. But there’s a problem. Their identity is wrapped around the works themselves. They are very aware of the anointing, and make a claim before the Lord based upon anointed deeds. The Lord responds, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’ How can that be? These are people who are doing the stuff. I believe it is a warning. It is possible to walk in the anointing, but not yield to the Holy Spirit’s transformative work, and thus live out of only the secondary purposes of our spiritual gifts. Without transformation, there is no substance. The anointed works pass away and become the works that burn away. The prophetic trader must seek God’s grace in transformation. The primary purpose of this gift must remain primary. We don’t want to build “Pleasure Island,” either in our heart or in the world, but, rather, we want to build the Lord’s (Magic) Kingdom.

Abundance vs. Scarcity The economic principles of this world are based upon scarcity. The purpose of human-based economics is to allocate scarce resources to satisfy our wants and needs. All the economic theories espoused by men aim to solve this problem.


The economic principles of the world are in stark contrast to the Kingdom of God. God’s Kingdom does not operate by lack, but by abundance. Philippians 4:19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Proverbs 8:21 That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures. Matt 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

In the Kingdom of God, our wants and needs are not the objective. The objective is to glorify the Lord and manifest His Kingdom on the Earth. To do this, we need resources to support our families, our community, our callings, and ourselves. God knows this, and has promised to fulfill these needs. Arthur Burke points out that the Lord would be stealing to initiate a call in a person’s life, but fail to provision that call. Of course, the provision may not show up in our timing, or in our desired ways, but He is faithful to perform it. The prophetic trader has access to Kingdom resources by prophetic counsel. These resources are to fulfill the Kingdom mandate. They are not just for padding our bank accounts. The Lord will be providing access to resources through prophetic trading to a broad community of people, so that resources can filter down into the many places of need. I picture a harvest coming in. Financial provision will be needed for that harvest. From where will it come? I think prophetic traders will be one of the many sources where the Lord’s providing hand will be found.

Three Levels of Provision The story of Israel helps illustrate the three levels of provision that we can face as believers. • Egypt • Wilderness • Promised Land







Without responsibility


Under Authority

In Authority

Less than enough

More than enough

Egypt In Egypt we are slaves to this world. Our hearts are more concerned with the concerns and affairs of this world, then of the affairs and concerns of God. This is not where God wants us. However, often Egypt must be worked out of us. I’ve been through this, and bet you have as well. While in Egypt, the abundant provisions of the Lord are attenuated. The Egyptian heart is not “seeking first the Kingdom of God”, but seeking more after their own kingdom. The slave has barely enough to make bricks. In this state, Kingdom responsibility and authority are virtually non-existent. We are merely making bricks for others. The Egyptian heart still lives in fear of the future: future provision, future safety, future identity, and future acceptance. Of course, all of these things are found in the Lord, but the Egyptian mind has no faith for this. Their experience tells them that they are unsafe and that they need to “scramble” in order to create the illusion and pretense of safety. So, we are promised abundance, but the Egyptian mind does not experience abundance. This is because abundance and maturity are related to each other.


Prophetic Trading in Egypt Prophetic trading in Egypt is like trying to make bricks with no straw. The Egyptian mind is filled with double-mindedness and doubt. The prophetic word is muddied and bilateral. It seems that one could read two completely opposing messages out of the same prophetic word. This confusion is a reflection of the confusion that exits in one’s own heart. The mind starts asking questions that the Spirit did not prompt, because the heart is riddled with fear and insecurity. These questions create doubt and uncertainty. Before long the prophetic story begins to take multiple meanings, none of which are entirely clear. In this state, God uses prophetic trading to draw us out of Egypt, in the midst of very sporadic success. Prophetic trading is like a Ferrari. One would not give the keys of the Ferrari to a child. It would be dangerous for them and others. So, the Lord only let’s you sit in the passenger seat a little bit. You get to feel the possibility, so that you are motivated to join Him in the Wilderness.

Wilderness The wilderness is not bad, but it is constraining. It is not bad, because God is ever present. He lights our way by night and provides cover during the heat of the day. He brings His daily word and meets our daily needs. We are not given the abundance for building, because this is not the time to build. This is the time to let the seed of love produce root, and for the root to extend deep into the inner waters. We build strength in the wilderness. We learn to trust the Lord, and hear His voice in the wilderness. There are fountains and streams in the wilderness, so we don’t thirst or starve. However, we don’t really “go” anywhere. Rather, the entire “going” is internal. The wilderness is about patience. Likely years. The wilderness is also about suffering, but a suffering infused with the grace of God’s voice. You will weep more in the wilderness than you have in your whole life. You may experience great loss, such as the loss of friends, family, finances, reputation, earthly identity, jobs, or health. There is a stripping away. The cross becomes real, and the “fellowship of His sufferings” is no longer


mere words. You find places in the Psalms that you just camp under, like Ps. 18 or Ps. 31 (those are my campgrounds). If you’ve walked with great natural favor, you will find that favor is turned off like a faucet. Everything that you touch goes wrong. Even prophetic words that you hear yield no fruit. It is a time of managing frustration, and learning the real meaning of Hebrews 4 rest. At the outset I said that the wilderness is not bad. It isn’t, but that is not to say that it isn’t uncomfortable and challenging. It is all of that. But—and this is a big but—it is the place where authority is being built in you, and you know it. The Lord is constantly telling you what He is doing even if you don’t fully understand the why in the midst of it. The “what” is enough, beyond the “why”. It’s enough because it is reminder that He is fully authoring what is happening to you. You are in His hands. The prior years of experiencing His love for you is something you are now drawing upon. You know that you know that He is good, and that He loves you. You are only ready for the wilderness when that has been sunk in deep. Identity The wilderness is the place where Lord anchors your identity. We learn not to draw identify from the cheers or the boo’s, the acceptance or betrayal, or the gains or the losses. We will experience all of that in the wilderness, but it is not our identity. Rather, your identity is anchored in what the Lord says about you. You are a son or daughter of God. This is immutable, whether you are in the pigpen or at the celebration table. It is true when we’re five years old (spiritually) or when we’re 50. We are running a race, but it is a race where we are casting our eyes upon Jesus, not our feet, not other runners, not the cheering section, and not the finish line. He is the victory. When I’m hurting or confused, I always come back to this bedrock understanding. I’m a son, and He’s a Father. He loves me and I love Him. I’m safe and He knows what He’s doing. In the wilderness you come back to this over and over, as your history in God is being built.


Prophetic Trading in the Wilderness Prophetic trading in the wilderness is constrained. The Lord calls this Holy Spirit school. This is the place where we receive daily manna from heaven as we receive routine (often daily) revelation about market events. We are illuminated by night as we hear His voice in the night season. We are protected by the shadow of His covering during day as He protects us from the heat and pressures of trading. We learn to handle greed and fear issues as the market moves with or against us. In the wilderness we learn to follow the Lord wherever He is going. We move when He is moving, and we stand still when He says its time to stop. Sometimes we need to go around the mountain to learn a lesson. The greatest favor of the wilderness is in the area of transformation, even in the midst of attenuated natural favor. Profitability will seem very constrained, as it isn’t quite yet time to build. If you are in the Wilderness, trade very conservatively and with small amounts of money. However, continue to trade. It’s the only way out. You can’t quit the gym and get to the Jordan. You need to stay in training, but be patient with the finances. Most of the people I know in the prophetic community have been in a wilderness experience. I think it is interesting that we are seeing this happening synchronously. It is like there is a large plan being devised in Heaven that will involve all of us at the same time. The prophetic traders that I know have experienced much of this ministry in the wilderness as their hearts are purified for the authority that it bears. Some are beginning to come out and begin to walk in the edges of this authority. The Jordan is beginning to part.

Promised Land The Promised Land is the place of full abundance in all things. This is the place where freedom is expressed in its redeemed state. The Lord provides abundance and excess in the Promised Land, because this is the place for building. Promised-land people have been through the wilderness and are prepared to take the land. Promised-land people have matured in three important areas:


Faith: Promised-land people have experienced the trustworthiness of the Lord in the wilderness. They know the reality of Matt. 6:33. They have seen miracles and live a prophetic life surrounded by the counsel of heaven. They are able to marshal faith when confronted by unwelcome circumstances or insurmountable odds. They hear God and have confidence that their actions are endorsed by heaven. They are formidable. Stewardship: Promised-land people steward the land that they have been given. They don’t bury their talents, but deploy them in Kingdom endeavors. They trust that their efforts will not return void. While it might seem that favor was lost during the wilderness, it is only natural favor that was curtailed. That natural favor returns in the Promised Land. Isaac was faithful to sow in the midst of drought and received a 100-fold return. Responsibility: With freedom comes responsibility. These two are indispensably linked Kingdom realities. Responsibility is moving from government though others, to government by God. Responsibility grows with mature hearing, thus hearing and freedom are related. To gain freedom, we give up security provided by others and replace it with the security that is provided directly by the Lord. Natural analogs are children and adults. Children have little freedom and little responsibility. They are governed through their parents. As they grow and mature, they are afforded greater freedoms, and greater responsibility. They eventually move from being governed by their parents toward hearing God for themselves and being governed by Him. A biblical analog is Jesus Himself. He passed through the authority of parents, religious leaders, and finally human government. Prophetic Trading in the Promised Land I have stated that prophetic trading is about both heart transformation and the more temporal issues of money. Thus, in the wilderness prophetic trading will not often lead to financial abundance. The wilderness is primarily about the heart, and less about anointed service. Thus, we find the prophetic trader in the wilderness is birthing a ministry in their heart in preparing for service. Thus, prophetic success at trading may be sporadic, even frustrating at times. However, it won’t be hopeless. The grace


of God is filled with hope as one builds the character required to hold this ministry. In the Promised Land prophetic trading begins to yield abundance. There’s always a school, but the sense that every trade is a lesson will begin to dissipate. Dreams will begin to coalesce and converge into very tractable meanings. The prophetic stream develops depth and consistency. The dreams converge, both between and within dreamers. The dream history forms, so that sequences emerge, which allow for profitable trade timing. This happens as sequences in prophetic time converge into real time, thus allowing for very precise “seeing” of market movement. Profitable excess and consistency will become the norm. This excess is for the purpose of building and taking territory assigned to you and those around you. I’m sure there will be much more, but we’re only beginning to scratch the surface in the Promised Land. Prophetic Upgrades During the whole journey from Egypt to the Promised Land the Lord provides prophetic upgrades. By this I mean that you will notice how the gifting improves over time (consistent with Heb. 5:14). In the beginning, the revelation is sometimes cloudy, and lacks precise timing. However, over time the revelation becomes much clearer and the timing more sure. In my dreams the Lord shows these as upgrades to our smart phone, eyeglasses, flat screen TV, or other audio/visual devices being improved. Here’s an example from a dream I had: I see about five different black smart phones positioned from the edge side. One is selected for me from the middle of the group, and I know it is a 'Sharp'.

So, here I’m receiving a Sharp phone, or a promise of sharp revelation. A Personal Account Around Christmas of 2013 the Lord told me to begin a prophetic trading group called “Open Sky Finance”, after working with some others in another group for several years. The people in this group were all experienced Wilderness prophetic traders. As this group began I noticed a


change in our success. It was like a light switch was turned on. Prophetic information was clear and was running mostly in real time. By real time, I mean the things we were seeing were occurring next. Non-real time is when what you see can be anywhere in the future. I liken wilderness revelation, as a difficult mix of real-time and non real-time revelation, while Promised Land revelation becomes much more real time. I began trading out of a 401K account when this group was formed. I asked the Lord for consistency. I just wanted to get a good batting average. I wasn’t really after home runs. That was a change in my thinking. If the Lord wanted to pitch me one, fine, but I really wanted to see consistency over time. I traded only ETF’s out of this account to keep things easy. Here’s a picture of the first four months of 2014:


Date 12/27 1/3 1/10 1/18 1/24 1/31 2/7 2/14 2/21 2/28 3/7 3/14 3/21 3/28 4/4 4/11 4/18

Cumulative Profit (Loss) 0 1,632 2,933 4,074 5,914 20,888 19,367 24,379 25,144 32,159 25,597 29,262 31,265 37,086 39,323 39,668 50,525 50,675

Increase (+) or Decrease (-) + + + + + - + + + - + + + + + + +

And here’s the graph of the same data:


I had 16 out of 18 weeks where I increased my account. So I’m batting nearly 90% consistency. Some weeks were pretty good, while others were just modest. I had only really one bad losing week (it was a timing issue). I increased my account by over $50,000. This was equivalent to an annualized return of nearly 50%. I think this shows just the starting potential of prophetic trading. There were no ‘home runs’ in this series. I’ve had ‘home run’ trades in the past, and the Lord has promised me some in the future. When ‘home runs’ get combined with consistency, real multiplication can occur. Implication In some circles I’ve heard people declare themselves future “billionaires for the Kingdom”. Consider the weight of authority implied by those numbers. Very few of us could responsibly steward such vast sums of wealth. If God told you that, then respond to His plans to bring it about. However, don’t be naïve about the preparation required to responsibly steward such wealth. In this ministry I don’t promise vast sums of wealth, nor do I deny the possibility. I think wisdom is to ask the Lord for the authority reserved for us by His grace and His timing. Move by His voice, and accept His portion. We don’t want any more responsibility than for which He has prepared us. We can only go as far has His grace will allow. If we violate those boundaries we will begin to build out of wood, hay, and stubble. Let’s live content lives, comfortable in His leading. Yes, there’s money in this ministry, but the Lord is primarily after your heart. In addition, I feel confident that this journey will be faster for many of you than it was for me. I’m sort of slow to learn, and I didn’t have anyone to guide me. I was just doing this with a handful of others, literally stumbling along as the Lord held our hands. I think the Lord is preparing to release an anointing that will speed this process. I think the gift will grow faster for you than it did for me. I was called to this journey in the way that I did it, but you may find a much different journey. A journey that took me years may be one that will take you far less. I think I see that prophetically.


Three Common Misunderstandings


am a prophetic dreamer. I also have small daytime visions (or visionettes as I call them). I also hear the Lord while I interpret revelation. I can move by impressions, and I experience events and “coincidences” during the day that add understanding to what is happening. All or some of these might be familiar to your experience. You may even hear the Lord in ways that I’m not gifted. For example, I know some people that can look at real-time price charts and create trades as the Lord speaks through the quiet inner voice. Another one of our group hears the Lord through the events of his life and people that he meets. He can “coincidently” meet an oil trader on the train, and know that an oil trade is in play. This variety of effects is all expected. Most of my examples are dreams and dream interpretations. I include with dreams, other night season revelation, including audible words and songs. I say all this, because your prophetic life may not be exactly like mine. You may hear God differently than I do, and my examples and experiences may not exactly fit your experience. I think that is OK. I still


think you can gain a lot from these experiences. At a very basic level I want you to see what God is doing. Get faith for this, then jump into the spiritual pool and let the Lord guide the process. You might flounder a little, but that’s how you learn to swim. Some of you may not dream now, but you might dream in the future. Dreams and trading dreams might be something that is activated in your life. It was in mine. I wasn’t always a dreamer. It was activated. I stewarded the gift, and it grew, like a muscle, over time. The trading dreams even came later after I had been dreaming for a while. We know that there is a time coming, soon upon us, where the Lord will pour his spirit on all flesh. Dreams and visions will abound. I think we should be preparing for this time. We can all be involved in prophetic interpretation. After all, the interpretation belongs to the Lord, and is thus, a prophetic experience. There are several on our teams that are not prophetic dreamers, but they can help in interpreting dreams. They can add what they hear from nondream sources. So, there’s room for all sorts of different people. Inclusion in this ministry is more of an issue of maturity, than it is an issue of gifting. Again, I’m careful not to give the keys of the Ferrari to the kids. Moreover, I am a male. I think that might also color things. For example, a spouse for me is my wife, who has a clear meaning in my dreams. However, for a woman the spouse is her husband. Her husband might have a very different meaning to her, than my wife does to me. I don’t have a “husband” experience. As another example, I have experience with male clothes as metaphors, but not with female clothes (I think that’s a good thing, don’t you?). I could go on. My point is that I know there are elements of this ministry from a female perspective that I’m missing. I say all this as a caveat. The caveat is that I’m speaking to you through the lens of my own experience, and to some degree the experience I see with others. That lens may not be a perfect fit for you. I think you can benefit from my experience, but there may be places you will need to make adjustments to the unique ways God speaks to you, or unique circumstances of your life setting. So, this ministry isn’t something only for prophetic dreamers, only for men, only for the gifted, only for trained and impressive. No, this minis


try is available to those in the wilderness heading for the Promised Land, for those crossing the Jordan, or who are already in the Promised Land. The question is are you called to take territory? If so, you need the strategic voice of the Lord. Prophetic trading is an excellent training ground for learning that strategic voice.

God is not a Code to be Broken I have stated previously that trading dream metaphors have some commonality across dreamers. It is like the Lord is using a dictionary. I don’t want this statement to imply that we’re trying to figure out “God’s Codebook.” That is a very mistaken perspective. God is not a codebook, and we are not trying to figure Him out. If we take that perspective, He will show Himself to be very elusive. Just when you think you’ve got it “figured out” you’ll discover that you don’t. The reason is obvious. Figuring out God is a very prideful posture. Breaking the “God code” see’s God as a puzzle to be solved. God is neither a puzzle, nor is He sufficiently finite to be “solved.” We want to know His ways in the context of relationship. We don’t want some distant relationship that is based on trying to figure Him out. In the context of relationship, He will reveal His ways to us. We will come to know Him in a place of intimacy. As I’ve said previously, prophetic trading is a like an accelerant. The anointing is like gasoline on the fire that consumes us. Interpretations do not come from our mind and human ways. We don’t build secret knowledge that allows us into the mysteries of how God works. Rather, we rely on Him to give the interpretation. We take a humble posture where our minds are given access to the Holy Spirit to see the interpretation. Over time, the Lord allows us to see patterns and similarities in metaphors. These similarities can be used by the Holy Spirit in informing our minds as to the interpretation of dreams. Still, it will not be mechanical. Mystery and faith will always be a part of the process. When I first started to dream I read Ira Milligan’s Understanding the Dreams You Dream. It’s a great book. That book came with an extensive dream glossary. In the beginning of my dream journey with the Lord, He


would use that glossary in my dream language extensively. It was a bit mechanical, and I think it was a way of getting me started. It helped me to learn His metaphorical language, and gave my mind an opportunity to learn His speech. He used it to train me to listen to His interpretation, when my listening skills were still developing. While I still find this book helpful, my dream life has grown so that I have a much richer language that goes beyond that original book. I think that is to be expected. I didn’t want to just have a mechanical relationship, but I needed help to get started. The glossary in this book is offered with the same intent. I think it will help give you a head start in understanding the voice of the Lord in prophetic trading. It will not be the final word. You will develop your own relationship with the Lord, which will be characterized by a lot of customized language between you and Him. It will be very personal and precious to you. That’s the way it should be. Here’s an example from Keith: In a dream I’m introduced to a heavy-set man named Seymour. He looked a little like the character in the “Despicable Me” movie.

There’s nothing here that will be found in a glossary. It’s all original. What do you see? Who’s Seymour? The main character in Despicable Me was trying to take over the world, so maybe this is bad news? I don’t think so. I think this is what the Lord is saying: The minions in Despicable Me provide help and assistance. They are good. They have big eyes, so they “see”. Heavy-set means abundant. Most encouraging, I believe Seymour means, “see more”. Putting it together, it’s a promise that the Lord is going to provide abundant help for greater revelatory sight. Isn’t that good news? That’s the Lord’s voice. He’s trying to help us. Let me tell you a story. I know of a person who was first trying to master prophetic trading using paper money. Paper trading is using unreal money on a real trading platform. It allows you to experience real trading execution, without the risk of real money. Trading platforms, such as ® Think or Swim , offer this service for free, which makes sense when trying to learn instruments and platforms. However, this person’s plan was


to use real money only when prophetic trading was all “figured out”. This may sound like a wise strategy, but I think this strategy is a mountain merry-go-round. In itself, there’s nothing wrong with practicing with paper money. However, this person had a much different mindset. He wanted to get prophetic trading all straightened out before he began to use real money. He didn’t want to lose any money, so the idea was to learn the code so that there would be no losses. So, he would diligently keep track of his dreams and his trades, while monitoring his performance in his paper account. His plan was to wait for his paper trading account to work, and then he would begin to use real money. What do you think happened? He never was able to transition to real money. Every time he tried to use real money, the code would break and he’d need to start all over again back with paper trading. The Lord was not going to allow him to get the anointing without the heart. You need to jump in with both feet. You need to feel the risk. It would be like trying to press barbells with balloons instead of real weight. You need to feel the resistance in your soul. The Lord does not call this a “gym” for no reason.

God Wouldn’t Let Me Lose Money, Would He? This is closely aligned with the God code idea. Some people believe God wouldn’t cause them to lose money. They think that it would be like stealing, and God does not steal. Only the enemy steals. Well, let me turn that on its head a bit. I would say that God couldn’t steal what is already His. If you have been bought with a price, so is everything that you have. It’s all His. I know we say that, but in prophetic trading it will be your experience. When you enter into the Lord’s prophetic trading school, you are submitting to His ways. He determines all the profits and losses. You can’t run ahead of His profit timeline, nor will you go destitute. I suspect there will be some “tuition”. However, the Lord provides grace so that you will grow. In growing you will experience both profits and losses. As your authority grows, profits will become more normalized. In fact, I believe that you’ll be like Isaac, and you’ll ex


perience the 100-fold. I’ve heard that in my dreams at any rate, and expect that will be the case.3 So, I can say that you will experience losses. If you are called to be a Joseph, I think it is safe to say you’ll have some of the Joseph experience. It’s part of the process. However, I can also say that the Lord uses losses for your good. Unlike the enemy that kills and destroys, the Lord takes what is already His and uses it to strengthen you, develop character, and prepare you for authority in finances (and other arenas). Like I said, I believe the Lord fully intends for you to be successful at prophetic trading. It isn’t losses all the time, or forever. But they will happen. I suspect much less for you, than for me. Let me tell you a personal story. In my first prophetic trade I made $300,000 in 10 days. I saw the October stock crash of 2008 and positioned thousands of shares of inverse equity 2X ETF’s (SDS), literally the day before the drop. This is an investment that goes up if the market goes down. In fact, I was so scared I was ready to bail out the next morning, except I got a dream telling me to “stay in the car.” So, I stayed, and it all began to happen. Here’s a S&P 500 chart of the October 2008 trade:


Of course, 100- fold isn’t just money. It’s everything that represents the currency of God’s Kingdom. We want the fullness of 100- fold in all of its dimensions.


I caught the top and bottom of the 10 day trading range of one of the greatest drops in stock market history. Only with the Lord’s voice is something like this possible. I really didn’t know what I was doing, but I had a dream and went with it. I went in waaay deeper than I should have, but it worked and I thought, “gee that was easy”. I guess I’m going to become a billionaire for God’s Kingdom. Well you know how that’s going to go. He set the hook, and my school was just beginning. I had a lot of greed, impatience, and pride issues to be ironed out. As a result, I ended up losing that money and much more. All during those losses the Lord kept encouraging me to continue. He told me that He was pleased with me, and that He had a plan. He told me not to be concerned about the losses, because it was all going to be worth it. He told me the tuition had a great return. I believed Him then, and believe Him now. I don’t worry about those losses now. They were what I needed. Today, most, but not all, of my prophetic trades are profitable. However, I also know that doesn’t mean there couldn’t be losses in the future. I don’t own this process. He does. Here’s another story. A friend of mine tried one prophetic trade with me, and it failed. He lost some money. He found the process of losing


money so painful that he couldn’t bring himself to ever try it again. I suspect he wasn’t called to this ministry. There’s a certain freedom with regard to finances that is needed to pursue this calling. If one holds their money too tightly, the test of this ministry will be to open your fist. You’ll either open your fist, or turn away. (The Lord loves you, regardless). I know of another person who would always list the things he could have bought with the money that was lost on a prophetic trade. You know, “I could have bought dinner at a restaurant with those losses.” I was thinking, but look at the things you are already buying. You get to hear and respond to God’s voice on a daily basis. You get to learn His ways, and experience His guidance. Isn’t that worth something? Look at the bigger picture. He could make all your losses up in the space of a week with the right trade. It is that much in His control. Regarding that last point. Here’s another personal story. I was running out of money and endurance in the Lord’s prophetic trading school. A friend of mine and I had been prophetically trading with sporadic success and a lot of failure for a couple of years. The Lord decided to refresh us. In the summer of 2011 it all became very clear. We could see a very big bearish equity trade coming. We had great prophetic convergence and a good handle on the timing. I purchased some (actually more than I should have) put options near the end of July. Well, we caught it; the largest down move in the stock market since October of 2008. I made $200,000 profit, and refilled my resource fuel tank. The Lord called this the 727 trade, so we did too. We shared this trade in real time within the Investing with Insight prophetic trading community that meets at Morningstar Ministries. We weren’t the only ones that profited from this trade. Others following along with us at some weekly meetings prior to the trade, or on the Internet, caught it as well. So, this was a very public success that was put on record. Here’s a chart of that trade:


If some losses are the price of admission, then I believe it is worth it. I once heard a story from a healing evangelist that the first 100 people he prayed for were not healed. But, he kept at it until eventually the 101st person was healed. Then, over time, many more were healed as the gift began to flow. Maybe this ministry is the same. If you are experiencing losses, don’t be discouraged. Hold to hope, and let endurance bear its fruit. Again, I think God’s grace is flowing for this now. I believe the losses you experience will be much less me.

Why Won’t God Give It to Us Straight? This statement reminds me of the old line from Sgt. Joe Friday of Dragnet fame, give me “just the facts, ma’am”. But the Lord isn’t interested in providing just the facts. He has a much larger agenda. The Lord could just show us a dream price chart with a time axis. That would make prophetic trading simple and instant. No learning, no challenge, and no one else. With only that, we could trade by ourselves without metaphor, “in part”, and mystery.


The Lord can show us a chart, and He has, but that is not the normal way. The reason is because the Lord wants a relationship with you, not a simple transaction. With such straight communication, prophetic trading could devolve into a repeating cycle of getting the latest update from God and doing the ATM transaction in the market. That sounds very one-dimensional. I’m not sure I’d ever learn the ways of God from such a simple transactional relationship. The Lord does not want to do transactions with us, and I’m sure he doesn’t want us doing transactions with Him. Prophetic information is designed to foster relationship. We need go to the Lord to get the interpretation, because information flow does not stop with the revelation, but continues through the interpretation and application. We build relationship with the Lord as we wrestle with the interpretation. All the issues of the heart discussed previously are found when we seek out the message. Without the mystery, the transformation would have no room to be formed. In addition, the Lord will purposely only give you part of the story. He gives other people other parts. This “in part” fosters community, humility and reliance upon one another. One person once told me that they rely fully on their revelation, but look to others for confirmation. I don’t think that posture captures the Lord’s full intent. I think we may actually need to rely on what other people see, because we’re all partially blind. I believe this is why the Lord talks about this ministry occurring in teams. Some might see significant far out events. Some might see routine near term events. Some might see with great granularity, while others see in broadbrush strokes. Some might see the underlying world events without price movement, while others see price movement without the cause of world events. Some might have an impression and others a vision. All are needed; all are mutually supported. It is meant to be this way. People who don’t play well with others will find it difficult to have consistent success in prophetic trading. This is because the Lord is building a corporate expression. I believe this is the coming emphasis in the Spirit. The Lord fosters this by providing a message that requires the attention and participation of all the team members.


There are many times I’ll post a dream to the Open Sky Finance group without understanding the interpretation. But the Lord will give the interpretation to someone else, and, thus, we all benefit. Other times I have a good piece of the storyline, but someone else will have a key detail in the trade flow that will make a more complete and tradable picture. Communication lines between the team members need to be open. Members need to be vulnerable enough to share what they’re hearing, even if they don’t understand what they are hearing. It will be OK to get it wrong, to make a mistake. We all do. All of this fosters humility and dependency upon the Lord. Two Dreamers Working Together Here’s an example of how the Lord uses two people to put together a complete story, where if alone it wouldn’t really get the job done: I had this dream: May 12 I am at the controls of a parked diesel locomotive. There's a locomotive in front of me, also parked. I believe there's a locomotive parked on top of the locomotive in front of me. These stacked locomotives are facing me. The idea is that the locomotive I'm in can't move forward. All of the display lights are off. Then someone turns on a distant switch and an operating light comes on. This is not good, because there's no place to go. Then other light's come on. The operating display is beginning to light up as if the locomotive was getting ready to go. I then hear someone running along the outside boarding platform and opening doors telling people to get off. I want to get off, because if this locomotive starts moving forward, there will be an accident. I look at the display, and I see all the lights turn off. I still decided to leave. I get out on the platform and there's no room. I need to duck under a 4x4 pickup that stands on tall tires. I only need to crouch down to get to the other side of the 4x4. I'm now running in the terminal. There is a person providing instruction. I need to make a decision on whether to go straight or make a right turn at this place. It seems the right turn is the best option if I'm understand the directions correctly. I make the right turn and I come into a large central part of the terminal where I'm sure the exit lies……

Here’s a picture to help visualize the dream:


Correct Right Turn Decision

Lights coming on, then going off

Go Under Pick Up

In this dream I am in a diesel locomotive, but it’s not going to go anywhere. My locomotive is blocked by an opposing locomotive, which tells me the market is going to face some resistance. The lights will come on in the engine room, then go back off and I’ll leave. This is a picture to the market trying to make a move up (locomotive), but it will be blocked. The move will abort. The light will come on (bullish), then it will go off (stop). In the graph below you can see the market reaction on the day of the dream. I was already long, so this was just reinforcement to me to stay long from some previous dreams. I next leave the locomotive (I’m exiting the long side), and going under a pickup truck. I know that a pickup truck is a bullish move (play on words “pick up”). However, I’m crawling under a pickup truck. That means I’m going low, or ‘under’ the bullish move. That is like under the resistance we just established. It is a short picture. The price graph shows the drop that followed the next day. Knowing that was coming gave me an opportunity to position to the short side. I didn’t have exact tops and bottoms, but the slow roll at the top made it easier. I’m next running to a place where I will make a right turn. I know that right turns are a short side play. So, between going under the pickup truck (short side) and the right turn (short side) I am running. That’s not much information, but it is likely bullish.


Now, let’s look at Keith’s dream on May 11, the day before mine. I am on vacation with my family. We are staying in a hotel that is on a lake. Our room is on the 5th floor. I exit our room with several of my kids, we plan to go swimming (the others may already be at the pool or swim area). The upper lobby has large windows and the elevator is on the outside of the building whose outer walls are full glass with a nice view to the outside. We enter the elevator to go down. Just as we get to the 1st floor I realize I forgot my swimsuit. I tell the kids to go on ahead and I’ll catch up. I stay in the elevator and hit the button to go back up to the 5th floor. As I start going up I begin to feel the floor of the elevator become unstable. There are some metal ladder rungs attached to the inside wall of the elevator, I take hold of them and step on when two halves of the elevator floor begin to fold upward in the middle then back against the wall. Now there is no longer a floor in the elevator. I climb up near the ceiling of the elevator, I think due to the fear of the open floor as I ascend. There is something wrong with this elevator and I now don’t think it will stop at my floor but I don’t want to find out where it will go. As I come to the 5th floor the door opens but the elevator continues, so I quickly jump for the opening to the floor and successfully land on the floor of the 5th floor lobby.


I get up and am very upset with the hotel staff and walk over to a counter and yell at them about how dangerous that elevator is.

Keith’s dream is about a hotel (a temporary place, a trade) by the ocean (spiritual water). He begins at a high place (fifth floor). That’s the high we see on May 13 on the price graph, a couple of days after this dream. The next thing that happens is that he goes down four floors. That is the same as going under my pickup. See how we can map the sequences between the two dreams? Mine showed the climb that get’s to Keith’s 5th floor-starting place. We then both show the drop, except Keith has more detail on the drop. We went from a high of 1902 to a low of 1862 in a span of a day and a half. This is a very good trade, a true elevator ride (fast and vertical). That’s a drop of 40 points, or 4 floors (fifth to first). So, Keith’s dream provided additional detail on the size and speed of the drop. From this, we can approximate where the turn will occur, so we can then position back to the long side. Now it gets interesting. My dream is really silent on the ensuing run back up. I don’t know where we are going or how long it will take. All I know is that I’m running to the next turn. Keith shows that it is a very strange elevator ride. It is ride that has a scary element, like the floor coming out from underneath him. It will be scary to his trading emotions. He will feel it. However, it will get back to the fifth floor, and maybe then some. So, the elevator is going up, it is just not a straight ride. Now we have a target, but something scary will occur. Well the oval section in the price chart is the scary part. We start marching right on back up on May 15, and then it turns hard on the 20th, and we drop 15 S&P points. That is the floor coming away underneath Keith as he’s working this long side trade. His emotions are now in play because the trade is all going against him, but he needs to remember the dream. The elevator still ends up at the fifth floor, so he can ignore this (he did!). You can see the price chart recover and reverse and finish the march all the way back up to the place where Keith started. Interestingly, the very last day on the chart, May 23, is when his long side trade options expired, and thus, was the day he had to “get out of the elevator.


What’s going to happen next? Immediately, we see from Keith’s dream that the elevator will continue to go up. So the market will likely continue its bullish run, even though Keith had to get out. My dream tells us we are eventually going to make a right turn (bearish), which means we’re going to march our way back down at some point. We don’t know the exact turn point at the time of this dream, but we have some rough data. Note that Keith’s dream reinforces this interpretation. He’s gone back to get his swim trunks, which means he’s got to go all the way back down to go swimming (a short motif). So, we have a hint that the next down move will be more than what we saw on the 14th. Later, I’ll tell you some other dreams about that move, and what it looked like. Wasn’t that fun. Do you see how it is so much better to work together, and why the Lord would want to build this ministry into teams? You might ask where I’m getting all these interpretive elements. Well, that’s the fruit of the five years I’ve put into this. Again, the Lord uses a consistent language and maybe I can give you a jump-start with this Handbook.




Faith and the Interpretive Process


nterpreting prophetic trading dreams has similarities to interpreting other types of prophetic dreams. However, there are also some unique aspects. Let’s take a look.

Applying Faith We approach our prophetic dreams with faith. Prophetic dreams should not be thought of as messages that you can either give or take. They should not be thought of as optional. I see many believers treat their dreams so casually, as if there is some question as to their authenticity. Your dreams are your mailbox from Heaven. Why would one toss the letters away before really opening them up? To do so, is like saying you don’t really believe God is talking to you. It’s treating God’s communications as just a bunch of junk mail, or maybe a mixture of junk and the occasional obvious check in the mail.


You should treat your dreams as God’s Word to you. One person once challenged one of us by saying, “well it’s not like your dreams are God’s Word.” It was a challenge suggesting our dreams aren’t really authentic or trustworthy, such as compared to the Logos Word. The answer is that they are God’s Word to you. The Rhema Word is legitimate, and not second rate. Jesus is the Word, and He speaks in a variety of ways. His words are valuable and they are important. God wants to talk to you in real time, He wants to give you counsel, and He wants active dialogue. If we’re going to live a strategic prophetic life, we must begin by knowing the Lord is talking to us, and it isn’t just chit chat. Your part is faith. Believe that He really is talking to you and desires those things. Have you ever shared a dream with the uninitiated, or even shared a prophetic trading dream? I’ve done this a couple of times and even when I’m in the middle of the explanation, I realize how unreal it all sounds. Without faith it all sounds like a bunch weird metaphors inside the crazy wrapper of dream activity. These experiences just reinforce something to me. You can’t see without faith. Doubt is a dream killer, and it blinds us to interpretation. Unbelief is our greatest enemy as prophetic traders. I’ll tell you a secret. In my dream-life the Lord is very gracious about all my mistakes and errors, except when it comes to one thing: unbelief (a quitting heart). When I get into unbelief, things get serious, and I see a different side. He nips that one in the bud. It is not possible to please Him without faith. I hear younger prophetic dreamers make comments like, “well, I don’t know if this is God, but here’s something…..”, or “this is probably my soul, but……..”. I think those kinds of statements exist because we don’t have confidence in what we are hearing. Let me go out on a limb. For my life, I don’t really see that I have dreams that I’m originating. Thus, I’m not trying to parse between “real” and “unreal” dreams. My dreams all have prophetic content and have a heavenly orientation. Now, I’ll agree my soul can bring some background emotional context to the dream at times, but the source is from heaven. In fact, I think the Lord allows my soul influence to show me some of my own heart condition. So, even that has purpose, and is not random. Other times, my experiences are the canvas the Holy Spirit paints upon. But it is still Him, even though I see some of


my experiences in the dream. For example, it is common for me to dream something that occurred recently, like possibly something I saw in a recent movie. That doesn’t mean the dream is soulish or illegitimate. It just means this is part of the paint used by the Holy Spirit to tell the prophetic story. Just because my soul captured something that is used in a dream, doesn’t mean it is not from God. Thus, I don’t throw away any of my dreams. I view all of them as important. That doesn’t mean I understand all my dreams, or that the complete message is fully internalized. All I’m suggesting is to avoid a hesitancy that questions the legitimacy of the source. Now let me go out even further in a limb. I don’t think the enemy can be the ultimate source to my dreams. Thus, he can’t get in there and “trick” me. Here’s why I think this. First, I can’t find one biblical instance where satan is the source of a dream to one of the Lord’s own.4 Second, my dreams are incredibly creative. There is no way that satan could be the source of these dreams, they are just too elegant. They are original; they aren’t second-rate knock offs. Third, if he could come in as an ultimate source to my dreams, it begins to open up a lot of room for doubt. If I don’t know that my dreams are sourced from Heaven, then it actually would be reasonable to give them distance. They could, after all, lead to all sorts of deception under this thinking. You’d never really know for sure if you, or the enemy, or whether the Lord were the source of the dream. In this scenario, your first question would be, “well I wonder if this one is from God?” I don’t think the Lord would make it that hard. In prophetic trading, that doubt is not helpful. We need to know that God is talking to us, and that there isn’t some sort of mixed stream coming into our lives. I think the Lord would design His communication to us in this way. I don’t think He’d allow it to be filled with uncertainty, or else how could one have confidence? Well, what about dark dreams? OK, there are dark dreams and I do get those from time to time. They are characterized by being very blunt, 4

There are the Old Testament “lying spirit” examples, which were sent from the Father to confirm a deceived heart. I’d view those as very extreme, and not part of our expected experience.


and over the top. They have zero creativity and seem designed to frighten. I think the Lord is the source for those dreams as well. I don’t mean that the Lord gave you that dream, but that He allowed it. You are seeing the enemy’s plans or desires. That can be personally helpful, or more broadly, strategically helpful. Remember always, He is your Father. He is good. He desires your good. Sometimes that good is not what we expect, but He is the author of all that is coming into your life. You are not in some sink getting churned around without purpose, only to get drained. You’re not in some uncertain battle between Light and darkness. That is not who He is.

Maintaining the History So, we receive our dreams in faith. Part of faith is stewarding our dreams. I see many prophetic dreamers relying on their memory to recall a dream. That is weak stewardship, and almost impossible in prophetic trading. In prophetic trading you are receiving a direct revelatory stream for yourself. But, not only that, you are also receiving a revelatory stream from others as well. This is a lot of information. This information needs to be archived for review as time is passing. You are trying to map the prophetic information to reality, and you need the dream history to do this. At a minimum, prophetic traders must journal their own dreams. I keep my dreams on my iPad, so that they are with me pretty much anywhere I go (on my phone too). I keep my dreams in chronological order by date, with files separated by year. Since, I’m journaling my dreams in a word processor I can use the Find function to search key words for older dreams I want to bring back. I also have a writing pad by my bed in order to jot down dream elements in the middle of the night to jog the dream back to memory in the morning. I can have many dreams in one night and it can be challenging to hold on to all of them, so quick notes of key elements are usually enough to keep the dream until the morning. My routine is to have a quiet start to my day. I want the prophetic information of the night to settle in and be recalled. I believe that we all dream, but we don’t all recall what we have dreamed. I think the Holy


Spirit brings back the specific dreams we need to our remembrance. Sometimes I’ll wake up knowing I had an important dream, but don’t recall it. I’ll lie down quietly and ask the Holy Spirit to bring the dream back to me. In this quietness I’ll often get a fragment, which brings back the whole dream as a cascade. In those times that I don’t recall the dream, or it remains very fragmented, I figure the Holy Spirit decided I didn’t need it, and I let it go. Next, I’ll get up and write the dream down. As I’m writing, the Holy Spirit sometimes brings back a dream I forgot. More often, writing the dream will begin the interpretive process. The Holy Spirit begins to talk as you are writing and considering the dream. You’ll be sharing your dreams with prophetic trading partners. Thus, you’ll want to write your dreams in a way that others can visualize them. On occasion, dream partners are not used to writing their dreams for others, and, thus, they fail to step outside themselves into the shoes of another person. You need to see from an outside perspective in writing out the dream. This will cause you to paint the scene, so that they can follow along easily with what you dreamed. Include the details, they are important. Identify the exact motion, color, image, and the like. Include your emotions, because that is also part of the message. Sometimes we see things that don’t exist in the natural world, so describe these the best you can. For persons that you know in the dream, provide insight as to what they mean to you so that the group can help in the interpretation. If I have a complex dream with a number of sequential parts, I will often include a simple drawing to help visualize the order of events and attach it to the dream description. Now, I do this in a small group. So there needs to be a way for the group to easily communicate with each other and archive the group’s dreams. One method is by using Google Groups®. A Google group is a method of sharing and archiving emails between a group of people into one closed and private depository. To give an idea of how this works, I will take my morning trading dreams and I will paste them on to an email along with my initial interpretation. This email will have a subject line related to the dream. I choose a very short but descriptive phrase, because this will become the dream’s “handle” in future discussions.


I then send this email to the Google group, which then sends it automatically to each person in the group, while simultaneously archiving the email in our Google Group web space. Others do the same with their dreams. These communications maintain the origination and response hierarchy, so the discussion trail is maintained. I have set my email up for a smart mailbox, so that all of the Google Group email comes into a separate folder. In this way, I have a complete history of our group communication to each other both in the Google Group web archive and in my personal email folder. The email folder is a good archive because it is in chronological order, has a subject line, and is searchable. So, now we have all the data.

Keeping the Dreams Before You The prophetic dreams are the raw materials used by the Holy Spirit to help you trade. This means you need to have a working understanding of the existing dreams in real time. For example, you might see a price pattern emerge during the trading day that will trigger a connection to a dream. That connection may be very important for an entry or exit decision. You also need all the prophetic information in order to plan. I usually take some time out during the day in order to review past dreams and connect them to the price chart history. I do this in order to “find myself” in the pattern. As I’ll discuss later, this is an important way to gain confidence in timing trades. I’ll begin to develop theories based on our dreams and begin to test those theories against what I’m seeing in the price history in the markets. These theories form the basis for a trading plan, which I then execute using risk management techniques (discussed later). As the trade runs, I continue to review the prophetic information for confirmation or adjustments. One tool I use to help with this process is to place the dream titles on a live price chart of the associated underlying. I do this because I want to be able to see the dreams summarized on the active price timeline. This aids in aligning the prophetic content to the emerging price behaviors and, thus, finding yourself on the timeline. From experience I often use 30 or 60-day charts in viewing the revelation, because this seems to be a good


resolution for catching the flow. As an example, here is a screen grab of the S&P 500 price chart for two months between June 19 and August 8, 2014:

In this example, we want the dreams to successfully lead us to foreseeing the price drop in late July and early August. While you can’t tell from just the titles, these dreams did foretell this price drop, as I’ll demonstrate in greater detail later. The titles above are dreams from two people (myself and Keith). The titles refer to complete dreams and interpretations that have been archived as discussed previously. There are 26 dreams for 34 trading days, or a bit less than one dream per trading day. This is about average for our experience. Recall, this is just for the S&P 500. A similar chart could be produced for other underlyings, such as silver or crude oil. As you can see, we are working with a lot of data in building our trade plans. I hope you can agree that the Lord is providing a rich, real-time dynamic flow, and that He really wants to help us.


Be Aware of the World Around You The prophetic trader is not living in a vacuum. Price changes are caused by events, sometimes events on a calendar. You should be aware of what is going on in the world. You will find your prophetic dreams may point to world events associated with your prophetic price changes. These help you gain faith and place approximate timing (sometimes). We don’t look to world events to make our trades; we’re looking to the Lord for that. However, the Lord will talk about those events. You should be aware of them, so that you can interpret these things when the Lord is speaking to you. To give an example, we were trading during a time when the words of the Federal Reserve were very important. As a result, we were very aware of the Federal Reserve Board of Governor’s meetings and the press releases and press conferences emanating from those meetings. We even knew the exact time of day for those meeting announcements. We often prophetically saw the market impact of what the Fed was going to say, before the market knew it. Because we were aware of the calendar, we could pinpoint our trade placements to this market-moving information event. Another example is in oil trading. We know that the oil inventory report is released at 10:30 AM ET on Wednesday. That can be a marketmoving event for oil, and can, sometimes, help us line up prophetic oil information. A last example is the Non-farm payroll report at 8:30 AM ET on the first Friday of every month. Again, we can see the price changes coming and use this information to place our prophetic trades for this very important market-moving event. These examples are not 100%, but successful enough to motivate us to stay current. A helpful app for tracking calendar events is Forex News. They provide a weekly calendar of market moving events that can be used to map potential revelation impacts.


This Looks Hard I need to be careful in scripting my approaches to heavily on you. I’m a teacher by redemptive gifting, and it is natural for me to collect, archive, and process data. I know not everyone has this gifting, and what I’m describing might seem overbearing or difficult. It does not seem this way to me. It is actually a lot of fun. I’m sure there are other ways to do this. For example, another approach would be to keep dream illustrations and price charts in front of you with whiteboards, drawing tablets, or visual charts. That’s not my approach, but I think that would work for the visual person. If I had a room with a big whiteboard, I would probably do some of that. However, I do observe this: successful prophetic traders do some variant of what I’m suggesting. I’ve seen few prophetic traders that are successful with a more laissez faire approach. I have not found this to be a loose process, or one where you step in and step out at random times. Yes, it is fully Holy Spirit directed, but I find that direction is based on the data that has already been provided. It is like the Holy Spirit is expecting us to work this out some. You can actually make a mistake because you forgot something. I’ve had that happen often. I’ll miss a trade element and I’ll go back and see that it was right there all along. I had the data. I just forgot it! Think of this ministry as an application of faith. This process requires some minimum level of engagement, because the heart is the primary objective. I think you want to avoid becoming a prophetic tourist, which is one who rides mostly on the interpretive and application efforts of others. I don’t think that is really what the Lord has in mind for those called to do this. Waiting upon others to do this heavy lifting, and then just tracking their trades takes you out of the process. I generally won’t do this for others, because it robs them of the full intent of this ministry. For those not called or accepting the process, I think a better way to benefit from this ministry would be to place money in a prophetically directed fund, and then go on and do their calling. Let the money be managed by the pro-


phetic traders according to their gifting, while others go on and do what they are supposed to do by their gifting. I think we’ll see this in the future.

Post Audit While reviewing my dreams and the price history for future trades, I am also engaged in reviewing my dreams and price history for what has happened to my past trades. I call this review a post audit. I do this because I want to learn. The only way to learn is to create feedback loops. Feedback loops are used to identify historical cause and effect. With prophetic trading, the cause is my prophetic trade emanating from my interpretation and application; while the effect is what happened. If I am successful, I receive positive feedback. If I’m unsuccessful, I receive negative feedback. I want to learn from both my positive and negative feedbacks. In the case of negative feedback I want to backtrack through my interpretive process and understand my mistake. Did I misunderstand a prophetic metaphor, did I miss the timing, was my heart in a bad frame, did I jump on incomplete information? There are many possible errors. Our training is to learn from our errors so that we don’t just keep repeating them. It is through this post audit process that you begin to build your personal prophetic trading glossary. You begin to see the patterns of how God talks to you, and can begin to rely on those patterns. Pattern recognition comes from intentional review. One of the keys to learning from feedback loops is having a teachable spirit. This is a hallmark of humility. It is allowing God to bring correction. Thus, I think it is unhealthy and unwise to skip the post audit. I think it is an indispensible part of our growth as prophetic traders. Without a willingness to learn from the past, we are subject to perpetual failure loops. There are times, although not always, where Lord will let us repeat an error as a method of getting our attention. I’ve been stuck in these loops in the past, and your mind tricks you into thinking that you are actually enduring. In reality, you’re actually failing to learn the lesson of a feedback loop. If you see the same negative results over and over, it is time to step back and ask the Lord a question? Is there something wrong in the way I’m approaching this? Am I in a failure loop because my atti


tude or core understanding is incorrect about something? The Lord will answer this question, but sometimes you need the humility to ask the question. Here’s an example from my life. Early in my prophetic trading experience I would trade only with stock options, and often a lot of options. I’d set up highly levered trades for outsized returns. I would continue to fail at these trades. Indeed, I noticed a common occurrence. I would wake up Friday AM with a dream about my Friday expiring options, telling me that the trade would fail. I’m hoping for a Friday miracle (that’s how deceived one can get). I’d get up and wonder, “Lord, why are you telling me this now? I needed to know this information about a week ago. It’s too late by now, the trade is dead.” I did this many times with the same result. This is a failure loop, and a failure to learn. The Lord let the losses pile up so that this lesson would sink in deeply. I needed an attitude adjustment. The lesson is that prophetic trading is not a get rich scheme. This is not about highly leveraged trades that allow me to make 30:1 returns in a week, just because I can see the future. He wasn’t going to let me have those trades. He’d actually let me hang myself. Again, this is good Father stuff, it’s what Dad’s do. I eventually stepped back and changed my strategy, because I could see that this really didn’t fit His ways very well. I knew options were acceptable trading instruments, but I was using them in an unhealthy way. I needed to make a correction. As soon as I made that correction, the losses came to an end. He also confirmed this decision by giving me the “risk pyramid” as the correct way to think about it. I’ll talk about the risk pyramid later, but I think it interesting that the truth came after I had to experience the false.

Markets and Feedback Loops Prophetic trading provides quick feedback loops, so that your skills as a prophetic person have opportunity to grow quickly. This is one of the great features of this school. Unlike a lot of prophetic information about far off events, prophetic trading is about near-term events. You are actu


ally applying prophetic information in real-time. The results can be discovered in days and weeks, and not years. This is a gym. It is not a once in a lifetime climb of Mt Everest. In the gym I come back and stress my prophetic muscles continually. I get feedback, and gradually improve my strength and my abilities as I exercise. The medium provides an avenue for this continued growth. The miracles in your life no longer are sporadic events, but on-going occurrences. I have this interesting aspect to my life. There are more and more movies and TV shows that have something akin to prophetic information involved within the plotline. I will watch these and say to myself, that’s not fiction, that’s my life. You will too.

Interpreting a Prophetic Trading Dream OK, I’m going to break a rule of good authorship. I’m going to do a prophetic trade interpretation example before I talk about the methods of interpreting trading dreams. Here’s my method: I want to draw you in. I want to get you excited about the next sections before we get into the heavy lifting. So, here’s some sugar before we get into it:

Jan. 12, 2013 I am on a ladder against a tree near the property line of my childhood home. The tree begins to fall in slow motion with the ladder. My wife is worried for me as I scoot down the ladder as it is falling. I'm very high off the ground and I don't want to fall and hurt myself. I'm able to negotiate this by keeping my balance on the ladder and I eventually land feet first on the ground. The tree is fallen across the property line into the neighbor's yard, but did not hit his house. However, the trunk of the tree is near the neighbor's house, which makes it appear it fell from his yard toward mine. I will clean this up with a chainsaw. The neighbor drives up in a small sports car and seems OK with this.

Here’s a picture of this dream:


My Yard

Neighbor's Yard


Me 2.

I highlighted some words that have some meaning to me. I’ll use the glossary to help with some of the symbols. I look at this dream and get a sense of the context, symbols, and actions. It is about a falling tree across a property line, with some additional details on the side. I’m participating in this dream, so it is something that I will, or can, experience as a trader. I am being invited to the trade. Note the starting position. I’m staring at a high place, on the ladder. This high place is unspecified, so is uncertain at this point. Is it higher than the present price? I don’t know from this dream. The dream is about being high, and going low. A ladder is used for going up or going down, so has a market context. Also, the strike prices of options are called a “ladder”, so that the strike prices are the rungs. This tells me that the movement is large enough and fast enough to consider using options on the trade. In this case, put options, which are used for a short trade. The tree falls in slow motion, so while fast enough for options, it is not an elevator that is real fast. I would expect about a week or two to complete the fall. A standing tree is a bullish metaphor for the equity markets. A tree has many leaves and branches, representing the diversity of the equity market. When it stands, it is tall and green, meaning bullish. When it falls, it is bearish.


As we will discuss in greater detail, any kind of boundary, like a property line, is talking about support or resistance levels of the market. Support and resistance are places where the stock price historically stops dropping (support) or stops climbing (resistance). We see these boundaries often in our dreams. Metaphors like fences, walls, ceilings, rooftops, suspended platforms, branches on trees, counter tops, and the like all have this type of meaning. They help in placing the size and extent of a move to the historical price chart. In this case we are going down and will breach a support level. Those levels can be estimated from historical price patterns. In the end I land feet first, and cut up the wood. This is again a prophetic invitation suggesting a successful trade. The ‘chainsaw cutting’ of the tree reiterates the short nature of the trade. Its not guaranteed, but I’m postured correctly for success (attitude-wise). It won’t hurt a house, and my neighbor may wish to participate (drives up in his car). This is why the trade looks like a mirror image from his perspective. It is also a trade for him, a prophetic partner. He seems “OK with this” which suggests I should be looking for prophetic information from him as we move forward. This is a lot of good information, but it is not yet a prophetic trade because I don’t know when it starts. I’ve got a good idea about how far it will go from the support line and elapsed time speed to the downside, but I don’t know where it starts on the price chart (height) or in time. I will need follow-up prophetic information before entering the trade. We received this follow-up information: Jan. 14, 2014 I am with others outside. I come to a set of long, wide, and straight stairs with a railing down the middle. These look like the type of stairs one would find on a campus to negotiate a hill. An intermediate landing breaks the stairs. I go down these stairs by jumping to the landing area while holding on to the middle railing. The jumps feel like flying. I make it to the bottom of the stairs quickly.

This one is pretty easy to interpret and is confirming the Jan. 12 dream. It suggests staggered jumps. Like going to a landing area, then jumping again. So, we have a little more detail on what the trade will look


like. I’m stabilized for this trade (holding the hand rail), so again, it looks like it will be successful. The confirmation gave us confidence that the timing was near term. Thus, we felt is safe to begin layering in some short sided trade instruments. Well, this was a successful trade; so let me share the chart:

This trade actually starts only six trading days from the original dream date, so it ended up being fairly close. That is not unusual. As it turned out, we were near the top of the ladder at the dream date. We fell the complete distance in eight trading days. Very tradable with options, because of the size and speed of the move, but still slow motion as well. See the “property line”? That’s the support line in the recent history. We had been as low as the 1780 area in early December. The dream told us that we would breach that boundary. The boundary stalled for five trading days. That was like jumping to a platform in the second dream. You can see it on the chart. We then breached the boundary for another 40 points to the downside. Our downside is confirmed when we stall out on the


down move in early February. An exit is reasonable at this point. Pretty cool, huh? So, let’s get into it.



Interpreting Prophetic Trading Dreams: Basics


n this and the following chapters we will look at a variety of interpretation issues I’ve discovered in my prophetic trading journey. When looking at these issues, you should be able to determine if you are receiving trading revelation from the Lord. Trading dreams are characterized by actions that change levels. So, look for dreams where you, or other objects, are going up or going down. Note those directions, because they are market directions. In addition, look for some metaphors that are commonly associated with the markets, such as bulls, bears, or dogs. The next three chapters will provide the structure of trading dreams and guidelines for their interpretation. So read these chapters closely, and look for them in your own dreams. Trading dreams are distinctive, and you should discern them fairly easily if the Lord is speaking to you in this way. So, let’s get started.


Dreams are Metaphorical Dream language is metaphorical. For inexperienced prophetic dreamers a common error is to read the dream, or dream element, literally. For example, I have a dream that I’m going to a hotel in New York….. This does not mean that you are going on vacation, and you should be lining up show tickets. New York is the home of the markets, and is a metaphor for the markets. A hotel is a temporary place to stay, so is a trade. Thus, the dream is saying that you will be entering the markets for a trade. Going to New York is buying; leaving New York is selling. This also applies to people that you see in dreams. Most frequently the people you see are not themselves, but represent somebody or something else. For example, my Dad frequently does not represent himself in the dream. Rather he represents my heavenly Father in the dream. My wife frequently represents the Holy Spirit. My youngest daughter frequently represents short trades. She is female and short statured in the natural, so this makes sense, even though it took me a while to figure that one out. You might even have someone that is a metaphor for yourself. So, in the dream, you are actually looking at your responses to something from outside yourself in the dream. This can be helpful when the Lord is conveying a hard message. Now here’s one: companies that you see in a dream are likely not, literally, that company. This can really be a problem if you think the company you see is itself a trade, when in reality the company is a metaphor. Is Delta Airlines a company, or a metaphor about flight? Is Coca-Cola a company or a metaphor about the red color with the symbol KO (knock out)? Is Toyota a company, or a metaphor about Japan? In all these cases I’ve had dreams that suggest the metaphorical interpretation over the literal. If the Lord wants to discuss a trade about an actual company I find the most reliable method is when you receive a metaphor about that company. If you can discern the metaphor you can have a lot of confidence that it is really about the company.


The Lord won’t give you a metaphor about a metaphor. I know that sounds confusing, but sometimes we can get ourselves a little wrapped around the axel. Is the metaphor for Apple Computer (an apple sitting in Silicon Valley), really not Apple Computer, because Apple itself is a metaphor for something else? It’s not that complicated. We couldn’t handle the confusion if it was. Famous people, even ministry people, are often not themselves. Look for their characteristics to find the meaning. Geographic locations are the same way. The location conveys a meaning beyond the literal. Extreme actions are placed in the dream to get your attention. Often the reality is not as extreme as the dream action conveyed. The metaphorical interpretation should have some sort of correspondence with reality. That is, the interpretations are not random pairings, but, rather, there’s a poetic elegance about how the meanings are derived. You need to develop an ear for this poetry because new dream expressions are constantly revealed. You need to learn how to interpret them without a glossary. You are not alone; the Lord will help. I just had one last night, “mashed potatoes.” I know that white often represent silver, and “mashed” must be short. So, it’s a picture of a short silver direction. The Lord placed this food item among other food items I already knew to confirm this interpretation. Literal interpretations are rare and most often occur with observer dreams (discussed below). In these types of dreams you can be getting “straight” information. Also, the Lord will be literal when He really wants you to “get it,” so it does happen, but it is not the norm. There are a whole host of metaphors that the Lord draws upon that will come from your personal experience, expertise, or career. As such, the glossary will not help you with these types of symbols. They are about your life and are best interpreted by you. I’m trained as an Accounting Professor and author, but I’ve also done a lot of consulting in the Lean Enterprise. There is a lot of material in my mind and experience that are in these two large areas. The Lord draws upon these experiences in my revelatory life. No one can help me interpret these symbols, because their meanings are unique to me.


Why This and Not That? Often in interpretation I will ask myself the question, why this, and not something else? I ask this question in order to challenge my thinking, and to try and get at what is really being said. I don’t want to miss information, nor do I want any of my internal biases to skew my understanding of the dream. I’m going to take moderately difficult dream as our example: I'm walking up a rock mountain. Below me I see some (possibly two) large semi type trucks have begun their journey up the mountain on the road. They will be to me soon and I feel like I need to make it to the next bend to the right, so that I'm not going to get run over. I feel anxiety over these semi’s. I make the bend and I run out along a ledge that takes me to a point with a sharp crevice down. I back off of that and now see that the trucks have found a different path upon a nice roadway below me. I'd like to get off these difficult and dangerous feeling rocks, and find that roadway. I come upon a short ladder that will bring me down, possibly to that roadway. I end up at the bottom of the ladder in someone's strawberry field. I'm careful not to step on the berry plants as I search for the road. I go down one dead-end hallway and reverse. I feel the semi’s must be found next.

On the next page is a picture to help with our interpretive work. The first thing I see is that there are semi-trucks below me that I fear are going to catch up to me. The semi-trucks are the focus of the dream and help me in interpreting the point of the dream. Semi’s are metaphors for bullish equity action, because they are large and carry diverse products. There was more than one semi. Why more than one? Why not just one really large truck, why break it up into two? When we see multiples it often means the move is broken into multiple discrete segments. I’m already going up a hill, and I see a right turn up ahead that will keep me safe. Why am I afraid? At the time I’m biased with short thinking, so the Lord is giving me a little challenge. He’s trying to tell me that my bias is incorrect. There are semi’s very close and you could get run over if you continue along the same path. So, why does a right turn keep me safe? Well, a right turn is a metaphor for short action, so short action protects me from a loss in long action. At the time of this dream I’m


thinking short and this dream is showing me that there is a short trade coming (the right turn) directly in front of me. However, those semitrucks are the final destination. I want to get to them, so this whole dream is about how do I get to the semi trucks. Those semi’s must be pretty good. I think the Lord is offering them to me.

2. Right Hand Turn 3. Pinnacle


4. Ladder

5. Strawberries

6. Reversal 1. Semi's on Lower Road

Next I go out to the pinnacle over the ravine. So, why is that in the dream? Why don’t I just go straight to the ladder, why this side-stop? The feeling is one of great height at the pinnacle. The context is climbing a mountain. So this tells me that I will feel like I’m going to a pinnacle. This is likely a new high in the market, or something close to that. So, to review, prices will make a small retreat, then march to a new high at the pinnacle. This pinnacle is not the semi-truck, however. In reality we were only about 30 points from a new high in equities at the time of this dream. So, that could all make sense. Next, I still want to get to the semi-tucks. Why are they below me? Why not right here? They must be below me because that is where you catch this real strong bullish move. It doesn’t happen from the top of the mountain, but after a small down (ladder) move. Also, these semi’s are


likely something more dramatic then the 30 points to get to the pinnacle, because the pinnacle was a secondary dream element. Lastly, I go down the ladder. This seems like a pretty good move in itself. I don’t have a rung count, but this will be a good trade when it comes. I end up in a field of strawberries, which are red. Why strawberries? This will be the fruit of this short (red) trade at the end of the ladder descent. The dream ends by going down a dead-end hallway and then reversing. Why a dead-end? This tells me that there will be a false bullish start that will reverse prior to the semi’s. Notice that this particular dream was a sequence of activity. That is common for trading dreams. The Lord is laying out a sequence of market movements that are going to occur on the trade timeline. So, let’s see how we did with our prophetic information, here’s the daily price chart for our timeframe:

The whole point of this dream is to provide the sequences that lead to the “semi’s”. Thus, the Lord wants me to abandon my short bias and get positioned to take advantage of these two semi-trucks. The Lord is


providing the lead-in sequence so I can find myself in time and take advantage of the bullish trade. The dream is real-time because it confirms the short position I am presently holding with the relieved feelings about the first right turn. In reality I hold my short trade through the first 20point S&P down move, and exit the trade. It felt like a minor move in the dream and I treated it that way in my trading. The next move is to the pinnacle, which is a 30-point S&P move to a new high at the time. It should be a “pinnacle”, suggesting it won’t be flat at the top. Thus, the ladder comes quickly after seeing the pinnacle overhang. The ladder’s drop is unknown in the dream, so it is difficult to gauge the extent of the drop. The only help is that it was a brief ladder in the dream. The last element is a small false start loop element. When that element is revealed, it suggests the sequence leading to the semi’s is complete, and the bull set up is in place. It turns out the two semi-trucks are huge. The total move goes over 100 S&P points over a month’s time. What I want you to see is that I’m asking questions about why I’m seeing elements in the dream. The answers to those questions allow me to build the sequence that will give me confidence about the correct entry for a very good bullish run in equities.

Your Dreams are All Prophetic, not Historic A common mistake that I see in interpreting prophetic trading dreams is to treat the dream as partially historic. We want to do this because it allows us to instantly place the dream into our experience from historic price information. This especially occurs when the early action in the dream fits recent price history. This is almost always (I hesitate to say always, but I want to) a mistake. Prophetic trading dreams are prophetic, requiring you to see the future unfold when mapping the dream. You generally don’t get an instant sense of the sequence timeline by assuming a historical component. In the previous dream we could have said that the initial part of going up the rock mountain and the first right turn were historical price moves, and that the future starts someplace later in the dream. While that history


does exist, it would be an incorrect approach. It would shift us in time and confuse our trading. Another place where it is easy to make the “historical timeline” error is when we make a trading error in the dream. Maybe we hit a golf ball into the woods. Well, if I recently had a trading error, it is easy to place that historical error into the context of the dream. After all, the last thing our soul wants to hear is that another error is on the horizon. Our soul says, “this must be the error I made in the past,” and the dream is helping me line up the future. Unfortunately, that has not been my experience. The new error shown in the dream represents a trading error that might happen in the future, it isn’t the one you just made in the past. You can see why the Lord would do this. If it were normal for history to be in the dream, then we’d always be wondering where does the future start in the dream? It’s difficult enough to determine where the future starts in the future, without having questions about the dream itself. The dream is all future. While your dreams are future oriented, they sometimes begin at the present market status. Your status at the beginning of the dream can communicate present-state information, if the dream start date is near term. This is a matter of the dreamer’s judgment. For example, assume a dream places you on the roof of the hotel at the beginning of the dream. If you are already at the top of the market and the dream feels near term, then that position may be existing reality. You are already there. If however, you are not near the top of the market and the dream feels like the future, then that position will have to be realized by future market action. You will need to get to the top of the market before the rest of the dream unfolds. There is one place where history can be in a dream. This is when the dream is telling you that something is historic within the dream context. Don’t assume historic unless it is spoken in the dream directly. Here’s an example: I am driving on the freeway. I have space around me and I'm driving relatively fast. There is a RV in my rear view mirror. I, again, have this sense of being pursued, so I'm a bit uneasy. I drive around some dips in the road,


but not problem. I eventually end up in a city. I've been in this city before and recognize elements. I realize that I'm in downtown Indianapolis. I need to drive through the town and work my way back on to the interstate. I'm following signs in the local streets as I do all of this. I don't recall the interstate number, maybe like I-84. It wasn't a zero or a five ending.

This is a trading dream. A car is frequently trading action. Indianapolis refers to a bearish trade. The Lord uses “Indian” as a short metaphor (red man; talk to Him, not me); thus Indiana and Indianapolis carry that theme. The statement that “I’ve been in this city before” is a historical statement in the dream, so is historical in the interpretation. The dream is telling me that I’ve had a similar successful short side trade previously, so I can refer to successful short trades as a reference for this trade. Beyond that, this dream is rather sparse on trade details. The RV and dips in the road are all rather obscure. There’s still a lot of missing information. This is typical for prophetic trading. The trade builds up over time as you accumulate information about the trade. Some dreams give a lot of detail, others less. The Lord is trying to teach patience, so we don’t just jump into a trade position until we have sufficient facts for a successful trade. We want precision, and precision comes with patience. Historical elements also show up in the middle of “A” and “V” shaped series. The dream may set you a place where you know you are essentially reversing something that you’ve just completed (car drive, golf ball drive, baseball throw, etc.). The “reverse” is the second half of the A if bearish, or V if bullish. The sense of a reversal references a historical move (up for A, or down for V), and that you are essentially preparing to reverse that move. This all comes as a knowing in the dream, not as an experience. Thus, history will not be in the dream as something you see or something your experience, only as a historical feeling in the dream. It is not common.

Even Small Details Matter I’ve heard other dream interpretation instructors say to focus on the big picture, and don’t let the little details get in the way of the interpretation. For prophetic traders, I would disagree with this advice. I find that


most of the dream content has meaning, and is important for accomplishing the trade. Some metaphors may slip by, but an attempt should be made to understand as much of the dream as possible. Small matters like the side of the room a person entered, the direction of a turn in the car, reversing direction, whether you briefly went over the line when driving, standing up, crouching down, sitting down, tipping your hat, or comments by people are all examples of the little details that inform a prophetic trade. We had several examples in the semi dream. All the moves had meaning, not just the more obvious ladder. In addition, a small dream action does not necessarily mean a small market action, especially if the metaphor is binary. A binary metaphor is one that tells us if the trade is up or down. So, for example, if we see a dream action of someone turning to the left, that is a binary reference to a bullish move. That simple turn could be a very large move. We don’t know, but shouldn’t make assumptions unless the dream gives the sense directly. We definitely don’t want to ignore it.

The Underlying We have to know prophetically what we are trading. This is what is called the “underlying.” The Lord will give clues as to the underlying so that you know what He’s talking about. The most common method of denoting an underlying is by color. Examples include: Gold: gold Tan: gold Metallic: silver Silver: silver Grey: silver Black: Oil Brown: Oil White: Silver (less often, equities) Thus, when these colors are highlighted with respect to a central dream object, it is often a clue as to the underlying. For example, if you


have a dream about a powerful looking silver pickup, then you are getting a prophetic bullish message on silver. If you have a dream about wearing long gold pants that is a bullish metaphor for gold. I presently have a silver vehicle, and that vehicle is used in my dreams about silver. It seems to be reserved for that purpose. I had an old charcoal grey family car given to me from my Dad in my youth. That car seems reserved for oil trades. Animals can also convey the underlying. Again the color or naming is the key indicator. Examples: Black bear: Bearish oil Black dog: Bearish oil Polar Bear: Bearish equities Goldfish: Gold (bearish) Golden retriever: bearish gold Rhino: bullish equities Equities deserve some special mention. Many of your trades will deal with equities. It is often safe to assume that equities are the default trade if you don’t have a clear symbol of the underlying. Objects that convey diversity and variety also denote equities. For example, trees are a symbol for bullish equity because the have many diverse green leaves. A grocery store or any other marketplace setting is another reference for equities because of the diversity of items being bought and sold. A freight train carries many different items, and thus is a metaphor for equities. In contrast, when the metaphorical image is shown to be associated with something isolated, a commodity can be interpreted. For example a single white plane would suggest a silver interpretation, whereas a white commercial plane with many people would suggest an equity interpretation. There are many other ways to denote the underlying, including metaphorical references to commodities. Here’s an example: …..I'm flying reasonably high and I get make to the entrance of the golf course. I see that it is El Dorado Country Club. There's a nice little waterfall at the entrance. I enter and find a place where the water is like a stream.


I decide to supernaturally float over the stream. My Dad is watching me, and I think approvingly. I am aware that "El Dorado" is a famous CC and is a very high end resort……

El Dorado is the famous lost city of gold. Thus, this dream is about a gold trade that begins with a waterfall at the entrance. That would be a short motif. Floating over the stream is having control over the short trade channel. Once the Lord begins a conversation about a particular underlying, and you choose to do the trade in that underlying, the Lord will continue to talk to you with respect to that underlying. You can usually assume that if He put you into to it originally, He will continue to speak to it, even it there are no metaphorical indicators. This keeps every dream from having to repeat the underlying. There are times I’ll ask the Lord for confirmation and I’ll have a dream reconfirming the underlying. However, generally the underlying is established early on, and then it infrequently discussed again until the end of the trade. It is often best to avoid trading multiple underlying’s at the same time unless you have confidence that they are correlated (move the same way at the same time). If they are not correlated it can get confusing to interpret the dream stream when you have multiple underlying’s running down the timeline at the same time.

Finding Dad and Other People In our prophetic life we are receiving messages from the members of the Trinity. They show up in our dreams because they are integral to our prophetic lives. You should quickly identify who God represents in your dreams so that you can follow His advice, go where He goes, and otherwise enjoy His counsel in your dreams. Knowing God in your dreams allows you to weigh what you are seeing. So, for example, when Dad gives driving instructions there’s no question that this is the correct path for a trade. In contrast, when I’m deciding what to do in a dream, I could be mistaken.


I suspect this is a very personal matter and there are no real rules for this. The Lord will choose a metaphor for Himself in a person that fits an authority, or one you respect, or one you love—or all of the above. In my dream life, my Dad is the Father. This is common. This works real well for me because I respect and love my natural father. He is a man full of wisdom and kindness, just like my Heavenly Father, so my Dad is a real safe pick in my dream language. My wife is often the Holy Spirit. Same idea. She is often a quiet helper in my dreams. Other authorities may show up in your dreams. A common example is police officers. If a policeman tells you to stop, then that is good advice, and you should exit an existing trade or not enter a proposed trade. We have had dreams where the advice uses very familiar, or even humorous speech. You might get a line like, “…are you sure about that?” That means you don’t know what you are doing. Any line that questions your actions is telling you to question your actions. Other people showing up in your dreams may be members of your team. This happens in my dreams. This is really helpful because we often can see each other in our own dreams. The actions that we see in other people’s dreams can be helpful for building confidence or making adjustments. To give an example, one of my prophetic trading partners is also a partner with me in teaching this material. He is shown in my dreams metaphorically as a colleague of mine from my university days (another teacher) that has the same first name and the same last name letter initial as my trading partner. That correspondence links my historical colleague metaphorically with my trade partner. Now, when I see the historical colleague in a dream I know it’s my partner. Look for yourselves in each other’s dreams and it will help with trade and ministry details. Other people may represent trade behavior or underlying trade index or commodity. The glossary will help you with this. Some examples of people and their common references are as follows: Native Americans: short trade metaphor African Americans: oil trade metaphor Woman (unidentified): short trade metaphor Man (unidentified): long trade metaphor


Arab: oil trade metaphor Japanese: gold trade metaphor Sports personalities: name of team, location of team, name play Actors and Actresses: famous roles, name play Father: Father God Mother: Church Siblings: Believers Cousins: Believers People you know: Their characteristics, relation to you, name play, and initials are all clues as to the metaphorical meaning of their presence in the dream. For example, one of our team members likes NHL hockey, so when he sees a player from Boston in his dreams he knows he is dealing with a short trade (Boston Bruins=Bear=Short). I often see my childhood best friend in my dreams. He represents my best friend on the prophetic trading team. Lastly, don’t forget to consider that you are also seeing yourself in the dream. Sometimes the Lord allows you to see other sides of yourself as an observer, rather than as an actor.

Observer vs. Actor Prophetic trading dreams come in two different varieties, observer vs. actor. An observer dream is one where you are not part of the action. You have no engagement in what you are seeing. You may or may not have an emotional response to what you are seeing, but you are not participating. An actor dream is one where you participate in the dream. The verbs of the dream impact you. You are running, driving, climbing, falling, walking, and the like. As an observer you are outside of the action. The action that you witness isn’t about you directly, but is about something that is around you. For, example you may witness a global event in an observer dream, but you are not part of the global event itself. That event may impact you, but that is not the point of the dream. You are getting information as an ob


server. This is one place where what you are observing may be literal. When observing the market, you see the movements, but not their impact on you. The distinction between you and the market is clear. Here’s an example of an observer dream: I am in the Vatican and the Pope (Francis) has recently been elected. It’s like his first day, or something like that. I am walking with him as an observer. I don't think he's aware of my presence. One of his assistants forgot his formal coat. The young man comes up with the coat and puts it on the Pope and it's clear the Pope views this as a non-event, when he possibly could have been concerned about appearances and have been negative. He turns back around and begins walking through doors. I saw how uncomfortable he was with everyone holding doors open for him. He tried to push at the door himself, but realized he has a new part to play, so withdrew his hand in deference to this new role……

There was more, but you get the idea. I’m in close quarters watching the newly installed Pope and see that he is a humble man. It was almost like I was really there. It wasn’t very metaphorical, just straight shot information about the man’s humility. The Lord wanted to show this to me for some reason. Here’s an example of an observer dream that has market ramifications: I am in the southern US, maybe in Bayou country. I see a commercial plane fly very close to overhead. Something is wrong. I then see a video broadcast of the plane crashing, which I hear in real-time. It was a horrific crash.

I don’t believe this is about an actual airplane crash. I’m observing a commercial plane, and then I see the video broadcast (prophetic information) about the crash while I stand in the south. This is a dream telling me about a future market crash. The equity market is like the plane with many different types of passengers (companies, investors). The plane has been flying, but ceases to fly. My observer status tells me the dream is not about my personal positions crashing. This is external to me, so it isn’t about me directly, although I may be impacted. There’s no timing, and this would not be tradable. It’s just forward looking information.


Far more frequently, we will be actors in our own dreams. We will be involved in the dream’s drama. You have seen this in the prior dream illustrations. Here’s an important question that must be answered. When I’m an actor in the dream, are my actions the market’s actions, or are my actions, my actions? These two questions can be a source of deep confusion unless I have a clear understanding on how this works. I’ll save this as an advanced topic for the next chapter.

Driving With Headlights When we drive at night with our headlights, the future driving path is illuminated at the edge of our sight as we move forward. Thus, the car consumes illuminated roadway, as a new future is being continually revealed. In prophetic trading, it feels a bit like this. So, let’s say you wake up from a dream and you interpret the dream as saying that the market will go up, then symmetrically reverse and come down. You don’t have exact timing, but from the metaphors you feel that it is conveying near term information for trades that are medium sized moves. Here’s an assumed timeline for the trade, using our headlights metaphor: First Dream: Up, then Down seen at time A


You are dreaming at time A, and you receive a dream that you interpret as an up, then a down. You place this dream into the near future as shown in the diagram. Now, let’s assume time has passed and that you have found the first part of the move. You are trading long and you are feeling for the turn that will bring you back down. You may have a mag


nitude sense from the original dream or even some convergence from other dreams, but you go to bed at time B, thinking the turn is coming. You wake up the next morning at time B with a dream telling you that the market is going up. Here’s the rookie mistake. Rarely would you want to throw away the original understanding and insert the new information in front of the existing sequence. Instead, it looks more like this: First Dream: Up, then Down seen at time A


Second Dream: Up, seen at time B


Your headlights have moved forward in time, so you are now seeing further out than the original sequence. You are likely seeing an up move that comes after you complete the original sequence. You don’t want to panic and keep your trade long, thinking the dream is telling you that there is no turn, and that the market is going to continue to go up. Rather, stay with your original understanding and push the new dream out in time at the edge of your “headlights.” How do you know that the “up” dream isn’t telling you to continue to go up and push the turn out? If you were planning on turning in your heart, and that decision is wrong, then the dream would likely be different. The Lord would direct your attention to your thinking with a much more personal dream, trying to get you to adjust your thinking, rather than providing impersonal sequence information. You might get a dream where you run into a ditch after making a right turn. That is a much more direct way to say, “don’t turn now”, then to give a dream showing an “up” sequence. The exception to this principle occurs when you are filling in lowresolution information with high-resolution information. In this case the


high-resolution information may insert more detailed near term information inside the less detailed low-resolution information. In this case the strict headlight principle may not apply. Building sequences through a mixture of resolution levels is one of the more difficult aspects of building a trading plan. We’ll discuss this in a later chapter. In prophetic trading we are building sequences throughout the timeline. We fill in the pieces by converging dreams from others and ourselves. Once we have a solid sequence, we let the Lord guide us though the sequence. Treat new information as new sequence data that fills out the end of your present understanding.

Not likely today The Lord is patient, and wants to teach us patience. I find that the Lord provides ample time to digest prophetic information and set up execution strategies. This means that it is very rare that you will wake up with instructions for that day. This is difficult, because the dream will feel most alive when you wake up and are processing it. It will feel very current, as in “right now” current. However, it likely isn’t. The mistake would be to enter trades first thing in the AM based on a dream that night. If you feel the dream is “real time”, meaning what you are dreaming is what is coming to you on the timeline, then usually we are talking at least one day to a week from the dream date for trade execution. There is no hard and fast rule. When I feel like my dreams are on a very tight clock, I will, at a minimum, skip to the end of day of the dream in my trade strategy. These delays are more common as you begin to work in prophetic teams. The Lord understands that revelation needs to be compiled and conveyed to others. It takes time for others to read the dream, process the dream, and prepare a trade strategy. Sometimes team members can’t get to the dream until the following night after a day at work. This means at a bare minimum they can’t execute until the next day. It is like the Lord knows this and plans for this delay in the revelatory stream. In my personal school, the Lord taught me to slooow down. Impatience would get me into and out of trades too soon, resulting in poor en


try and exits, and lost profits. For the most part, our prophetic trading lives are moving slower and focusing upon larger moves, than we may be thinking. This is especially the case if we’re watching the market every day. We can find ourselves out of synch with the Lord’s clock and magnitudes. One side note. I’m speaking from my personal experience as a dreamer. I know day traders that hear God through impressions and charts, leading them to much more resolute and quicker trades. I do not deny this approach; it’s just not mine.

Dream start time Not all dreams are in real time. Sometimes prophetic trade information is for a time in the future. Thus, the start time for the prophetic sequence is essentially unknown. The only way to incorporate these types of delayed start dreams is to wait for further confirmation of the timing. It is financially dangerous to assume the start time. I have dreams that have taken over a year to start. I’ve learned that many of my dreams containing new information are probably not for the immediate present. Most of what I have for the present has been built over time. So, if I have new information I will place it on the shelf and wait for corroborating evidence. It is through this convergence that I can discover the approximate timing. I will admit that the proportion of dreams that are near term has increased as the Lord has released greater grace for this ministry. So, this may be an elastic issue related to the maturity of walking in this gift/ministry.

Dreams with Unknown Clues One of the more fun aspects in interpreting prophetic trading dreams is when you get something that you simply don’t know anything about. You soul doesn’t know, but the Holy Spirit does. So, it’s time for a little bit of research.


I believe the Lord released the on-line searchable world because we would need it in interpreting our dreams. I can’t imagine doing this with old newspaper articles or Encyclopedias. So now, if I wake up with something that I don’t know, I’ll begin to search around that object, word, or place to understand why the Lord placed it there. Here’s a simple example: Someone tells about an upcoming movie, "The Green Apartment". I think I've seen this movie, but would like to see it again with my companion. I also hear "Norgaard".

The first part is fairly simple. There’s an upcoming movie about the Green Apartment, and I’ve seen this movie before. The movie is going to be about a bullish move that is apparently coming up. I don’t have all the prophetic information, but it’s a movie that I will see. Not only that, but it will be similar to something I’ve done historically. Next, I have an audible word, Norgaard. Now, my soul has no connection to this word anywhere in my history. So, I Google Norgaard and come up immediately with hits on a model named Amanda Norgaard, who is apparently Danish. I’ve never heard of her. I read some things about her, but it seemed a dead end. I’ll usually go as far as scanning a Wikipedia entry looking for anything that might be telling. In this case, nothing. I know it won’t be obscure. I should be able to find it. I then decide to look up the meaning of the word. It is Danish and it means simply, north farm. OK, there we go. This is a word about yielding fruit up in the north. The word gives me a simple directional confirmation of the Green Apartment dream. Apparently, the market will be headed north and I will be receiving information about that. I’m going to go to the northern farm. The Lord is reinforcing this idea, so the north move should be very tradable and significant.

Repeating Dreams The Lord will often provide prophetic information about a trade multiple times, sometimes in one night, sometimes across multiple nights, and


sometimes across multiple dreamers. These multiple views are to help us build the pattern and gain confidence in our interpretations and location along the timeline. The interweaving of dreams across your own life and across other people is one of the really mysterious and supernatural aspects of this ministry. Frankly, it is simply amazing. I’ve had uninitiated people tell me that we are all just informing each other’s dreams, and that it is all the soul. Let me say this rather emphatically, that is just plain undiscerning and unbelief. The level of creativity and detail in these dreams goes way beyond a simple mirror across the soul. It’s also not true because I can map these sequences to reality. We are seeing the future. Let me give you an example of a pair of similar dreams that I had over a span of a couple of nights: May 1 I am with another in a valley next to the Port Authority in NYC. The idea is that one gets to where we are by sliding down a grassy hill. We discuss how we've always done it this way when coming in from New Jersey. While down in this valley I take a golf ball and try to throw it back up, but this isn't working (vague). Others and I go to a set of narrow stairs and push a button. The whole staircase begins to descend while I try to walk up the stairs. The walking up part is needed so I feel like I create headroom as the ceiling descends. I don't know if we then come back up. I recall a scene near the end where we find a wide staircase that is the way back up out of the valley. I recognize it. So we go up the stairs and we are now on elevated roadways. I'm thinking about heading back to New Jersey and catch something like a fast bus.

May 2 I am walking toward the entrance of the Lincoln tunnel from the Jersey side, headed into Manhattan (Port Authority building is on the Manhattan side of the tunnel). This tunnel entrance is built below ground level and feels this way in the dream. As I’m walking toward the entrance I see a lot of people walking first on sidewalks, then in large numbers in the opposite direction (from Manhattan). I realize the tunnel is closed to cars and that


pedestrians are now using the whole roadway. As I approach the entrance a policeman stops us and tells us to wait. So, I’m waiting, but a crowd is filling up behind me and I feel the pressure. The policeman leaves and I’m now wondering if it’s OK to move forward. Others are beginning to. I enter into the tunnel and I see that there is water in the tunnel. So, this is why it is closed to cars. Looking into the tunnel I see people and also a wall of water forming. I know that this will create a tidal wave, so I immediately reverse course and head back out of the tunnel. The water is filling and breaking and the tunnel is getting filled with water behind me, and flowing out of the mouth of the tunnel. I’m one of the few that is ahead of this event. I approach a set of stairs and go up the stairs and the water is filling in the entrance basin. Eventually, the water level reaches the top of the stairs and is spilling out at ground level. I’m still far enough from the stair top, that this water has not reached me. I feel reasonably safe, but am glad that I got out of there.

I’m not going to interpret these two dreams here, but I want to point out the parallels: Dream Item

Port Authority Dream


Manhattan end of Lincoln Tunnel Valley Trying to throw a golf ball out of the valley

Lincoln Tunnel Dream

New Jersey end of Lincoln Tunnel Spatial “feel” Low, below Palisades Early action Trying to walk toward NYC, but with a stop, and opposing pedestrians Dramatic action Staircase drops below I see a flood in the the valley floor tunnel Response to Run up stairs looking Run up stairs with dramatic action out toward NJ flood waters chasing me away from NYC Do you see the similarity in these two dreams? They are not identical, and there’s some information in one that is not in the other, but the structure is very similar. They reinforce each other about a large flood-like (down) market move that is coming. Apparently, this move ends with climbing the stairs (an up move) while headed away from NYC (exit NYC


is bearish). Thus, the up move is just a retrace of what will end up being generally down. The up move will not last. If you see multiple patterns that appear similar within any one dream, then you should not view these as reinforcements. You are seeing a sequence of similar moves. For example, let’s say you see a spider drop down a web, then the scene changes in the same dream and you see the same appearing spider drop down a web. The second spider is not a reinforcement of the first spider. Those are two equity moves to the downside that will occur with a gap of time between them. It is unspoken as to what lays within the gap, likely an up move. You can have reinforcement within a dream if the items are different and have overlapping proximity. For example, if the dream begins with you standing at a dining table, and then you sit down for a ham dinner; then the act if sitting reinforces the bearish motif of ham. You are getting the same message twice in this instance.

Assumptions and Biases We are making assumptions all the time in our interpretations. The problem is that we may not recognize that we are making assumptions. We need to be honest with ourselves, and know when we are making an assumption. We need teachable and humble hearts. We need to be correctable and flexible to the Lord’s nudges as we move down the timeline. When we hear his corrections, we need to move off of an understanding without struggling with the Lord over it. Along with this, it is also easy to turn your theories into biases. I find that my theories can begin to harden into a firm understanding rather quickly; maybe too quickly at times. We want the freshly poured cement of our interpretations to remain pliable, before we allow it to harden too quickly. Experience helps with these issues. The best way to confirm a theory is to begin to map it to reality. Reality will eventually tell you if you have it right or wrong. The largest mistake one can make is to stubbornly hold on to a theory when reality is disconfirming your theory. I try to remain sensitive to reality disconfir


mations. I may give reality a little room, but when I realize I can’t explain what I’m seeing, its time to back off and reset the understanding.

Geography Many of our dreams will involve settings that are real places. Common places are where we have grown up, have lived, or are presently living. From a trading perspective I have not noticed any discernable pattern for when these different types of personal locations are selected in a dream. Thus, I don’t assign meaning to these locations beyond their familiarity. When “home” is revealed in a dream it can mean the completion of a trade. It’s a good place. Beyond personal locations there are a host of locations that the Lord can choose to convey trade data. One of the most common is to use north and south references in the geography. I live in Knoxville, TN., thus when I have a dream using Canada or Michigan, for example, that is north of me, and thus, a bullish indicator. If I see Florida, Mexico, or Argentina, those are south of me (at varying distances), thus conveying a bearish indicator. These north/south distinctions can also work in a more micro setting, such as driving on north/south roads in your personal geography, such as an interstate. Beyond mere direction, geographical locations can also convey trade direction in other ways. Places have metaphorical characteristics as well. Russia is often “the bear” or bearish. UCLA Bruins are also a bear trade metaphor. What about UC Berkley? They are the Golden Bears, as is California, so that could be bearish gold. Ireland is green, so can represent bullish. The location could also convey the underlying. We find Middle Eastern locations and Arab people often represent oil, for example. The same holds for South Dakota, Texas, and Oklahoma; they too frequently represent oil. South Africa represents gold. San Francisco represents technology companies (NASDAQ). New York represents broad-based equity markets, while Chicago can represent commodity markets. Las Vegas is another reference to the markets, but we don’t gamble, so you won’t be playing games of chance while there. The list is rather endless in here, so


it is just a matter of looking for motto’s, animals, characteristics, or other connections to a place to find the meaning. Again, Google comes in handy for this type of research.

Sport Metaphors The metaphors of our dream life reflect our life experiences and interests. I am a man, and I like to watch and play sports. This reality informs my metaphorical life. Sports provide a rich canvas for capturing market dynamics, so they are common backgrounds for my dreams, and what I see in others. I suspect this can be the case for women, but I am also certain there’s a female world that provides excellent trading language for which I am unfamiliar.

Football Football is a game of offense and defense. These represent the bulls and the bears struggling to move the line of scrimmage. The line of scrimmage can be thought of as the price. Within this framework, action on the football field can give prophetic trade information. In interpreting football, it is important to determine which side of the ball represents the bulls, and which side the bears. That can be determined by the team names (e.g. Chicago Bears) or other details in the dream. Take care assuming offense is always bullish and defense is always bearish. Some games may involve a switch in possession, which is a market turn. In these cases there is a switch in market direction, but “offense” is now the other team. In addition, the interpretation is impacted by whether you participate or observe the game. If you participate, then your positions are part of the play of the game. Thus, what you do, or what happens to you, will communicate important information. For example, if you catch a pass, then you will have “caught” a market movement. You need to know if you are a bull or a bear to know what kind of market movement you “caught.” Sometimes, you can assume your existing positions fit the play if you


sense that you are in real time. If, however, something negative happens to you, such as being tackled, an incomplete pass, sacked, or fumble, then these are warnings about your trades. Something negative is going to happen to your trade. See the section on warning dreams in Chapter 7 for greater detail on how to respond to warnings. You can also be an observer of the game, and not a participant. In this case you are watching market actions. The bulls and bears motif still applies as you interpret the dream action. If you only see one play without the clear presence of offense and defense, than it is possible to interpret the ball action as bullish or bearish. In these circumstances a ball in the air is bullish, and a ball on the ground is bearish. This, however, is not the norm. Usually, the action of the ball is not the primary method of determining bullish or bearish, but rather the team side doing the action. Touchdowns and field goals are significant trades that “score” points, or metaphorically score profits. The points can represent price movement in the underlying market, 3 points is equal to 30 S&P points, for example. Here’s a football market dream example: June 9, 2014 Step 1. I am playing football. I'm something like a middle linebacker. There is an old lady who is like a tight end or receiver on the opponent's side of the ball. The old lady tells me she is harmless and won't be any threat. The opposing QB takes the snap and tosses her a very easy pass, which she catches. She begins to run down the field a few yards and I catch up to her. I grab her and I want to gently tackle her. So I make sure that she falls on top of me, rather than hitting the ground directly. That ends the play, which was apparently not sufficient for a first down. Step 2. The ball reverts to our side. We are going to kick a field goal. I'm lined up to block on the left side of the line, but see that the opponent is over weighted the right side of the line. Step. 3. So, I switch over to the right side so as to prevent anyone blocking the kick. Step. 4. I'm lined up behind the line of scrimmage and the snap is made with hardly any rush at all. I we make the field goal.


Here is a graphic to help with the interpretation:

Other Team QB

Step 4: Field Goal 1985

Old Lady Receiver, running a short play Original Line of Scrimmage: 1955

Step 1 I tackle her and am underneath her to take her down easy.

New Line of Scrimmage after Short Play: 1927

Me shifting on FG attempt

Step 3: Right=Short: 1950

Step 2: Left=Long 1967

Step 4: 3 point play, long=30 S&P points

I am playing defense at the beginning of the action. The S&P is at 1955. The other team is going to run a pass play to a woman, which we see on the left side of the graphic. She is a woman, so that implies bearish action. Thus, the other team are the bears, and I’m bullish. A weak pass play is finished to the woman and she gains some yards. The Lord is telling me this play is not a significant move, it’s harmless. I tackle her by making sure that I am underneath her when we fall. Thus, I am additional support to her fall, since she does not hit the ground. This means the


price will not fall as much as I’m expecting. I have a price target to 1910 from another dream called the 7-iron dream, and the Lord is telling me that she will not fall that much. We can see this in the price chart, as follows:

At the dream date the first move down begins. The “play” moves the “line of scrimmage” from 1955 to 1927, which is above my target of 1910. Ball possession now turns over to my side, and we’re the bulls. We are now on offense and I begin on the left side of the line. Left is long, so bullishness is confirmed by my position. We go from 1927 to 1960. At 1960 I begin the process of shifting over to the right. The shift is the flat part between the long and short action. This flat part tells me that the bullish run is interrupted at this place. The right side of the line is bearish. It is very brief, and I am relatively passive in the dream at that location. The S&P drops from 1965 to 1950. At the bottom of step 3, we kick a field goal. The field goal represents points for our side, so bullish. The three points can be reasonably estimated to be near 30 points on the


S&P. The S&P goes from 1950 to 1985. This top is the place of a major turn. th In the seven-iron dream I hit a 7-iron to the green on May 28 . The 7-iron would be approximately 70 points from 1910 to 1980. So there were two dreams that pointed to 1980 as a major turn. I set up the short side entry at this place with confidence. I would like to point out that the football sequence gave directional sense, but not exact tops and bottoms. I actually did not trade most of this run because the football dream lacked turn locations. However, the combination of the football dream and the seven-iron dream gave confidence for the last 30 points and the location of a significant bearish turn. Sometimes, this is how it works. As the early part of the pattern is revealed by price action, it sets up trading confidence as you find yourself in later parts of the pattern.

Basketball Basketball is a fluid team-based sport where five or fewer players touch the ball, pass the ball, and then shoot the ball. This is a picture of the prophetic trading ministry. Our teams are like basketball teams in that we are fluid and organic in the same way. If our team is playing sandlot, then we’re undeveloped in our gifting. If we’re playing pro, then our team is more developed. The action of the ball when dribbling is down, bouncing off the floor. This is a bearish picture of bouncing off support. The shots do not convey direction in and of themselves. However, made shots do represent potential success. A three point shot is a successful trade over a large price range, while a layup is a successful trade over a narrow price range. A hard dunk does convey direction and is a successful and aggressive down move. You need other context to interpret direction with other shots. Missed shots are trades that fail and have weak warning elements. The same holds for missed passes, which means an interpretation is not “caught” from another person’s dream. The same ideas for participating vs observing apply for basketball as they do for football. When you participate, your positions are in play. When you observe, you are


watching market action. I have not found the ideas of bulls and bears for the two teams to be as strongly related in basketball as in football. Basketball also seems to also produce times when you can jump very high or almost fly. This is a picture of spiritual activity. It can also be a picture of price movement if the movement has strong vertical elements.

Golf Golf is an individualized sport. As such, the idea of bulls and bears through the competition between teams is not present. Golf is about golf shots. If I’m participating, which is almost always the case, then my shots and their performance are my trades in the market. If I hit a long straight shot, then that is a successful trade for an extended price move. If the shot is short, then it is a successful trade for a narrow price move. Usually irons and woods are long plays. I find that four, seven, and nine irons are common. I think these are related to Biblical numbers associated with four-rule, seven-complete, and nine-spiritual fruitfulness/harvest. Putts on the green are a play on words for “puts”, which is an option name for short plays. Thus, golf is interpreted by how well you make your shots. If you are playing a par three, then this is a single trade where you are trying to “hit the green”. If you do hit the green, then that will be a successful trade. Par fours and fives are multi-leg trades that will take some time to complete. Dogleg left and right follow the “left” “right” designation of long and short. Golf problems, or golf ball problems are warnings. If you end up in the rough, hit the ball into the lake, or lose a ball, then these are warnings to which you will need to respond. See the section on warning dreams in Chapter 7. You can also have difficulty preparing to swing. This is warning that is telling you that your trade ideas are faulty. You shouldn’t even be trying to do the considered trade. Thus, this is another warning. A common way this feels is that you are cramped and don’t have room to swing. Golf balls are white, thus they represent revelation and trades associated with equity (sometimes silver). Range balls tell us the equity market will be range bound. The same is true for driving ranges. The names on ® golf balls can convey information, thus TaylorMade , is prophetic infor


mation tailor made for you. Titleist Pro V1 is “pro” revelation. Pinna® cle is bullish revelation.

Baseball Baseball is not my game, so I don’t receive as much revelation on baseball as I do the other sports. Thus, my understanding is more limited. That said, baseballs are if white is emphasized, the play will be about silver markets. Pitches are revelation being “pitched.” Hits represent trade execution off of the pitches. A strike out is a warning. The length of the hit communicates the size of the price movement. In the field, a catch is a successful completion of a trade if you are on defense. A missed catch is unsuccessful completion of a trade, and thus a warning if you are on defense. I haven’t been able to place offense and defense consistently as bullish or bearish, so direction needs further context. Running the bases is also trade movement. Being tagged out, or a throwing error is a warning.

Other sports I’m sure hockey has all sorts of metaphoric potential, but I don’t play that game so I don’t see it in my dreams. For others that do, I have seen the idea of bulls and bears reflected in the team sides. There are many similarities to basketball in terms of interpretation. Bowling is about knocking down white pins. Thus, bowling speaks to the equity markets and is a bearish message. Performance is not binary because one can have partial success even if the roll is not a strike. Gutter balls are straight warnings. The gym has many bullish and bearish motions. Laying down is bearish, jumping up is bullish, moving from one position, laying down; to another, sitting up, conveys direction. A weight exercise repetition can convey a bullish/bearish sequence in the market. Tennis has two players hitting revelation back and forth, and is thus a picture of this ministry. Hitting one into the net is missing an understanding. I can imagine a rich metaphorical universe associated with Aces, volley’s, ground shot winners, returns, and out of bound shots. Volleyball is the opposite of basketball in that the main ball movement is up, rather than down. Thus


volleyball has a bullish connotation pressing resistance. I’ve never seen a spike, but I would interpret that similar to the dunk in basketball, an aggressive down move. I have no experience with soccer in my dream life, nor have I seen it much with teammates, so that one will need to be developed by others.

Dream Objects Our prophetic trading dreams are filled with objects of various types. It helps to classify these objects to aid our interpretation.

Objects Under My Control You want to first identify objects that are under your control versus objects that you are observing apart from you control. The objects that are under control are often your trades. For objects under your control, you are seeing the behavior and potential success or failure of your trades from the behavior of these objects. Objects you observe from a distance represent the market for the underlying, apart from any trade position. Thus, for objects that are not under your control you are seeing the market’s behavior from the behavior of these objects. So, for example, if you were driving a car and it crashed that would be a trade that is under your control that is predicted to crash if you continue to drive in the same direction and speed as you are driving. It is a prophetic statement of trouble ahead. However, if you are observing a car that you are not driving crash, then that would be interpreted as the market crashing, and thus a good short opportunity.

Action Objects Prophetic trading involves actions. We are either going up, going down, entering trades, exiting trades, staying flat, and the like. There are a host of trade metaphors that represent these actions. I call these action metaphors. They tell me something about what is going to happen. So, for example, if I had a dream where I saw a bull crash through a gate, then I would take the bull as an action metaphor. It is a metaphor that means


the market is going up. The action of smashing through the gate tells me we will break through the resistance (see next chapter). The bull is about action. Now, these actions can be under my control (my trade) or distant (about the market). To take a brief example, if I threw a ball high in the air, it would be a statement about my trade taking off high in the air. In this case, my trade and the market are the same. Often the action object has other characteristics, or adjectives, that adds detail to our understanding. For example, the action can be combined with the underlying in one object. A black dog is the action of going down, “dog”, with the adjective of “black” for oil.

Underlying Objects We also need objects to help us discern our underlying trade. The underlying object metaphor answers the question, is this trade about equities, oil, or some other trade underlying? If I see snow, that is often about equity. A snowball would be the same. Often the underlying object has action elements or adjectives, so that underlying and action combine. I could see a spy go down the stairs. Here I combine an underlying object “spy”, which means equities, to the action of going down the stairs (bearish). The glossary provides a number of underlying object metaphors. However, the Lord is very creative, so I find new ones come along on a regular basis. Look for color, object characteristics, and plays on words to determine the metaphorical connection. For example, what do you suppose aluminum is referencing? The color and metal characteristic tells us that aluminum speaks to a silver underlying. A spy represents equities because the ETF lettered SPY is the S&P 500 index ETF. Futures trade with two letter symbols. Some common symbols are: ES: S&P mini GC: gold SI: silver CL: oil YG: gold mini


YI: silver mini QM: oil mini These are important to know, because underlying objects can be denoted by metaphors using these two-letter combinations. You may have dreams that involve people, places, or other names that have these letter combinations as initials. Such names can reference underlying objects through the future’s two letter trading symbol. For example, I had a dream about a hotel that was named Chum Lee. That name has no meaning to me, thus the Chum Lee initials, CL, was best interpreted as a trade about oil.

Mixed Objects What happens if you see these objects in a dream: a. b. c. d.

a red pickup a man dressed as a woman a sick dog a pickup driving down a hill

In each of these cases the object has both short and long motifs. A pickup is a bullish metaphor, but red is bearish. What do I do? In these cases the fixed object, or the noun, is the basic trend in the underlying. However, the adjective, or that part that is flexible, is a near term and temporary counter-trend to the major trend move. Thus, in the case of a red pickup I would interpret that as a bearish near term move in the underlying in a basically bullish market. The truck is fixed, but its paint is flexible. For the man dressed as a woman, I would interpret that as a bearish (woman) near term move in a basically bullish (man) market. The man is fixed, but how he is dressed is flexible. For a sick dog I would interpret that as a bullish near term move in the underlying (sick=opposite of normal) for a basically bearish (dog) market. The dog is fixed, but its health is flexible. For the pickup driving down the hill I would interpret that as a bearish (down hill) near term move in a basically bullish (pickup)


market. In this case the pickup is fixed and the action is flexible. There are many ways a mixed object can be portrayed, but they share the fixed vs. flexible characteristic, and can be interpreted as I’ve suggested.

Who Am I? Many of our dreams have ourselves as an object. We are doing something in the dream, driving, climbing, running, etc. How we interpret the actions of ourselves is an advanced topic I leave for the next chapter.



Interpreting Prophetic Trading Dreams: Advanced


hese advanced concepts will help make the difference between robust trading and “hit or miss” trading. The Lord desires to help us, and He provides a rich tapestry of information to help us position trades. These advanced topics will help you understand the Lord’s language and methods in speaking to you about the markets.

Am I My Positions, or the Market? When you are the actor, you need to be clear on whether you are the market, or are you your positions. When my actions in a dream represent the market actions, then I have a relatively clean interpretation of the directions and sequence. I may not have all the timing variables, but I have an understanding of the basic shape of what is to come at some time in the future. However, if I am my positions or my ideas, that is something different. My actions are very unpredictable and subject to possible change.


My actions might require counter-measures. But if counter-measures are required, I need great precision and understanding of why I’m doing what I’m doing at the time I’m doing it. This is not a good situation because I may not know these things, leaving me unsure as to when to apply the counter-measures, and causing me to chase phantoms. As we mature in this gift we should expect the majority of our prophetic information to represent what the market is going to do. I am the market. This simplifies things greatly. I want it this way, because it gives me a stable target, something that I can converge upon, rather than my own attitudes. It leaves me unconcerned if I’m trading long or short, because I can see the market and respond appropriately. The dreams we’ve looked at so far have this quality. You may not have noticed, but I have been interpreting myself as the market in all these dreams, because I am the market. This question becomes especially paramount when I’m trading short. Short side trades are inversely related to the market, so I must know what is the prophetic target when going short, because the market and the profitability of my positions will be moving in opposite directions. This could all get very confusing if the Lord wasn’t stable in how He dealt with this issue. For example, if I were unsure if the dream focus was on the market, or me, a short side trade now begins with a large interpretive hurdle. Fortunately, the Lord has not designed prophetic trading with such difficult hurdles. To get a grasp on this, it is important to draw the distinction between (a.) you and (b.) objects under your control. You know who you are, so not much to be said there. As discussed in the previous chapter, objects under your control are dream objects that you engage in the dream. If you are driving a car, the car is a dream object under your control. If you hit a golf ball, the golf ball is a dream object under your control. The examples are limitless. OK, now that we have that distinction, here are the interpretive guidelines for trading revelation for when you are the actor: 1. When you are performing actions and sequences in a dream by yourself, assume that you are the market and make your trades ac


cordingly. This is also true about objects under your control if the objects are behaving well. This is the default condition. 2. When you are part of a group, or there is an unidentified group or persons in the dream, you may be seeing market action in the group relative to yourself. 3. When you see a mistake being made, or some other indication of an error or warning, that is information about your trades. This is you. This applies whether it happens to you directly, or to an object under your control. Your challenge is to adjust your attitudes or trades in order to overcome the implications of the warning. The first is fairly straightforward. By default, you represent price action in the market. If you run up a hill that is bullish price action. If you climb down the ladder that is bearish price action. You trade accordingly. You are not seeing your trade action. You may not be in a trade, or even make a mistake in the future, but what you see here is what will happen in the market at some point in time. In many dreams you may have objects under your control. The objects are often your trades. If you drive the car up the hill without incident, it is you performing a bullish trade. You are mimicking the market. If you hit the golf ball on the green it is your trade following the price action implied by the ball distance. If you make a basketball basket, then you have done a successful trade. If you hit a home run you have a successful trade that reflects the market’s home run. If money appears in your wallet, the trade should be successful. Objects are your trades. However, the behavior of that object is mapping the underlying, not your actual trade behavior. This is an important distinction when you are going short. Thus, if you are short and you see that the object under your control is going down, this means the underlying is going down even though you are actually making profits with a short play (going up). The object going down is what you expect from market action and means your trade is working. This keeps complicated mind inversions out of the interpretation when going short, and thus, keeps things simple. I should stress that success with objects is not a guarantee. You can change your mind and lose what has been shown. It is a picture of what


can happen if you execute correctly. You still have a personal will that can change the outcome. The same is true in the opposite case of trying to correct a prophesied mistake. The mistake is not guaranteed. The second scenario is a slight variant of the first, and occurs when there is a group of people in the dream. If the group is unidentified, they can be the “market” relative to you. An example is a foot race. The people in the race are other market participants. If everyone is running faster than you, then the market is behaving in a bullish fashion. If you are outrunning everyone else, then the market is lagging, and that is a bearish indicator. Another classic example of this scenario is your actions relative to traffic on the road or pedestrians on the sidewalk. For example, traffic that is flowing against you suggests that the market is moving against to you. It is a classic picture of a counter-move within an overall trend (the direction you are driving). If there are two groups, it can be the bulls and the bears fighting it out. Identify the group to which you belong. An example is a Civil War scenario. The north vs. the south is a picture of the bulls vs. the bears. So the fighting action is a market picture. This idea of bulls vs. bears can also occur between yourself and another person that represents a market direction. The key is identifying your action relative to the other group or person. If you are experiencing or seeing something negative in the process, such as oncoming traffic that threatens you, then that leads to the third scenario. The third scenario listed above is more complex. If something negative happens to you then it is a warning about what will happen if you continue with your underlying bias, theory, or trade. The warning can simply be about your existing mindset. The most classic negative is getting wet in any way (underwater). This is a message that your trade or thinking will get you into trouble. The dream is no longer about the underlying and its price, it is about you. The same holds with objects. If there is a problem with the object, then it is diverging from the true market direction. If the golf ball goes into the pond, your trade is headed underwater, compared to where it should go. If the car crashes, your trade will crash, if you lose money out of your wallet, then the trade will produce losses.


Here’s one I had from a recent dream: I'm going to shoot some outside hoops. The basketball goes down the backside of the court, which is a steep hill with underbrush. I'm hoping the ball gets hung up on some underbrush, but it sort of goes through these areas, and as a result ends up at the bottom of the hill. A second person goes after it.

OK, do you think this is good news or bad news? Is the ball going down the hill a bear trade message? That would be the wrong interpretation. The basketball is an object under my control. It also has the warning color of orange. It goes down the hill, and I don’t want it to do this. I want to play with it. I want it to get hung up on the underbrush, but it doesn’t. It goes all the way down, meaning I let the wrong trade run all the way (I did). The dream does not tell me the underlying, so I’m assuming it is a current trade (it was). Someone else will go down and retrieve the ball. That could be a warning message to a prophetic trader colleague, or it’s me. We do see each other in trading dreams. Chasing for the ball at the bottom of the hill is not a positive event for him. So he might get hung up on a similar issue, but sequentially after mine. In this case, the down is not a market direction, but losses. I could even take this further toward the unstated implication. The implication is that the ball must be brought back up the hill. That could be the recovery of profits. I would need to see more on the timeline to confirm this emerging theory. I will speak more to warning dreams in the next chapter, but I want you to be aware of these distinctions as a basic principle. I’m spending some time on this topic because, in my early experiences with prophetic trading I found two things occurring that made it difficult be successful. The first was that I was seeing market phenomena on timelines that were incomplete. I was trying to trade when, in truth, I didn’t have sufficient prophetic information to time the trade. Because of this I was making a lot of errors. As are result, I was getting a lot of revelation on the future consequences of my incorrect actions. I was getting a lot of dreams about my errors. Thus, my prophetic trading consisted of filling out incomplete timelines with opposite moves to my assumed errors. I could make it work at times, but it was far from consistent.


The problem was that I was left with trying to correct something where the cause of the original error was not entirely clear. You can see the problem. I had timing issues on market understanding, and I also had timing issues with the error correction. The result was that I would correct a trade that should not have been corrected, or miss the correction on a trade that should be corrected. It was too difficult to place the error in real time, and as a result I would end up making the exact error that was prophetically foretold. You would think you could avoid an error told to you ahead of time, but this turned out to be more difficult than you might imagine. Again, part of the difficulty was that correction timing was unclear, so I’d find myself trying to correct decisions at the wrong place on the time line. Bottom line: I’m essentially trying to do something for which I really don’t have enough prophetic information, therefore the warning system inside my prophetic life was on overdrive, which itself was incomplete. What I’ve described above is Wilderness trading. So, I’m talking about this to help you recognize this phenomena if its happening to you. It was very confusing to me at the time, but seems clearer to me now in retrospect. The Wilderness is prophetic trading without all the convergence that is really required to be successful. On the Promised Land side of the Jordan, you can really see it. I have that convergence now and it’s like turning on a light switch. Once you have convergence and good understanding of how to match the prophetic flow to reality, the errors begin to fall. This causes the warning system to dial down considerably. Instead of chasing corrections, you’re unfolding true reality, which is the default condition. A side benefit of greater sight is that error correction also becomes more precise. The errors are more clearly understood and can be adjusted. I find that my errors now are a matter of subtle adjustments to timing, or small misunderstandings of the nature of the sequence flow. The warning dreams become tractable, when the prophetic scaffolding is well set and stable, but only needs a tweak here and there. That said, I still find it much easier to track the market as I see or act it out, then it is to try and correct an error by doing the opposite.


As your heart matures and your prophetic tools improve you’ll find a much different picture than the one I painted above. Again, I think awareness of what is happening here can accelerate this phase of the school.

The Lord Does Not Induce Mistakes This may seem obvious, but in the Wilderness the prophetic flow can get confused and muddled. As a result, it can feel like you are in a doublebind; you lose no matter what you do. First, let me explain what I’m talking about, and then I’ll give the answer. If we receive a warning dream we will want to make an adjustment so that we don’t make the prophetic error. If I have a good understanding of the original error, both in terms of direction and timing, then I can actually use the warning dream to good advantage. It is welcome and manageable. However, if I have incomplete information about what I’m trying to correct, it can feel like the warning dream is actually inducing the very mistake it is trying to prevent. As a dreamer I receive a warning dream and then make a change in my trade or attitude. Only now, because I’m not really sure where I am, I begin to wonder, “did the warning really apply to this new situation, this one that I just changed into; or was it only confined to the original thought? Maybe the Lord is looking two steps out and is telling me about a mistake that is caused by me trying to avoid a mistake?” This is a double-bind and would be impossible to solve if true. It’s not true. The warning applies to the original thought or position. It goes no further. When you change, the warning dream is no longer in play and is to be discarded, whether you did the adjustment correctly or not. You can’t hold a warning dream after you’ve made a change. It will only confuse you. Now in the wilderness you might get a new warning dream, and you’ll have to deal with that. But again, the warning has a shelf life that is only as long as the time you hold the original position, thought, or theory. The Lord is not inducing mistakes. Our mind-set is that the revelation we are receiving is designed to help us. That is His desire. This does not


nullify the importance of maturity and experience in using the gift, but it does nullify imputed errors from God.

Chutes and Ladders Prophetic trading dreams must show whether the market is going up or going down. This information is fundamental to our trading. The Lord provides this information by using action metaphors or binary metaphors. Action metaphors occur when either you, or an object under your control, are doing something that implies vertical motion of some type. Here’s an abbreviated list of directional actions that I’ve seen in my and other’s dreams:

Action Direction Metaphors a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t.

climb up or down a mountain drive up or down a hill climb up or down a ladder walk up or down steps climb up or down a tree ride up or down an elevator ride up or down an escalator take off or land a plane take off or land a rocket take off of a ramp fall from a height climb up or down a rope climb up or down the side of a building going over a waterfall ski down a mountain take a chairlift climb up or down a pole hit or catch a pop fly ball (up) hit or catch a grounder (down) going down a slide or chute


u. v. w. x. y. z. aa.

putt a golf ball (short, puts are short options plays) hit a golf ball high (long) falling in any way (short) a large dog (large bearish move) a small dog (small bearish move) moving from the back of a building toward the front (bullish) moving from the front of the building toward the back (bearish)

There are many more examples, but you get the idea. These actions are central to prophetic trading because you need to catch market movements that are going up or going down. We can add to these action-based dream metaphors a host of other indicators that also represent going up and going down. We call these indicators binary, because they convey direction, but not by action. Thus, these indicators indicate direction like an on and off switch. They either switch long or short. Because the information in binary indicators is so simple, they are also less robust than the action-based indicators. That is, they convey less information than the action-based indicators.

Binary Direction Metaphors Left: going up Right: going down Man (unidentified): going up Woman (unidentified): going down Tall person: going up Short person: going down Tree: going up Falling tree: going down Green leafy branches: going up Dead limbs: going down Bull: going up Bear: going down Hamburger: going up Bacon: going down


Pig: going down Shrimp: going down Elephant: going up Inflate: going up Deflate: going down Frozen: going up Melted: going down Green: going up Red: going down Large object representing an underlying: going up Small object representing an underlying: going down Arrival: going up Departure: going down Entry: going up, or entering a trade Exit: going down, or exiting a trade Buying something: bullish Selling something: bearish Mexico: bearish Canada: bullish Jeroboam: North or bullish Rehoboan: South or bearish Upward perspective: bullish Downward perspective: bearish Happy: bullish Sad: bearish Again, this is a large and continually growing list. Use the glossary for further explanation as to why we’ve come up with these understandings.

Trading with Action-based Direction Metaphors The direction-based metaphors are usually easy to interpret with regard to direction. It’s pretty clear. However, these types of metaphors also provide additional information. The nature of the motion provides detailed information on the nature of the upcoming move. The error is


to treat the action-based metaphors as if they were binary. They are not. They provide more information than just whether we are going up or down. There are two pieces of information we are trying to determine: a.) the speed of the move and, b.) the size of the move. Speed gives us a sense of the resolution level (micro or macro), and size gives us a sense of the magnitude of the move. For example, the size of a hill or mountain gives you a relative sense of the magnitude of the move. Short hills for short moves and big mountains for big moves. But it doesn’t stop there. A large mountain usually takes longer to hike than does a short hill. Thus, the resolution of movement is also implied in the metaphor. The large mountain is likely a macro view that will take some time to accomplish. It is the big picture. There are likely smaller, but tradable, ups and downs as you’re climbing the mountain. These can be picked up from the dream stream as you hike up the mountain. A hill is more immediate. It is suggesting something that is more tradable in the near-term timeframe. It will be a smaller distance, but it will happen faster. This interpretive approach also applies for other elements of going up and going down. Stairs can be long or short, wide or narrow. Short and narrow stairs are near-term, while long and wide staircases are picturing longer-term moves. A switch-back staircase with platforms is a longerterm view. You are seeing a generally bullish trend that will have interruptions along the way. You will need more resolute dreams to fill in those spaces. Up stairs are bullish, but the steps represent flat parts. Thus, when you see up stairs it is a bullish move that has small times of rest as you are going up. You might actually see the stair steps in a multiday chart. Look at how you are going up or down the hill. Are you assisted with power, or are you on your feet. These distinctions provide additional insight. If I’m driving a car down a hill, then this is fast and likely near term. The speed is a message to me that this will happen quickly. If I’m walking down the hill it will take longer to accomplish the move, and is thus less


resolute. An escalator has more power than walking the stairs, so would be seen as faster than stairs, but not as fast as an elevator. The grade of the hill is also a message. Is it gradual, steep, or vertical? A gradual hill is a slow moving climb, while a vertical element is a very fast, likely accomplished within days. Thus, I would interpret jumping off a ledge differently than a walking down a hill. The size of the ledge would give me a sense of how much of a drop I’m seeing. So, for example, a 10 -foot ledge is a micro picture of something happening for a larger distance than if it were four feet. So, to summarize, we are combining size and speed to get a sense of the resolution and size of the trade. The normal combinations we see are long term resolution (slow) and large moves, or short-term resolution (fast) and small moves. Sometimes the metaphor shows a fast move and a large distance. An example would be taking a roller coaster down a steep drop, for example. That is when we know we have a black swan. These don’t show up very often, so we want to be attentive when they show up. Here’s an example: May 3, 2010 I’m at the top of the Empire State Building with a companion. We take the elevator down. It’s narrow inside the elevator, but we fit. We go down. As we’re walking out the lobby I realize I don’t have my shoes on, nor do I have my travel bag. I need to go back to get these items.

The Empire State Building represents a lot of distance. The elevator is a fast method of covering that distance. Likewise, the elevator is narrow to confirm the narrow time span theme. So, this dream is talking about something fast and large, thus, a very dramatic and fast move is coming up. Moreover, there are some objects in this dream. I don’t have shoes or travel bag, so I can’t move forward, but instead must go all the way back up to the top. It communicates that this move is very temporary. This really must be some strange move. Well, it was. On May 6th , three days after the dream, we had the flash crash of 2010. On this day the S&P 500 dropped 100 points intraday, as


you can see in the shaded oval on the chart on the next page. It recovered most of those losses that day and recovered all of it in another two trading days; so that the whole event took about three days. Just like the dream, down the Empire State Building, then back up.

Actions with Objects An object can convey action, whether under our control or not. As stated previously, an action object is contrasted with an underlying object. An underlying object conveys the underlying trade that will move by action. An example of an underlying object is a spider. A spider is a metaphor for equities. An example of an action metaphor is a dog. A dog implies a down market in an unspecified underlying. An object can convey both. For example, a black dog conveys a down market in oil. The size of an action object tells me the size of the action. Thus, a small dog is a small move down, while a large dog is a large move down.


Objects that are under our control are our trades, so the timeline is bounded by our prophetic trading frequency. For example, my trades rarely last longer than a couple of weeks. So, what I am seeing is likely bounded by that timeframe. If the object behaves during the action, then you are also seeing market action. Don’t invert short plays, the Lord is always showing the underlying regardless of your actual trade vehicle. With regard to action objects, we are often also dealing with spatial considerations as well. One of the most common is the flight of an object. The flight path can give clues to the trade path. If the flight goes up, then comes down that may imply a pattern of going up and coming back, for example. The speed that an object flies might also be useful for interpreting the speed of the trade. For example, a Ferrari is faster than a Honda. The length of the flight path tells you the size of the price change, or possibly duration. The degree of success tells you the degree you are playing the trade correctly. For example, consider a putt that lips out, and doesn’t “drop”. So a lip out is less successful than a putt that is made. I would interpret a missed shot in basketball in a similar way. The nature of the action on an object communicates what is happening. If you take a basketball and dunk it, then that is down action that is fast, aggressive, and successful. These distinctions provide a rich array of information on the approximate speed and size of the move. These are critical in building the trade.

Trading Binary Metaphors Binary metaphors usually have less information content than do action metaphors. The binary tells you the direction, but often little else. For example, my daughter is a binary metaphor for going short. But, she is always herself, so I don’t get any other additional information on speed or size of the move. Therefore, I need to be careful with binaries, because they leave out a lot of information. In preparing your trades you should avoid assuming too much when you have a binary as part of the trade pattern. You really don’t know how fast or slow the binary will progress, or how small or large it will become. This is compounded by the simple nature of a binary. The action itself


takes up very little dream canvas, so it seems inconsequential. For example, I might have a dream where I make a right turn in the car. That does not seem like much. However, it might really be quite a bit. That right turn is some sort of down action that could be substantial. I can see binary information with an object that represents an underlying trade. If the object is small than it is a short metaphor, if the object is large, then it is a long metaphor. For example, if I see a small spider, I would consider a short equity message. If the spider were large, then I would consider a long equity message. Hopefully, I’d see something else than size, since that is very subjective. Note how this is different than with action objects discussed previously. Small and large with action objects gave a sense of the size of the move, while small and large with underlying objects tells me binary information about short or long. The general rule is to allow the adjective descriptions to explain a characteristic of the main object, while maintaining the object’s primary meaning. Thus, for example, if I saw a large unidentified woman I wouldn’t allow the combination of “large” and “woman” to confuse me. The unidentified woman is a short trade, thus she is the object. If she is large, then it is a large short trade, thus the adjective description. In this way the combination of large and woman is not confusing, because the object keeps its identity while the adjective describes the object’s characteristics. I usually use binary information to support other dreams that are conveying greater detail about the move. Trading a binary by itself is very error prone. I recommend using binary information to confirm what you are already seeing, or to begin developing a theory to be confirmed later.

Multiple Discrete Binary Metaphors Often we will see binary metaphors in multiples. For example, you may see one tree, then go to another. Trees are bullish equities, so this clearly communicates two bullish moves. However, you need to assume that the space between each object conveys the opposite counter-move. That is, you are seeing the dominant feature, but there is an opposite


move between the discrete items. The counter-move is what makes them discrete. In the case of the two trees, there are two dominant bullish moves, separated by a bearish retrace of some unspecified amount. The discreteness communicates the end of one leg of the move. To illustrate, a prophetic partner had a dream where he saw three women playing volleyball. Each girl sequentially hit the ball down in an aggressive move. We interpreted the dream as a sequence of three separate down moves. The object (girls), and their action (hitting down), communicates the binary direction. The discreteness of each separate girl implies counter-moves between each down move. The chart pattern that immediately followed this dream is as follows:

Each of these 60-point down moves in the S&P was significant and tradable, given that we had confidence that the timing was immediate. Knowing there was a retrace allowed us to reset each down move. Alternatively, one could “gut out” the retrace moves and just hold all the way


through the three moves. Sometimes this is the most advisable strategy, since timing turns is one of the most difficult elements of prophetic trading.

Extended Patterns and Pattern Silhouettes We can also have dreams that show us extended patters of what lies ahead. These dreams are almost always macro dreams. We see at a very low level of resolution and are only getting a rough sense for what lies ahead. Of course, the question remains exactly where it lies ahead. Without an understanding of the dream start time we will not necessary be able to place this pattern directly in front of us. Examples of these kinds of dreams are long story dreams where there are a lot of elevation changes. These changes can occur while running, driving, skiing, roller coasters, any variety of activities that involve hills and valleys. An alternative way to convey macro pattern is by a pattern silhouette. These occur when the dreamer sees a profile of some kind. The profile shows you the direction pattern as a silhouette. Examples include looking at the profile of a mountain range, a city skyline, factory smokestacks, or a shelf of uneven items. Usually, the profile will be highlighted in some way in the dream.

Ceilings and Floors Professional traders use price charts to help determine turn points, either up or down, in a price series. In the natural, these efforts go by all sorts of names and strategies. Those strategies are not my concern here. What is interesting is that the Lord appears to use rudimentary aspects of the price history to help communicate the magnitude of price action. A significant characteristic of the historical price series used by professional traders is that of resistance and support. Investopedia defines these terms as follows: Resistance, or resistance level: A chart point or range that caps an increase in the level of a stock or index over a period of time. An area of resistance or


resistance level indicates that the stock or index is finding it difficult to break through it, and may head lower in the near term. The more times that the stock or index has tried unsuccessfully to break through the resistance level, the more formidable that area of resistance becomes. Support, or support level: The price level which, historically, a stock has had difficulty falling below. It is thought of as the level at which a lot of buyers tend to enter the stock.

Let’s get a handle on the definitions with some real data. Here is a chart of a precious metals index:

Over the span two months there appears to be resistance established around the 110 price level. When the price of this index approaches 110, it appears to back off, failing to breakout above that level. I drew a line at this location, labeled resistance. The line is determined by using an “eyeball” test. In prophetic trading we don’t need to be more technical than that.


Likewise, there appears to be support at the bottom of the range, near the 97.5 price level. When the price of this index touches this support, it appears to bounce off. I drew a line for the support as well. With these two lines I have a sense of the trading pattern. Note, the index finally breaks below the support level around June 20, so that the old support line now becomes the new resistance line. The distance between the support and the resistance is termed the range, or the channel. Often the price will move between support and resistance and thus, trade inside the range, for a period of time. We can see this behavior in the index above as it traded inside a range of 12.5 points for nearly two months. The concept of support and resistance also applies for a price series that is moving up or down over a period of time. Prices do not move in straight lines, but will vary in small degrees as an overall trend is being established. Consider the following figure:


The S&P Index was rising from early April until late May during 2013. Resistance and support lines can be drawn touching the highs and lows of the price series during this upward move. The area between the support and resistance line for an increasing or decreasing price series is also a type of range, but usually termed a channel. Changes in direction can be seen when the price series breaks out of the channel boundaries as seen with the prices in the oval. OK, so what does this have to do with prophetic trading? The Lord is apparently a technical trader, because he uses the resistance and support lines to talk about what is happening in the future price series. He talks about these using a number of different metaphors associated with levels or boundary conditions. Let me provided some examples: Ceilings: resistance Floors: support Surface of the water: support Parallel walls: Channel support and/or resistance Attic: above resistance Flat rooftop of building: above resistance Basement: below support Driving range or range golf balls: trading between support and resistance Branches of a tree: either support or resistance Tree house floor: support Counter top: support that will hold (counter move off of support) Tabletop: support or resistance (depending if under or on top) Levels that are around ladders or other vertical features: support and resistance. Landing areas for stairs: support or resistance Ledges along a cliff: support or resistance Ridgeline: Upper resistance. Property lines: support or resistance Sidewalks: support or resistance if crossing the sidewalk; possibly a range or channel if walking the sidewalk.


River banks: bearish channel. Tunnel: Bearish channel with resistance above Bridge: Bullish channel with support below Chair: Sitting on a chair is bearish action to a support level. Jumping on a bed, trampoline, or other surface: bearish action testing support multiple times. Jumping and touching an overhead surface: bullish action testing resistance multiple times. Walking between the walls in a hallway: trading inside a range or channel. Bounded staircase with handrails or walls: a trading channel. Repelling down a vertical surface: Down channel move testing support. In all the examples the support and resistance lines can be brought into the dream to help you find the turn points for your trading. If you break through the support or resistance, you know the trade will go further than the support or resistance line. In contrast, if you can’t break through the support or resistance line, then you have some understanding on to where to set the turn in the trade. An example is with stairs. If you are climbing up stairs in a dream with hand rails, that is a good picture of an upward channel. Expect the actual price series to be move upward with small variation between the “hand rails”. If you jump over the rails at some point, then that would indicate the price breaking out of the channel. Let me show you an example from my trading: July 6, 2013 I am walking in a large room full of people. The idea is something like a banquet with many people and multiple table rounds. I am given a silver pick up truck. This truck has silver wheels and two axels (4 tires) in the rear. It's a pretty amazing vehicle and very silver looking. It has a lift gate and a table is being put into the rear bed. The banquet scene continues and I'm now going to sit down to eat at a table by myself with the Headmaster. This is some type of honor. It feels like this table is what was lifted into the


back of the silver pickup (so are connected). The Headmaster begins to pray at the start of the meal then stops. He is waiting on me to finish the prayer. So, I stand up and declare some things prior to the meal. Most of it is about beholding Jesus and being transformed.

This dream told me that there was a large silver bullish move coming. A pickup is a reliable action object of a bullish move, and this one is silver. It would likely take two separate segments (two axels) and maybe as much as four points (four tires). I also saw the support at the truck bed and the resistance being broken at the tabletop. This move will break resistance, and I will dine on this trade above resistance. I did not have entry timing, but other dreams did provide that timing as we got nearer to the trade sequence. So, I did successfully (though not perfectly) trade this silver run. Look at the last part of the dream. I left that in to reinforce the message that this ministry is primarily about transformation, as I wrote in Chapter 2. Let’s see what happened on a 3-month daily chart:


The dream date was July 6 and the trade began about a month later. During the interim, silver just danced around 18.5 and 19.5 establishing the support level. The one point range is deemed noise here, so support and resistance is not established for these movements. This is the bed of the pickup truck. I was reasonably confident silver wasn’t going to drop from the dream date, or else I should have seen it. When silver begins to move it really is a big pickup truck. It moves rapidly from around 19 to a bit over 22 in seven trading days, without rest. That’s a big jump. By looking at the historical pattern I could estimate the location of the resistance and, hence, the approximate location of the tabletop. In reality the tabletop is a bit higher than historical resistance, but close enough. We take five trading days to establish the tabletop, and the break that exists between the two axels. The second axel begins at a little over 22 and ends at 23.5. This is a good meal on top of the tabletop. Moreover, the total move was around 4.5 points, which exceeded the four tires idea with room to spare.


The two axels are not perfectly symmetric, but we can only push the metaphors so far. This is not engineering, we’re working with mystery and metaphor. Honestly, when I traded this I thought it possible they might be symmetric and, thus, missed the turn a bit at the top. I was aware of the four tires possibility so exited quickly when I felt the trade was finished. I want you to see, however, how much information was available in this one dream to guide this trade, once we knew the start date: a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

There’s a big trade coming The big trade is silver A support would be established The total trade would be approximately 4 points The trade would be broken into two sections The trade would break resistance on the upside The resistance would become support as I would dine on the tabletop

If I add to this start date prophetic information, we end up having a nice opportunity. Patience and confidence would allow one to capture almost all of the trade. Here’s a second example that is a little different: I need to get to NYC. There are like a line of bullies that are acting as a resistance to going further. I have to fight one of them to gain passage. However, these guys are almost supernatural, so defeating them is not likely going to be easy, or even possible. I engage in hand to hand with one of their members and I'm hitting him a lot, but he's able to recover from these hits. In one scene I'm hitting his face in an animated style like a punching bag, but it doesn't defeat him. He's not hitting back a whole lot.

I’m including this example because it is a different way of talking about pressing the resistance level. In this case I’m going to New York City. That is a bullish reference. There is a line of bullies that are in my way. That is the resistance line. I’m trying to fight my way through, but am unsuccessful. In this dream I am the market unable to break through the


resistance line, even though there will be multiple attempts. This dream tells me don’t go long here.

Numbers I believe numbers are one of the most difficult interpretive elements in prophetic trading. I would say that I understand less than 50% of the numbers I get in my dreams. I’ve got some helpful hints to move us along, but I’ll admit that I need to learn more in this area from the Holy Spirit school. As a side note, I think every prophetic trader I know would say the same thing. First and foremost, numbers are like all the other elements in a prophetic dream. They are likely metaphorical. The nature of numbers is different than words, so the metaphorical language is different. The Bible is a deep source for interpreting numbers. Others have provided some wonderful research in this area. I would recommend Ira Milligan’s Every Dreamers Handbook, which has some chapters on biblical numbers. I also recommend Biblical Mathematics, by Ed. F. Vallowe (Olive Press). I am not going to reproduce the research of these authors here, but you should be aware of the Lord’s Biblical number glossary if you are not already. Here is an example of a dream where I think the best interpretation is through Biblical numbers: I am playing a game of cards with someone. All my cards are face down and I don't know what I have. I see no bets in this game. The opposing player turns over cards and has some high cards (no Ace), but then pairs up a King. So that looks pretty good. I begin to turn over my cards and I initially have a partial straight: 6 7 8 10


A nine would complete the straight, but I then turn a 7, so it looks like: 6 7 8 10 7



I know that won't win the hand, and didn't help me much. I then turn another 7:

6 7 8 10 7 7


I have some relief because I know that trip 7's will win the hand and I don't need the straight anymore. I still have one more card to turn, and I turn a 2 for a full house, 7 over 2's (these are more than 7 cards, but not an issue in the dream): 6 7 8 10 7 7

2 2

Thus, I win the hand, handily. In this dream the Lord is giving me encouragement, because I’m in the Wilderness. There is no trade here (no bet). The idea is that it is going to take some time to get the “winning hand”. In fact, it will feel like I’m losing at first. However, I will turn over three 7’s. Seven is the biblical number for completeness and wholeness. This message is reinforced with “three” 7’s. The number three is a number of Divine Completeness (the Trinity, for example). So, I see completeness here twice, once in the number 7 and again as 3 times. The Lord is promising me that he will complete the work. The pair of two’s is about partnership or union. That reinforces the idea of doing this with partners, and also in union with Him. I end up with a full house. That could have a number of good interpretations, but I like the term “fullness” in there. I also see the “union” idea reinforced. There’s a lot of numbers in this dream and possible additional messages, but the dream is an overall a message of encouragement using the Lord’s Biblical glossary for numbers as found in the Bible.


However, in prophetic trading we see many numbers that are not necessarily pulling on Biblical definitions. Rather, the numbers are helping us gauge magnitude, price targets, duration, profits, and other important trade diagnostics. When you see a number in a dream, first consider the context. The context gives clues as to whether you are looking at prices targets, price changes, money profits, time, or some other variable of interest. Once you have a handle on the context, the number itself becomes the object of interpretation. Here are basic ways numbers are used in prophetic trading:

Time Time is often, though not always, expressed in standard units, such as minutes, hours, or weeks. You will see that in the dream. The time can be shown on a calendar or a clock face, or stretched on a timeline. I find that time numbers almost always scale up. Minutes might scale up to days; days might scale up to weeks or months; and weeks might scale up to months or years. For example, if you have only 10 minutes left to accomplish something, like buy a ticket, get to a flight, get on the train, get to your tee time, start the game, end the game, etc. The number is a metaphor for a length of time remaining to do the action suggested by the dream. There are many possible actions, but the most common is the dream telling you an approximate time remaining until a trade should be entered or exited. Often trade time is expressed in minutes. Feelings, which are important, can vary so that the time remaining may feel very tight, or, in contrast, may feel sufficient. Those are clues to the interpretation. The reality is that those minutes are longer than suggested in the dream. You more likely have days or even weeks remaining. Even if the time feels tight, you often have more time to act than it feels. The Lord is timely and patient, so that our clocks are often running faster than His. The number itself may not directly correspond to the actual time on the clock, even when the scale is changed. Thus, 10 minutes may not be 10 days, only an approximate feel of the amount of time remaining. More


than 5 minutes, less than 15, and thus, communicating just a rough estimate. Time can also be expressed as a clock. For example, you may feel you need to be somewhere by 4:00 PM, but it is now 3:45 PM. The same interpretive ideas apply. I will sometimes get a historical year reference in my dreams. Rarely are these years literal, but more often I need to adjust the year. So, for example, 1988 could be 1944 if the context is about WWII memorials (a recent example of mine). When I’m working with numbers my first thought is that the number is not literal and I need to really look at the context. The Lord intends for me to figure this out, so I need to look at the clues that I have. Next, I begin to “fiddle” with the number by making adjustments that I’ve seen in the past to see if anything comes up that would seem to make sense. I also need to recognize that the number may just be an approximation and not to be taken as an actual count. Honestly, time numbers have been difficult for me. I have no examples where I have a time number that I can map on to a chart precisely for a trade entry, exit, or duration. They are all approximations. I believe this is the case because timing is the most important variable in the trade. Thus, timing information drives you to the throne. I find I’m always talking to the Lord about timing issues, and I think He likes it that way. The gym requires resistance, so this critical variable does not always come easily.

Dollar amounts These are amounts expressed in aggregate dollars. I will exclude prices from this discussion. They show up often as profits on trades, bank balances, game winnings, and the like. Here’s an example: I am playing a business game with several others. The game is played in turns as one goes through a round where everyone has a turn. It is like Monopoly. The game is nearing an end and I leave the game to make sure everyone is with us who is supposed to be with us in playing the game. I'm


like the teacher of this group. I go into another large room where there are many young kids and I ask if there's anyone playing the game. One person raises their hand and I tell them to come with me to the main game room. They leave the kids and come with me. I get out a piece of paper and try to get them on the same timeline as us. I think that they already are, and I sketch out what appears to be two weeks (two vertical marks on a horizontal line). I think it's like there is two weeks left to the game, with multiple rounds inside this time period. It is coming up to my turn and I see that the new player recapitalized $250,000 by selling stock, and I thought that was a good idea. I only have less than $2,000 in my game account, and I'm thinking that on this round I need to get some more cash. I will either sell stock or get a bank loan. I don't know how much to get, maybe $100,000.

This whole dream is about ministry efforts associated with working with others and managing money along the way. We’re playing Monopoly, which is our prophetic trading gifting. Note, we have a time dimension, 2 weeks on the timeline. I know now that the 2 weeks are 2 years. The end of the dream has dollar numbers. None of these numbers are literal, but the context is about raising capital and borrowing money. The borrowing is from the Lord, not a bank. The dream is preparing me to dip into funds to continue, and the Lord is treating this tuition as borrowing from Him. The numbers in this example are too large for a literal interpretation, and thus must be scaled down. They are also approximations, because I never did anything with exactly these amounts or exact divisions of these amounts. I did need to pull in some more resources.

Prices We can see prices in our dreams for things that we buy or sell. Prices can be prophetically seen on a chart, on trading terminals, by metaphorical objects, by discussion, and by knowing. Prices can be given as targets for trade entry or exit. Other times a price represents an interval between entry and exit. Prices can also have a plus or minus in front of it. That is usually the prophetic change in price for a period of time. The price might also be colored green or red for the same reason. The dream’s context will inform the nature of the price Here’s one for oil:


November 2012 ….Sometime later within this dream I know that the oil trader and I both have oil positions. His are larger than mine and thus, he has tighter stops. Oil is trading above 111 and I have a stop below 110. I'm aware that oil has made a large move up already. We are playing long, but the price seems stalled right about in here.

This was one of those rare times when the price was literal. Even at the time it seemed like it should be literal, because it fit the historical context well. At the time of the dream the price of oil was trading in the mid80’s, so a large move up to near 111 was reasonable. By summer of 2013 (9 months later) oil topped out at 112, for one day. It literally “stalled right about here” after making a “large move up.” In addition, a stop order made a lot of sense, because oil began falling right after it made that high. The prophetic word was fulfilled perfectly. As a side note, I didn’t know when the trade started, so I wasn’t able to trade this dream using this dream by itself, but recalling this dream would have been helpful when we got to those high’s (I didn’t). Here’s the chart:


When the Lord provides prices I note that they are not necessarily tops or bottoms. They represent reasonable prices to consider entry or exit, usually with a little room to spare. An interval is the same way. The actual price will change something more (+) or less (–) than what is given to provide you a little bit of execution breathing space. Unlike the example above, prices often need adjustments. One very common interpretive guideline is that the price is a factor of 10 different than what you are seeing. In other words, move the decimal place. If the number you see is 2.2, then that could mean 22, for example. Again, the context will help. For example, the 2.2 might not really make sense in the historical price context, but 22 would. The decimal point could move either to the left or the right in making this adjustment, again fit to reality to help. Price adjustment also works for numbers that are too large for the context. In this case replacing a comma with a decimal point is a possible solution. For example, a dream might state that you will purchase a black


dog for $4,200. The price seems too large. The comma might be replaced with a decimal place and the message could be that a down move in oil might run for 4.2 points. Here is a price adjustment example where the number is too small. A friend had a dream where he saw tall grass in the front yard at the address, 905 Price Street. He was told the grass would be cut. Tall grass will be cut, so the final context is bearish. The address informs the target price, given the name of the street. The number 905 is, in this case, too small by itself. This suggested an interpretation where the number would need to be adjusted. The S&P was trading around 2,000 at the time of this dream. Thus, the best guess at an adjustment would be to add the “one” in front of the number, or 1,905 in the S&P. Thus, this dream says, after some unknown growth in the grass, it will be cut to around 1,905. There’s no timing, but it remains helpful target information to fit with other dreams. Another metaphorical adjustment we use is when we get an unusually precise looking number with a decimal point, like 34.76. Again, we could just move the decimal point to get the true number as discussed previously. However, if the size of the number makes sense, then we go a different direction. The thinking is that the Lord isn’t really trying to give us a number to the second decimal place for execution. We don’t need that level of precision. Thus, the numbers after the decimal must mean something else. The whole numbers to the left of the decimal are called the “handle”. The handle is the non-decimal part of the number. In the example above, the handle is 34. We treat the handle as a real number if it fits well within the price history without adjustment. The decimal part of the number is often a completely different piece of information. Sometimes it takes some Holy Spirit creativity to discover the decimal’s meaning. In the example above, the 76 could be short for 1776, or a timing reference putting us near July 4th. This would make sense if July 4th were near, and fit the pace of the dream. Sometimes biblical definitions can be used for the decimal. Other times we have seen dates used for the numbers after the decimal place. To summarize, the decimal number usually speaks to something different than the price, but is part of the message of the trade.


Another adjustment we make to prices is when we get something denoted in cents. Sometimes these can be reinterpreted as “percent”, thus if we saw 20 cents in the dream it could be adjusted to mean 20 percent. This is especially the case if the cents are in round multiples of five or ten. In these cases, I would still consider adjusting the 20 cents to $2 or $20 as well. There is no hard and fast rule with these.

Distance We often receive prophetic information that is conveyed in terms of distance. Often that distance is given as a number, by visual approximation, or by action. Distance normally represents price changes. I will presume distance is price change unless I have strong contextual evidence from the dream that suggests otherwise. In those other cases it might represent time. An example would be the distance on the road to an exit. That would normally be distance as time. Distance is conveyed by what you are doing in the dream. The dreamer covers distance when driving, walking, running, and other activities. The distance covered is often a price change within the dream context. The speed at which the distance is covered conveys the speed in which the price change will occur. For example, skiing down a hill occurs at a different metaphorical speed than walking down a hill. So, if the skier (you) is going fast down a hill, then it is conveying a fast bearish fall. When distance is being visually approximated in the dream, you can rely on relative spatial characteristics of the dream to represent relative price changes. For example, a common dream element is to go one direction, then reverse to return back to the origin. This is a classic 360 degree turn. The distances are symmetric in this example. This means the relative price changes will also be nearly symmetric. This provides a great advantage in trading because the second leg of the trade is now well understood after the turn. You know that you’ve changed direction and are headed back to a price target that is near the origin. It’s an easy trade from there. This principle works in all sorts of other distance related settings. Supposed you climb to the pinnacle of a hill, then come a 1/3 of the way


back down. Those relative distances are useful for approximating the price action. In this case, once you make the turn at a new high, you can take confidence that the return move back down the hill will be nearly a third of the price distance of the original bullish leg. These are rough estimates, but sometimes that is all you need. Sometimes you can even approximate distance in the dream, even if you don’t have a given number in the dream. Suppose you were to jump off of a ledge that you approximate to be 4 feet high. The four feet can be used to approximate the actual move represented by this action. The price move would likely be more than 4 points, but it could be a multiple of 4, even as high as 40 points. You would also measure the distance in terms of its relative importance within the context of the action. Four feet to drive a car is different than four feet off of a ledge, and these differences should inform the interpretation. Distance can also conveys price change when a metaphorical object that you are observing is covering a distance. Examples include baseballs, golf balls, cars, arrows, Frisbees, and the like. For example, July 23, 2013 The woman is playing toward a green that is elevated on a high plateau. She tells me it is 230 yards, which I know would require a 3 wood for me. I'm thinking as I review the hole in my mind that she is probably right about the distance.

In my dreams, golf represents equities. The yardage is a measure of price change. This number may map directly to a real number with adjustment, like a 23 point S&P move. At a minimum, the number is referencing my understanding of golf. I know that a 230-yard par 3 is a large shot. The dream tells me that there is an uninterrupted trade that can get me to the “green”. The green is elevated on a high plateau, so it is a bullish play. The 3-wood may have meaning. I’ll need more information to actually perform the trade. So, while this dream does not have a lot of information it does convey the idea of a significant price movement opportunity in the future.


Discrete object counts We also receive many dreams where there is a discrete count of some item. It may be buckets of water, rungs on a ladder, or steps on a staircase. These counts are, again, often related to price action. A dream detailing the filling up of five buckets of water is a telling us about a bearish trade. Water is bearish (as in underwater). Collecting water is a bear move. The five buckets are increments of this move. It isn’t one bucket, it is five, and thus, the magnitude has meaning. The discrete elements could be price increments, such as five 10-point increments, or 50 points. This same line of thinking would also fit rungs on a ladder or steps on a staircase. There are no hard rules in translating the counts into price changes; so one is left with estimating and merging with other dream data to get the complete picture. If you are counting objects that are under your control, such as golf balls, then these are usually rough estimates of the quantity of your trade according to your personal scale. A lot of golf balls would be a large trade, and a few would be a smaller trade. These counts are less frequent because they don’t have a lot of informational value. An object under your control is often just a count of one. Other counts with other objects can only be interpreted in light of the context of the dream. You may have counts of different underlyings involved in the move, or different people involved with the trade, as some further examples. As in distance, it is rare for a count to be time. We would like the interval of a trade to be provided in steps of time, like days, but this information is rarely provided.

Trivia vs Tradable The ups and downs in equity, commodity, and currency markets happen all the time and at every level of resolution. I can see variation when I step back from the time line, such as a weekly or monthly view; and I can see variation when I step in very close to the time line, such as an hourly or daily view.


As a prophetic trader I need to focus on the tradable moves, and ignore the moves that are trivial and unimportant. I need to clean out the data stream so I can focus on the handful of good trades that reveal themselves over a time period. Fortunately, the Lord helps us because He doesn’t talk about the trivial movements in prices. He only talks about the tradable movements. This is grace. If the Lord talked about all the movement in the markets, we would be overwhelmed with data. We’d never get the dreams to line up with the time line because the ups and downs would be highly congested. We need the prophetic timeline to take out all the noise; so that we can focus on the larger more pronounced opportunities. So, how should I consider this issue?

The Normal Curve Let’s first look at this issue from the vantage of some simple statistical concepts (don’t worry I won’t go too far). The observations of data in the real world often map into a distribution that we call a normal curve. An example is the height of men. We could take some observations of men’s heights and stack them on top of each other. We’d get a large stack around the average height, say 6 feet tall. We’d get very few observations to stack up at extreme small heights and large heights. These stacked heights would begin to resemble a curve, as follows:

65% of observations 95% of observations


This curve, called the normal curve, or bell curve, shows that the observations are common in the center and very uncommon at the tails. The statisticians tell us that we would find about 65% of the observations as I show above. So, we might find that 65% of the men are between 5’8” and 6’4” (6’ ± 4”), with the largest stack (average) at 6’. The statisticians tell us that about 95% of the observations can be found as I show visually above. That might be 5’4” to 6’8”. I’d have to do some math to get the real numbers, but you get the idea. OK, that’s not so bad. All we’re saying is that many of the observations are in the center of the stacked distribution, and less as I move out to the tails. Now I can take this idea and apply it to any type of observation, not just men’s heights. In our case we want to apply this principle to stock price movements. So, we can take all the stock price movements for a period of time, such as a day, and stack them up the same way as we did with the men’s heights. We would find that about 65% of the daily stock price movements were in a center area, while the rest were in the tails. That center portion, however we end up defining it, is the trivia. That’s the movement that happens all the time, while we want to capture the movements that are outside the center portion. Now, stock price changes happen over time. So, we can take the idea of the curve and place it on its side on a timeline as follows: Unusual Event







Unusual Event


The curve is now sitting vertically so that the top shows the positive daily price changes while the bottom shows the negative daily price changes. The middle line is the average, which is zero. If I plotted price changes on the running timeline I could make a dot for each price change. As an example, I could plot the change in the S&P 500 for each day across time. The common daily changes would fall inside the shaded area. We will call that the trivia zone. The dots that fall outside the shaded zone are tradable. They are more rare and are the one’s toward which we want to point our prophetic radar. In addition, there are some very rare stock price change dots that exist deep into the tails. I have those actually shown as red (negative) and green (positive) dots in the figure. Some call these the “black swans” (rare as a black swan). We really want to see when these are coming because they will represent excellent trade opportunities. For example, a black swan is the day that there’s an extreme event, like a natural disaster, that would impact the markets during that time. I believe Promised Land trading is continually picking up good trades in the tradable area, and seeing the black swans when they come, while leaving the trivia alone.

Finding the Tradable Opportunities What we need is an intuitive understanding from our prophetic experience as to where God is setting up the non-shaded area. Let’s see if we can get at this. To demonstrate, I’ll chose two days of trading in the S&P 500 and place the prices on a 3-minute chart (a price observation is plotted every three minutes). Here’s the chart:


At this level of resolution it appears that unusual price movements are in the oval area. Indeed, if I’m watching the market closely during the day it might feel like this is a lot of price movement. However, if I step back some and look at it again, this is what it looks like:


This is a ten day, 15 minute, chart. I’ve reduced our resolution and expanded our time frame by a factor of about five. I’ve kept the oval in place from the previous chart. It’s the small oval in the upper right hand corner of the chart. See how it doesn’t appear nearly as important as it did on the two-day chart. It is because it really isn’t. The move is trivia and not tradable. The tradable moves are much clearer on the 10-day chart. I’ve labeled them. There are two prophetically tradable moves, which the Lord talked about. The nice downturn on May 15 and the long pull up beginning on May 16, and going to the 28th. See the saw tooth on May 21? Let’s talk about that. It looks like we could trade that. However, it is not a tradable move. It isn’t a tradable move because it is too small, but because it happens too quickly. Quick intraday moves like this are difficult to see metaphorically using dreams. You might be able to trade this with sharp impressions or hearing from the Lord, but a dream or vision metaphor will make it very difficult. As a result we often need to hold through the wiggle while preserving the larger trade. That’s what happened here. The Lord will often give us dreams telling us that these types of intra-day wiggles exist inside a larger move. We are then counseled to hold through them, rather than trying to trade


around them. If we know in advance, we can manage our fears during the reversal. Other times the Lord has given me a picture of parking my car at night, sitting in a dark space, or standing under turned-off lights. These are all pictures of unilluminated stillness. I get these when the market is providing nothing but trivial action. There is no trade, so go to the sidelines. What would happen if I reduced the resolution and expanded the timeframe even more? Here is a nine-month, daily-chart, which shows tradable move 1 from the 10-day chart in upper right hand corner:

Now, what appeared tradable at ten-day level of resolution begins to look like noise at the 9-month level of resolution. Thus, what is tradable and what is trivia is a function of our resolution level. The sweet spot is to trade at the finer level of resolution, or the 10-day chart so we can pick up moves like tradable move 1. Now look in the middle of the 9-month chart. We have a very dramatic appearing move down that covered over 100 S&P points. That is


tradable at the 9-month level, so it must be very dramatic at the 10-day level of resolution. We don’t want to miss that trade, and at the Lord’s resolution level it will show up dramatically in our dream stream. We are beginning to see how the Lord works these resolution levels. I will discuss this in detail in the Timing and Clock Speed chapter, but you can begin to see the Lord’s approach. We first receive macro patterns that are at very low levels of resolutions. At this level of resolution we see the really big trades we don’t want to miss, but for which we have very little on timing. They are like the middle oval on the 9-month chart. However, to actually execute the trade in time we need to see the movement at a higher level of resolution. The dreams help us with these moving resolution levels and locking moves in time. Thus, what I’ve done here is about what I do all the time. I use the macro chart for finding the big picture. I then use the ten-day, 15 or 30minute chart (one hour with futures) for eyeballing the tradable vs. the trivial. This seems to help define the Lords’ non-shaded zone. I can pull back further when trying to find the Lord’s macro patterns, but the actual trades occur at a finer level of resolution. It seems the Lord doesn’t give trades at the real fine level, so that variation is pure noise. I think this makes sense. If the resolution is too fine, we are chasing too many wiggles and it becomes too difficult to track. If the resolution is too coarse, we are in slow motion and lose the day-to-day dynamism that the Lord is after when working with us in this school. The mistake I have made in the past, and see others make, is to assign dream patterns to trivial reality. When we do that we end up getting out of phase with the Lord. We need to keep His view of things and not assign dream patterns to trivial price history. Always draw back from the intraday patterns, and keep your eye out for the tradable. So, be careful when you are trading during the day. It is easy to get locked into the near term intra-day world. That is generally, not the world the Lord is working in for dreamers.


My Trading Objective My trading objective is informed by the Lord’s resolution level in defining tradable opportunities. I’m working off of ten day or less resolution, thus I am essentially trading weekly opportunities. Given this, my stretch objective is to make trading profits every week. That is an aggressive target, because some trades move a little slower than weekly trading. So my conservative objective is to make profits every month. Note, I don’t have a dollar objective. I leave the amount of profits up to the Lord. Nor do I have an objective about a particular “big win” trade. I assume they will show up on the timeline as history unfolds. I don’t concern myself with them until I see them. I value consistency in hearing and responding to Him. Consistency is a measurable objective, and I believe consistent with the heart posture for this ministry.

Putting It Together The following is a simple dream that employs some of the principles in this and the previous chapter. I’ll highlight some key terms, and then I’ll discuss how to interpret this dream. I’ll then compare the interpretation to what actually happened. November 16, 2012 I am at the luggage carrousel for my flight that landed in Mexico. I am part of a team that includes a dozen people. We each have one bag filled with gold bars. Each person takes one bag and wheels it out of the terminal. After I go through the sliding glass doors, my bag sort of fell off the wheels and I ended up just picking it up and carrying it. We put our bags in the trunk of a limo parked outside. The trunk is filled neatly with the bags filled with gold bars. We all sit in the limo. A photograph is being taken of us while we sit in a semi-circle while the roof light is shining brightly. I think the photo is taken and I see the guy who is behind all of this, and its Donald Sutherland. He is sitting up high in an upper level looking out a window, maybe a window of a tractor-trailer cab. He gives us some congratulations.


Let’s use some of interpretive guidelines and see if we can get a handle on this dream. Mexico: That is a geographic direction that is well south of me. Thus, this dream is talking about a bearish play. Dozen: This is likely a Biblical number. Twelve is the number of unity and government. It likely represents spiritual unity birthed out of hearing Him. This is likely why the light of illumination is shining upon twelve from above. Bag filled with gold bars: Well, that’s pretty easy. The underlying appears to be about gold. It is rare for such literal interpretation, but this is a trading dream, and an underlying needs to be identified. The gold bars are a clear indicator. Sliding glass doors: This is a boundary that is being broken. Since we’re going south, this is going to be a broken support level. This can’t be a trade exit, because my actions continue to the limo. Fell off its wheels: Having the wheels fall off is an expression denoting the market “falling apart”. Apparently, there will be a dramatic drop just after support is broken. That is not unusual price behavior after breaking support. Just picking it up: This seems like a rebound off of the big drop. Also, not unusual. Limo parked outside: This is where the trade is “parked” or ended. Placing the bag into the limo trunk may be sharp bearish price action, but it is not clear. Photograph: This is a prophetic picture of the team having success by sitting in the limo. The light is the illumination of revelation. Thus, the whole scene suggests this is an opportunity from heaven. There may be deeper implications. Donald Sutherland: His name is a play on words. This trade is about Southern Land. Again, another confirmed bearish indicator combined with Mexico. He is behind all this, so he’s also the Lord.


Tractor-trailer cab: He is in the upper level of this cab, which is a heavenly posture. The tractor-trailer is also a picture of provision.

In this dream, I am the gold market. My actions while carrying the bag of gold to the car reflect what will happen to gold prices. We know that it is a bearish move. I will break support when I go through the sliding glass doors. The wheels will fall off, and then I’ll pick up the bag. Thus, there will be a small recovery as I pick up the bag. Then I’ll complete the trade until I rest the gold in the trunk of the car. Here’s the gold chart for this time period:

The dream occurred shortly after the high in gold. At the time of the dream gold was preparing to drop from the 1,700 level down to the 1,200 level, or around 500 points over the first half of 2013. This is a significant move. Thus, in retrospect, this dream was a low-resolution picture of gold covering months, and not weeks. However, this is a significant and tradable move, so worth the wait. We can draw the support line from the


historical prices, and extend the line forward in time. Thus, we can have some confidence that gold will break below this level, or around 1,550. In addition, there should be a rather sizable drop after breaking support. Indeed, that becomes a valuable timing marker. The oval denotes a dramatic one-week, 200-point drop in gold shortly after breaking support. After the “wheels come off” there is an approximate 50% rebound (I pick the bag up) that we can see on the price chart. The walk to the limo is the remainder of the bearish trade. The last 200-point surge down appears to be my act of placing the gold bag down into the trunk of the limo. So, the dream gives an amazing image of gold’s price behavior during the first six months of 2013. I wish I could say I traded this, but I only did pieces of it. At this time we didn’t have enough confirming information to get comfort with the timing. I wasn’t sure when the pattern started, I wasn’t sure how fast the clock was running, and I wasn’t sure where we were going. It was far from clear at the time of the dream that this would take six months. We did get some help along the way. Here’s an example from June 4th, prior to the last drop that began on June 14th: There is a peanut butter pie that is being held for a friend’s wife. The pie is supposed to be refrigerated at a friend's house. Something happens so that the pie inverts (or melts), or is somehow ruined.

Peanut butter is an underlying object for gold (by color). The pie inverts or melts, which is a short motif. It cannot be eaten as a solid, which is as a long play. Gold dropped 200 points from June 14-June 30. You can begin to see how we receive macro pictures, and then more micro pictures follow to provide trade entry and exit detail. I’ll provide more extensive examples in the Timing and Clock Speed chapter.



Prophetic Trading Dreams


know that I have been alluding to the prophetic dream types up until this point, but now I will formally define them. I thought it best to lay out the interpretive guidelines first, before laying out the dream types. This way I can use these examples to demonstrate our interpretive tools.

Previews of Coming Attractions I have dreams that are pictures of events that will happen at some unknown time in the future. These dreams have a very unique “feel” about them. They are often very lucid. I can step back into them, even after some time has passed. I’m often participating, but at a distance, and thus, they mostly have an observer quality. Since there is no timing, there is no trade. I’m not even looking for fulfillment of these dreams in the near term. That is not their point. They are a preview of a movie that the Lord will develop at some time in the future. When I begin to see the movie being developed, I’ll recognize it from the preview.


Frankly, these dreams often speak to unsettling events in the natural. The end times will be challenging to the earth, and it is possible I’m seeing events positioned in that timeframe, or at least the birth pangs. These may not even happen in my lifetime. I have found that these dreams are not nearly as metaphorical as my normal trading dreams. Much of the detail maps easy from the metaphorical imagery. I believe the Lord doesn’t want me to miss the message, so the dreams are fairly straightforward. Here’s one about currency: March 27, 2010 I’m in a factory and am responsible for a group of workers in the factory. I walk away from my area to the front and I notice smoke. I turn around and see thicker smoke and the reddish glow of a distant fire. I say to myself, “oh, they still haven’t taken care of the fire.” I decide I need to walk back to my area. While doing this I pass an open door that allows me to see the edges of the fire. It is white hot and is being fed by an open reactor or some such. It has moved up from the lower level and can now be seen at the ground level. I move on and pass a room. This room is well lit with people severely injured from the fire. I walk back to my area, concerned about the people there. I want to get them out of the factory. My wife helps me find the switch and we open the garage door. We have a fast escape route. I wake up very disturbed and can’t get back to sleep, However…..

I have separate dream that follows that night: I have a lucid dream experience before I wake up looking at a TV with my wife next to me. I really think I’m awake. I’m watching the TV and they are talking about a sugar plant that is on fire and about ready to explode. They are running stock video of the interior of the plant. I tell Susan, that this is prophetic. My dream was about this plant, it’s a sugar plant. It’s really happening, just like my dream.

I wake up and am momentarily disoriented because I thought the TV scene was real. I’ve abridged the dream some, but the main idea is that there is a sugar factory that is slowly catching fire, and will eventually explode. The fire is distant at first, but then eventually comes from below to the ground floor, and is very destructive. There’s a reactor feeding this


fire. I believe the sugar factory is a metaphor for the Federal Reserve (or central banks in general). The sugar is money printing, and the fire is inflation. I think I’m seeing myself trying to rescue people, because this ministry is also about finances. The “rescue” is using strategic vision to navigate around the financial destruction. I don’t believe this will be a “follow me” ministry, but rather a teaching ministry to prepare the prophetic church to navigate the times ahead through strategic sight. I believe the open garage door reveals an escape passage into Promised Land living. Here’s another one: July, 2011 I see a map with concentric rings. The rings are formed with ridges that are red. The rings are elliptical and flow from an epicenter. I see that the outer rings hit the US. The epicenter is solid red and appears to be near Japan (in the ocean). I have no sense of an earthquake. It's more like that this is some type of act of war. I now realize I am on a naval ship in the Pacific and there's an issue on how to respond to this. This is all happening on December 23.

At the time of this dream the conflict surrounding Japan and China over claims to the South China Seas was not public. As a result, I was a little confused why I saw the epicenter in the ocean near Japan, but not Japan proper. It is clearer to me today. I believe this dream is telling me there will be a military event in the South China Seas that will be felt around the world, certainly in the US. I’m on a US warship in the Pacific reinforcing the idea that this is a military event. The date came as an audible word. I don’t know if it is metaphorical or literal. The whole dream has strong literal components, so the date may also be true for some year forthcoming. I believe that we will prophetically see these events emerge, and we’ll be given strategy for navigating around their negative consequences. We won’t be responding out of a posture of fear, but from confidence that comes from hearing the direct counsel of heaven. Maybe we’ll trade gold, short equities, or be told to localize our economy. I don’t know, but I do believe we will be given foreknowledge, a strategy, and time to respond.


Somebody will need to have answers in these times, and I think it will be Kingdom people living out of the flow and grace of God’s Spirit. It will be our time.

Sequence Dreams The most common dream type in prophetic trading is the sequence dream. The sequence dream is a dream with objects, including you, that move in various actions. These actions denote market movements in time order, hence a sequence. A sequence allows you to see market price waves coming toward you as the timeline compresses. Thus, the sequences provide sufficient information so that the size, direction, and timing of the waves can be discerned for trading. You are trying to match your prophetic “surfboard” to the wave, by synchronizing prophetic sequences to real price sequences. We have discussed previously how sequence dreams come to us in various resolutions. This is very important for timing tradable patterns. I’ll be illustrating this process in detail in the Timing and Clock Speed chapter. I see sequence dreams in essentially three approximate resolutions levels. 1. Low-resolution dreams provide a macro map of what is coming. These macro sequences can span from 3-6 month’s time. We don’t trade the macro sequence patterns, because we don’t have timing. However, we use these in combination with greater resolutions to understand the movements on the timeline. When the Lord first started giving me these dreams I would try to trade these lowresolution dreams. That was an error, because they are not made for trading. With proper start timing, one could place longer-term investments at this resolution level. 2. Mid-resolution dreams provide detail inside these macro moves at a higher level of granularity. At this level we can begin to see trading opportunities. I consider a mid-resolution dream to cover 1-3 months.


3. Hi-resolution dreams provide precise detail that can be used to enter and exit trades by the week. We don’t always have hi resolution data, and sometimes rely on the mid resolution picture to place a trade. Hi resolution patterns usually run 2-4 weeks on the timeline. The Lord provides this information when the movements are not trivial. The sequences are designed by the Lord to overlay and intersect each other as illustrated in the figure: Low Resolution Sequence Low Resolution Sequence Mid-Resolution Sequence

High Resolution Sequence


Here you can see that the low-resolution dream forms the big picture view, or panorama, of what is coming. The mid-resolution dreams fill in the detail by providing the inner workings of the macro sequence. The mid-resolution dream also show the large events shown in the lowresolution picture, thus we begin to paint in a more complete view as reality forms in front of us. We also see additional tradable opportunities at the mid-resolution level that we don’t see at the low-resolution level. The hi-resolution picture provides even greater detail, and again fitting inside the logical structure of the mid and low resolution views. The Lord helps by providing multiple dreams of the same event, so that we end up with literally dozens of dreams over a span of a couple of months for a given macro sequence. The repetition gives confidence as one see’s the same pattern emerge over multiple dreamers and over multiple views of the sequence. We steward these sequences by keeping the dream history in tact and aligning actions and movements across dream views. It becomes a process where we are saying, “oh this action in my dream, is similar to that action in your dream.” By this process we begin to enrich the detail for what is coming.


I think it is possible to have information overload in this process. I generally work with one or two other prophetic dreamers with a nightly dream gifting as my own. Between the two or three of us, we provide sufficient “grist” for the team. The rest of the team helps with stewarding the revelation and building the execution maps and strategy. There have been several examples of sequence dreams provided previously. Let me provide another example that combines macro market views with ministry birthing elements. I’ll present the dream with the sequence specified. Sequence Dream June 22, 2013 Preamble and dream context: I am with some others and I want to reward them by treating them to a Cheesecake Factory lunch that is in a town in NJ.

First action: We first enter the commercial part of town which is a crooked street faced by three story or so buildings on each side without gaps between the buildings. The feeling is like going through a small canyon.

Second action: We stop and are on foot now and meet a person to help us find the Cheesecake Factory. It turns out she has a business that makes cheesecakes for the restaurant. She says the restaurant's inventory of cheesecakes has run so low that she is in an emergency situation getting cheesecakes made for them. Their inventory is dropped below some line that has created this emergency.

Third action:


We need to go up a straight set of broad stairs to an upper promenade. We now have bicycles and we are allowed to bring our bikes with us. We accomplish this because we're now on the upper promenade (like a boardwalk) with shops and all.

Fourth action: The scene is adjusted so that we're now in a car being driven by my Dad. We approach a large field. This field is a large down hill that brings us to the restaurant. There are many ways to go down this hill to get to the restaurant, because I get no sense of a road.

Fourth action for others: I see some kids taking an aggressive line that involves a lot of thrills. One of these kids misses the mark and goes off a sharp edge and drops vertically about 6-10 feet. He opens his car door with a hurt arm or shoulder. This allows his car to scoot forward into a tree. I don't see any other mishaps.

Fifth action: Dad avoids the aggressive line, but we go down this hill and gain speed. We approach the end, which is a fence and I'm telling Dad he needs to hit the brakes. I feel like he's late with this and he spins the car 180 degrees and barely stops at the fence.

Final action: We get out and go through the fence and are standing in an outside patio to the restaurant. It looks very busy.

Interpretation This is a low-resolution panorama dream. Much action and time will transpire from these sequences. None of this is tradable, but it does give a rough macro sense of the price series. The context is set in getting people to the Cheesecake Factory (CF) in New Jersey. Cheese is slang for money, so a CF is a place where money can be created. This is a restaurant. This


ministry is a restaurant. The prophetic team creates a prophetic meal in the kitchen to be served to patrons at their tables. It is a dessert, so a good thing. New Jersey is my childhood home, so there is a personal reference communicating to me that this is “home”. Putting it all together, the CF is a picture of this ministry in a working form. I want to bring people to this ministry so they can have this dessert. So, this is an important panorama to me because it links the macro series to a ministry birth. First Action: We begin the journey by walking down a crooked commercial street that is like a canyon. Using our interpretive tools, we place this as market action surrounded by walls of support and resistance. We have no more than that. The height of the walls tells us that this may be a bullish channel with very few gaps. This whole series will take a while and there is very little trade data here, because this panorama dream is about setting up the CF, not about immediate trades.

Second Action: This is not a trade action but talks about the reality of the journey. The CF inventory will drop to a critical level before we get to the CF. This says the funding of the prophetic trading ministry will drop to an emergency level, but the Lord will provide help to get us to the destination.

Third Action: We go up broad stairs with bicycles. This is the market gradually moving up inside a very broad and very macro channel. We have bicycles so we are beginning to function at a very low level in the anointing of this ministry. We reach an upper level where there is a promenade and shops. This is the equity market at a high level.

Fourth Action: Dad is now driving. This is a very good thing. When Dad is driving, there are no mistakes and we arrive at our destination. Dad is going to drive us down a very large hill that has a number of different pathways to the bottom. What is clear is that, there will be a large market sell-off


prior to the CF serving food publicly. In turn, this sell off will happen after the stairs.

Fourth Action for others: Some take this hill with an aggressive posture. We really need to listen to Dad on taking this hill, and not go our own way.

Fifth Action: We approach a macro support level at the fence as we’re going down. This is a support that can be seen on a low-resolution chart. Dad does a 180 at the bottom. This action suggests a dramatic market action at the bottom of the hill. This would be something like a large bounce off of the support line.

Final Action: We go through the fence, meaning we go through the lower support, after which we have arrived at the CF.

This dream was given in 2013, and as of this writing not presently fulfilled. We are near the top promenade as this writing (above 2,000 in the S&P), and await Dad’s drive down the hill. At first, this process may seem a bit overwhelming. I don’t want to diminish the role of experience here. It does take some time to get familiar with this process. After all, we are seeing and mapping movements at multiple resolution levels at multiple places in the timeline. The example above is just one dream. You will have ten’s of sequence dreams for any multi-month period of time. Moreover, you will see sequences beginning after a time gap from the dream date. Thus, not all sequences are frontloaded on the timeline. In addition, these sequences will come somewhat randomly to you, so that the order and layering of the mapping is your responsibility. I’ve previously stated that this is not a trivial exercise. Maybe you can see why. It isn’t just a matter of the Lord saying, “here’s a trade for tomorrow, go for it.” More often we need to steward these sequences, ask questions of the Lord, and listen to His interpretations to get to the true


picture. It is a process filled with spiritual dialogue. I believe the process is designed this way to get at the relationship and transformational issues paramount to the Lord’s heart. Moreover, because it is a dialogue, it is actually a lot of fun. If you’ve got a bit of the Sherlock Holmes in you, it is like solving a mystery, but with God.

Ministry Dreams The sequence dream in the previous section provided a very broad panorama of the market moves that preceded the birth of this ministry. The dream shows the birth of this ministry as a restaurant to serve others. The restaurant serves cheesecake. Cheese is slang for money, and thus, the food of this ministry is a tasty dessert that has a financial benefit. My partners and I receive ministry dreams as a normal part of our revelatory lives. These dreams provide detail and strategy for releasing the Lord’s plans on the earth. For example, this Handbook is a product of several ministry dreams that guided its formation. I fully expect that you will receive strategic ministry dreams and revelation in walking out your calling, if you are not already. Ministry dreams will show you and your partners positioned in future activities. Some of these activities cast vision for the ministry. These vision-casting pictures are usually far down the timeline, and are offered to provide hope and focus as time is passing. We don’t begin to build the vision from the vision-casting revelation. We first wait for revelation on the specific steps for achieving the ultimate vision. Not all the steps are provided at once. These steps unfold gradually as the Lord reveals His plans to you. The pattern is to wait upon the Lord to release the steps, so that you can follow in His footsteps. This is Romans 8:14. I had this dream: I was on the front row of the second deck of a double-decker bus. The double-decker bus was open on the top. Next to me was a young man with long wild flaming red hair. He began to talk to me, telling me that he used to keep his red hair shaven, so that it was not seen. He asked me if I liked his hair all grown out and wild looking. I responded that he was doing the right thing, because it looked great on him.


This is a ministry dream. In the dream I’m in a spiritual place at the upper level of the bus. I’m in the first row, which is a prophetic position looking into the future. The bus is open aired because we operate under an open heaven without hindrance. It is a bus because many are on the journey. The guy next to me caught my attention when I had this dream. By way of background, at the time of this dream I was waiting upon the Lord for releasing what we’ve been doing. We’ve been in the wilderness at the time, and I was waiting for Promised Land release. Wilderness living is like shaving the red flame of anointing so that no one could see it. That was my posture; keep it hidden until the Lord said otherwise. This dream was telling me it was time to let the “hair grow out” and that it would be wild, and I would like it. Other elements of the dream told me that this was a “now” word. This Handbook is part of letting the hair grow. I have found that my ministry dreams are often consistent with who I am in God. He has made me in a particular way, and that unique aspect is characterized in the ministry dreams. For example, I have the redemptive gift of teacher. Thus, many of my ministry dreams have me in this role. Ministry dreams can also help you connect with other people. I often see people coming before they actually show up. I see them as metaphor, where the dream provides specific clues about a person arriving on the time horizon. This allows me to recognize them when I intersect with them in the natural. This helps as we move down the timeline, building relationships and forming ministry alliances.

Warning Dreams While I’ve discussed warning dreams briefly in previous chapters, I will develop them more fully here. A warning dream provides the dreamer information about the status of their trades. These dreams convey a warning because the trade will be in trouble, or because the dreamer’s trading theory for a planned trade is incorrect. These dreams provide near term information about trades that you are actually doing or are considering. These dreams rarely involve trades that are in the unknown fu


ture. I think this is reasonable; warnings that exist in the unknown future wouldn’t be very helpful. Indeed, they’d be more confusing than helpful. In normal trading, you should receive warnings in sufficient time to make an adjustment without suffering much loss. However, there are times the Lord has lessons He wishes to impart, and in those circumstances the warning merely confirms what will happen, and sometimes late enough that it cannot be prevented. When trades are positioned well, the Lord is usually silent and just continues with sequence dreams. I assume silence on a trade affirms my understanding. The Lord provides warning dreams as grace. They are meant to be helpful. However, they are an exercise in humility. A warning dream requires us to stand back and assess where we’ve made an error and find a correction. This is not as easy as it may sound, because we often trade from strong convictions about what we think we know. Correcting these biases requires us to release our flawed understanding and to come back to the Lord for a better understanding. With that posture, He wants to help us. Stubbornness with regard to our theories or understanding can place us in the uncomfortable position of receiving revelation about our own desires. I have found if I’m stubborn about my beliefs, the Lord will speak to me along my chosen willfulness. It is almost as if the Lord will not disagree with me, but will instead let my will dictate the path. This is not necessarily good for my trading, because I will lose the Lord’s wisdom. Thus, we want the Lord’s plan, not our plan in the revelation. That is, we want to see what the market is going to do, not our flawed responses to what the market is doing. The former is like a positive view of what is coming, while the latter is like the negative. It is very difficult to trade off of the negative. I believe this is all part of the school to teach us to respond to His leading. A severe case of this is when we have an incorrect notion that gets lodged into our heart. I’ve seen this in myself, and others, in desiring “grand slam” trades. You name it, 100:1 penny stock trade, commodity trade, flash crash trade, or whatever. If we get our hearts wrapped around these types of trades, the Lord will speak to you about them. They exist and you can get revelation about an event that will happen, so it all “feels”


good. Unfortunately, it does not mean you are receiving the Lord’s wisdom. It only means that you are now receiving revelation on what you want. The problem is that the reality could be years down the road, and all your trades for this grand move will result in losses. This is Wilderness trading 101. You are going around the mountain and the Lord will let you do this until you decide that something is wrong. The Lord lets the experience be the teacher. In brokenness you go to the Lord in humility asking for help. He answers by showing you His way for doing this. His way is connected, communal, dynamic, transformational, consistent, and doable. Home runs come when they come, but I’m only looking for what the Lord provides. That’s all I want. Do you know the scene in Willy Wonka where Gene Wilder is saying, “stop, don’t, come back” in a very muted voice to “TV” Mike as Mike is running to use the “reduction machine”? Well, it’s like that with presumption. The Lord talks, but we don’t hear very well. We’re running to the reduction machine oblivious to His quiet warnings. So we end up lying to ourselves; and the Lord, for our training benefit, will let our hearts run with it. It’s a good lesson.

Common Trading Errors We can make mistakes in our trades in a number of key ways. 1. We are trading a sequence element that is not on the immediate timeline, and thus, we are out of phase with reality. What we are seeing belongs at another time, but is traded presently. We could be as little as one cycle off, or as much as year’s off of the reality. 2. We trade the wrong underlying. In this case we have a good understanding of the trade path, but we are trading the wrong underling for that trade path. An example is one where we are trading equities, but the revelation is about oil, and we missed that interpretation. 3. We are correct that the market is moving. However, we misinterpret a dream metaphor for an incorrect direction, and thus, end up on the wrong side of the trade.


4. We are trading in the correct direction, and are aware that there is a turn coming. However, we are early on the turn and begin to change directions, while the market continues to move in the original direction. Depending on how early we are on the timing, determines the severity of this mistake. 5. We are trading in the correct direction, and are aware that a turn is coming. However, we are late for the turn and the market will turn without us. There is a sixth mistake, that I might call “type B” errors, or errors of inaction. This is where you miss a trade opportunity completely by being flat in the market. The Lord does not seem very concerned about these errors of omission. I have found wilderness trading to have gross timing errors combined with an incomplete interpretive understanding for the metaphors. In combination, they produce errors 1-3 much more commonly in the Wilderness than in the Promised Land. In the Promised Land errors 4 and 5 are much more common. In the Promised Land we generally are more concerned with timing turns within well understood sequences, then finding ourselves completely off or lost on the timeline.

Loss Related Warning Dreams Recall, warning dreams will involve events that happen to you or to objects under your control. Thus, dreams wherein either you, or objects under your control, are experiencing negative events; warnings are being communicated about your trades. You are no longer receiving information about the market. There is a class of warning dreams that are simply saying that the continued trade path will result in a loss. These are termed loss related warning dreams, and can be communicated in a number of ways. Water The most common loss related warning dream is when either you, or an object under your control, get wet. Getting wet is a metaphor for positions going underwater, which is trade language for a loss. Getting wet


can happen when spilling water on yourself, getting caught in the rain, stepping in a puddle, standing in a shower, taking a bath, or falling into a pool of water as examples. I include all bathroom water scenes as cleansing your soul from the pain of loss. Those are spiritually positive, but they are warnings. This same idea can also occur to an object under your control. Thus, for example, if your wallet got wet, I would interpret this the same as you were getting wet. Those are all prophetic loss scenarios. Getting wet requires you to step back and reconsider your trade path. One exception to this negative interpretation is getting wet from a clearly spiritual context. An example would be controlled swimming in a blue ocean. Lost or Stolen Another example of a loss related warning dream is losing an object under your control. In this case you have an object under your control and the object is either lost or stolen. In a typical dream the object is with you at one moment in the dream, then in the next the object can’t be found (although you search). Closely aligned are objects that are stolen. Examples of objects that are usually lost or stolen in this way are keys, wallets, luggage, handbags, event tickets, cash, coins, golf balls, and briefcases. The warning simply says there will be loss on the continued path. Cutting Down Loss related warning dreams are also acts of cutting a personal item that grows in its natural state. A typical example is mowing your lawn. The grass is green and normally grows. However, using a lawnmower says that your green lawn is going to be cut. The lawn is your position, not the market. In contrast, I would interpret a random lawn being cut by a distantly observed lawnmower as a short market indicator. These “under control” distinctions are very important in interpretation. Another cutting example is cutting your hair or beard. It is your hair, thus these are also warnings of positions being cut down. Again, if observing from a distance the cutting of someone else’s hair, I would interpret that as a short indicator.


Losing Liquidity A prophetic loss can also be communicated by a metaphor related to losing personal water. Losing personal water is associated with losing personal liquidity, where “liquidity” is trade language for personal cash. This can be seen as losing water out of an aquarium, glass, pitcher, swimming pool, water pipe breakage, or any other water carrier/container item under your personal control. Note, the opposite can also occur. One can gain liquidity in containers under your control, which would be positive information. Crash Crashes can happen in two basic ways: (a.) to an object that you are observing, or (b.) to you or object under your control. A crash that is happening to an object that is outside of your control is a picture of a market crash. This type of crash is trade information. An example is observing a plane crash. A crash that happens to you or to an object under your control is a warning dream. These warning dreams involve an object in motion, often you, that has a fender bender, crash, or other mishap. Examples include a wipe out while surfing, falling on a ski run, an auto accident, bumping into someone or something while walking or running, falling on a bicycle, or dropping your wallet. When these events occur it signifies a prophetic trade problem that needs to be corrected. In all of the above examples, the most likely object or trade to consider correcting is the one that you are doing. Unfortunately, the existence of a crash does not necessarily indicate the corrective action that needs to be taken. You need context to help find the error. For example, if the warning event occurs inside of a sequence, then the sequence pattern places the location of the problem. Warnings in Sports Contexts While vehicle related warning dreams are very common, warning dreams can come from a wide variety of other contexts. A common context is sports related errors. Sports convey a wide range of error possibili


ties, which are to be interpreted as trade warnings if you are the one making these mistakes. These warnings can be anything from a lost golf ball, to missing a goal, to striking out. All of these indicate trade problems that would need to be addressed. The nature of the error is often binary (there’s no in between), suggesting that a loss is imminent without a change in strategy.

Course Change Warning Dreams Trade direction is one of the most fundamental variables to discern in prophetic trading. After all, we have to know if we’re short or long. Thus, warning dreams can also communicate if you are going in the wrong direction on a trade. We really need to know if we’re zigging, when we should be zagging. Being on the wrong side of a trade is the greatest area for loss in prophetic trading. The reason is because we are often on the wrong side at the same time that the market is moving. Thus errors are compounded because the market is hot in the wrong direction to our position. It is rare that the market is just standing still, because positions are established because we see the motion. The problem is that we’ve just made one of the directional errors noted previously. The Lord helps us see that we are out of phase with the market’s direction by using a number of different metaphors for a directional error. Many of these metaphors involve the movement of a vehicle. When this occurs the vehicle is your position and geography or other objects are the market. This class of metaphor often has you doing something opposite with your vehicle than you should. A rookie error is interpreting your opposite action as a correct “short” metaphor. That is an incorrect. You may be short, but you are wrong. Rather, the opposite pictures are mistakes. Keeping this in mind helps from getting confused as to the message. Below are some examples. Going the wrong direction In the dream, you experience driving in the wrong direction on a multi-lane road. You are driving against the traffic. The other drivers are on


the correct side, and, thus, they are the market. You are on the incorrect side and are, thus, positioned opposite to the flow of the market. This can also happen as a pedestrian on a sidewalk. You can be walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk and running into people walking in the opposite direction. Driving backwards You are driving on a normal road using your rear view mirror or by looking behind you. Backwards driving is a way of communicating that you are going the wrong direction. You should be frontward driving. Likely you are short, when you should be long. I want to contrast this to normal backing out of a driveway or parking spot. That is different than driving backwards on the road. Normal backing up is not a warning of incorrect action, but a picture of correctly trading short. Driving backwards up a hill This is the same idea of driving backwards, but adds a hill to fill in the message. What you are doing is incorrect. You should not be driving backwards up the hill. Likely, driving up the hill is correct, but you are short (driving backwards). Thus, the market is bullish and you are bearish. You should be driving frontwards up the hill. Dead end turnarounds You turn down a road that is a dead end, requiring you to turnaround. The trade turn you did was mistimed or incorrect. You’re on a dead end. This turned trade will not work, and you need to reverse course and reestablish the original direction of the trade. So, you’ll need to rethink your turning strategy, or else you will be reversing course. Any other kind of “change” metaphor These can get fairly creative, but involve any metaphor designed to get you turned around on your trade. Here’s an example of one that I received:


I am in a car. I'm about to leave, but I want to get a final instruction from the coach/teacher. I pull back around and get close so I can hear. He notes that there is smoke coming from car. The teacher says that I might have the wrong kind of oil in the car. The normally distant oil change place is close, so I will stop there first.

This is a warning dream about an oil trade. The Lord is the coach/teacher, so I want to hear what He says. An object under my control, the car, is creating smoke. The engine is burning, so there’s something wrong. I have the wrong kind of oil, so I need to change the oil. I think the turn is far away (distant oil change), but it is coming closer than I think (actually close). I need to get the change working by selling out my existing positions and turning the oil trade. This dream is challenging my attitude about the turn location on the timeline.

Warnings for Minor Adjustment or ‘Trade Through’ Issues A less severe type of warning dream is one that deals with more minor turning or stopping problems. In these dreams we are given information to help us deal with small market variation or errors we might encounter in working through a turn or trading through a wiggle along the main trend. Lane shifting These dreams will typically involve driving a car with some minor lane shifting issues. These include driving outside of the lane by crossing the white line, driving temporarily on the emergency lane, sliding close to the guardrail (but not hitting it), hitting some minor bumps on the road, driving around some construction elements, or driving around some debris on the road. These tell you that you are going to have some market wiggles in the midst of the turn or main directional movement. Car coming towards you In this warning, you are driving and you see a car (or maybe even a truck) coming toward you. Sometimes you see headlights. If you are in the correct lane, than this is a temporary movement against your position


that will pass. Of course, if you run into this vehicle or you are out of your lane, you have a more serious problem to address. Otherwise, you can hold on through this temporary wave and the position’s trend will resume. These types of warnings are trying to help you stay on course with a trade. The Lord is not concerned with the trivial. However, the trivial can feel significant when you are working an active trade. So, the Lord warns you about these little issues as you are working your trade. He does this, rather than giving you more information for trading around these trivial sources of variation. Trivial variation is too fast or frequent to manage in that way. It is better to stay with the main story and deal with the counter moves by holding through them, than trying to trade in and out of these types of market moves. Braking Problems Another common warning element while driving is having brakes that work improperly. This type of problem can run from the minor to the severe. In the severe case the brakes fail and may cause a crash. This means that you are running through a turn or you are going the wrong direction, and the market will move aggressively against you. You need to stop, but you’re thinking the trade is running your direction. A minor, and more common, version is where the brakes are soft. They don’t stop like you would like, but you do end up stopped. Possibly you missed the stopping point or came near a crash. This communicates a similar message, except the impact on your positions is not as severe. The idea is that you need to stop sooner than you are thinking, but you are close to getting the correct exit or turn. Other near misses The idea of a near miss can also be communicated in a number of other ways. Sports, again, have many examples. In baseball, fouling off a pitch is not a fatal error, but suggests some minor swing adjustment. Barely missing the green with a good golf shot suggests a small adjustment in entry or exit to hit the shot perfectly to the green. A putt that lips out is not fatal; it is again a minor adjustment message. These “near miss”


ideas can be found in any activity wherein performance can be graduated. These activities aren’t binary because there is a middle zone of performance. Bowling, archery, horseshoes, target shooting, or any other activity where there is a zone of imperfection, but not failure, can be used to show the need for adjustment. Don’t Pull the Trigger Many times you have an understanding about a future move, but are not certain where it lies on the timeline. The Lord can provide gentle warnings if you are preparing to move too early. In these dreams you may see familiar metaphors, but the action regarding these metaphors suggest delay. Such actions include walking by a parked vehicle; shopping, but not buying; looking for a vehicle that has mysteriously vanished; or watching something being pushed away from you. In all these instances, the message is that the move is not yet ready, and you need to wait. For example, in one dream I was walking by my silver RAV4 parked in the parking lot. This vehicle often denotes a silver trade. I looked at the license plate and the first three letters were AGQ. These are the letters for a bullish silver ETF. At the time of the dream I was expecting a bullish move in silver, so the license plate confirmed this expectation. However, in this dream, I did not get into the car. Rather, I walked by the car and walked past some golden retriever puppies. I knew I’d get back to the car later. This dream sequence told me that I’m correct about a future bullish silver move, but that I’m too early for entering the position. In addition, gold (and likely silver) are actually going to be going down (dogs are bearish) prior to the bullish set up to come. Distant Problems I said that we don’t receive warnings on events in the future. That is essentially true, but there is one class of warning that violates this principle. You will know it when you get it. These are dreams that show some distant problem within a low-resolution (macro) sequence. Often the problem appears vague and uncertain. It is like the problem is still up in the air. It is not as crisp as a car crash, but does suggest a potential problem.


Frankly, I don’t why there is a problem for a trade element that I’m not trading or for which I have no opinion. This is something down the timeline for which I have no emotional connection. I can’t begin to correct the problem because I’m not even in this trade, and won’t be for some time. So, why is it a problem? I don’t know, but my attitude is that I treat these as grace. The potential problem exists for reasons I don’t know, so my only recourse is to go to the Lord. I assume He see’s things I don’t see and I use these dreams to ask the Lord for illumination and grace so that when I get to this place on the timeline I can avoid the problem. I think the Lord gives us these insights as part of our relationship with each other.

Example 1: Lost in the Wilderness Here’s an example of being lost in the Wilderness. This is trading going very wrong. I am driving a car and the traffic comes to a fast halt in front of me and I tap into the truck in front of me. I don't think there is any damage to either of us. I go into the reverse and I can't control the car. I can't get the car to stop going backwards. I go through the front door of a house, but it is only a front facade, not a real house, like a movie prop. I continue going backwards until I reach a hill and even that doesn't stop me at first, but eventually this scene ends. I break to a new scene and I'm following another car. We go down a street. We get to the bottom of the hill and we need to turn around. Again, I put the car in reverse and I can't control or stop the car. It goes backwards while I again try to put it into drive and the car continues to go backwards. I eventually see a light truck-like utility vehicle going perpendicular to me, and I T-bone this guy. As we're wandering around I comment that this is all a dream and that these vehicle problems are prophetic insights.

What a mess. Well, I had the last sentence right. When it’s like this you aren’t receiving sufficient insight to be successful. In addition, the errors are so numerous that information overload keeps you from finding a successful path.


When you have sufficient revelation, the warning dreams can provide useful corrections. We don’t want warning dreams like Example 1. We want warnings to get us back on the right path in a tractable way. Let’s go through a trade that had a number of these warning elements to see how they work in action. This is one where I was hasty and made a simple metaphor error. In this example, you can see the mistake and the nudge from the Lord to try and get me to reconsider my trade path.

Example 2: Trade Adjustments Here’s the sequence dream that got this trade started. May 7, 2014 I am in my childhood hometown. I am at the end of familiar street, and it is time to head home. Somehow I end up with my grandmother's old black iron electric fan. I'm holding this fan and it acts as a propulsion system on something like my bicycle. So the fan is blowing and I'm being pushed along the sidewalk. It begins pitch dark and I can't see very far in front of me, because I don't have a light. A truck comes toward me in the dark, but I avoid this. Eventually, the darkness recedes and I can see OK. I really like the fan deal, because it makes getting home very easy. I pass some young kids that have a water suction device. They are pulling water out of the lawn and blowing it off the sidewalk. I turn right and go down a hill (exists in natural) and go by some construction elements and debris along the sidewalk. I end up at an intersection where a memorial has been built in the center of the road at the end intersection. Someone is there as I ask about the memorial. It has a picture of maybe three teenaged looking boys. The guy tells me about an incident in 1988, where these boys were sent on some type of mission where everyone died, like a suicide mission. It was a very sad story. The memorial had multiple pictures including one of the person talking to me (he had a large square jaw/head).

Here’s a picture:


Truck in Opposite Direction

Vacuum Water

Right Turn Going Moderately Downhill Bicycle with Black Fan




Monument Honoring Dead Heroes

This whole dream denotes me as the market. I’m on a bicycle so this is not a fast trade, but I have help from the Holy Spirit (fan moving air). It should be easy. This is a normal sequence dream telling me what the market will do. The dream includes some information about market variation in the midst of the trade, such as the opposing truck and construction. In addition, this dream has something very helpful. The last lines are about a military memorial and someone with a “jarhead”, which is another military reference. So this is a memorial about dead and living people from the armed forces that were involved in a suicide mission. I also get “1988” as a clue. The dream is May 7, so it is likely to be related to some military memorial that is near dated on the timeline. The reference is to the June 6 anniversary of D-Day. It was a suicide mission, it is memorialized for the living and the dead, it was a sad story, and 1988 is adjusted to 1944. So, I now know that what I’m seeing is trade detail that will take me to June 6. So, I’ve got decent timing. I’m confident the “black” fan is about an oil trade (that is correct). I interpret the kids sucking up water in the grass and sidewalk as expressing and confirming my down move bias. I do this, because standing water is a short expression if it is not under my control. I’m very biased to the short side at this point, which created in me blindness, which is seen by


the lack of illumination. The metaphor of sucking up standing water is the opposite of standing water. It is clearly a bullish metaphor, not a bearish metaphor, but I missed that. Without bias, I’m sure I would have seen that. As a result, the Lord gives me a warning dream on the same night as I received the sequence revelation: I'm taking a shower with my Dad. By the drain were black cut whiskers from shaving that were washing down the drain.

There’s my Father with me in the shower, even in the midst of my mistakes. I’m in a shower getting wet and I see black cut whiskers going down the drain. The black references oil, and this is a clear oil trade warning dream. I’m going to have my positions cut, my positions will “go down the drain,” and I’m going to get wet if I go through with the trade with my current beliefs. Pretty clear, but I’m being blockheaded. I go short, thinking I defeated the warning, without really doing anything. Here’s the oil price chart for this sequence so we can see how it all played out:


All of the sequence elements are present. The dream is basically a bullish phase up to the place of the “right turn”. There is one major dip that is the oncoming truck wherein the long position should be held. The oncoming truck in the opposing lane is a head’s up that the truck will not hurt the trade if we’re patient. At the right turn (bearish) we begin going down a shallow hill, but there are construction elements that make it a choppy ride. D-day is lower than the turn, but it is not easy getting there. While holding short as the oil market is rising I receive this dream: I'm in my RAV4 with my wife driving. She is not driving in the most attentive way. There are times we go across the centerline into on-coming traffic. We have several close calls. We come to the end where there is a stop sign. The car behind us rear-ends us. It's his fault, but creates some damage that requires we pull off the road and wait for the police. The other driver was Middle Eastern.

When I receive this dream I realize my mistake. My wife is the Holy Spirit. I think it is kind when the Lord says that He’s driving even though this is my mistake. Again, He’s with us in the midst of our errors. We go across the centerline and have near misses with oncoming cars. This is a problem. We end up being rear-ended by a Middle Eastern and we can no longer drive. That’s an oil position crash metaphor. In reality the warning was telling me that my expiring call options on this trade would crash. I don’t wait for the crash, and exit the trade with losses. I now wait for the turn, since I now see the trade more clearly. I have some high-resolution timing dreams to spot the turn, so I set a conservative short play. It is conservative because I know there is construction that will make it choppy until the D-Day anniversary. This was actually a very easy trade if I interpreted the vacuum water correctly in the first place. All the metaphors are familiar and profits were available. It really was supposed to be a coast with the black fan.


Update Dreams The Lord will update the sequence dreams so that you can confirm your place on the timeline. These updates often use unique metaphors that have been established earlier. These metaphors allow one to “line up” the sequences so that timing is enhanced. Update dreams are designed to tighten up our understanding of the timeline, and add new information as we move along. Here’s an example: March 27, 2014 I'm at an elevated position, like a balcony. I'm looking over a distant island green in the water. I throw something like a balsa wood glider at a golf green. The glider climbs high, then dives toward the green. It's really almost an impossible thing to hit from this distance. Yet, I see the plane bounce near the far left edge of the green once or twice on landing. It is so distant, that it is not clear to me if the plane ended up on the green or ended up on the edge near the water. I'll have to see when I get down there.

This dream is about a balsa wood glider. That’s a unique metaphor. We’ll look for that in the future. It is thrown in the air from a high position. The plane goes up, and then dives toward a green. The plane is under my control, but there are no problems. This is a picture of the market, not a warning. The green is some distance away. This dream tells me there is a market dive coming, but it is in the distance. Prior to the dive the market will climb from an elevated position (the balcony). This is all low-resolution and very generalized. There is no trade here. Note the potential distant problem at the green. May 13, 2014 I have a balsa wood airplane kit that I've just purchased. A guy is putting holes in the parts to aid assembly. I see a shop where I think I purchased the airplane kit. It was a July 4 shop. It was like this shop specialized in July 4th products. The balsa wood assembles into a bird, then a lawnmower in faint visions.


Well, here’s the balsa wood airplane again. This dream tells me that the trade is still under construction. The market pattern conveyed by the toss from March 27 hasn’t started yet. I’m also getting a reconfirmation of the nature of the pattern from March 27. It is first a bird, then a lawnmower. That is bullish, then bearish. Also, we have a date reference. That could be literal, or a metaphor for independence or explosions. May 19, 2014 I hear a wooden balsa wood airplane fly in that is like reconnaissance. I'm sort of hiding. I know the fighter jets will follow the recognizance. I have this sense of shoulder rockets that can be used against these. I'm thinking about using the rockets to fight back.

Now the balsa wood airplane is involved in some sort of military picture. It is high in the sky, but there’s a threat of it being knocked out of the sky with the rocket launchers. When it is high it is like a recon trip. It is foretelling something. It foretells the arrival of fighter jets. This is all metaphor that confirms the market will be knocked out of the sky, but may also hint at military related events as the underlying cause of the eventual fall. At this point one wonders if there is a connection between July 4 as a metaphor and the rocket launcher. Note how the updates add small pieces of new information while confirming old information. All this happens as time passes and we get closer to these events. Nothing is tradable during these updates; we’re just getting prepared.

Isolated Trade Dreams Most of my trading involves building sequences from different resolutions. However, sometimes the Lord will provide a simple trade that is near term and outside of a sequence understanding. These are simply one-shot trades. For me, they are not the norm, but they show up from time to time. The Polish Zloty dream in Chapter 1 was an example of such a trade. Here’s another one:


April 26, 2014 (a Saturday) I see three Native American women walking in a column. They walk into an outdoor shower stall. The idea is to trick them and get them wet. However, they reverse and come out of the curtained shower stalls walking in the direction from which they came, completely dressed and un-wet. They were not tricked.

Native American is a metaphor for short, as are unidentified women. So the market is going down and they are headed for showers (more short reference). This is an image of a market that is really headed sharply down. However, there is a surprise. The women are not tricked into getting wet, they reverse course and come out of the showers dry. This is a bullish motif. So, the women begin bearish walking into the showers, but there’s a surprising turnaround where they turn bullish and remain dry. If I see this pattern, I might be able to trade some of it. It is a very unique appearing pattern. This dream occurs on a weekend. The next trading day, Monday April 28, 2014, looks like this:

Oh my goodness. The S&P 500 drops nearly 30 points intraday and then rockets back recovering all of that, closing to the day’s a high. This is an extremely rare intraday 60-point round trip, down 30 and then up 30.


Do you see why it was three Native American women going into the shower stall, and then coming back out?5 I had no other revelation for this trade. It wasn’t in any sequence. The Lord could have just ignored it and called it noise, since it was so fast. But it was a very unusual pattern so the Lord wanted to give me a head’s up about its existence to provide a single shot trading opportunity. In reality, the only shot was the back half after seeing the front half manifest.

Chart Dreams A chart dream is one where you are watching a chart on a trading screen, video screen, in the air, on the wall, or in some other prophetic way. The chart will sometimes show numbers. Here’s an example of one: A partner is showing me price charts for oil for the next week. Each day is a chart, so he's flipping pages, one by one. On each page is a straight line and I can read the left axis. I don't recall the first couple, but we run into about three in a row that are at 104. We may have gone to 103 on one of the charts. The last chart is a horizontal line at a very small number. I'm not sure what this number is. It's not oil, but maybe something like VIX or something.

This dream had multiple charts flipping toward me with the number 104 in oil highlighted. We were trading oil at the time when it was trading around 110. This dream, at a minimum suggested the price was going to drop to 104, possibly multiple times. The price did drop to and eventually through 104. Here’s a confession from my experience with chart dreams. Be careful with them. Chart dreams can have many unknowns, such as resolution, underlying, start time, price meanings, magnitude sizes, and the like. Thus, it is often unwise to assume the chart is high resolution in real time. I use chart dreams if they support other revelation I have on a sequence. I want the charts and the sequences to line-up, otherwise I’ll assume the 5

3 women each direction is 30 S&P points in each direction.


chart may be for another time period. I rarely trade a chart dream by itself. I’ll admit that my experience may not be a template on this one.



Timing and Clock Speed

We can have all revelation about future events, but without timing, we stand helpless. Ultimately, action requires timing. Let me say that again, action requires timing. If we see a prophetic “headline” event impacting our future, we really can’t do much with that information without timing. The headline demands a response, but it is not possible to respond unless we know when these events will occur. It makes a difference if the prophetic headline is for next month or 20 years from now. Without timing, we are left talking about the future, but not doing anything about it. Strategy becomes neutered. I believe the Lord is now releasing the strategy of heaven, which means we are receiving the time stamps needed to act upon what we see. We are beginning to see the headlines, the timing of those events, and the counsel on what to do in response to those events. This is the full Issachar anointing we’ve been asking for. Strategy is being released in all of our spheres of influence. This means that we will be able to see the future and place that future into reality. The game of Advantage is not only for markets, but also for all areas of life where the input from Heaven will


give you an advantage in making decisions within the scope of your authority. With prophetic trading we are doing something within the prophetic community that is rare. We are taking market movements, and mapping them inside real time so that we can buy and sell profitably. This implies incredible prophetic precision, often within plus or minus a couple of days or better. It is amazing, but it is what the Lord wants to teach us. It would seem the Lord could release timing information in many ways, and I’m certain that He does. However, in prophetic trading I see a predominant approach to finding the timing for events. This approach is built upon communication and dialogue with the Lord. It is not just information, but the discovery of the Lord’s heart for the world, and His heart for you. As always, He is capturing us with His methods of engagement. He is sharing with us His worldview and Himself. It is glorious. Our privilege is to patiently unfold the full picture of future events within the bonds of this relationship.

Timing In prophetic trading, timing is any prophetic information that allows us to find trade entries and exits. There are multiple ways for this information to be conveyed. To illustrate, assume that we have entered a trade on the price graph below on May 21. We are playing a prophetic bullish trend on that date. We don’t know what is coming, but I’ll show the actual price chart to show what we need.


What I need is information on finding the exit to this trade. There are five possible pieces of information that could be used. a. b. c. d. e.

Price change Time change Target date Target price Real-time turn information

The price change is information on how much the price would be expected to increase from May 21. Thus, prophetic information that showed me an 80-point increase would give me the exit. I would simply let the trade run for an 80-point rise. The time change is information on how long the price would be increasing. In this case the prophetic information would indicate that the trade would run for 13 trading days, or about two weeks. Again, I don’t need any other information if I have the time length for the trade. I’d let the price run over the prophetic time interval. The target date is information specifying the date that the trade ends. In this case information that indicated June 10th, would tell me to exit on


that date. Note, in both the time dimensions I don’t have any price data; I’m just running the prophetic clock. The target price is information specifying the price for exiting the trade. In this case the exit would be at 1955. I would let time run until the price target is met. The last approach for finding the exit is real-time sequence and turn information. This is revelation that we receive as we approach the turn. It may be a simple metaphor, such as “checking out” of the store, or it may involve more complex sequence synchronization. This fifth approach is by far the most frequent timing approach in my experience. Timing turns is not foolproof and often requires the careful stewardship of metaphor and sequences. Thus, I see timing originating from two major sources: (1.) from metaphoric timing cues or (2.) by synchronizing sequence data. So, let’s move forward and look at timing within the context of prophetic trading, remembering that these principles may have much wider application beyond just trading.

Metaphoric Timing We can see timing in our dreams as metaphor. Unlike the metaphors in the glossary, timing metaphors are very specialized and unique. As such, they are challenging to discover and interpret. We saw one example previously in the black fan dream. That dream ended as follows: I end up at an intersection where a memorial has been built in the center of the road at the end intersection. Someone is there as I ask about the memorial. It has a picture of maybe three teenaged looking boys. The guy tells me about an incident in 1988, where these boys were sent on some type of mission where everyone died, like a suicide mission. It was a very sad story. The memorial had multiple pictures including one of the person talking to me (he had a large square jaw/head).


This storyline came at the end of the dream, and had involved metaphors that were unfamiliar for trading or ministry. I considered that it might be timing. I first looked at a history of 1988 to find something that might fit or make sense. There was nothing. The Holy Spirit then revealed the interpretation. The storyline was telling me about the D-Day invasion anniversary, which fit on this dream’s fast time clock. The storyline now fit very nicely. The sad military suicide mission made sense. The idea of a memorial made sense. The year 1988 made sense, because I know that numbers often get adjusted in ways that can work. I take the 88 and split the last two digits in half and it becomes 44. There may even be a deep reason why 88 is 44. So, this dream gave me a time marker for the end of the sequence that fit on a calendar. You’ll see some additional examples of calendar fitting metaphors in the Ramp-Duck-Crash trade example later in the chapter. Number metaphors can provide timing information. Recently, we had an oil trade where the bullish oil animal metaphor could be purchased for $5,166. We separated the left of the comma from the right of the comma as we discussed in the numbers section in Chapter 6. We took the first digit as a $5 handle increase in the price of oil. We took the last three digits and translated them into date information. We interpreted oil would increase by $5, from 6/6 to 6/16 using these last three numbers. In reality, there was some question if the increase was going to be $5 all on June 16th, or whether the increase would occur from the 6th to the 16th. A case for the 6th to the 16th could be made because the previous D-Day anniversary dream ended on June 6th, and this dream was the follow on. Thus, starting the sequence on June 6th had some support. As we watched oil rise, we gained confidence that the interval was the correct interpretation. In reality, oil ended up rising from 102.5 on June 6th, to 107.5 on June 16th, or a five-handle increase. We caught about half that increase waiting to resolve the conflicted interpretations. In another example we were looking for an anticipated turn in equities. While this was happening we had three dreams from two different people that featured items that were interpreted as being from the 1950’s. We saw a 1950’s bus, players from the 1950’s Canadien’s hockey team, and a 1950’s kitchen. When a pattern like that emerges, it is wise to slow


down and ask why? A team member saw the connection and suggested correctly that the turn in equities would occur when the S&P index was in the 1950’s (see the previous price graph in the Timing section). The minute he stated it, we knew this was likely correct, and it was. Another time we had dreams about a significant event for July 4th. The team member correctly heard the Lord and interpreted this as the fourth week in July, which turned out to be the correct timing for a major drop in equities. If the date is given as literal data, then we often assume it is metaphor, and requires some adjustment. Likewise, if the real July 4th were to be targeted we would see it as metaphor, usually involving something related to July 4th, such as fireworks. Now let’s look at sequence timing.

Sequence Timing: Trading on a Fast Clock By far the most common method to discover timing is by synchronizing market sequences as seen in dreams. These sequences occur at different levels of resolution and must be synchronized across dreamers, resolution levels, and sequence elements. We’ll begin with synchronizing fast clock revelation. Within a prophetic life you begin to learn the “tone” of your revelation. By “tone” I mean the sound of revelation beyond just the symbols and metaphors. An important part of the revelatory tone is the clock speed. Clock speed is closely aligned to resolution. A slow clock speaks to events that unwind in real time slowly and over spans of time. Slow clock speed is also often offered at a low-resolution level. A fast clock speed speaks to events that manifest quickly in real time. These are often offered at a high-resolution level. We plan our strategies with slow clock speed revelation, and confirm and execute our plans at faster clock speeds. An additional tone is proximity of the revelation to present time. We don’t assume all of our revelation is near term, or real-time. However, ultimately we want to trade revelation that is about to occur in the near future and that is occurring on a fast enough clock to execute trading strategies.


I had a dream last night that had the clear tone of a panorama dream. The reality of this dream will unfold at slow clock speed. The dream took some prophetic events I was already seeing, and added new extended views I haven’t seen yet. So today, I have fresh views of the more distant future that I did not possess yesterday. Of course, in my trading world the word “distant” is measured in months, not years. This information will be filled in as we get further down the timeline, but I now possess a macro view of what is coming. I’ll expect the faster clock speed views to add detail as I move closer to this reality. Those details may include elements that don’t exist in the macro view. However I expect all the macro elements to become very visible in the fast clock views. This “visibility” is what I mean by timing. I can trade what I am seeing. The Lord provides sufficient illumination to place these market movements in time. The best way to describe this process is by illustration. I’m going to take a two-week trading period and break it down step-by-step. I’ll be using dreams that are all near term fast clock dreams. From this, you should get a feel for prophetic trading when using near term fast cycle revelation. I recommend you read the dreams and my analysis deliberately. In this example, I’ll write the analysis as it was feeling to me in real time. Again, dream revelation is mystical, so I recommend you go through these next two sections slowly, so you don’t lose their significance.

Ramp-Duck-Crash Trade March 28, 2013 There is a Mustang (car) that is trying to run me over. In the first instance the Mustang is driving along a rail of some type (rail off the ground by short vertical posts). I don't get run over. In the second I am standing on the ground and there is a vertical ramp end facing me. The car is on the other ramp end ready to drive up the ramp. It is not a large ramp. As the car drives toward me and goes up the ramp I crouch down at the ramp's end (duck) and the car goes over top of me. I hear it crash as it lands behind me.

Here’s a picture of the dream:




Analysis: Mustang is an established metaphor for a bullish equity move (Mustang = American = horse), so the ramp idea seemed to fit. This dream gives important sequence information. This dream comes in four parts. (1) There is a “rail” on vertical short posts. Then come (2) the ramp (3) the duck, and (4) the crash that follows. Regarding the duck. My movement, while small, is an important market movement. So my act of ducking should not be ignored in the interpretation. The rail part would suggest a choppy, but supported market. The ramp should be a noticeable move up in the market, and the duck should be a drop following the ramp. The crash occurs immediately after the duck and should be significant to the downside. It is possible the duck and the crash are all closely related in time, and we’re seeing something that is happening concurrently. The important question involves the clock speed of this dream. Are these moves taking a few days, many days, or months? From experience, the “tone” of this dream did not support “months,” but it could take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. It also felt like this was something that was starting soon, and was not just a piece of sequence out in time. Part of my rationale for a near term clock was my role in the dream. I’m participating, which suggests to me that this dream is inviting me to be part of this future. I do not suffer harm, which gives me prophetic confidence that I won’t be hurt by engaging the Mustang. The real uncertainty was the rail part. It was very unclear how long that would take or what the vertical posts really meant on the price chart. Bars on price charts denote price movement, so these bars relate to some sort of price movement. Because of the leading rail part, the ramp start was unknown. I had confidence if the ramp could be found, then the rest of the dream would unfold reasonably easily. We would need help on the


turn at the top of the ramp, but the ramp and the fall on the other side should be straightforward. These seemed clean in the dream. As a result, this dream provided good information about a trade, but there is no position placed at this time. We needed more information on timing to actually set a trade. Since timing was unclear, my strategy was to allow the first part to manifest to get a sense of the precise clock speed. I also expected follow up revelation to help me get placed into this future. At this point, let me put up the actual historical price chart. The chart begins on the left at the dream date, and ends after the crash. This will help in following and mapping the revelation to price action. As you look at the price chart, remember, I didn’t know what is going to happen in the future. It is easy to fit this chart after the fact (post hoc). What we want is sufficiently good timing to be able to anticipate the chart before we see it, or what I will term an ex ante view. The true proof of this pudding is an ability to use prophetic information for ex ante trading.

Dip in the Road The next dream occurs on April 1. On the chart you can see what is going to happen. I’m looking for the ramp, but prior to the ramp there really is a fairly significant move down from 1572 down to around 1542. This is high-resolution information that was unclear from the rails and


the posts. There’s something coming for which I am not prepared. That is enough of a move that the Lord will speak about it to help me get to the ramp. So, this next dream is going to speak to my bullish bias. I am thinking “ramp” at this time. April 1 I am an astronaut another planet with others. We have a place that is a sealed place that is our place of protection. We leave the sealed place to go on the quest for oxygen. We walk some distance from the lab on this rocky planet surface. A couple of us are sure there is some oxygen up this valley. We begin to walk up and a gigantic attack skunk comes running down the valley toward us. We begin running back to the lab. We're running hard and there is some question if we can get back in time. The skunk seems to be taken out by a wild pig, which gives us the time to escape, but we don’t get O2.

Analysis. This is an interesting setting. An astronaut flies, so there are bullish themes associated with an astronaut. So being an astronaut fits my mindset, and is thus, a good metaphor for me at this point. I am going to go on a mission to get oxygen, where oxygen is equal to profits. My plan is to do the ramp, to do astronaut things. However, I’m not able to complete the mission. My mindset for trading the ramp is blocked, and I must turn back. The dream is a warning because I’m looking for the ramp, but this dream is trying to tell me something important. I can’t do the ramp now. A skunk and wild pig chase me off. The pig is a short motif and the skunk is a huge warning that I am missing something. Skunks are smelly and black and white, both warning indicators. So, this dream is telling me that my bias toward the ramp needs to be cooled down. I can’t get oxygen that way right now. There appears to be a pig at first, and this pig will chase me if I decide to position for the ramp right now. In real time, I realize I have a problem, so I’m staying flat and waiting for better understanding. I’m not bold enough to go short, but this dream keeps me from going long. Well, it turns out the Lord really wants to help me and wants to get me over to the short side. So, I have this dream the next night:


April 2 I am with a group that is on a trek for buttons and bling. We already have some of those items but are collecting some as we go on our way to the ultimate destination. We come to a place where we have no choice but to descend down a ladder that is placed very close to the wall. It's about a 20-foot drop.

Analysis: This is a clear down side picture. We’re going down. Now that I actually see the downside move confirmed, I have confidence that it exists. There is a ladder to be taken. The pig from the previous night and this dream tell me that it is OK to change my thinking toward the downside. Here’s where feel comes into the picture. I feel like I’m on a fast clock and that all these events are near term. It seems the Lord is actually guiding me day-by-day in here. Thus, I set short positions near the end of this day. Again, the Lord gives sufficient time to act as you can see on the price chart. I’ll go with the approximate 20-foot drop and consider that the move will be approximately 20 points. I want to note something in here. How do I know that this short revelation isn’t just reconfirming the short side on the other side of the ramp, rather than conveying something new? Adding new movements in the middle of a sequence is very difficult (and often unadvised), when you believe you have a pattern. I believe the Lord understands that, so He uses warning dreams when He wants to challenge your thinking. If all I received was the down ladder, I might think it was what I already knew about the other side of the ramp. However, I’m not confused about this down move. I know it is not duck/crash on the other side of the ramp, because of the warning dream from the previous night. The warning told me to reconsider my thinking, and then the ladder firmed it up. The warning dream was critical to helping me see there was something right in front of me that I was not seeing, and that I needed to place it in front of the ramp. Again, not easy, but with the warning dream I was able to do it.


The Ramp So, I’m now short playing the down move April 3-5. The next piece of revelation I need is to see the turn toward the ramp, which I know still exists someplace in the unknown future. I don’t know where this down move takes me, but will get out after 20 SPX points due to the size of the ladder. The trade works. April 6: I drive up and we have two dog-sized woodchucks. They are like pets, but they devour things, so you need to give them some room. The high mountains are their natural living habitats, so it is decided that we should take them to the Himalayas (which I see above me).

Analysis. This is a very helpful dream over the weekend. I often receive weekend dreams that will give me a picture of the near term. Again, that tone helps with timing. In this dream I have two large woodchucks. Woodchucks cut down wood. Trees are bullish metaphors thus a woodchuck that cuts them down, would be bearish. However, it is clear I’m taking these woodchucks up to their home high in the Himalayas. Those are not small mountains. What I have is a picture of the ramp and duck/crash (two woodchucks). The Himalayas are the ramp. The woodchucks are the duck/crash that occur once I get to them to their natural habitat at the top of the mountain. With this dream I know I’m facing the ramp/duck/crash sequence and am confident to get positioned long on Monday April 8th. You can see that the Lord has me on a fast clock and that I’m trading in real time. What I’m seeing is what I’m getting, almost to a day ahead. This makes timing very easy, because you can trust that what you are seeing is for right now. It isn’t always like this, and we’ll talk about timing when it isn’t like this later in the chapter.


The Duck I’m now looking for the duck. I need information to find the turn, now that we’re marching up the Himalayas (ramp). I then have this dream: April 10 I see a secondary driving range at Augusta National. I look down the pads and every one is taken. I thought maybe I'd be able to hit a few balls, but the pads are all taken as players are sneaking in some range time prior to the start of the tournament. Everyone has been told to stop hitting balls while the grounds crew is cutting grass in front of the tee's. They are almost finished. I see one of the riding mowers with a small trailer attachment for grass clippings drive off of something like a 10-12 foot wall. The mower and attachment get banged up on the fall, but continue on.

Analysis: First, this is not about range trading because the range pads are all taken. We’re not trading inside a channel, but we’re trading large moves. After this, we see it is a clear short side motif. Cutting golf course grass is the market getting cut down (it’s not my personal mower, so it’s not about my positions). The mower falling off the wall indicates that the move is sharp and abrupt, maybe 10-12 points on the S&P. Even on a fast clock, I don’t trade dreams on the morning of the day that I receive them. Often, their earliest application will be the end of that day, or the day after the dream, or April 11 in this case. April 10 was a strong move up day, so the ramp trade is working nicely at this point. The actual Master’s golf tournament begins on April 11, so I thought it possible the turn could be on the 11th. The 11th ended up being the exact top of the ramp. In this case fast clock timing merged with calendar events to provide confidence in timing the turn. On April 12, there is a sharp drop (about 15 points max) with a slight recovery. This appears to be the duck, which is the beginning of the other side of the ramp.


The Crash On April 11 I’m at the top of the ramp. My only confidence that this position might be true is from the April 10 dream. That is only one dream suggesting I’m nearing the top. The next day, April 11, I get this: April 11 I am with my mom and Dad in a car stopped someplace watching some TV. We are watching something that has my attention. I think I'm watching that a large storm is approaching, but there is also a real storm approaching, and my Dad wants to get moving. I'm sort of connected to the TV show, but quickly agree with Dad and we head for my office. There is a large red carpet (runner style) running up to my door (perpendicular). The carpet has my name on it. An administrative person comes by and tells me that I really need to be at the Sunday 1PM (1-2:30PM) ceremony, and that I really don't want to miss that. I understand that she is telling me that something honoring is planned for me (red carpet treatment) and I want to be there for the ceremony.

Analysis: This dream begins with the reality of a storm. A storm speaks to a strong short side play. I receive counsel to get back into my office (place of trading ministry, get it together). There is a long red carpet in front of my office. That is a picture of a red candlestick on a candlestick chart (a sharp down move). This tells me there is a big long red move coming. It will be sharp and brief, possibly a one-day trade (one candlestick). This is the crash. I receive counsel that I don’t want to miss this weekend honoring (event). That last piece is timing information. The Lord is telling me on Thursday (April 11) that I need to be in the trade by the weekend, which gives me until Friday to complete the short side set up for the crash. This tells me that the trade will be underway by the Monday open, and I’ll need to enter the trade by the Friday close. This is what it means to be ready by Sunday. I can’t trade on Sunday, so the only way to be ready is to enter the trade on Friday. On that Friday, I get this confirming dream: April 13


I am seeing the Titanic in the process of sinking in the murky night. The boat first fills with water, and then slips under the surface. The front-end then nose dives down, which causes the stern to rise up, causing the boat to break in two.

Analysis: The anniversary for the Titanic sinking is April 15. It is a metaphor for the market sinking. This dream confirms that April 15, Monday is when the crash will occur. The market will go vertical, like the red candlestick from the previous night’s dream, and like the Titanic going underwater. Here again, the timing is confirmed by near term clock speed and a historical calendar date. I don’t think I was consciously aware of the Titanic anniversary when I had the dream. But after some research, and time with the Lord with the dreams, I have at this time high confidence I’m seeing it correctly. Thus, I set up equity puts on Friday April 13 to be held over the weekend to trade the crash. I feel I have the timing. On Monday, April 15, the anniversary of the Titanic sinking, the market drops 35 points in one day. This is a rare move for equities during this time. As a result, this was a very profitable day. From this example you can see how the Lord provides an ongoing commentary on near term market action. These dreams are all on a fast clock, requiring quick interpretation. During this time I’m asking the Lord questions trying to understand what He’s telling me. It is actually an intimate experience, because I’m conversing with the Lord all the time. The most difficult part of this trade was the bump in the road at the beginning. It did not see it within the rails and posts, so the Lord really had to help me through that part. I was holding tight on to His hands so I wouldn’t get lost. The addition of that dip had the chance of throwing me off the remaining sequence, and even rejecting the “ramp duck crash” near term timing. Do you see how the Lord helped me through all that? It’s rather incredible, and I hope you’re seeing it. All of this requires some practice in interpreting the dreams. The interpretive guidelines I’ve provided in this Handbook should help you get a head start in understanding the Lord’s voice in trading, as you work your way through market movements like I’ve illustrated here.


Sequence Mapping Across Resolutions In our prophetic trading we typically blend prophetic revelation from low-resolution views with higher resolution views as the trade nears. The higher resolutions allow you to find yourself in the timeline, using the lower resolution pictures as a macro backdrop. This is the primary method the Lord uses to reveal correct timing for trade opportunities. We especially see this method for significant trade patterns and events. For these events, we will see a low-resolution pattern form months in advance. As the clock moves, we receive updates, confirming revelation, and higher resolution views. As reality unfolds, it informs our sequences and allows us to gain confidence for actual trade execution. We begin to find prophetic flow, and surf the waves as they come toward us. By way of analogy our trading is like a commercial jet coming in for a landing. The landing is our trade. When the “jet” is distant from the airport, the regional ground control manages its flight path toward the destination. However, when reaching the destination, regional ground control hands the jet off to the tower control to slot it for landing. This is how it feels when we try to land a trade. The high-resolution detail is like the tower control taking over from regional control, bringing us in for a landing. Our resolutions become mutually supporting, providing high confidence on what we are seeing and mapping. In truly amazing ways, our parallel structures are seen across multiple dreams, resolution levels, and dreamers. For me, this is prophetic trading at its highest, most challenging, and most rewarding form.

The Flood Trade: Regional Control I will illustrate this with the “flood trade,” which is a trade, I believe, the Lord developed as a capstone for the Handbook. It well represents prophetic trading as I and others experience it. So that you are not overwhelmed with information, I will not provide all the detail we have for this trade. Rather, I will be selective, but still try to provide a flavor of


what the Lord is doing in this ministry. Again, I ask that you read this section intentionally and deliberately. Alps Preview The flood trade began with a preview of coming attractions dream back in March of 2013: March 10, 2013 I am in my childhood hometown. However, the scene all around me is like the Swiss Alps. I'm wondering where did these snow-topped mountains, river gorge, and other alpine scenes come from? It is warm and the snow on top of the mountains is melting. This is causing vast amounts of water flow near the tops of these mountains. It's almost like giant waterfalls coming down into the gorge and into the river. This water turns into a flash flood across the street in front of me. I see that 5 or so large barrels are pulled back on a track and are filled with water. Once they are filled they are brought out to the road and dumped, only to repeat the pattern again. I go into a small glass cubical close to this area and sit on tall stools with a group of others. We are sitting around a table talking, the flash flood routine occurs and the water floods from across the street into our little glass room. Since we are all sitting on high stools, no one gets wet as the waters go under us, then recedes.

Here’s a visual representation (without the barrels):

Glass Cubical

I am prophetically seeing an event that occurs when it is warm (summer). The setting is the Alps, but it is also home. Snow is equities, and melting snow is bearish. The snow on the Alps suggests equities at its


highest level when the melting begins. The snow on the mountain will melt and cause flash floods. These flash floods come in barrels. This suggests that the floods will come multiple times, likely in waves. The flash floods suggest an extreme bearish event that will eventually recede. I am with a team who are prophetically (glass cubical) working together. The water is below us, again suggesting a strong bearish message. We don’t get wet, so there’s no warning here. This is a preview. There is no trade here, but this is a distant head’s up about a future event. I should look for the flood metaphor as we approach the event’s realization. My only hint is that it might be a summer event. It wasn’t summer of 2013. Lincoln Tunnel The next sequence dream showing the flood clearly was the Lincoln Tunnel dream. Lincoln Tunnel, May 2, 2014 I am walking toward the entrance of the Lincoln tunnel from the Jersey side, headed into Manhattan (Port Authority building is on the Manhattan side of the tunnel). This tunnel entrance is built below ground level and feels this way in the dream. As I’m walking toward the entrance I see a lot of people walking first on sidewalks, then in large numbers in the opposite direction (from Manhattan). I realize the tunnel is closed to cars and that pedestrians are using the roadway. As I approach the entrance a policeman stops us and tells us to wait. So, I’m waiting, but a crowd is filling up behind me and I feel the pressure. The policeman leaves and I’m now wondering if it’s OK to move forward. Others are beginning to. I enter into the tunnel and I see that there is water in the tunnel. So, this is why it is closed to cars. Looking into the tunnel I see people and also a wall of water forming. I know that this will create a tidal wave, so I immediately reverse course and head back out of the tunnel. The water is filling and breaking as the tunnel is getting filled with water behind me, and flowing out of the mouth of the tunnel. I’m one of the few that is ahead of this event. I approach a set of stairs and go up the stairs and the water is filling in the entrance basin. Eventually, the water level reaches the top of the stairs and is spilling out at ground level. I’m still far enough from the stair top, that this water has not reached me. I feel reasonably safe, but am glad that I got out of there.

Here’s a picture without the pedestrians:



2 5 4


You may recall this dream from earlier. The Lord highlighted this dream by creating a near parallel dream, set on the Manhattan side of the tunnel next to the Port Authority Building, the previous night. The same ideas are in that dream, but this one is a little easier for conveying the understanding. Here’s the sequence and my interpretation, assuming that I am the market: Step 1. I‘m walking toward New York City in the entrance area on the NJ side of the Lincoln Tunnel. When I walk toward NYC, it is interpreted as a bullish message. So this dream tells me that the market will be bullish as I’m moving toward the flood. Step. 2. An authority tells me to stop. This can have a couple of possible meanings, but the intent of this message is that there will be a delay of some type. Possibly the market will be flat for a period of time, or possibly a temporary price reversal. There is bullish market pressure on my back while I’m waiting. This tells me that there is a strong bullish backdrop. Step. 3. I continue forward toward the entrance of the Lincoln Tunnel, but I see people coming the opposite direction through the tunnel, which is bearish. This is a coming turn in the market, and I see it pro-


phetically (in front of me). In addition, I see a flood in the tunnel. This is a serious move down in the market, and links me to the flood pictures that I’ve been seeing for this trade. Except now, I’m seeing the flood in a sequential context. The tunnel position is also a bearish symbol. Step 4. I now begin walking out of the tunnel. Thus, the turn has now occurred and I’m exiting NYC, which is bearish. The floodwaters follow, indicating that this is a serious move down. Step 5. I run up a flight of stairs, concerned that the floodwaters are chasing me. The sense is that the stairs brought me all the way back to the top level, (also seen in the Port Authority dream). This is an interesting picture. It tells me that there will be a strong recovery move after the flood, but that the flood has not gone away. Those waters are still around, so that after the recovery, there may still be more problems.

This is a macro dream with low-resolution information that provides insufficient timing information for the flood, but clearly gives me a sense of how it will play out. It also tells me the near term will likely have a bullish bias. It is not possible to trade this information because there is no timing or magnitude detail. A low-resolution sequence dream like this forms a general backdrop, and is not for trading. I also don’t know how much the market would go down to be considered “a flood”. The Alps dream tells me the water is poured out in sequential buckets, so this may only be the first of many down sequences to come. I’ll need more detail to answer that question. Here is a price chart of the ensuing five months. Again, you can see that Lincoln Tunnel was a macro view that covered a wide range of time:


This dream took most of four months to complete, which is typical for a low-resolution sequence dream. The stop was not as clear as I wished. It could have been the delay at the top of the pattern, but I can make a case the stop was the slight down wave beginning on June 10. Macro dreams are like that sometimes. At the time of the dream I didn’t have any sense of how this pattern would play out. I needed additional high-resolution dreams in order to find the drop that begins around July 24. The flood idea communicates a significant move down, as well as the beginning of a sequence of “flood” type moves to follow. Indeed, this move is the second largest down move year-to-date, so fits the metaphor. Also, as the stairs in the dream indicated, the market would recover the complete move.

The Flood Trade: Tower Control We had many dreams leading us to the flood trade. I will only go over a small number of them to give a sense of how to work sequence and oth


er dream information in directing a trade. Here is the price chart with some relevant dreams by date:

Ranch Ridge Dream I'm on something like a ranch. I am there with others, and we're going to protect the ranch. Apparently, there are some others opposing us that are going to attempt a sneak attack upon us, but we are aware of this. A couple of us end up on a ridge. There is a scuffle at the top of this ridge with the intruders. We prevail. It now feels like the other guy and I are at the top of something that is like log flume, but not really. It’s like a conveyor belt of horizontal (artificial) logs, interspersed with some (artificial) grass and earth that is maybe 5 yards wide. This conveyor moves down the ridge side. We do something like "surf" our way down the horizontal log conveyor belt as it is moving. At the bottom of the hill my partner has found one of the remaining attackers and has put a noose around his neck. This guy is chubby and unimpressive appearing. My partner has a crane button device in his hand and pushes the button. The noose is pulled tightly while the guy is able to hang onto a horizontal bar with his hands (that moves with the noose) to keep the noose from tightening. However, he would not be able to hold out very long pulling up on this bar. He'd eventually tire and die. The noose is pulled until it is tight, but the guy's feet are still on the ground.


But that changes. The partner pushes the button again and the guy is lifted up off the ground while he's hanging on the bar. He's complaining that he can't breath while we turn out backs and walk away.

This is a mid-resolution sequence dream. We are getting closer to the landing, but without sufficient detail to trade. Don’t be put off by the extreme graphic detail. Remember, scenes of conflict represent the bulls and bears fighting it out. This dream tells me the following: 1. Near the high’s we should see the bulls and the bears fighting it out for a period of time. Thus, there will be some back and forth price action in the market on the upper resistance line (top of the ridge). You can see how this is an accurate portrayal of the price chart for most of July. 2. This “fighting” will end with surfing down the flume. The flume is made out of fallen trees. This is a clear indication that equities will have a fast and continuous drop. This dream reinforced and confirmed the flood from Lincoln Tunnel, so we’re now building our understanding. 3. The scene ends with a hanging of the large man (bullish). This is a picture of the market moving up, but also communicates that there is something very negative and terminal about this move. The bull will not be able to hang on, suggesting the up move is temporary in some sense. Thus, the stairs from Lincoln Tunnel are now also reinforced and confirmed. We go up, but the water is following. Earthquake Dream I am walking in a large unknown city. An earthquake (EQ) begins. The ground is shaking and it’s not stopping, and it’s intensifying. I look around and I can tell that buildings are under stress from this event. I look over to a hotel that has an open pool to the outside. Above the building is large flat cement piece that is like a cover over the hotel. This piece breaks off of the top of the building and does a slow motion 360-degree turn at the top, and falls into the pool area, crushing and drowning people in the process. The scene changes and I'm in an underground garage. A large freight train is now passing on tracks that go through this underground garage. Eventually it comes to a stop. The scene changes and I'm now above ground after the earthquake. I see the hotel from another view and I see an Indian family with blood over them. I look over and see into a atrium area of another building and some people are lining up for the elevators. I'm thinking that's


bold. I look over the skyline and I see buildings standing, but I also see dust and smoke in places from the stress of the EQ. The EQ could have been much worse.

Earthquakes are common dream elements. For the prophetic trader an earthquake denotes a market or economic “shaking” that will cause the market to go down. This earthquake impacted one or possibly two buildings, so it was not extensive. The sequence is (1.) building top structure falls into water, (2.) underground garage, (3.) freight train, (4.) aftermath on the surface. The top piece falling into the pool is the flood. Note how the Lord helps connect to the flood by using the swimming pool as a water motif. The underground garage is the bottom of the move, which is under support. The freight train is the impressive bullish return trip that starts from the bottom. The aftermath has us back on the surface, suggesting that we end up standing on top of resistance. The “Indians” with wounds reinforces the earthquake short action from a historical dream perspective. The 360-degree move suggests that the beginning of the down move will have a slow motion up wave before the plummet. Do you see it in the price chart (around end of July)? My comments about the elevator riders hints that continued bullishness may be fragile. Thus, this sequence is familiar territory and reinforces Lincoln Tunnel and Ranch Ridge. So, we’re on the right track. Football Fumble I am in the stands watching a football game. The opposition is about ready to score a two-point conversion, but there is a fumble. The ball bounces backwards down the field and is picked up around our 40-yard line by one of our guys. He runs all the way until the end zone and a touchdown is indicated. We're all stunned and cheer. We are now watching a 2-point conversion try for our side. This will be the last play of the game, and if we make it, we will win. The snap count is taking a very long time. Our interior line is made of a couple of people in wheelchairs, which I think might be effective. They roll over on to their backs with the wheels up, facing the opposition rush. A song begins and I eventually see a lead guitar player playing a riff in the corner of the end zone. I recognized the song, possibly the Eagles. The dream ends before I see the snap.


Here’s a graphic to help visualize the play (without the wheelchairs):

4. Touchdown for our side (Bears)

3. Recover Fumble and run 60 yards

2. Fumble back to 40

1. Opposition (Bulls) 2 Point Attempt

5. Attempt our own 2 point conversion

Goal Line Goal Line

40 Yard Line

Here we have another football dream with some amazing information if we can tease out the meaning. First, we have to identify the bulls and the bears. Since I’m looking for the flood, “my “ team should be bearish. Also, the first team with possession should be the direction we were currently moving, which was bullish. At the time of the dream we had moved from 1860 in early May, to 1970. The bulls are attempting a 2point conversion at the beginning of the dream. The Lord helped me see that the 2-point conversion was the S&P moving to the 2,000-point level. The fumble suggests that the bulls won’t make it. This is fabulous information, because it caps my downside risk on a short setup. It also means we must be close, because we’re at 1970 on the dream date. The ball will fumble backwards. This tells me that there will be price variation in a bearish direction preceding the sharp “flood” drop. This is also consistent with the 360-degree slow motion fall off the rooftop in Earthquake. I interpreted the 40-yard line to indicate the start of the continuous part of the move shown by the runner, not an indicator of the fumble length. Thus, the sharp continuous part of the move was going to approximate 60 yards, or 60 S&P points. This is great. For the first time we now have a sense of the size of the move represented by the flood, flume, and rooftop drop. You can verify on the price chart that the continuous part of the move was almost exactly 60 points (over three days). The dream continues with information on what occurs once the runner has “scored”. Time passes and there is some apparent variation. The two fallen wheelchairs are like two down price movements (August 6 and 8). It is very generalized, but still helpful in interpreting the price flow.


This is occurring while the “Eagles” play guitar. This is a clear indication that we will receive additional prophetic information while we are navigating this part of the price sequence. Lastly, I see that we will attempt a 2-point conversion. After some consideration, I determined I should interpret the 2-point conversion the same as I did at the front end of the dream. Thus, I saw this as the market moving back up to the 2,000-point level, even though it was still the “bears” in possession. Dreams aren’t always linear, and these types of modifications are sometimes required. I was able to see this because I had other dreams telling me that we climb back up after the move down, so this interpretation was consistent with those previous dreams. In addition, it hinted that the move back up would reach 2,000, which was new information. This dream really lays out the trade. We are now seeing highresolution detail and can begin to build a trade strategy. Soon after this dream I initiated layering in my first short positions using ETF’s. I was going to hold off using options until I felt we went through the fumbling ball portion of the price action. Four Bears (from Keith) I am with another walking to a vehicle with four bears. The bears are white and dark brown colored and the size of large dogs but bulky like a bear would be. I am taking one to sit with me in the front of my car, the three others are going into the back seat.

Bears and dogs are clearly short metaphors. There are four bears in total. These will be four distinct bearish moves, separated in time or by retracements of some kind. The bears are white and brown. White is equities and brown is likely oil. One bear is in the front seat, while the other three are in the back seat. The first bear is our flood move, and it is the bear that we are attempting to land. That bearish move is separated by a vertical seat back. The vertical separator is the return move that will bring us back up to 2,000 points. We’re putting this together prophetically, based on the previous dreams. Thus, this dream is showing with more clarity the temporal nature of the return move (flooding stairs, bulky man


hanging). It will eventually collapse into more bearish action. Indeed, we should expect at some point after breaching 2,000 we will go into a decline that will involve 3 separate bear moves, none of which should cause retracements to new highs, because the bears are all together in the back seat. Again, this is strong confirmation as our headlights begin to illuminate beyond the retracement for the first time. Cherry Lane I'm on a bus. The driver is driving through my childhood hometown. We make the right on to a road that will take us to the intersection with Cherry Lane. The bus stops near the Cherry Lane intersection. During this time I'm thinking I'd like to get off and walk around. At Cherry Lane the bus backs up a little bit and stops. I want to get out here so I can walk up to my home. Someone that looks like my elementary school gym teacher asks me if I really want to leave the bus?

This is a near-term, high-resolution dream talking about the upcoming down move. The bus is our group of prophetic traders. We make a right, which is a bearish direction. We are headed for Cherry Lane, which is a “red” motif, thus confirming the bearish direction. This is our trade. However, I now get some new information. At Cherry Lane the bus will back up a little (market will reverse and go up at the bottom). This little up move is the same as the first “button push” on the hanging element from Ranch Ridge. I receive counsel from the gym teacher to stay with the bus (remain short). Our Holy Spirit trading is like a gym and He is the teacher. Thus, His question to me should provoke an agreeable response. I shouldn’t consider leaving the bus, even though we backed up. Note the bottom of the price chart. Do you see the bus backing up on August 5? When this happens this dream comes into play, because it counsels to “stay on the bus”. What happens next? We drop from 1940 to 1905. That’s pretty good counsel. You can see that the top was 1990. At this point we did not breach 2,000 and the risk for short positions was minimal. I kept adding short positions at this level. Following this peak the market dropped and reth versed on July 29 . There’s the 360-degree slow motion loop. The football is now bouncing away from the goal line (2,000 points), and the


building top is dropping. During this time I’m adding more short positions, and adding a few equity put options, feeling that the timing is close. st When the market broke to the downside on July 31 there was no warning in the natural, or prophetically. Essentially, one had to be following and stewarding this stream to be in this trade. The landing tower was guiding us in, and all we had to do is follow the directions. It was my second most successful trade of the year. Once reaching the bottom we needed help in finding the turn back to the top. We knew it was there, but only after some time had passed (from Football Fumble dream). There would be the Cherry Lane motion and the two wheelchairs before we went back to the top. The ladder squirrel dream was the next piece of help. Ladder Squirrel I am in an apartment of some type and I'm packing a bag. I go ahead and try to find the car. I do this by climbing down an extension ladder. It is like I'm on an upper floor. I am holding a squirrel as I come down the ladder. I get to the parking lot area and there are two lots. The near parking lot is dry, and the far parking lot has flooding from a lake.

Do you recall the earlier dream about the woodchuck going to the top of the mountain with me? This one is similar, but in the opposite direction. This is a high-resolution dream showing me an immediate move down (which you can see on the chart). I carry a squirrel. Squirrels climb trees, so they are bullish metaphors. Thus, this dream tells me that I go down one more leg, and then I should see the turn (the squirrel part). That’s very important information at this place because I don’t know if we’ve gone down enough from the Cherry Lane counsel. This dream gives me the detail needed to work the turn. Once we turn there are two parking lots. The near one is dry, which is the return bullish move. However, the far one is flooding, which is the beginning of the three bears coming after the bullish retrace. This is generalized, but consistent with previous revelation. Snow Hill Dogs


I am in a car driving. I am going up a mountain on a straight road. There is snow on the ground. My headlights are not lighting my path as clearly as I would like. There are times it is difficult to see the edges of the road or a sense if I'm still on the road. However, the road is straight and I am able to drive the road. As we go up the hill, my illumination becomes brighter. I see the edge of the top and I stop, while I tell my daughter in another car to stop. I can tell as she edges forward she will lose her keys over the edge. Below this edge is a garage with an open roof that belongs on someone's land. If the garage had a roof it would be parallel to this top, so it is not a large drop. We both go down a short descent to the owner’s land. I'm walking around trying to find my way into the walled open area where the keys lie. I go into a walled open area that has several large dogs tied up to center stakes that are, themselves, spread around the yard. No dog can reach me as I stand a few steps from the doorway in this open area. This is not where the keys are. I leave this area. We end up receiving help from the owners and we get my daughter’s keys back.

We are again seeing high to mid resolution detail as our headlights point out further. This dream is about going up the snowy (revelation) hill, and some things that occur at the top. The hill is now real-time revelation, because it is upon us in the timeline. This dream tells me that my understanding during the first part of the up move will be dimmed, but that I will understand better as we move up the hill. This was true in the th natural. I had some problems on the head fake of August 15 , but realized my error and immediately repositioned back long until exiting in the 1990’s. My daughter often represents short. We reach the top and drop her keys down a modest level. Thus, that drop will be a modest down move off the top. Also, the keys suggest that we will receive updated information about the short trade at this level. The “key” is to be found there. I then see the barking dogs, which won’t be able to hurt me. I think these dogs are the same as Keith’s 3-bears (I’m writing before these events have occurred). I’m seeing them after the short drop from the top. So, again, we get some confirming information as well as some added detail. The last dream on this sequence is “Cooking Steak”. This is a simple dream where I see someone cooking steak on the grill. The steak is not finished. This is a dream that was supposed to tell me that the bull move is not finished (steak=bull). It is still being prepared, and it is not time to


pull it off the grill. If I had properly incorporated this dream it would th have gotten me through the spike down on August 15 , and kept me remaining long. As it was, I lost money in here trying to turn too early. As of this writing we are trending at 2,000 on the S&P. We see that the next major move will be down in three major segments (3 bears). We have some high-resolution dreams telling us that we will have one more moderate round trip leg back down and then back to 2,000, before we begin the process of seriously heading down.

Tower Control is Timing In the early years of prophetic trading I experienced sporadic prophetic insights that I now consider to be “regional control.” That is, I never really had the high-resolution sequences that are needed to land the trade. As the gift matured, these high-resolution pictures emerged. Without highresolution views, I would argue that prophetic trading is much more limited. The reason is because without high-resolution views the trader is forced to establish positions without timing. You know the future, just not when it will occur. Thus, the strategy devolves into waiting for the trade to mature along a blind path. The problem is that without more precise understanding, the wait can be lengthy, and over time periods where prices are moving against you. One can be made poor while waiting on the trade. While this may have its purposes with regard to the heart, the Lord has a better ultimate strategy. He wants to provide the detailed mapping that allows us, with proper stewardship, to execute with precision.

Kingdom “Double-M” with Tower Control This trade begins while near the upper range of the price chart in mid 2016. I was getting a clear indication that there was going to be a double “M” shape (two “V’s” inside the “M”). I had the following macro dream:


Las Vegas to Kingdom (May 3) (1) I'm watching a large group of people running hard on a treadmill. It is like the scene behind them passes as they run in place. I recognize the scene as buildings in Las Vegas. I take a ride to the entrance to the Magic Kingdom. (2) At this entrance we stop because Mickey Mouse is making his grand entrance. We are now in the park with my son. (3) We go to a Ferris wheel ride and my son is climbing from chair to chair at the top as it slowly spins. If it spun any faster it would take my son down.

The first part of the dream is watching people run in place as a back scene of buildings goes by. This is a picture of going nowhere as we experience range trading. Thus, the dream suggests time will pass. I eventually go to the entrance to the Magic Kingdom. This is a transition to Kingdom realities from the risk of Las Vegas trading. Mickey Mouse is there and enters at the same time. This is key to interpretation. Why Mickey Mouse? What does he have to do with anything, and why is he there? I believed at the time that Mickey is an emphasis on an “M” word, which suggests an “M” shaped price series after the treadmill time. Indeed, it is two M’s, so I was hypothesizing that there may be two V’s in the macro structure, connected together. Others and I had ample VW dreams during this time period, so there was strong support for this type of structure. After entering the Kingdom there is a Ferris wheel with my son on top. A Ferris wheel is a circle, and indicates a 360-degree move. This tells me this is a picture of the “V” in the middle of the “M”. I suspected that the Ferris wheel would be the end of the series, finishing with the top of the second V. Thus, this dream tells me the basic shape of things to come. This is macro dream. It has no timing, it will take time to complete, and occurs with low resolution, thus it is not tradable. However, it gives architecture for which micro-structure dreams can fit.


This macro perspective can be seen on the SPX price chart from May 1-July 1, as follows:

The price series on the left channel represents the “treadmill” part of the trade. Here we are standing still while we go up and down and carve out some small “buildings”. Eventually, we begin a move up to the upper price resistance and begin the process of building the first “M” and “V”. The first “M” is shown in the chart. The second “M” is underway on the right side of the chart, where the second “V” is identified. The second “M” will complete when the leg comes down and finishes the pattern. I need tower control in order to actually trade this price series. That means I need detailed dreams that verify the macro shape, while giving a sense of speed and timing. I had many dreams during this series, and use the multiple dreams to complete out the picture of the price series, so that I can position trades with confidence. I will illustrate with just two dreams. This is the first micro-structure dream with tower control:

Working Up the Hill (May 17)


(1) I'm going up a hill. (2) The road flattens out and is made of wood, with some gaps. The wood is almost like trees. There is a lot of traffic coming in the opposite direction, but I'm able to find a lane without opposing traffic. However, I feel this could become congested at any time. (3) I eventually move up to a ledge built into the rock face of this mountain. This is a lane I have all to myself that hangs above the "wood" road. (4) I'm now going down the mountain and I come to a place where it is like a steep straight drop (no curves). I wonder if I can handle it. I see others on the road down further below, so I think I can do it and proceed.

This is the near term picture of the first hill of the first “M”, shown as follows:

This is a more resolute pattern than the macro map. This tells me that I am close to beginning the sequence, which begins on May 21, about 3-4 days after this dream. In addition, it tells me the micro-structure inside the macro “M” structure. I now know specific details that are not in the macro view, such as there will be a flat area near the top of the pattern,


and that the other side will be more steep and consistent. This is enough information to begin getting confidence for a trade. Here’s a second micro-pattern that helps with the next hill sequence: Eagle Putt with Flying (June 11) I am playing golf. I have hit a drive a long way out. This feels historical in the dream. (1) I am now going to hit a three wood back in the reverse direction to a green. I hit it very well. As a result I tell my playing partner I think I'm on the green on two for a par five. The shot had to clear a lake to make it, and it did. So, I've got an eagle putt. (2) I have no putter, so I need to borrow one. Some observers have a shoe on the end of a stick. I try to putt with this thing, but it's not effective. As a result, the putt goes off line. I'm not too worried, because the "shoe putter" wasn't going to give me much of a chance, and I state as such. It's now time to leave. I am walking along the side of the lake. (3) I jump over some dead branches and lift high into the sky above the lake. So, I'm flying briefly, but I'm not able to continue the flight. (4) I begin to spin fall toward the middle of the lake. I can't believe I'm not flying and so I'm preparing to get very wet and swim to the shore. I hope it's not too cold. I get closer to the lake surface, but never fall in. (5) Near the end, I regain control and begin to rise again. I never get wet in this process, but it was some uncomfortable moments.

The chart appears like this:


In step (1) I know that I’m hitting a 3 wood, which is a bullish activity. In addition, I know that I’m retracing a previous move. Thus, once the move begins, I have confidence that I’m going to the top of the pattern. This fits the macro pattern, because I’m looking to complete the “V” in side the first “M.” In addition, with micro-pattern dreams I’m confident that I’m on a near term clock. The dream occurred on June 11, so I can plan for this 3-wood shot to be close. It began on June 16. In step (2) I have a chance at an eagle putt. Putting is going short, so I know this is a change in direction, and an eagle putt will be a great opportunity to the short side. However, my dream tells me that I won’t execute this putt very well, because my putter (understanding) will be incomplete. That was true when I traded this move. I was short and made money, but it wasn’t an Eagle putt. I could have done much better if I understood the magnitude of the drop, which I didn’t. So, there’s a big drop, and I’m on the right side of the trade, but light. In step (3) I’m going to jump from dead limbs, which is a short motif, high into the sky. So, I know at the bottom of this range I will return all the way back up to the top. I know this because I have other dreams suggesting this symmetry, and it fits the macro pattern for the “V” inside the


second “M”. I’m much more prepared for the move back up to the top, and this trade is done fairly well. At this writing step (4) is not yet underway, but you can see we are at the top of the range. I’m positioning for this move in the very near term and expect a drop that will match the range of the first drop. Step (5) will be a rebound off that move. I hope you can see that the Lord provides pictures of the upcoming price series in dreams and visions using different resolution levels. The macro resolutions provide the broad outline of the trade direction, while the micro resolutions provide the detail to help position and extend the actual trades.




Risk Management


nvestopedia defines risk management this way:

Simply put, risk management is a two-step process - determining what risks exist in an investment and then handling those risks in a way best-suited to your investment objectives. Risk management occurs everywhere in the financial world.

This definition is useful, because this two-step process also informs our trading. We are also concerned with the risk of the investment, and discovering strategies to mitigate that risk. However, when we consider the risk of an investment, we are considering that risk in the context of prophetic errors in interpretation and trade execution, not in the inherent risk of an investment born solely by temporal uncertainty. These interpretive and execution errors are called “prophetic risk”. Prophetic risk is humbly acknowledging that our understanding of the future price path


may be imperfect. This incompleteness may be revealed in any number of ways. We may have • • • • •

incorrect timing, incorrect direction, incorrect underlying security, incorrect context, and incorrect trade attitude.

All of these will create mistakes in the trade. We’ve also seen previously how warning dreams can help us adjust to avoid these errors. Thus, there is grace available, even when we have it wrong. However, if the attitude is wrong, even the warning dreams may be insufficient. Attitudes misaligned with the Lord’s ways induce prophetic error. The Lord works from the inside out. If the inside has a problem (heart), so will the outside (trading). Let’s look at some attitude issues and responses, then some additional tools for mitigating prophetic risk.

The Get Rich Quick Fallacy As I look at my own experience and the experience of others, it is clear to me that the Lord really doesn’t endorse generalized get rich quick trades. I think I’ve seen more money lost (including me) in this pursuit than in any other error in prophetic trading. Let me define “getting rich quick”. Getting rich quick is an individual desiring outsized returns without allowing their heart to be prepared for the authority associated with those returns. To say it another way, getting rich quick is being attracted to trades that give you Promised Land returns before you’ve gone through the Wilderness. Get rich trades have very strong “ensnaring” characteristics. I see people embrace certain get quick rich trade ideas for literally years. The size of the return grabs the heart, so that the trade becomes an obsession. This fallacy often appears as chasing an event-based trade idea. Maybe there will be a geopolitical event that will crash the markets. It always seems the event is just in front of us. It is like an oasis mirage that moves


back in time, just as you think you have it in your grasp. It could be gold, oil, stocks, or anything where there is a story that explains how the price will explode up or down. These trades often have a cultic following. These ideas will often attract hundreds, and even thousands of people. That should be a clue. Are these people looking for heart transformation? Is that why they are around? The trade becomes a community that becomes self-reinforcing, which makes discernment even more difficult. Groupthink begins to override discernment. Consider this. If God were concerned about the heart, would it look this uncreative? Wouldn’t we expect the process to be more customized, personalized, and more elegant—built just for me, not the 1,000’s. These trades come in many varieties, Middle Eastern currencies, penny stocks, significant events, conspiracies, new technology stories, new discoveries, and other kinds of story stocks. So here’s my question, is the act of waiting just a Wilderness stage for these trades? Maybe the Wilderness for get rich trades is going around the mountain a 100 times, but eventually you pass Go and Collect $200. I have my doubts. Maybe you just stay on the Mountain merry-go-round and don’t pass Go at all. From my vantage, even if the get rich trade eventually works, these trades seem so unhealthy. As you consider prophetic trades, here are some questions to consider: a) Does this idea have an ongoing idea champion? If so, this could be a concern. Recall, heart transformation is the primary agenda, not a trade. If my heart is being addressed, will this occur if I’m actually following another person’s idea, rather than be directly connected to the Head myself? Am I part of a prophetic process, or am I a mere tourist of the process? Is God’s voice in my life being disintermediated by another person? If so, do I know that person intimately, or is the idea just a distant promotion? If I were in a Holy Spirit school, wouldn’t I want the direct instruction of the Holy Spirit? The answer is, yes.


b) Am I isolated in this process? I believe one of the hallmark characteristics of this ministry is prophetic community. If I’m doing a get rich trade by myself, how can I learn about corporate life? At the other extreme, if I’m in some large following, how can I really work with others in a dynamic prophetic process? How will I see the elegance of God’s voice interweaving through a variety of people if I’m alone? Without this dynamic, so much is lost in the process. c) Is hope deferred? Frankly, I see these trades as so hopeless. I think the Lord is much more gracious than this. Our prophetic trading is filled with successes, individual lessons, His dynamic voice, and growth. You can feel your spiritual life becoming stronger, as you witness the fruits of the daily “gym”. You have hope because He speaks hope during the process. You experience just enough success to continue. The Lord knows your limits. You witness trade successes growing in time, which brings encouragement. There are many lessons, not just one big lesson. I’m not trying to bench press 400 lbs. in one attempt, and continually failing, but rather working my way through the resistance progressively over time. This progressive process seems more in tune with the ways for the Lord. It’s elegant. The Lord is playing for your life, not just one big trade. Ask yourself, what happens once you get the trade? Are you going to do another one? Is that your process? d) Where’s my focus? Prophetic trading should lead us into a deeper relationship with Jesus. I am concerned the get rich trade moves our focus away from Jesus. Thus, “the trade” becomes the focus and intent of our heart. I think this is dangerous to our heart, which is the likely reason for the Proverbs objections I noted earlier. We don’t want trades to be the focus. Rather, we want to have an ever-present and growing relationship with the Lord. Part of that relationship deals with calling. A calling, even a prophetic trade calling, should have a progressive feeling, even if I’m in the prison. The get rich trade appears as something that stands isolated and inert, rest


ing fully on brute endurance to see it to fulfillment. I think the danger is that all that effort could really be a mountain you’re circling, and not a path to Jesus. e) Am I looking to bailed out? I’ll just say that these opportunities could be tempting if you are under financial pressure. The Lord wants to be your source, not the big win. We all see the Promised Land as our birthright. I agree with that. We will go from pit to palace. However, even Joseph was learning and exercising during the years between his pit and palace. He was actively gaining authority within community interaction, through Potiphar’s family, or in the prison. He was wholly integrated in the process, and was not a tourist in someone else’s process. Yes, he was constrained, but the Lord was talking to him. He didn’t lose hope, and he had favor within the confines of that process. It should feel similar for us. Now, I’m going to speak on the other side for a second. I do believe after a heart is prepared the Lord may provide opportunities for outsized returns. This is the Promised Land abundance. It won’t happen in the Wilderness (except as part of training). In these cases I would expect that the prophetic trade opportunity would not be some widely known opportunity, but something pinpointed specifically for you, or a small connected group, on your personal journey with the Lord. Let me end this section with a personal story. I invested in a penny stock that was being advanced in a prophetic community back in 2010. It seemed reasonable. I was very conservative with this investment, and just wanted to see what would happen. I did not lock my heart into it. My initial purchase was for 80,000 shares at around 9 cents per share. In August of 2013 I needed some funds. I had been holding on to this penny stock, called LBSR, for three years. During this time this company had a lot of prophetic support in the community. I was, admittedly, distant from the prophetic process. I was a prophetic tourist. I wondered if I should just stay with it, or liquidate the investment to meet my needs. So, I asked the Lord about it, and I received this dream: August 11, 2013


We all stop at Starbucks first and my car sputters as we park. I'm concerned about my car. We walk up to Starbucks and there are long lines and we don't have time to get coffee. So we all turn around and give up on the coffee idea. I begin talking to one of the faculty. We talk about how we would never have been able to conceive of a successful coffee retail business that charged $4 per cup of coffee. It just shows how ideas come around that defy understanding. We get back into the car and as I'm driving off, the car seems to be running fine.

The name of LBSR is Liberty Star. So Starbucks is about the “bucks” I desire from this “star” named company. My car is sputtering when I arrive (not good). This Starbucks isn’t going to give me any coffee at this time. So, the financial purpose of this investment will not be realized at this time. Then there’s this interesting conversation about the $4 coffee that implies that this price defies understanding. I leave, and the car is running fine (that’s good). I looked at the price chart the next trading day and LBSR spiked to 4 cents per share. I thought to myself, “ahh, that’s the $4 coffee that has a price that defies understanding”. That told me that the 4 cents was a rich price and I should sell. If I do, my car will exit sounding good. Here’s a one-year daily price chart:


Amazing. The Lord led me to the exact high of the price series for that year and following. It has not come close to 4 cents per share since that dream, or that date. It was 4 cents per share for just one day—the day I sold, and the day after this dream. Does this mean that LBSR won’t fulfill a prophetic promise? I think it could in time, but that’s not the real issue for me. The real issue for me is whether following this stock for years is going to give me the experience with God that will prepare me for where I’m going. Is it a sufficiently rich prophetic experience? Will I meet Jesus on a path leading me into a deeper place with Him? Will my gifting and faith be exercised to bring greater dimensions of the Kingdom to the Earth? I would answer: unlikely as a tourist, but more likely as a participant. When you face these types of trades, and they are all over the prophetic community, ask these questions. Find a path that will be customized for you, will place you as an active participant in prophetic community, and will attach you directly to the Head.


Don’t Go ‘All In’ Closely aligned to the get rich quick trade is going ‘all in’ on some revelation. Let me suggest, we’re not playing Texas Hold ‘Em and, as such, the “all in” trade is very unwise. When I had my first $300,000 winning trade, it was probably the worst thing that could have happened to me. I was way too aggressive, and I won. It felt to me that I could see a trade, then just go “all in” and make a lot of money in a very short period of time. This is not really how it works. This mindset is a manifestation of greed. So, part of my personal school was being cured of that.

Don’t Jump the Timing Prophetic revelation is very powerful. When you wake up from a powerful and emotional dream it can seem like what you experienced is the very next thing that will occur, and you want to jump on it. That is often an unwise posture. We need timing to execute trades. Trading simply on revelation that you receive at night, even when it’s a powerful dream, does not mean that you have timing to do a trade. Patience to develop understanding through convergent data will help build confidence for timing. Here’s an example of a powerful dream: May 22, 2013 I am outside with others and I look out and I see a giant funnel cloud. I say that there's a tornado. The others are not sure that they can see the tornado. As I'm looking out I can now see that it is like a line of tornados, all very threatening. I'm shocked people are not seeing this, because they're right in front of us. I can now see some damage being done, and others can see this as well. As a result, we all run for shelter. We are on someone's land that includes a barn and a house. I don't know these people, but I'm hoping we could find them to find out if there is a storm cellar. We do not go into the barn, thinking it will not be sufficient. We approach the house and I don't see anyone, so I lead us to the basement. We rush to a corner of the cinderblock walled basement. We feel reasonably safe there.


Ok, so this dream is about a “wall of tornados”, pretty scary stuff. The tornados appear to be something that impacts others, and I’m using my prophetic gift to see and avoid the threat. So, I can make a case that this is about natural external events (not my internal stuff). But still, there’s a lot of missing information about what these tornados really represent. Moreover, there is no timing. This could be about events far into the future. It could also be about spiritual matters. If I traded this by placing a short position, believing tornados are imminent, then I’m making an assumption about timing, and would likely lose money. If I placed a lot of money on a short trade because a wall of tornados is an extreme event, I’d likely lose a lot of money.

Risk Pyramid A tool the Lord provided for managing the amount, and type of money I have in a trade is what He called the risk pyramid. In a dream I saw a pyramid that looked like this:







I received an understanding of the pyramid as I looked upon it in the dream. The idea is rather simple. The lowest risk items should make up the largest percent of the trading account, while the highest risk items should make up the lowest amount of the trading account. So, consistent with not going “all in”, we keep cash in the trading account at all times. On top of this base are individual stocks and exchangetraded funds (ETF’s). Investopedia defines an exchange-traded fund as follows, A security that tracks an index, a commodity or a basket of assets like an index fund, but trades like a stock on an exchange. ETF’s experience price changes throughout the day as they are bought and sold.

ETF’s are very efficient means of trading market-wide effects. For example, there is an ETF that tracks the S&P 500 Index during the day. It can be bought and sold, just like a normal stock. The letters, SPY, trades this ETF. In our prophetic trading community we use ETF’s extensively. There are many types of ETF’s, but the one’s we use also provide some leverage. These ETF’s will multiply the daily return by 2X, and sometimes 3X of the daily return of the underlying index. For example, I trade SPXL. This is an ETF that will provide returns equal to 3x the movement of the S&P 500 index. If the S&P 500 goes up 1% for the day, SPXL will go up 3%. However, the inverse is also true. If the S&P 500 goes down 1% for the day, SPXL will go down 3%. ETF’s can be designed to move opposite to the underlying index. These ETF’s are used when you are playing for a short, or bearish trade. For example, I trade SPXS. If the S&P 500 goes up 1% for the day, SPXS will go down 3% for the day. Likewise, if the S&P 500 goes down 1% for the day, SPXS will go up 3% for the day. Before trading ETF’s, do some study and research from the many fine public sources available. Here is a list of the ETF’s that I trade: SPXL: 3X of the S&P 500 SPXS: 3X of the inverse of the S&P 500


TNA: 3X of the Russell 2,000 (small cap stocks) TZA: 3X of the inverse of the Russell 2,000 UCO: 2X of the WTI crude oil DTO: 2X the inverse of WTI crude oil AGQ: 2X of silver bullion ZSL: 2X the inverse of silver bullion UGL: 2X of gold bullion GLL: 2X the inverse of gold bullion The next higher layer on the risk pyramid is futures. Futures trading is a complete topic in itself that requires some learning and practice. Again, there are many fine public sources to help you with futures trading. Futures trade the same underlyings as the ETF’s. For example, there are futures for the S&P 500, crude oil, gold, and silver, plus many others. The leverage on futures is higher than on the 2X and 3X ETF’s, so they are riskier. You can buy futures, which is going long, or you can sell futures, which is going short. Futures are bought and sold using margin, which provides a way of trading without having the more extensive capital required by trading ETF’s. A futures account with $5,000 can provide enough margin to buy or sell one futures contact for many items. You’ll first want to paper trade to learn the fundamentals. At the top of the pyramid are stock options. Stock options can be easily purchased on many underlying index ETF’s or individual stocks. Again, options and option trading is another complete topic that you can study using public sources. Options are the highest leveraged trading vehicle that I use, and thus, are the most risky. The most important characteristic about an option is that it expires at a given date. That means you need to sell the option (hopefully for a profit) before that date, or the option expires worthless. As time passes, the option loses value, which is called option “burn”. I hope you see that you need very good understanding of the timing to use options. Again, there are a lot of details to option design, function, and trading that are beyond this Handbook. These details


are available in other places. Again, you’ll want to paper trade options to ® learn the fundamentals. I recommend the Think or Swim trading plat® form from TD Ameritrade for learning futures and options trading. I think it is interesting that the Lord endorses the use of options. We’ve heard this endorsement in the past, and we see it here. It is interesting, because greed and options are a bad mix. However, it seems the Lord is saying that we are free to use risky instruments in the right manner, because the anointing will support it. In the wrong manner it won’t be supported. At one time I traded nothing but options, and sometimes a lot of options. This is dangerous. For example, I’ve had dreams of smoking or burning up cigarettes. These are dreams warning me that I’m using options in ways that are not good for me. These are options that will burn up and be worthless at expiration. So, I use options with great care, timing confidence, and inner witness.

What If I’m Very Capital Constrained (I’m Broke)? The risk pyramid assumes that you have sufficient capital to allocate to each of the bands represented on the pyramid. What happens if you are working with small sums, such as under $1,000? I can say from experience that the Lord can provide a stake, through a “funding trade.” Such unique opportunities can be realized by using options at the right time. You need to know how to trade options before you start. Be very sure you are invited to the trade. Options are very risky, even when you trade prophetically. I’ve had several funding trades. The mistake I made, and the one I’d like you to avoid, was trying to multiply the stake the same way that I got it. Here’s a mistaken question: If I can turn $1,000 into $10,000, why not turn $10,000 into $100,000? Well, what’s wrong with this question? It’s not the money part. It’s the word “I”. Remember, the Lord controls your individual profit timeline. Once the Lord gives you capital, I recommend you start using the risk pyramid. While on this topic, let me address a closely aligned mistake I’ve seen. It is a mistake to swing only for the fences with options. This strategy is buying very low priced way out of the money options, expecting a very large underlying price move that might yield an outsized return. These


plays exist by invitation from the Lord. They are not something we do as part of our default strategy. If this is your “go to” prophetic trading strategy, you are not in a good place.

Using the Risk Pyramid The risk pyramid is dynamic. By this I mean the bands fluctuate in their width based on the confidence you have in the trade. The prophetic trader does not have the same confidence about every trade. I find my confidence about a trade sequence is least confident in the early stages of the pattern. I need to “find the flow”, and during these “feel my way” times, I use the trade pyramid very conservatively. I may only have a small ETF position with no futures or options, for example. Confidence gains when you see a prophetic pattern fill out. You begin to “find yourself” in the reality, and you have high confidence in what is happening next. Other times your confidence can grow because you have timing markers, or price targets. These are wonderful, when you have them. In these cases, I find that I can start layering in more leveraged trading instruments. I begin to expand the bands in the upper part of the pyramid, thus futures and options can come into play. So, for example, I generally use options when I’m very confident of where I am in the prophetic timeline, and have a good sense of timing. The cash portion of the risk pyramid also has a strategic element. I always want to have cash at the base because my understanding is progressive. I need cash to be able to add positions as confidence grows. Sometimes, my early trade entries are poorly positioned as I see the revelatory picture form. I can improve the whole trade by averaging in more positions at better prices with the more confident understanding. If I start conservatively, I can use my cash to add risk as my confidence grows. Often these last trade tranches can be the one’s that drive the trade’s success. In prophetic trading the worse mistake is where you feel very confident, and you’ve expanded risk, but you’re wrong. There are times where we rush to an interpretation, and that interpretation becomes lodged into our heart. It becomes difficult to receive correction from the Lord, or to reinterpret correctly, because of the bias. Sometimes the Lord will let the


bias play out so you can learn the lesson of patience and humility. Again, prophetic trading isn’t about you making trading decisions, it is about following the Lord’s voice. This is a major aspect of His school. If we’re to be Ambassador’s on the Earth, we need to know what the President thinks, and not rush hastily to our own conclusions. We’re not to be running around doing our own thing, or presumptively following our own thoughts and ideas. The risk pyramid is really a simple device. The Lord is giving us the freedom to choose conservative or aggressive strategies based on our prophetic confidence. This is all part of growing in this gifting and calling.

Don’t Double-Down and Roll Profits The risk pyramid is designed to treat each trade as a separate opportunity. The revelation for each trade, confidence, and inner witness determine the amount of trade capital placed on the trade. Suppose you experience a loss. Do not try to double down on the next trade to make up the loss. This is an unwise strategy. The loss on the previous trade is independent of the next trade. The next trade opportunity may not lend itself to making up the loss. Thus, in trying to make up a loss, impatience can lead to larger positions than are warranted by the prophetic risk. This can lead to more severe losses, especially if the Lord uses this as a lesson in patience. The Lord wants us to be patient with the process. Sometimes that means waiting until the right opportunity arises to earn back losses. Likewise, don’t roll trade profits forward in an attempt to geometrically grow your account. Let the Lord lead you into trades and govern the capital at risk. Trying to grow faster than the Lord’s plan will result in confusion and loss. You can’t get ahead of God, or fool Him into your plans. To summarize, treat each trade independently of past trades, and build trading plans based on the unique aspect of that trade.

Layering Entries and Exits As we have discussed previously, the market moves in waves, and directional moves only last for a short while. This means that we are always


facing decisions about when to enter and exit a trade. For example, for a long trade we want to enter at the bottom of a turn and exit near the top of the turn. In prophetic trading we are often estimating magnitudes based on visual images from dreams. So, for example, I might see a bull jump over a fence. That is clearly a bullish metaphor. I have to do two things with that metaphor. The first is to find the approximate location of this metaphor in a sequence. I need to know what precedes the bull jumping over the fence, so that I can estimate the location of this part of the trade on the timeline. The second thing I must do is estimate the size of this move from the picture of “jumping over a fence.” That is clearly an approximation. It is not as small as jumping over a curb, but it is not as large as jumping over a barn. So, like this, we find the entries and exits are usually not certain. We use risk management tools in working our way through the turns. I’ll use an example of entering a normal long trade. When we enter a trade we are working off of sequence information that is telling us that a move is coming soon. Assume we are positioning for a long side trade, and the sequences suggest the upward move is getting ready to set up. We will enter the turn using tranches. I’ll term a tranche is a trade layer at a particular price. Here is a picture of layering into a bullish trade turn using trade tranches.



The arrowed curve is the price curve. The tranche lines show where trades are entered. We begin positioning for the turn with an initial long side trade tranche. The first tranche should be conservative. We are feeling our way. Assume the market continues to go down, and thus we’re losing money on the first tranche, but our prophetic confidence is growing that the turn is imminent. A second, more aggressive long side tranche can be added. As you can see, we’re stepping into the trade gradually. At the turn, we are now seeing the reality meeting our prophetic expectations. At this point a more aggressive 3rd tranche can be entered into the trade. Finally, the trend is established and a high confidence 4th tranche can be added to round out the trade. All the tranches ride the move up until we reach the place where we’ll reverse this process for exiting the trade. The trade is exited in tranches as we let gradually walk out of the trade.


You might ask, why not wait until the bottom and just set all the money at the 3rd tranche? This is fine so long as you have high confidence for the turn location. If not, the tranches are providing room for error. For example, assume the actual trade path was not as we originally set up, but turned right after the first tranche. By setting up a 1st tranche we don’t miss the trade. We’re in the trade and will have time to add as the turn manifests. This can be seen below. The solid line is the actual price path and the dotted line was the original price path. So, our turn management strategy allows us to have a position, to cover an early turn.

2nd Tranche 1st Tranche

Time Another question one might ask is why not wait for the turn to manifest, and just put money in at the fourth tranche location in the first picture. That can be an entirely proper way to conduct a prophetic trade. However, many of our trades can have sharp and aggressive turns, creating a gap open. Let me explain. The U.S. equity markets trade from 9:30AM until 4:00 PM Eastern time. World events can occur during the U.S. overnight


hours, including day news in Asia and Europe. These events may have a market impact that will result in a price gap at the U.S. 9:30AM open. A price gap occurs when the opening price diverges from the closing price from the previous night. The gap can be quite large if the news is significant. A picture of a gap open compared to our original price chart is as follows:

Gap Open

1st Tranche

Time I’m assuming a price jump in this case. The first tranche participates in this price move. If I wait for the price move before entering a tranche I can end up missing a significant portion of the move. This is why we often try to time the trade with tranches prior to the turn.


Stops Investopedia defines a stop order as follows: An order to buy or sell a security when its price surpasses a particular point, thus ensuring a greater probability of achieving a predetermined entry or exit price, limiting the investor's loss or locking in his or her profit. Once the price surpasses the predefined entry/exit point, the stop order becomes a market order.

To give an example, assume we purchased 100 shares of SPXL for $30. We believe the market is going up, which will cause SPXL to also go up. However, we place a stop order for $28 in case we’re wrong. If the price drops and hits $28, an order to sell our 100 shares will be triggered automatically, even if we’re attending to other matters. The stop order places a floor underneath our maximum acceptable loss. Just because we are prophetic, doesn’t mean we are flawless. Thus, stop orders are part of our risk management strategy. Some might argue that a stop order demonstrates a lack of faith in our trade. I would respond that I don’t place faith in trades. I place faith in my Father and His Word. I, on the other hand, am capable of many errors in hearing, interpreting, and executing that Word. I only see in part, and, at times, I need to protect myself from myself. Let’s see how a stop order works with our basic bullish turn scenario. Let’s say we’ve placed the first and second tranche and we’re anticipating the turn. What happens if the turn is not manifesting? The picture looks like this:


1st Tranche 2nd Tranche


Time In this case prices are continuing to drop, and our timing is off or something worse. A stop order is in place at our maximum allowable loss so that we don’t continue to chase a bad trade. The stop takes the two tranches out of the trade as we regroup and learn from the mistake. The downside of a stop is that random wiggles can hit the stop and knock you out of what will end up being a well-understood and profitable trade. Thus, a good question is how tight or loose should I place the stop? The answer depends on the confidence and convergence of the revelation. Thus, stop placement is a spiritual activity. You are testing your understanding against the data and the inner witness of the Lord’s voice. If confidence is weak, the stops are placed tighter so that you can get out of the trade in order to gain perspective. If confidence is strong, stops are


placed looser so that the trade is given room to work. There are times when I find the revelation and inner witness so convincing I will place trades without stops. I don’t want trivial variation to knock me out of the trade.

Hedges Investopedia defines a hedge as: making an investment to reduce the risk of adverse price movements in an asset. Normally, a hedge consists of taking an offsetting position in a related security, such as a futures or options contract.

Professional and prophetic traders use hedges. Hedges are tools that can mitigate prophetic risk. The nature of a hedge is to use an instrument that is on the opposite side of the expected trade direction. For example, you may be trading gold long with a gold ETF. One way to hedge this position is to have an opposite position in a gold put option, which is a bearish position. The put option works opposite to the ETF position and dampens risk and the reward. Of course, the obvious question is why would anyone do this? Consider our beginning market turn scenario:


1st Tranche and Put Option Put Option Profit Zone

Time Instead of just purchasing a bullish tranche for the upcoming turn, the trade could be paired with a put option. The option would provide profit if the underlying continued to go lower, and thus offsetting some of the losses on the bullish tranche. If the trade failed to turn, the losses from the mistake would be mitigated by the put. However, if the trade turned successfully, the put would lose value as the tranches gained value. The attractive feature of an option is that puts are designed so that gains and losses are asymmetric. This means the losses of the put are limited to the initial premium. I’m just touching on the use of options as hedges. Other resources can be used to help you get comfortable with these strategies. In prophetic trading we are listening to the voice of the Lord in seeing future price action and developing trade strategies in light of what we are seeing. The actual execution of our trade strategy should use risk management strategies, because we are fallible in this process. We are the weak link. However, as experience grows and the prophetic gift is exer-


cised, mistakes become much less severe. Large losses should be rare if you heed the guardrails of these risk management tools.

D x V x PR > R



Time for Change

One of the most popular methods of describing change is a simple formula developed by David Gleicher. This formula for change is used by organizations to determine readiness for change, but I think it also applies to Kingdom change as well. The formula is as follows: D x V x P > R


D = Dissatisfaction with the current state, V = Vision for a preferred future, P = Path, or first steps roadmap to achieve the vision, and R = Resistance to change. The first three variables are multiplied together so that their product exceeds the resistance to change. However, because they are multiplied, absent any one variable, the product becomes zero. Thus, all three are necessary to overcome the inhibitors to change. I have consulted with organizations in facilitating change, and I have found that this equation accurately describes the organizational change


process. However, more than that, this equation roughly fits my experience in how God overcomes personal resistance to change as well. Before looking at the three variables of change, let’s briefly look at the resistance to change. If we understand that, we can gain some appreciation for the Lord’s methods in overcoming such resistance.

Resistance to Change Resistance to change can occur along three dimensions: heart resistance, path resistance, and organizational resistance.

Heart Resistance Resistance to change begins in the confines our heart. We resist change because our understanding is darkened, and we wish to protect ourselves within our veiled perspectives. For many of us, we’ve spent a large part of our lives strengthening our souls. We are educated, skilled, and capable people. God challenges our soul, the very source of our worldly strength. This strength must become the very weakness that allows the Spirit to ascend. This implies serious internal change for most of us. We step back and give God permission to be Lord over to our mind, will, and emotions. We learn to walk under the gentle leadership of the Lord; the One whose yoke is easy and burden is light. This is the path of discipleship, but this path takes a lot of heart change. We change our priorities, our identities, our desires, and our sources of trust. We move from soul life to spirit life. I believe heart change is a necessary foundation for spiritual growth. Indeed, we never really leave this place. This is the place where my eyes are unveiled to see Him, where I see His love and His beauty. This is also the place where I see myself without the darkness of religion. The seed of His Word becomes deep root in this place, and it is where I see Him for who He really is. This is a time where the Lord tends His garden. We build root and know that He is good. He is kind. He knows me better than I know myself. He is safe, even when His methods don’t feel such. During this time the Lord doesn’t talk about calling or purpose beyond


just simply loving Him. It is a time where “deep calls unto deep.” I believe there is a season where the darkness and veiled perspectives are sufficiently mitigated to anchor us for the rest of our natural lives. While we might get perplexed, we don’t get lost.

Path Resistance Heart transformation prepares us for walking down the path of calling. This is a new change, one where we are coming out of the womb of intimacy to be born into Kingdom purpose. This is a new spiritual boundary, and potentially uncomfortable transition. However, it is one where the Spirit draws. When I speak of personal call, I do so carefully. The will of God is a Person not a path. We don’t seek the will of God apart from God Himself. However, the Lord will draw us to Himself in the context of calling and ministry, as I’ve discussed previously. When this occurs, we can resist abandoning the comfort of the womb for the more uncertain outer world. So again, our journey faces internal boundaries that must be challenged and breached. The Lord wishes us to grow. Growth comes from challenging personal comfort zones. As we gain experience in testing the limits of our faith and comfort, we learn about the grace of God in the midst of these discomforts. These experiences become part of our history. This creates in us a cycle of faith and trust that allows us to move forward in Kingdom purpose and intimacy with greater ease and confidence. For the prophetic trading ministry we are growing in authority over finances, which is related to the Joseph call. Part of being a Joseph is the time in the prison. This is not punishment, but a constrained place where authority is gained. The prison is similar to the Wilderness. It is a place where our daily needs are met, our actions are constrained, and our resources are limited. So, with limited freedom, we also have limited responsibility. In the prison we are not building, but learning, often at some cost. In the natural, a prisoner can get so used to prison life, such that they become afraid when the doors are opened. The open door frontier be


comes a barrier, because the responsibility implied by the new freedom can seem overwhelming. In the realm of the spirit the same can manifest. The Lord will open the door and we have a choice in walking through. The life in the Promised Land affords great freedom, but with much higher responsibility. Overcoming our resistance to walking out the door is part of the Lord’s plan for each of us. He wants us to move into higher realms of authority, but in so doing to move in higher realms of risk and responsibility. In this ministry we can feel these realities in a very tangible way. We are placing money at risk, often money that we feel we can’t lose. Yet, the Lord wants to teach us that He is the ultimate source of our finances. One of His methods of teaching this is having us lose money. Ouch! That can be a scary proposition, one where the soul cries out as we release the financial realm to the Lord’s authority.

Organizational Resistance So, we see that resistance to change happens at the individual heart and path levels. Resistance to change also occurs at higher levels of organization as well. It can happen in a church, business, ministry, family, or any other place where people interact. We resist change at the organizational level because of fear there as well. However the fear is of a different kind. We may have fears, such as: a. Will I lose position or status because of this change? b. Will I be able to adapt to the new ways of doing things? c. Will God have a place for me? d. Can the leaders be trusted? e. Will I be heard? f. Does this fit what I’m hearing from the Lord? All of these are normal concerns, and can’t be ignored. Throughout history we have seen a progressive revelation of the Lord leading to organizational changes as well. For example, the Reformation led to a significant change in the structure of church leadership, worship, community, and doctrine. We saw this again in the Pentecostal movement, and more recently in the Charismatic movement. I wonder if we’re


nearing another, and maybe final, change in church structure. If so, there will be resistance, because of the points identified above. In the early stages of this prophetic trading ministry I see the Lord addressing the resistance to change at both the individual and organizational levels. I think He uses a process that is well described by D x V x P at both levels. Let’s take a look at each variable.

Dissatisfaction with the Status Quo Are you satisfied where you are? I know I’m not. Not in a grumpy sort of way; but one where I am dissatisfied with the difference between what I see and experience, and with what I know to be available. I want to walk into that Land. I can see it, I can smell it, and I want to experience it in fullness. I know that the Kingdom manifests in a greater way in that place. So why are things the way they are?

Hunger The Lord allows us to experience dissatisfaction with the status quo in order to build hunger. We’ve been to conferences, we’ve read the books, subscribed to the newsletters, heard the prophetic pronouncements, and sat for personal prophecy. Every voice is saying that we are in transition, and that change is coming. There’s something BIG on the horizon. I hear it, see it, and agree with it. The challenge is that we’ve been hearing this for quite some time. The Lord is giving us grace in the Wilderness where we can smell the Promise, but we aren’t quite yet experiencing it. I recall in mid 2000 how hungry I was to move forward. But something strange happened. Instead of moving forward, it felt like we went into neutral. There were pockets of grace here and there, but the full manifestation of Kingdom reality seemed deferred and muted. Maybe this doesn’t describe you at all, and if not, that’s great. But I know there are many in the Body of Christ who hunger for more than they have. They want more of Jesus. They have tasted the good land, and they want more. Jesus is desirable. Knowing Him is intoxicating. The


flame that kindles within, hungers for more oil. Fortunately, this is His desire as well. Now, if we are afraid of moving forward at the heart or path level, the Lord will allow us to experience dissatisfaction with the status quo. He will allow us to walk out our lives as we wish. It is like giving us a little rope so that we can experience the fruit of our own resistance. So we’re stuck. We’ve tasted enough of the quality of His life so that we want more. Yet, resistance keeps us fearful of moving forward. Eventually, the grace of God prevails and we see the wisdom of His ways. We agree with His plan and timeline for addressing the zone of discomfort. Dissatisfaction can also be used to foster change at levels above the individual. Dissatisfaction with a job, a marriage, or church can motivate us to seek the Lord’s counsel for change. Often that change is within ourselves, since we can’t very well change other people. Other times, it involves changing the organizational structure that is around us. A change in jobs, or in the way a job is conducted are examples of such change. I believe the Lord is also working with the structure of church. I think the cell, mission, and home church movements are part of these changes. I suspect the Lord is using a variety of structural approaches for a variety of different ministry objectives. Under the vision section I’ll lay out some of the pictures the Lord has shown us for the prophetic trading ministry form.

My Perspective I’m sure the healing ministry was born out of dissatisfaction between what was seen as available, and what was experienced. For me, I have the same dissatisfaction when I compare the abundance of the Kingdom against the spirit of poverty I see resting on the Church. I know that the abundance of heaven is available, yet I see individuals, families, and ministries just scraping by. In my prophetic dream life I see this as releasing my friends from a third world setting. The Lord really hits me with it. Likewise, I know that the counsel of heaven should be available in our daily walk in this earth. Yet, while we know this, I do not sense that this is the common experience among believers. I’m dissatisfied with that gap


between our experience and the active intervention of the Lord’s voice in our lives. Thirdly, I’m dissatisfied with a marginalized church in the midst of a culture soaked in the celebration of man. I see a day where the Church is relevant and has answers to questions for which the world is hungry. The world is not hungry right now, nor do we fully have the answers. This will change, and we’ll need to be ready. These deep transformations will all point to Jesus in a dynamic and compelling way. Thus, I see this ministry addressing these issues. The spirit of poverty is overcome through the tangible, direct, and active counsel of heaven. This world needs to see Jesus active and at work in the earth, just like during His first coming. In His second coming, His Body will walk the Earth once again, doing the same miracles, and even greater, while applying the Words of life to a searching generation. So, we see that dissatisfaction with the status quo is used by the Lord to motivate us to seek something different than what we or others are experiencing. We see a lost and darkened world, and we know that we participate in a Kingdom that provides tangible answers to the hurt and the dying. We want to be part of that solution, and the Lord wants just that.

Hope and Vision for a Preferred Future Fortunately, the Lord does not leave us with just dissatisfaction, but combines that with hope and a vision for the future.

Hope If we can see the Lord and His plans, it will generate hope, even if we’re in a dry land. I think it is interesting that we see ministries commissioned by the Holy Spirit to speak to hope at this time. I can really see how hope will be a key message of the Church in the coming years, as the false sources of hope will be found wanting. I think an improper response to the Wilderness is to guard our heart from hope. That thinking is expressed as something like this: “if my ex


pectations remain low, I won’t get hurt.” We don’t want a sick heart from hope being deferred, so we don’t expect much. I think that’s a defense mechanism, and not part of the quality of His life available to us. Rather, I think we’re supposed to stretch for the impossible, even in the midst of trial. Part of holding hope, is also walking in the reality of the present. The Wilderness journey, while stressful, does answer the heart cry for more. With proper eyes, we can see that hope is being fulfilled. However, hope is not yet found in the external things, but in the internal transformation that prepares us for those promises. These internal actions are preparing us for the substance of change that is coming. I truly believe it is more than we know or understand. To build the kind of hope that does not make the heart sick, the Holy Spirit will give context to your circumstances. Context is not complete understanding, but is sufficient understanding so that you are aware of what is happening around you and to you. I find that if I can have just some of heaven’s perspective, it keeps me from getting confused in the midst of uncertain circumstances. This is “above the line” living. It is a heavenly perspective that gives us confidence that Lord’s methods are good for us, and Romans 8:28 is really true. The Lord talks to me in dreams. These dreams give me perspective on what is happening, and helps me process the events in my life. These give me hope in the midst of difficult circumstances. Here’s an example from a time in the middle of the Wilderness: I am in the backyard of my childhood home playing paddleball with my Dad. The grass is unreal-amazing green. Dad and I have paddles and we are hitting a tennis ball back and forth to each other. It’s not perfect in that I miss sometimes. Dad tells me he had a dream of "an alphabet that does not end". I never lose a ball and I make some nice shots. The ball gets by me and I go to get it. Dad is a longer ways away and he calls for the shot. I swing twice and miss and then connect on the third, producing a high arching shot to him. Dad ends the game and we come together. I comment to him on how it is amazing he could play this game with me, and that it was fun.


What a nice setting. All my trials are shown to be playing with Dad in the backyard of my childhood home. It is like a park setting. This dream is about my relationship with the Father. We talk back and forth with each other. He talks, and I respond. He tells me about the “alphabet that does not end”. Wow, what a picture. Our conversation will never end. He always will have more to say, and it will never get boring. I don’t lose the ball, but I don’t hit it right every time either. This is my hit-and-miss trading, and more. That seems OK. Dad even calls for a long shot, and I miss a couple times. Do you see how the Wilderness of my experience is given a different view here? It is like playing paddleball with Dad. We’re working this together. My mistakes are not fatal, but just part of learning. He tells me that He has an “alphabet that does not end.” He will challenge me to hit the ball further than I’ve done in the past. My time with Him will be progressive. It will involve some missed shots, but I’ll eventually get it. This gives me hope. I can move forward with this perspective.

Vision In addition to providing hope during the process, the Lord will also show how your present is preparing you for an amazing future. While we don’t know timing, these future views are encouraging, and often beyond ourselves. That’s how we know it is God’s plan. The vision pictures will often respond directly to our hunger for change in the context of our personal callings. I have many of these that push me along the Lord’s path for me. They fill me with a future and a hope. Here’s one I received within the last year: Vision for Heaven’s Release of Power I am in a factory watching large engines being mated with large transmissions. There are many. The process is very machine intensive and powerful appearing. A spindle from the transmission is prepared with a collar, then wound up and spinning fast and inserted into the engine. The effect is a solid mating of the two elements. The impression is that they could never come back apart again. I see one whole cycle then see another one begin. I


walk out and see a large truck with an open topped back with scrap piled in the back driving off. I wonder if the engine/transmission combination works on those types of trucks.

This whole dream is about connecting the power of heaven to earth. We are the transmission. The transmission collar is the yoke of the Lord. That’s the first attachment. The transmissions are spun before they are mated. That’s an interesting picture. We are exercised in faith before we are attached fully to the power source. That’s sort of a Wilderness picture to me. Lastly, we are connected to the power of heaven, and this connection cannot be broken. This is done numerous times representing many people and ministries. This engine/transmission combination is assembled into vehicles that represent ministries and effects on the Earth. In this dream I see a truck carrying off scrap. This is a picture of cleaning up the debris of our lives, and cleaning up the Land of our authority. It is a Promised Land picture of preparation, at both individual and corporate levels. I had a previous dream where I was on a space station where we had a machine that turned scrap metal into useful things. That is a picture of beauty for ashes. The prophetic trading ministry will be many of these vehicles. We will be releasing the power of heaven into the arena of personal transformation and finances. In so doing, vehicles will be established to carry off the broken remains of failure, debt, financial enslavement, job enslavement, and other forms of financial brokenness. All this will be done in the context of heart transformation and relationship with the Lord. We will be purposely engaged to Him, our source, and it can never be undone. As we transmit heaven, we ourselves will be transformed. Here’s another one: Vision for a Relevant Church I am in a prison camp as a rescuer. This is a demoralizing place, and I've been here before. It is dry, hot, dusty, bare, and dusk. The lights to the place (along the fence perimeter) are turned on. I recall actually being in this place for a short period of time trying to rescue people in the past. I actually had to be prisoner for a period of time to accomplish this. I recall all of this as I'm standing in an elevated position looking over the camp. The


prisoners are young people, and they do not have hope and do not believe we can rescue them. One of my partners is addressing the crowd. He's speaking fluent Spanish, which he picked up dealing with these issues. I go to one young person and I show him an old game board from his youth with the name "Jesus" on it. I'm doing this to remind him that he once had a caring and loving family, which he had since forgotten. I don’t think he believes me.

There is a generation that is being lost to the false claims of this world, religion, and other false spirits. These are young believers (in spirit) who have met the Lord, but their lives are like living in a concentration camp. Their spiritual lives are dry, hot, dusty, bare, and dusk. There is no water, no light, and no life. There is light out at the perimeter, but this will require breaking out of the confines of this place. These people will need to overcome resistance to change. To seek the light, one will need to go out to the boundaries of comfort. In the dream the young person didn’t believe me. That is another type of resistance; unbelief in the possible. In this ministry we are called to rescue these captives. This vision is about this rescue work. These are people who need to be reminded of Jesus. We will speak the language of the Spirit (metaphorically Spanish). This is a prophetic language of faith, hope, and substance. The metaphor of an old board game is used. A board game is interactive. Indeed, a prophetic life with Jesus is like playing a game with Him. He is very playful about this. Recall the paddleball. Thus, I believe prophetic trading will have a part in drawing out the prisoners, both spiritually and naturally. They will have an opportunity to experience the relational and active Jesus in the financial realm as it touches their personal lives. They will walk out supernatural experiences in the context of heart transformation. They will eat His word and drink His water. I think our board game, the game of Advantage, is going to be an avenue for many believers to experience the ways of God (so that they might know Him). However, as we’re discussing in this chapter, it will also require breaking out of the confines of our limited thinking. I have seen that many will be offended at this ministry, characterized by the phrase “God does not do that.” That is mental resistance due to unfamiliarity. We must walk out


to the boundaries, and let the light touch us so that we can see that the door to the prison is actually already open. All we need to do is walk through.

First Steps Path The third variable in our equation for overcoming resistance is the first step path. Seeing the next steps tells us what to do, and keeps us from being paralyzed with inaction. The Lord clearly works this way. The Lord provides the end state vision as illustrated in the previous section, but leaves the full path for getting there unstated. The reason is that the full vision must be walked out in faith. Also, it’s often best not to know the full map at the beginning of the journey, or else we might not start. So, the Lord in His wisdom shows us just enough to make the next step. We respond to what we are seeing as the Lord releases His “go” instructions, and gift of faith to perform it. Again, if I can see it, I believe I’m invited to it. As the path unfolds, new steps unfold. My experience is that it is a gradual process, but not always at the same pace all the time. There are ebbs and flows. Again, the Wilderness is not wasted time in this process. For those called to a prophetic trading ministry, I have a couple of Holy Spirit insights about the first steps of this ministry. Here’s an example of many dreams on the subject to give you an idea where we’re headed:

Vision for Expert Driving I am walking inside well-lit and amazingly wealthy homes in the midst of a highly landscaped area. I know this area is inside New York City. I don't see any people. We go through several connected homes/condos that have wall to ceiling windows looking out onto a lush landscape. I eventually find a door. The door is unlocked and I walk out into the landscaped areas. I'm now outside and I see some residents talking to each other. They are very wealthy and talking "wealthy talk" with each other. The scene changes and I am in another location and I ask someone about this amazing conclave in NYC. They say that it is Bondurant. I see it on a map showing


an enclave in lower Manhattan. I have an understanding there may be some plans to turn this area into luxury high rises at some future time.

This is an interesting dream. New York City represents the financial arena, because the markets are located in New York. The wealthy homes with floor to ceiling windows are a picture of this ministry established on the financial land. It is a prophetic ministry as denoted by the windows. This place exudes wealth, because this is a financial ministry and because we are tapping into true wealth from heaven. I think it is interesting that there are multiple homes, but they are also connected. This communicates a decentralized ministry of various “families” that are working within their own teams, yet are connected to other families. The location is lush and alive. It is a “Garden” scene. Interestingly, there are plans to upgrade this whole area so that it can accommodate more people by putting in high rises. That is a plan for growth that is out on the horizon. For now, getting the enclave going are the “first steps.” In the dream I ask about this place and am told that it is called Bondurant. This means nothing to me in the natural, so upon waking I do a Google search on the name “Bondurant” to find a meaning. Go ahead and try it yourself. See if you see what I see. The first listing for Bondurant is something called “Bondurant School for High Performance Driving.” Bingo. I couldn’t have come up with a more exact metaphorical picture for this ministry. We are to be a Holy Spirit school that teaches high performance driving. That’s what we do in prophetic trading. We are constantly starting, stopping, accelerating, taking sharp turns, going up and down hills, and passing others to gain positional advantage. This is what we do in prophetic trading. We drive high performance cars. So, that’s the first step. We need to get enrolled into Holy Spirit school and begin to learn the Lord’s strategic voice in the context of the markets. The markets require precision “driving”. In this setting we must drive high performance cars, or we’ll get run over. As we become good drivers inside our groups, our families, we will realize the wealth in spirit, character, and finances represented by those beautiful homes. That’s the first goal. Get the enclave established.


Anointed Man Model This suggests a different ministry model for prophetic trading than is found for many ministries. Let me explain. I would call the prevailing ministry model predominant today, the anointed man model. The anointed man model looks like this: Anointed Man Model

In this model, the Lord chooses a man or woman to lead a ministry. The leader is anointed with sufficient training and gifts to carry forward a mission objective. The leader hears God with respect to the mission and the people follow the leader. Of course there is room for the people to use their gifts to operate fruitfully in this model. However, there is still a predominant expression of human leadership in this model. The structure essentially requires it. In a very real sense, people serve the leader as the leader follows the Lord toward the mission objective. Often in this ministry model, submissiveness is a high value virtue. In this model we are hearing the Lord for our own role within the ministry, but we are not hearing the strategy of the larger purpose. We rely on leaders to provide that guidance as they hear from the Lord.


In this ministry the anointed man model would appear like many ministries we see today. It would be centered on what a few of us are hearing about the markets, surrounded by a large audience of people acting on what we are hearing. I don’t believe the Lord is endorsing this model for this particular work. Prophetic tourism robs people of the transformation process. It robs people from having their own history with the Lord. I believe the Lord wants to release anointing upon many, and then establish His Headship over prophetic trading.

Corporate Man Model The New Testament expression of the Body of Christ as described in the epistles, and demonstrated by Jesus Himself, has a much different look and feel than the anointed man model. In the New Testament, the Body of Christ is described as a multi-functioning Body that is connected directly to the Head. As a Body, the people operate in a wide variety of gifting and callings; some are eyes, some are hands, some are feet, etc. Unity prevails, because everyone hears, and the Lord is unified within Himself. The result is an amazing organic and elegant expression of Jesus on the Earth. This expression is a highly decentralized and organic structure with Jesus in full leadership. Human leadership, or eldership, functions to bring the Body to full stature. It is designed to facilitate the Lord’s work in His people by providing training, counsel, and structure. Eldership is inherently soft leadership, operating in the background through relationship. I think the Lord is expanding His expression on the Earth. I think we are going to see His anointing pour as rain on His people. Everyone will hear heavenly strategies directly for themselves. This will not produce anarchy, because we love the Lord and we desire to follow Him wherever He goes. Anarchy and failed leadership occur when we don’t hear, and we follow our own ways. That is not what I’m talking about here. The scale of this model is found in Jesus Himself, rather than through organization. Thus, the need for a centralized structure built around a single person becomes less significant. The command and control aspects of hierarchical structure exist because of the absence of complete infor


mation. However, the Lord can be that structure, because His voice is that powerful. The corporate man model looks like this:

Corporate Man Model

Each person hears directly from the Lord. Leadership does not mediate the instructions of heaven to the people, because the people hear for themselves. Jesus takes His rightful place as the direct Head. In this way heaven and earth are fully connected. There is a school in the midst of the corporate man model. The Holy Spirit directs the school. The curriculum is designed by His voice. Supporting materials, such as this Handbook, can provide a jumpstart, but the actual curriculum is real time application and experience with the Lord. Formal instruction is secondary to the actual lessons provided by the Holy Spirit through experience. It is a Holy Spirit apprenticeship model, rather than a classroom model. I think experience is the best teacher under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. From this we learn His ways, relying less on reading or studying, but by walking with Him. His ways are revealed to us by personal history obtained through relational interchange. There’s no educational experience like it.


Team-Based Prophetic Trading Ministry In the Bondurant dream we saw an enclave in New York City that consisted of multiple, but connected residences. We saw in an earlier dream in Chapter 1, that these families are going to be driving flying saucers. That’s a lot like the high performance cars. Recall, that the Lord said there would be a lot of freedom at first, but later when the saucers multiplied, like Ford’s Model T, we’d need some road rules. I think that is why the teams need to stay connected. We will need to be aware of each other and eventually make sure we’re not bumping into each other out in the marketplace. There will be a time we have sufficient influence that we will able to move markets. This would suggest a time when we’d need to make coordinated moves, probably when the high rises are built. For now, we need to get the teams into their flying saucer/high performance cars. In my own prophetic trading I work within a small team. We meet using the Internet, because we are from all over the US and UK. I don’t believe I could handle more than a small group. It takes work to process what we’re hearing and there is a place beyond which information overload and complexity would overcome the scale benefits of numbers. We don’t need scale for this ministry. It is mostly an intellectual endeavor, rather than a physical endeavor. Ministry work that requires physical engagement would need more scale than what we need. Though we may not need scale, I believe the Lord wants to release this gifting widely. So, we need an approach that can bring people up the learning curve quickly. I think that method is the same method the Lord used for me. He put me into a closed classroom with a handful of other people and let Holy Spirit experience be the tutor. I think the connected families model looks something like this:


Connected Families

External Broadcast/ Prophetic Fund

In this model, teams of prophetic traders work in concert with the Holy Spirit in His classroom. Revelation and trades are shared among the group. Each individual trades, and is responsible, for his or her own account. The market provides feedback through profit and loss as team members learn to hear and respond to the Lord’s counsel. The issues of heart transformation and all the other benefits accrue to being part of a team seeking the Lord’s strategic wisdom. The teams are loosely connected so that the broad themes can be discovered across the teams. These broad themes can be broadcast to the external community of believers for their own financial use. This information is not the dynamic trading data used by the teams, but only macro market shifts we see on the slow clock timeline. This information is for infrequent portfolio adjustments, not trading. Thus, I don’t view providing this type of information as prophetic tourism. Likewise, we see the eventual launch of a prophetic investment fund. These become two ways believers can participate in the financial side of this ministry, yet get on with their walk with the Lord.


Parting Words I recently had a dream where many of us were driving on a bridge across the Delaware River from New Jersey (my childhood home) to Dorchester, PA. “Dorchester” was very clear. I had no idea what “Dorchester” represented. So, I looked it up. Dorchester shows up in two places: Dorchester England, and a Dorchester that is part of Boston. There is no Dorchester, PA. The Dorchester in England is the historical home of the Puritans. The Dorchester in Boston is where they settled in the 1600’s as they came to the new world. The dream now becomes clear. Just as the Puritans transitioned to a new physical reality by leaving their old home; we will be transitioning into a new spiritual reality by leaving the ways of our past. This is a picture of corporate transition. This “bridge” transitions us from our “childhood home” to the new world. It portends crossing the Jordan River to reach the Land of Promise. Prophetic voices across the Body of Christ affirm this dream and suggest we are at the doorstep. The next night I had another dream where I stepped into a new world. This world began with a basin filled with water where we could clean our hands. Next, there were clothes for dressing. There was a large dessert buffet just sitting there unattended. I saw the inhabitants of this new world, who looked very normal. The dream ended as I surveyed and sat in balcony seating that extended above this scene. We see it again, a new world, where we cleanse ourselves in flesh and spirit and put on fresh garments of righteousness. This world has a buffet of desserts and balcony (heavenly) visibility. I don’t understand the fullness of what this all represents, but it is coming soon, and it is very good. The topics I’ve discussed here are only a small sliver of what is coming as heaven invades earth, and the new world is upon us. Be expectant, for what comes will beyond what we can imagine.


Glossary Preface to the Glossary This should not be read as a normal dictionary. In a normal dictionary the definitions of words are stable and established. That is not the case with prophetic metaphor. I’m providing the definition that I see most frequently in my and others dreams. However, other meanings are possible for these symbols. I see similarity across prophetic traders for many of these metaphors, but there is an individual characteristic to all of this. There are elements that are very personalized. I have metaphors that are just my own, because they come directly from my life. You will have these as well. For example, a friend of mine plays a video tank game, and thus, has a whole dream vocabulary that is based on the moves, strategies, and elements in this tank game. I play golf, so I get a lot of golf metaphors. I’m trying to capture some of the more common metaphors, out of literally thousands of possible symbols. I get new symbols continually, but as my understanding grows the ability to interpret new symbols also grows. There’s often a familiar structure to the metaphors. So, this glossary is not a complete, nor a final compendium. However, I think this dictionary can help you get started on your journey toward prophetic trading. Expect your personal dictionary to grow from this base. A-Words. Words that begin with the letter “A”, without other meaning. Can be an indicator of an “A” type price shape. African American. See People. Often an oil trade. Air conditioner. Revelation being made clearer (conditioned Holy Spirit air). Also cold air sinks, so can be bearish metaphor. Air filter. Filtered revelation, reliable interpretation. Airplane. The behavior of the plane is a market picture. Take off is bullish, landing is bearish. Crash is a steep fall in the markets. Loop is a roundtrip. Size of plane can have meaning. Large commercial flight moves many people in the trade. It represents equity markets. An executive jet is more private. A small airplane is slower than a fighter jet. All of these characteristics convey meaning. Buckling up in the seat is entering trade. Failing to buckle up is a warning that you might miss the trade. Time issues may be involved with arriving for a flight. If you have time remaining, the trade is not ready. A sense of “being late” seems typical, and is not as late as the dream feels. Airport. Place to prepare to arrive or depart. Airport scenes cover trade action if you have your luggage. Scenes can also preview a bullish trade entry (airplane take off). Note actions in airport. What happens to luggage? Do


you catch your flight (trade or ministry step)? Note arrival or departure times as trade entry and exits. How late are you?, gives a weak sense of timing. Customs represents trade exit and profit accounting. ID scenes, like passport, indicate invitation to trade to confirm prophetic trading identity. Alabama. Crimson Tide. Short metaphor. Alarm. Warning if a siren or burglary alarm. Clock alarm indicates timing is complete and trade should be entered or exited. Alcoholic drink. I’ll be careful with this one because personal issues could play in the interpretation. For myself, I have not found observing beer, wine, labels of other alcoholic drinks, or sitting at a bar to be negative. However, I don’t think this is universal. I mostly observe alcoholic drinks, and don’t drink them. Red wine can be bearish. Beer can be gold. I once had little (airplane) bottles of “Crown Royal” and was given small bottles of Seagram’s “7 Crown” in a dream. The context was good because I received these from a King. Treat as a warning if you drink, or you become drunk. Drunk is negative. Alien. Negative when we see them. Possibly an image of the enemy. Avoid them. Alligator. Underwater predator. Threat to trade positions. Warning. Aluminum. An underlying object for silver. An aluminum ladder would be a bullish silver channel. Arkansas. The Natural State, thus natural thinking. University of Arkansas; Razorbacks: short motif. Asian. Can relate to gold trade if context shows trade action. Asphalt. An underlying object for oil. An asphalt driveway going up would be a bullish oil channel. Astronaut. A person who flies. Denotes bullish attitude (if you) or action. If in re-entry, then denotes bearish action. ATM. Source of cash. Indicates prophetic success if dispenses cash. Attic. An area on a price chart that is above an existing resistance area. Likely a new, but temporary high. Baby. Birthing a ministry, calling, or purpose. Bacon. Pig, bearish Bakery. See Dessert. Source of sweet revelation that will be pleasant. Balcony. A high place in the market. Also possibly the balcony of heaven, thus a high place in the spirit.


Balloon. If flying, a bullish indicator. If falling, a bearish indicator. If a large hot air balloon, a bullish indicator. If at a birthday, a celebration indicator. Band. A band is a group of people releasing prophetic information. The various members of the band can indicate team roles. Lead guitar or lead vocals, for example would imply a team leader. You may also find yourself in a dream as a musician. There will be some sort of metaphorical hook that makes it clear. For example, in my dreams I am sometimes James Taylor, because I like his music and his first name is the same as mine. I’m also Jimmy Page in Led Zeppelin for similar reasons. Bank. A source of trading resources. Profits. The Lord’s bank. This ministry draws upon His bank and you may see it in dreams in a positive sense. A place to withdraw money (from successful trading). Barbed wire. Resistance that cannot be breached. The market will stop, and likely, turn here. Barefoot. See Shoes. Not prepared. Incomplete understanding. Humility in some contexts. Baseball. A pitch is revelation, and a hit is a trade movement, or executing against the pitch. A catch is correctly executing the trade. A missed catch is missing a trade execution. A high fly ball suggests a bullish move. Don’t assume a hit ball in the air is up and down unless accentuated, like a pop fly. A single is a modest trade opportunity. A home run is a really good trade. Over the fence breaks resistance. A pitcher strike is a clear, or understood revelation. A pitcher ball is an unclear, or not well understood revelation. If the baseball itself is emphasized, it is often white, and will represent silver. Thus, much of baseball can be about silver. Basement. An area on a price chart that is below an existing support area. Basketball player (referenced by name). Basketball players are often tall, thus often a bullish indicator. Basketball. Basketball is organic prophetic trading in a team. Team members pass the ball around to each other. The basic movement of the ball in basketball is up and down, with a down emphasis, testing support on the floor. So, basketball can imply variation in prices with a down emphasis. A made shot is successful trade execution. A dunk is an aggressive down move. Layups are small trades relative to 3-point shots. Bull vs. bearish depends on your positions, are you in the game?, are you observing?, do you see two teams? If there are two teams the bulls and bears can be represented by the respective teams. If you are short, and the dream has you making the shot, it is possible that shot is relative to your existing short position. Thus, a ball in the air does not necessarily mean long.


Bathroom. Bathroom metaphors are fairly common. They speak to releasing the toxins that come with a loss. I get these dreams when a loss is coming, and I need to deal with the emotions associated with that loss. A losing trade is “flushed down the toilet”. Toilet water is personal negative metaphor (see water). Showers are going underwater in a trade. Battery. Source of spiritual power. Note what the battery powers: car (ministry), flashlight (illumination), electronics (prophetic information), etc. Battle. A market picture of bulls and bears fighting each other for dominance. Other dream elements help place the characters. If US Civil War, then Union is bullish and Confederates are bearish. Can also represent trade problems if you are wounded or hurt in the action. In competitive sports involving two teams, often bulls vs bears. Bear. Bearish. Note features, aggressiveness, size, color. Beaver. An animal that cuts down trees, thus equity bearish indicator. Bed. Place for dreaming and receiving prophetic information. Also, “laying down” is an expression for a bearish move. Thus, if you or you observe someone lay down on a bed that is likely a bearish move to support. Bedroom. A place for receiving prophetic information. A place of rest. Beef. Raw red meat, ground beef, steak, and the like are bearish indicators. The bull has been slaughtered. The meat is red, a bearish indicator. Bicycle. A low powered trade vehicle. Self-powered, so not fully spirit led. Solo vehicle. Birthday. Birthday cake. A time of celebration and presents. A positive trade metaphor indicating success. Can also relate to ministry birth. Black (or dark grey or brown). A color often associated with crude oil trades. Context tells you more information. Thus, a black person could be associated with an oil trade. Black items could be associated with oil trades. An example is a black car. Blood. If you are bloody, then it is a trade warning. If you see blood on someone else, identify the underlying or action metaphor. Blood is red and is a short motif. Blood can also be a non-trade warning. Blue blazer. Prophetic mantel. Blue jeans. Prophetic mantel. Blue skirt. Prophetic mantel. Blue. The color of heavenly revelation (blue water hose, blue paint) or prophetic mantel (blue jeans, blue sport coat, blue car).


Boat. If on a river then you are above the support and managing the water. If slow, or raft, or a flat-bottomed boat it indicates level trading. If going fast in speedboat then it suggests a short side trade. If on a lake or ocean it could be a ministry reference, rather than a trade reference. Bomb. See Explosion, Firecrackers. These are indications of sharp drops in the market. The larger the explosion the sharper the drop. Bonanza. A windfall. A unique trading opportunity. Often seen as the TV show. Boundary. Property line, fences, branches on trees, suspended platforms, floors, ceilings, counter tops, geographic borders, and other vertical or horizontal surfaces. All of these are capturing support or resistance areas on a price chart. They give clues as to the extent of a move. For example, a counter top is a type of support. The name implies a “counter” move, so it suggests the price will bounce off of support and reverse. For example, if we approach a ceiling from underneath in a dream it means we’ll come to resistance, but won’t break through. If we are standing on a roof we have broken resistance to a new near term high. So, the dream action tells you whether you stop or go through the boundary, and by how much. This gives you information about the size of a move. Bowling. Knocking down white pins. A bearish equity metaphor, usually spanned over a few weeks. Equity, because there are multiple pins. Boyfriend. Partnership person. Ministry dream element. Brakes. braking. (see Car) To exit a trade. To stop. If the brakes are not working then it is warning that you are going too far with the trade. Bread. Revelation. God’s Word. Finances. Bride. Covenant partnership. Usually a ministry reference. Bridge. A channel indicator showing support below. A suspension bridge is like a bar chart with lower support. Walking over a bridge can indicate a flat area in the price chart. Broccoli. (see Trees) Little trees. Equity bullish metaphor Brother. See People. Brother in the Lord. Brown. Often represents oil. Could also be our flesh or earthly things, depending on context. Bugs. Incomplete understanding, like a software bug. Building. The context is important as well as descriptive characteristics. Campus buildings speak to a teaching aspect of this ministry. Commercial build-


ings speak to the markets themselves (where transactions occur). Factories are where we combine the revelation into a final product that can be traded. The height of the building often speaks to trade directions. Stairs and elevators are movements in the context direction. The lobby is the place for entering or exiting a trade. Bull. Bullish. Note features, aggressiveness, size. Bulldog. Two moves. Bullish followed by bearish. Bus. A community/ministry activity. Double-decker bus, heaven and earth. School bus, see school. Note where the bus is going. Can see trade information on a bus ride, but more commonly ministry related. Buy. Buying something often signifies a long trade. Cab. Can be gold if a yellow cab. The ride can be a trade. However, if the ride requires a fare payment in the dream, the trade may involve some loss of profits near the end of the trade. A small warning. Cafeteria. A public place where revelation is shared and consumed, like a Google group or blog site. Cake. See Dessert. A successful prophetic trade. Note color of cake and/or frosting. I have found sweet things to be bullish. California. Golden Bear. Short gold metaphor. Camera. Prophetic sight. Note nature of camera. Telephoto=high resolution. New cameras are good to receive. Camp. Church. Ministry gathering. Prophetic gathering. Campus. See School. Canada. Bullish. The Canadian border would suggest approaching a resistance. Car. Cars are frequent trade metaphors. A moving car is a trade in motion. If the car is going fast, then the price changes are going fast. A parked car is a flat trade (not in a trade). A car going up a hill is a bullish trade, while a car going down a hill is a bearish trade. Car’s can have problems, just as a trade can have a problem. If the brakes aren’t working then a bad trade is running without being stopped. Engine problems or flat tire indicate (trade) vehicle problems. Those are warnings. Look for the car’s color to indicate the type of trade (equity, oil, silver, gold, etc). Map the car’s directions and change in direction. Does it go one way, then reverse? That suggests a market reversal. Are you driving backwards against the traffic? That means you’re position is running against the flow of the market (you’re zigging when the market is zagging). Are you driving backwards up a hill? Same idea, you are short


when the market is long. Are your brakes not working? That means you should be stopping or changing directions, but you’re not. Is the car fast or slow? How big is the car? A SUV is a larger trade opportunity than a VW. Does it stay between the lines or violate boundaries? That means that you are having some problems with the trade if you are driving. If you are driving and see a car coming the opposite direction to you it means there will be a counter trend in the trade while you maintain your direction. Just play through it. However, if you crash into that car, you need to change directions. If you do a 360, then the market will reverse trend and them come back. If you do a 180 the market will reverse trend. These are all clues to market price action, or clues as to your position’s performance relative to market price action. Cash. Trade finances. Trade profits. Note color or other characteristics for trade detail. Can represent anointing or authority. Cashier. One who takes money for a ticket, entrance, or check out. Related to trade entry or exit. Casino. The markets. Cat. The opposite of a dog. Metaphor for a bullish move. CD. Prophetic information. Ceiling. See boundary Cell phone. Cell=sell. Prophetic information about selling, or bearish information. Cement. A metaphor for silver. Used when cement is being poured, cement truck (bullish), and when the cement is highlighted in the dream. Chain. See boundary. Also, if vertical it could refer to an option chain. An option chain are the strike levels (see ladder) of the option. Thus, if one were climbing up a chain, that would be a bullish indicator for options. Chair. If you sit in the chair this is a downward action that suggests a bearish move to support. If you observe the chair break under someone, then support is broken. If the chair breaks under you, then you are receiving a warning about your trade. If you are just sitting on a chair without action it may not be important in the interpretation. Champaign. Celebration. Trade success. Cheek. Emotions. Cheese: Financial profits. Can also be about gold.


Chef. One who prepares prophetic revelation for consumption. Prophet and/or interpretation. Cherry. Red fruit. Short trade binary object. Chicken. A bearish motif, as in the market is “chicken”, especially if a food item. Sometimes used to convey attitude. Fearful. Note context. Chocolate. Chocolate ice cream, chocolate sauce, chocolate candy. These all seem to represent oil. Christmas. A time for presents. Related to significant trade promises that occur infrequently. Cigar. See Cigarette. Trades or options that are burning up. Can also convey celebration. Note context if positive or negative connotation. Cigarette. Smoking. An option that is burning up. Counsel against using options in this situation (not good for you). Circle image. 360-degree trade move. Civil War. Fight between the north and the south. This is a picture of bearish (south) and bullish (north) conflict. Note your uniform. CL words. Words, names, or initials that emphasize the “CL” and don’t seem to fit any other meaning. CL is the futures symbol for oil, so consider as a oil underlying reference. Classroom. See school. A place to teach or learn prophetic trading. Clock. Timing metaphor. Alarm clock with sounding alarm is an important event being indicated. Clothes. There are a number of meanings that can be conveyed by clothes. They can be action objects by looking at the type of clothes. Examples include shorts and short sleeve shirts. These are both “short” metaphors. Long pants can mean a “long” metaphor. The color of the clothes can be an adjective that informs the underlying. Clothes can also represent a mantel of authority. Dress (suit/sport jacket) clothes point to an office of authority. I don’t have much experience with women’s clothes, so those are metaphors to be developed. When clothes are missing, it suggests transparency with regard to a trade going wrong. I get these when I’m sharing with the team, but it turns out my interpretations and trades are incorrect. Also, you “lose your shirt” when you have a potential loss. Multicolored clothes are a Joseph anointing. Coffee. Coffee can also represent oil, if you trade oil. It is liquid so, short oil. Alternatively, if you don’t trade oil, caffeine is something that gets you up, so coffee can be a bullish indicator.


Colors. When there are a variety of colors in a context, especially swirling in nature, this is heavenly information. Painting with many colors is interpreting heavenly information, for example. See specific color for trade action or underlying guidance. Computer. Display. Prophetic information. Construction. Indicates a trade under construction. The revelation is not complete or the timing is not ready. Can also represent ministry under construction. Cook (or Chef). One who prepares revelation for trading (consumption). Dreaming and interpretation. Costume. Note the nature of the costume. It will communicate information about a person, role, or trade. If the person is an underlying, then the costume is information about a trade. If the person is a real person, then the costume is about their role or calling. Counter. See boundary Cousin. See People. Brother or sister in the Lord. Cow. Related to bull, infers bullish. Crafts. Dream interpretation work. Cul-de-sac. A market turnaround. Cupcake. A short move has followed dreams with cupcakes. I think the idea is that these are small cakes, thus a short message. Note color of cake and frosting. Customs. See toll both. Losses incurred at a demarcation point, such as end of a trade, option expiration date, or a time-based demarcation point. The tuition associated with the prophetic trading school. Usually is the end of a trade. Moving to a new opportunity. Dam. A dam creates a reservoir, holds water, or holds back a flood. Delays a bearish move, or is bullish. An institution that prevents losses and provides liquidity, such as a central bank. Dams can also be a source of power. Dancing. Prophetic expression. Can portray market action. Look for additional clues in clothes and actions. Dark. No illumination. Dreams can start in darkness, but then light will show the way. Shows progressive revelation regarding a trade. Can be a warning if in a trade. For example, driving at night without your headlights and poor visibility. You might find your self in a dark room. This is a place where you are not receiving trade revelation, suggesting a time to take to the sidelines.


Deer. I’ve had this reference John Deere colors of green and yellow, or bullish gold. Otherwise, skittish market action. Desert. A dry place. Limited liquidity. Wilderness. A difficult place to trade. Dessert. Fun part of the meal. Good tasting. Relates to trades. Note, color, size, and character of desert. Dessert trades are usually pretty “yummy.” I have found sweet things to be bullish. Dirt. If you get dirty it is incomplete understanding. Trade warning. Doctor. Usually present to help with disappointments or trade losses. Warning object. Doctor. One who brings healing. Usually a spiritual metaphor for healing, often after losses. Dog. A common trade metaphor for a bear move. DOG is a bear ETF for the Dow Index. Note size of dog and other actions. If the dog gently bites, it is a warning. Door. Used to enter or exit, thus a door can be entering or exiting a trade depending on your action or what you see. A door can also signify transition in other non-trade realities. Door problems suggest incomplete understanding of a trade entry or exit. Doughnut. A 360-degree trading pattern. The underlying will trade in a range. Color of doughnut can convey underlying. Possibly not substantial, not a large or significant move. Dragon. Threat of being burned up. Negative metaphor with options or any trade with leverage that can go against you. Dragons are warnings. Dress. Note length and color for object clues. Driver’s license. Identity. Also an invitation to drive the car (or trade). If lost, it suggests no trade opportunity. Drugs. Illicit. Wrong understanding. Warning. Trade understanding is incorrect. Drunk. Confused. Warning. Wrong spiritual understanding. Trade understanding incorrect. Dry. Making something dry, or an indication of something that is dry, is a bullish indicator. The opposite of water. Duck. A play on words “duck”, thus often a short motif. Dwarf. Short motif. Eagle. Sight. Prophetic reference. Heavenly assistance.


Ear. Prophetic hearing. Note condition of ear. Earthquake. A financial shaking, Extremely bearish. Egg. Something that will be birthed. Initial elements of a trade or ministry. Electronics. Speak to interpretation of revelation (the electrical power) that needs to be assembled and tested. If the electronics don’t work that suggests a problem. If the electronics work it suggests correct interpretation. Elephant. A bullish move. The grey color could indicate silver, but context could also tilt toward oil. A large oil field is called an “elephant’. Elevator. A fast bullish (ascent) or bearish (descent) move. Note the number of floors to get an idea of the size of the move. Rarely a single day move, but often within a week. Explosion. This indicates an event that will cause the market to drop. I have not found that it represents a bullish move (as in exploding higher). It is sudden, so the market impact is likely driven by an important event. Note distance. If far away, then the event is distant in time. Note amount of destruction. Note your emotions. Eye. Prophetic sight. Note condition of eye. Factory. Transformation. Assembly of revelation. Prophetic trading teams can be a factory. Farm. Something that we tend to yield food. A farm can be revelation or trades. Note the type of farm. Corn=gold, pigs=bearish, and the like. Are things growing (bullish) or being cut (bearish). Are you planting (enter a trade) or picking off fruit (exit a trade). Father. See People. Can be the Lord in the dream. Fence. See boundary Fighter jet. Often represents silver. These jets are often silver in color and they are solo piloted. The solo nature communicates the unified nature of a commodity, rather than the more complex nature of an equity index. Fighting. Most scenes that involve conflict are a picture of the market tugging between bullish and bearish impulses. These “fights’ happen at resistance and support lines. Filing cabinet. History of recorded dreams. Used to prompt a dream review. Fire hydrant. Liquidity used by authorities to put out a fire. Water in this sense is positive. Note location of fire hydrant. Is it being used? Red color by itself could denote bearish trend.


Fire truck. An emergency condition associated with fire. The truck is red. A bearish indicator of a bearish emergency condition. Watch behavior of the fire truck. The fire truck can also carry water and can be something to mitigate a bearish condition. Fire. Losses if something under your control burns. If a market metaphor burns, then it is a picture of a bearish condition. Firecracker. Small explosion (see Explosion). Possibly celebration, possibly independence, possibly July 4; depending on context. Fish. See fishing. People. Trades. Context important. “Big fish” is an important person. Underwater fish can be trades underwater, but not dead. Fishing. Pulling something from underwater. If the object is under your control (a wallet), then your trade is being pulled from underwater. If the object is outside of your control (a fish), then the market is bullish. Fishing can also relate to people or evangelism, depending on context. Flashlight. Illuminate the path. Flat tire. Loss of air. Warning indicating a loss. The (trade) vehicle can’t move with a flat tire. Flood. See water. A bearish motif involving water. Floor. See boundary Florentine. A dish associated with spinach. A bullish motif. Flower. Revelation, note color. Aroma of heaven. Colors of heaven. A flower can also be a trade, because it grows naturally. Flying. Flying without assistance. This is flying in the spirit. Degree of control and height can communicate maturity in the trading prophetic gift. Flying does not necessarily mean bullish. I usually find ministry messages when I’m flying in a dream. I can sometimes discern flying as a confirming message of my trade, or trade intentions. Flying with assistance can be used to help reference an underlying. Food. Food represents the Word of God. Milk and meat products are the Word of God from Hebrews. The type of food communicates the type of trade that is being offered. Note the color of the food. Green foods are often bullish and red foods are bearish. White foods are often silver (sometimes equity). Also, all derivatives of cow (like a bull) are a bullish metaphor. All derivatives of pig are a bearish metaphor (ham, bacon). Other Old Testament forbidden foods are bearish. Fish is something that is drawn out of the water, so is bullish (unless it is still swimming underwater), and not an evangelistic context. Red lobster is bearish. Ice cream is in its non-melted state, so that is


bullish. I have not found chicken or turkey to communicate direction so much as communicating attitudes in the trade, such as being fearful or foolish. Football. The game of football is about offense and defense. The offense and defense represent bullish and bearish impulses. The line of scrimmage is where the bulls and bears are fighting it out. The line moves as one side wins over the other. The ball moves down the field, or reverses. The movement of the ball is the movement of the market. An interception is a price trend reversal. A long pass is a large price movement. A rush is a moderate price movement. Defensive plays are reversals of the main direction. You need to understand which side represents offense and defense. Are you playing or observing? If playing, then your trades are involved. If you get tackled, it’s a warning. If you tackle someone else, then that is an interruption in the price movement, likely short. Just because the ball is in the air does not mean bullish. The direction will often establish bull vs. bear, unless that information is not provided and all you see is ball flight. Fox. A negative dream element related to theft, such as theft of a trade or profits. Can be used in the context of a warning if the fox is doing something to you or something under your control. Can be religious spirits if in a ministry opposition context. Freeway. Moving fast and easily with a trade in a trade channel. Direction determined from other dreams or context. Note any errors in driving or problems as warnings. Exits are exits from the trade or entry into something new. French Fries. Often an underlying object metaphor for gold. Frisbee. Flying object that catches the wind. Flight pattern can represent trade pattern. Usually with another person, so sharing revelation. Note performance issues, caught, dropped, thrown well or not. Fuel. Gasoline is an oil derivative. Often filling up your car will reference bullish oil. However, if you don’t have experience with oil, fuel can also be liquidity or profits from trades. Fueling up your car means that you’ve got liquidity to continue. Furnace. Produces hot air, which rises. Bullish metaphor. Gambling. Context is very important. Gambling can be a negative, indicating a gambling heart, or trading with a gambling attitude. We don’t gamble when we prophetically trade. However, games of chance can be used to represent this ministry. Winning and losing at these games correspond to wins and losses with trades. I have many dreams in a hotel and casino. This is a picture of the revelation (sleeping/beds) combined with the markets (casino). Garden. Something we tend that yields food or flowers. A garden can be revelation (or trades) that are tended. Note the type garden. Are things growing


(bullish) or being cut (bearish). Are you planting (enter a trade) or picking (exit a trade). Gasoline. See fuel. Gate. See Airplane. Trade entry or exit (airport gate). If part of a fence, then movement through support or resistance if you walk through the gate. Gear. In a car or on a bike. Can be used to indicate the degree of leverage in an option trade. Low gear is a lot of leverage. The option moves slowly to the underlying at low gear (high leverage). High gear is less leverage. The option moves fast to the underlying. Gift. Revelation for trade success or the success itself. Girlfriend. Partnership person. Ministry dream element. Glasses. Prophetic sight. Lost glasses=lost sight. Gold (or tan). A color associated with gold trades. Context tells you more information. Golden retriever. Bearish gold metaphor. Goldfish. A metaphor for gold. If swimming in water it could represent a short gold trade. Golf club. Trade execution. Low number clubs are larger moves than high number clubs. Ball goes up and down, but don’t assume that behavior unless very accentuated, like with a wedge shot. I once had the shaft extend, which is a silver long motif, since the shaft is silver colored. Golf. Golf is a game I play, so it’s meaning may be idiosyncratic to me. That said, golf usually relates to the main trading vehicle of my interest. Often the game represents equity action, but sometime silver. Hitting the golf ball down the fairway is a trade that is successful. A par 4 or 5 will require several different trades to finish. Often drives and iron shots are a long side play, but they don’t need to be. The club selection approximates the size of the trade (by yardage). Par 3’s are where hitting the green is getting “into the green” with a trade. It is also a contiguous trade, maybe over multiple days, with one shot. Missing the green is missing the profit potential. Putting is short side action (putt = put option). Thus, miniature golf is about short side trading. Hitting into the rough is a trade going against you or failing in some way. Losing a ball is losing money on a trade. A sand trap is also negative. Hitting the ball into water is a loss, underwater. A range ball is trading in a range from resistance to support as estimated by recent price action. A driving range is similar. Any other negative golf action is associated with warnings and trade problems. The move from the ninth to the tenth hole is called the “turn” and may convey a turn in the price pattern. Dogleg’s left or right can suggest


change in trade direction (left bullish, right bearish). The number of the iron can related to biblical definitions. Four, seven, and nine irons are common (4rule, 7-complete, 9-HS fruitfulness or harvest). 3-wood is also common. Note: this is my game, so the metaphorical language is rich to my experience, and not necessarily yours. Grandparents. Wisdom. Older believers if context fits. Can be opposite of this if context fits. Grass. Lawn. See lawnmower. There are a multitude of green blades that grow in their natural state. Short grass is bearish, while long grass is bullish. Green. Green is go (enter a trade), a long trade opportunity, or your trade going green, depending on context. A green light would be permission to enter a trade. A green sports car would lean more to a long trade opportunity. Multiple green objects under your control could be related to profitable positions. Grey. See Silver or Oil. Grocery store. A place that sells food. Thus, it is a place to receive prophetic information about the markets. Actions in the store can be about interpreting or trading. Guitar. Common prophetic instrument. Note how well the guitar is being played. Air guitar is weak understanding or prophetic gifting. Gum. Chewing without fruitfulness. Misunderstanding, misapplication, misinterpretation. Gun. Words, often accusing. Context could relate to trade behavior, such as a gun used in a theft (warning). If observing, could relate to geo-political pictures. If two sided, could relate to bulls and bears “fighting it out”. Gym. A prophetic place to exercise and workout. A prophetic trading school. Hair. Grows naturally. Bullish metaphor in proper context. Authority, covering, or mantel in other settings. Long hair can be long, while short hair can be short if seems reasonable in context. Note hair color for underlying. Black=oil, blonde=gold, silver=silver, for example. Red hair can be bearish. Long hair can also be spiritual maturity. Baldness is a short trade or improper spiritual positioning. If your hair is cut you’re getting a “haircut” (See Haircut). Haircut. Losses in your positions, if happening to you. Losses in the market if happening to a person that you observe. Hallway. Transition between trades. Depending on actions in the hallway could represent trading inside a range. Ham. Pig. bearish


Hamburger. If raw and red, bearish. If cooked and hot it can be bullish. Handbag. Trade positions that are under your control. What happens to the handbag is important to interpretation. Handcuffed. If happens to you it means you’re trade will “handcuff” you, meaning it will trap you in a loss. Options can do that. Watching others handcuffed can be a market metaphor. The market is handcuffed when it is unable to move out of a trading range. Happy. A bullish binary. Hat. Can represent a trade. A hat is high, so a bullish representation. It is a covering, so can represent upper resistance. Can also be the more traditional picture of personal covering. Hawaii. Initials HI, so used to indicate a high in an underlying price series. Also applies to things that might be typically Hawaiian. Hedges. Trading hedges. The actions and behavior around the hedges speak to what is happening to the trading hedges. Helicopter. Flight behavior can portray market action. Hovering would suggest a flat market. Take off vertically would be bullish. Land vertically would be bearish. High heels. See shoes. Indicates walking out a bullish trade. If stumbling, then it is a warning about a long position or expectations. Home, Hometown. Trade or ministry destination. Place of safety. Homosexuality. A wrong spirit. A spirit of Mammon operating in a prophetic trading ministry. A greedy heart. Wrong affections. Honey. Judgments of God. Gold. Horse. Strength. Bullish metaphor. Applies to cars with a horse name, such as Mustang. Note what the horse does. Hotdog. Similar to bulldog. Indicates a wave that starts bullish and ends bearish. If with mustard, implies gold. If with ketchup implies the “dog” part greater than the “hot” part. Hotel. or Motel. A temporary place. Associated with a trade or trading. Also associated with dreaming and revelation. The floors can represent market levels. Note floor changes. House. Place of intimacy and safety. Bedroom is the place of revelation. Kitchen is where revelation is prepared. The dining room is where revelation is offered to be “eaten” by intimate acquaintances, such as your prophetic team. The attic is a bullish metaphor. The basement is a bearish metaphor.


Hallways are transitions between trades. Stairs in the house are up and down action metaphors. People at the door are new people arriving. The condition of the house provides clues to the attitudes of the heart or the condition of the ministry. Elements under construction are being developed, again heart attitudes or ministry elements, depending on context. Running outside around the house is going around the mountain. Hyena. A bullish metaphor. A play on words, beginning with “hi”. Also, their backs rise from back to front. Ice cream. see Milk. See Food. Revelation (milk) about a bullish trade. The milk is in a solid form (not melted). If the ice cream is melting then the market is turning toward bearish. If ice cream is vanilla it is about equities. Chocolate or chocolate sauce may imply oil underlying. Ice-skating. Ice is made of water, so a bearish metaphor. Skates have silver blades, so are often about silver. Thus, ice-skating is negotiating short silver successfully. You are on top of the water. Ice. Water analog, so bearish. If you slip on ice it is a trade warning. If another object slips on ice is suggests problems with the trade. Indian. A “red man”. Indicates a short trade. Indiana or Indianapolis. Indicates a short trade, play off of Indian. Insurance. Speaks to the use of options. Hedging. Intersection. See Boundary. Can be a place where support or resistance is broken. Can also be a place in time, such as a weekend. Interstate. See Freeway. Denotes equity. Jack Nicklaus. Golden Bear. A bearish gold reference. Jail. See prison. Japanese person. See People. Can be a gold trade especially if people are doing trade related actions. th

July 4 : Independence, possibly financial. Jungle gym. Climbing up or down is market action. Note horizontal elements. Note vertical elements. Note being stuck, easy vs. difficult sections. Keys. Items that give you access to something. The keys unlock trading opportunities. Revelation is a key to a trade. If you lose the keys, you lost understanding on a present trade, which means you lost the trade. Kidnappers. Represents a warning for potential theft of interpretations or trade success.


Kitchen. (see Food) A place where revelation is combined to prepare a trade. Knife. Accusation. Verbal assault. Close quartered, personal. Can also be a trading metaphor for short. Anything that cuts or divides suggests a short direction. Labrador retriever. Object metaphor for short oil. Ladder. A ladder is an expression of vertical narrow channel movement. Going up or going down sets context. Option strike prices are also like rungs on a ladder. Thus, the ladder rungs can be speaking of call or put option strike prices. Las Vegas. The markets. When we are in a hotel in Las Vegas we are using revelation to establish positions. Sometimes you’ll see the casino or be aware of its existence, but not play. We don’t gamble so we don’t actually play games of chance. Lawnmower. See grass. If the lawnmower is under your control then your positions are getting cut (negative warning). If the lawnmower is happening in your view, then it is a bearish indicator for the equity markets. Left. Bullish. Call options are always displayed in the left column of the option ladder. Also, the left side is the “bid”(buy) side of the bid-ask spread. Leopard. Animals that are predators can devour a trade. Used as warnings. Light. Headlights, lit room, sunshine, streetlights, all represent spiritual illumination with regard to the trade. For example, driving at night with headlights and good visibility vs driving without headlights. Also expressed as overhead lights, again suggesting spiritual illumination. Lion. Bullish. Lion. Depends on context. Animals that are predators can devour a trade. Used as warnings. Could also be the Lion of Judah. Could also be the enemy. Locked. Unavailable. Closed thinking or path. No entrance or exit. Lottery ticket. Indicates an unusual black swan trade opportunity. If you get the lottery ticket you may be invited to the trade. Luggage. Something you take on a trip to hold clothes. Clothes can be trades, so the luggage can represent trades or trading. Where the luggage goes and how it gets there may provide trade data. Machine gun. Rapid fire words (negative). Machine. A machine transforms an input into an output. Look at the context and discern the transformation being suggested. It could be your heart. It could be revelation being assembled into trade execution.


Magnifying glass. A prophetic event that is near. Mall. Malls, strip malls, and other commercial establishments are often a metaphor for the markets. These are places where buying and selling occur. Man (unidentified). Bullish (stronger, taller). Especially if muscular or large. Identified men are better interpreted in light of who they are to you. The Lord may establish a particular man as a bullish play. My oldest (and tall) son fits this role in my dream life. Marijuana. A warning. Indicates a wrong idea. Mashed Potatoes. Usually white, so silver (sometimes equity). “Mashed” suggests short side play. Math. A symbol-based language, so this is prophetic information. Someone who does math is prophetic. McDonalds. Golden arches, relates to gold trading. Shape of arches can imply price trend. Medicine. Spiritual grace or support in the midst of pain or loss. Mexico. Bearish. Near the Mexican border would suggest approaching support. Microscope. A prophetic event that is near. Milk. Revelation. Also a bearish move in silver. Bearish because the milk is liquid. Silver, because it is white (also possibly equities). Spilt milk is a warning, suggesting a trade problem. Milkshake. Silver if vanilla. If drawing through a straw, then bullish. Mop. Used to mop up water. Generally would be thought of as a bullish indicator because one is turning something that is wet into something that is dry, especially if you are using the mop. If context suggests liquidity is being mopped up, it could be bearish. Motel. See Hotel. Mother. See People. Often the church, or a portion of the church with which you are interacting. Motorcycle. Solo trading. Unique revelation for one person. Can also denote a commodity or single underlying, like oil, gold, or a single company; in contrast to a bus, which would be the equity market. Note what the motorcycle does. Mountain. Frequent in trading dreams. Going up a mountain is bullish, going down a mountain is bearish. Snow is equity. Trouble on the mountain is


trade trouble (slipping, falling, tumbling). Size of mountain conveys information. Small hills vs. large mountains convey size of move. Recognize resolution levels. Often small hills are high resolution (faster) and large mountains are low resolution (slower). Paths down a mountain are often serpentine. This is a decreasing channel trade. Mouse: Devouring of a trade. A threat to a trade. Movie. Prophetic information. Movie theater is prophetic information broadcast to a wider audience. Mud. Dirt and water mixed together. Incomplete understanding that can lead to loss. Trade warning. Mud on clothes or shoes are common warning symbols. Multi-colored. A Joseph motif, especially when associated with clothes. Can be equities if associated with market objects. Music. Prophetic information. Playing various instruments is releasing prophetic information. Playing air guitar is trying to release prophetic information, but unsuccessfully. If the music is high notes, suggests bullish. If the music is low notes, suggests bearish. Naked. See clothes. Transparency with regard to a missed interpretation. Partial clothes, or a towel is a partial misinterpretation. You got some of it. Native American. See People. Often a short trade. Necktie. If you are wearing a necktie it means that you are following the Lord. It is like the yoke of the Lord. New Mexico. Short metaphor. Since New Mexico does not cross the border it often suggests short of support. New York City. represents the place where equity and commodity markets trade. So, represents trading in general. If one is going into New York, it is like entering the market (long side). If one is leaving New York, it is like exiting the market (short side). Rangers represent range trading. Newspaper. Prophetic information Niagara Falls. Water falling, a bearish motif. Consider this a significant and sharp move down. If you go over Niagara Falls with fear, then it is more likely your personal positions that are falling. North Dakota. Bullish oil metaphor (north location). Nose. Discernment. Runny nose suggests discernment issues. Nuclear explosion. A financial “blow up”. Extremely bearish.


O. “O” proper names can be oil, like Ohio. Oklahoma. Oil metaphor Old man (unspecified). Likely your old man, and thus a picture of the improper responses of your natural self. Oppose (or confront). This can be as a pedestrian or in a vehicle. It is a market force moving against you, or resistance in the market. I can indicate that a turn is coming or that you are headed in the wrong direction. Orange. often a color of warning, usually an indicator of prophetic misunderstanding. Warning also with combination of orange and black. Orange is also the combination of yellow and red, so can suggest a bearish gold play in some contexts (such as driving an orange car while you are trading/considering gold). Orange can also mean being afraid of loss (yellow=fear, red=loss). Context helps in interpretation. Overheat. Warning. Indicates staying in a trade too long. Painting. Creating an interpretation of a prophetic dream. Pants. (long). A long play metaphor. Parade. Prophetic alignment, especially if with instruments. Parking garage (underground): A short termination point. The low ceilings indicate level trading in a range off support. Parking, Parking lot. The act of going flat (no trade). Parking a trade. Exiting the market and not having a position. If the car is under your control, then you should not be trading (being flat). If the car is external to your control it suggests a flat market, with no trade opportunities. Passport. Identity. Also invitation to go on the trip (the trade). If lost it suggests no trade opportunity. Peanut butter. Underlying object for gold. Pen. To communicate revelation, especially a blue pen. People. People can be people or people can be trades. When people are real persons you will often see characteristics, first name, initials, or some other indicator that will help you identify the real person. Prophets would be prophetic declaration in the dream. You will often see team members in your dreams, for example. Sometimes, you will see yourself as a person metaphor. You will see the Lord as a person metaphor, usually as an authority or loved one you admire and respect. When people are not people, but trades, they are simplified to convey a trade idea. Unidentified women are often short trades, as unidentified men are long trades. Skin color is used to denote un-


derlying. Thus, African Americans are often speaking to an oil trade. Native Americans speak to short trades. Very tall men are often angels. An unidentified “old man” is your old man. Cousins and siblings are often brothers and sisters in the Lord. Mother is often the Church. People that appear “off” or distorted in some sense are communicating something that is unreliable, suspect, or deceptive. Perspective. Often a dream will provide a viewpoint that is either above your relative position (bullish) or below your relative position (bearish). For example, if you look up to a cupboard location, that perspective will imply bullishness. As a further example, if you are driving a road up a hill, but you look down to the side and see the road grade falling away; that would suggest that while you are doing a bullish move (driving up the hill), there will be a bearish impulse during that “drive” (the short perspective of looking down the side grade). The grade perspective would be a minor move within the context of the major move up. Phone. Prophetic information. Photograph. Prophetic information. Identity if related to a person, like a passport photo. Piano. Pianos are noted for their black and white keys. Black and white signifies oil and silver, respectively. A piano would imply a correlated trade with oil and silver. A piano is also a musical instrument, a prophetic indicator. Pickup Truck. The term “pickup” is the key. This is a bullish metaphor. The size of the pickup gives a sense of the size of the move. Also look at the other characteristics under “car”. Picnic. A place to share and consume revelation. Pillow. A device for receiving prophetic information. A protective device because it is related to God’s counsel. Pink. A mixture of white and red, also feminine. Suggests a silver down move. Pirate. Represents a warning for potential trade or ministry theft. Pizza. Short equities. I think because of the red sauce color combined with a flat profile. Platform. See boundary Police, police car. Authority. Provides instructions regarding trades, stop, park, illegal turn (warning). In addition, police are defenders of boundaries. Thus, police can signify floors and resistance being defended, or overcome, depending on the actions of police. If bullies overcome the police, for example, would indicate piercing the resistance ceiling.


Popcorn. A bullish indicator. Power lines: Depending on context. Can be Holy Spirit power connecting heaven to Earth. Can also be a bullish resistance indicator. Price. You will often pay for something, such as food. The price is the cost of faith for doing a trade. That cost could be monetary, but may be patience and endurance as well. Prison camp. The enemy’s confinement. A place from which to escape. A place from which to rescue others. Involuntarily constrained, not by God, but by unbelief, hopelessness, or other actions of darkness. Prison. A place of confinement. If yourself, a Joseph experience. In trading a trade that has gone bad and may not recover. This can happen with options. If you see others, then it is about ministry purpose; setting the prisoners free. Property line. See boundary Pull-ups/Push-ups. Range trading. Purple. Worship. If in a negative context, then false worship. Push. This can be as a pedestrian, on the golf course, or a sense while in a vehicle. This is the market moving. Other players in the market are all aligned and moving together in your direction. It is market force that tells you that there’s something on this move. If the pushing is against you, then the trade is being resisted. Rabbit. Trade multiplication. A positive trade metaphor. Raccoon. Theft. Warning. Railroad crossing. See boundary. Are you stopped? Do you go under the gates? These are all pictures of preparing to cross a boundary condition (support or resistance). The red lights require a stop before making the crossing, so imply pulling back from the boundary condition until the gates have opened. If you see a train, the direction can help convey bullish or bearish. Rainbow. Promise from the Lord. His promise to get you to the other side of the Wilderness (Flood). Raisin. Play on words “raising”, a bullish motif. Dark color may imply oil. Recreational Vehicle (RV). Other traders in the market. Note condition and direction of the RV. The “V” can suggest a V-shaped trade pattern. Red. Red is stop (exit trade) or if not in a trade, to wait. It can also be a short trade opportunity, or your trade going into the “red”, depending on context. A red stop-light would be a stop (or wait), for example. A red sports car would lean more to a short trade. Red paint spilled on your sleeve would be your


trade going into the red (negative context). Red objects under your control could be positions going into the red, or a potential short trade—depending on context. Reece’s Peanut Butter Cup. Chocolate often represent oil, while the peanut butter filling would represent gold. Thus, the whole thing can be speaking to moves in oil and PM. The direction needs context, although solid chocolate is sometimes bullish. Context overrides. Refrigerator. Used to store revelation to be used to prepare “a meal” (a trade). If the refrigerator is full, it suggests you have what you need to execute a trade. If the refrigerator is empty it suggests the trade is not ready. Renovation. See construction. Reworking interpretations, fixing interpretations, trade being fixed. Restaurant. (see Food) A place to prepare revelation to be consumed by patrons, thus a picture of this ministry. The kitchen is a place for prophetic people to use revelatory ingredients to prepare a meal. The meal is a trade. This is offered to people that sit at the tables in the restaurant. Rhino. An animal that charges like a bull, thus bullish. Ridge. See Boundaries. An upper resistance level. If you are climbing to the ridge-line you are approaching the resistance from below. If you are walking along the ridge from the top is suggests the ridge-line is support. Map to the price series. Rifle. Long distance words or accusation. In right context it can represent trade action. Right. Bearish. Put options are always displayed in the right column of the option ladder. Also, the right side is the “ask”(sell) side of the bid-ask spread. River. A downward channel. If you are on a boat you are the market and your trade is doing well. If you are in the river, you are wet and under water (see water). Note the type of river. Fast, slow, rapids, peril, easy. All communicate the nature of the bearish run. Roast beef. Bullish indicator. Rock. Anything made out of rock has the substance of heaven. Jesus is the Rock. Revelation from the Lord. The revelation is solid and you can build a trade on it. If a ministry context, you can build ministry structure on it. Roller coaster. Prophetic trade profile communicated by the waves of the ride. First drop communicates a strong and fast move down. Very tradable. Roof. If climbing or observing another climb it represents market action, up would be bullish and down would be bearish.


Rooftop. See boundary Rope. If hanging vertically can indicate market direction base on how one navigates the rope. Up is up and down is down. Note speed of ascent or descent. Rope can also be warning if used to tie you up. Sad. A bearish binary. Sailboat. A boat that moves by the wind over spiritual water. If the boat is in moving water, then it can provide trade information. Salad. Green, suggesting bullish motif. Sand. Anything that is made of sand or involves sand is often a weak foundation. It is revelation on which you cannot build. Incomplete understanding. If ministry context, improper foundation for ministry. Warning. Sandwich. Prophetic trading food. Note the type of sandwich. Roast beef sandwich is bullish, peanut butter is bullish gold, ham is bearish. School bus. See school. School. School of the Holy Spirit. Also High School (Holy Spirit School also). Different levels can communicate degree of maturity in the gifting. PhD seminar is high-level learning. Elementary school is more, well, elementary. Scissors. An item that cuts or divides. Indicates a short direction. See what is being cut for clues as to the underlying. Sea Food. Sometimes “See” food, thus something prophetic. Note aspects of the food. Seat belt. Entering or establishing a position. Getting prepared for the trade. Seattle. Seahawks. A prophetic place noted by “see”. See Hawks. Positive if seen in a dream. Sell. Selling something often signifies a short trade. Semi-Truck. Large bullish trade opportunity. Shark. Devourer. Predator. Underwater. Trade problem if the shark is after you. Could relate to a person with devious intent. Shaving. See also haircut. This is similar to haircut. The cutting action is communicating either losses, if you’re shaving yourself or a bearish metaphor if you see someone else shaving. Sheep. Look at their wool. Is it long and shaggy? Look at the color to denote underlying. Long shaggy wool is ready to be sheared. Prepare for the short side coming.


Shirt. Can be a trade metaphor. If long sleeved, then a long metaphor, if short sleeved then a short metaphor. If you are without a shirt, then you are not prepared for a bullish trade. Shoes. Gifting. Used to walk out a trade. Note color or other characteristics. Laces untied, warning. Red=bearish. Barefoot=not prepared. Socks only=partial understanding. High-heels bullish. Undefined shoes also can represent a short motif because they touch the ground. Shorts. See clothes. A short play metaphor. Shoulder. Authority. Shovel or (Pick). Digging for revelation. Digging for a trade. Uncovering an opportunity. Context important. Could be related to precious metals. Shower. A type of getting wet. A cleansing act, but will result in trade loss. Shrimp. Bearish based on play on words and Levitical food type. SI or SL. Words, names, or initials that emphasize the SI or SL combination and don’t seem to have any other clear meaning. Consider as an indicator for a silver underlying. Sidewalk. See Boundary. If walking down a sidewalk it could represent a trade channel, or trade path. Other details would provide underlying and direction (hills, lefts or rights). If going across the sidewalk it could represent a boundary. Silver (or metallic, light grey). A color associated with silver trades. Context tells you more information. Sing. See band. Release of prophetic information. Soprano or alto can be bullish, bass or baritone bearish if heard or known. Sister. See People. Sister in the Lord. Skateboard. Action object usually associated with going down hills, or bearish action. Note ease or difficulty of ride. Skateboarding is standing on wood, so not the best prophetic trade medium. Skiing. A downhill action on snow. Suggests silver (sometimes equity) bearish action. Note skiing specifics for trade detail. Skunk. A loss warning because of an incorrect idea or understanding. If it is inside the house, then it is an idea you or others embrace. You want to get it outside of the house. A skunk also has the colors of black and white. This can suggest a short message for oil and silver. Look for supporting revelation. Snake. Warning motif. Implies a deception in understanding. Green snake is not a bullish move, but a deception regarding a bullish move.


Snow. Snow is white so often represent silver. Snow is found on the tops of mountains, which would be a bullish picture. If the snow melts or is slushy, then it is a bearish picture. Skiing on snow is trading. If you are skiing downhill, then the trade is bearish and the hill dominates the interpretation. Snow can also be revelation from Isaiah 55. Snowball. Bullish equity impulse moves. If thrown at someone who ducks, then bullish moves are paired with bearish responses, range bound variation. Can also be revelation being thrown back and forth between two partners, using the Isaiah 55 snow reference. Socks. See Shoes. If without shoes implies partial understanding. Song. A prophetic message. Read lyrics for message if the song is familiar. Space. Settings in outer space often denote spiritual settings. Spanish. Spiritual language. Seen as something you speak or hear someone else speak. Spider. See also Spy. This is a term for the ETF (exchange traded fund) SPY. SPY is an ETF for the S&P 500. So, if you see a spider, then it is something about equity markets. Watch what happens to the spider. Does it go up, go down, raise up on a web, get crushed? These are clues as to what might happen to equity markets. Alternatively, it might be a more traditional interpretation involving deceit. Spinach. A green food associated with strength. A bullish motif. Spy. This is a term for the ETF (exchange traded fund) SPY. SPY is an etf for the S&P 500. So the spy in the dream is the S&P 500 and his actions are telling you what the S&P is doing. Is the spy climbing a building?, then the SPY is bullish, etc. Spy could also be a more traditional meaning suggesting spiritual espionage. Stairs. A common bullish (ascending) or bearish (descending) channel metaphor. Stairs take time to ascend or descend. Note width. Wide stairs are wide channels and often low resolution. The opposite with narrow stairs. Do stairs switch back during the ascent or descent? This suggests wave like action through the channel during the macro move. Platforms are flat areas on the price chart during the macro move. Steak. Bull, bullish Store. The markets. Storm. Usually associated with black clouds. Indicates a coming bearish season. Usually seen in the distance and approaching, thus a prophetic indicator.


Size or severity of storm indicates degree and/or duration of impact. Storm can also denote internal or relational issues. Strawberries. Short trade, revelation. Student. Likely you or partner. Surface. See boundary. If the surface is penetrated, such as the surface of water, then the underlying is breaking below resistance and is going “under water.” Swimming. If the swimming is controlled and strong within a body of water, I lean toward treating this as a spiritual metaphor, as in swimming in the spirit (a good thing). If, however, the swimming were uncontrolled in rushing water, I would lead toward considering it as a warning metaphor. Swimming controlled in a river would be like “treading water”, or level trading. Tan. See gold. Could also be our flesh. Depends on context. Teacher. The Holy Spirit. A teacher gifted person. Teeth. Ability to chew on revelation. Understanding, wisdom. Telescope. A prophetic event in the distance. Tennis. Sharing revelations back and forth between prophetic partners. This idea fits other sports that have this type of dynamic (table tennis, squash, handball, etc.) Test. You will go through a test in your trading. Often associated with a loss. The test is how you handle the loss. I have not found that tests are about trade performance. The test is usually about heart issues. Texas. Oil metaphor. University of Texas; Longhorns: bullish metaphor. Theater. A place where a group receives prophetic information. Thief. Represents a warning for potential trade or ministry theft. Ticket. Event ticket. A ticket is permission and understanding to enter a trade. A traffic violation ticket is a warning. It represents going too fast, which is a problem in using too much leverage with too little time with options, for example. Maybe too much in the trade. Tie. Gentle yoke of the Lord. Also a bearish indicator because it “points” down. Tiger. Animals that are predators can devour a trade. Orange and black striped. A warning metaphor. Can also represent macro issues regarding China. The colors of the tiger’s coat could represent gold and oil. Context helps with discernment.


Tire. Tires are black and are filled with air. If one is going to change tires, than that would suggest a change in direction of an underlying, likely oil. If the tire goes flat, that is the “air going out of the tires” which is a bearish indicator. If this occurs to your tires, than it is a trade warning. Toilet. Water representing a loss threat. Should be taken as a warning. In addition, it is a place to release emotional and response toxins, which are likely caused by losses. Toll booth. Losses incurred at a demarcation point, such as end of a trade, option expiration date, or a time-based demarcation point. The tuition associated with the prophetic trading school. Usually is the end of a trade. Moving to a new opportunity. Also, entering a trade. The price paid for a trade position if the tollbooth is at the beginning of the road. Tomato. Red color indicates short motif. Tornado. A negative event in the market. Fast and destructive. Over quickly. Bearish. The debris cloud of a tornado may also involve internal struggles with hearing and responding to God in this ministry. Towel. See clothes. Partial covering or incomplete understanding. Drying off water on you body, or recovering emotionally after a loss. Tower. A steep bullish channel. If with stairs, it will take some time to climb. If an elevator it will be faster. Tractor Trailer. Significant provision or bull move. Traffic sign (light). Indicates trade instructions. Stop: exit trade or don’t enter trade. Go: Enter trade or continue trade. Yield: go slow, bumping trading. Trailer. Being towed. Correlated trade to your main trading position (vehicle). If trailer is parked or diverges from the towing vehicle, then the second trade should be sold or breaks correlation. Train. Also train engines. Train engines by themselves are bullish. The passenger cars or freight cars, or a complete train, are a picture of equity markets. These are diverse elements that are moving together, like equity markets. The behavior of the train and other context variables are used to interpret the market direction, such as hills, tunnels, and bridges. A tunnel would be bearish with resistance above. Bridges would be bullish with support below. Trash. Things to be thrown away. Often prophetic misunderstandings or theories that need to be tossed. Tree. A tree is large and green, and has branches. This is a bullish metaphor. A tree has a variety of leaves, so it represents the equity markets. Green trees


indicate a bullish move. Dead brown branches or cut trees indicate a bearish move. The branches themselves can represent either resistance or support areas on a price chart that may be challenged. A pile of dead brown leaves is bearish. If the leaves are under your control, then they could be your positions, or bullish trades gone sour. If you drive through a forest of tall tree’s it is a long term macro picture of a bullish trend, with variation from the different tree heights. Truck. A large bullish trade opportunity. Phrase for a bullish trade “back up the truck” can be seen in dreams as metaphor. Size of truck can convey size of trade. Pickup trucks are good sized trades regardless of size because of the name (pick up). Panel trucks, semi trucks are part of these metaphors. Trumpet. A prophetic instrument, a prophetic sound, important message. Tunnel. A bearish channel indicator showing resistance above. Turkey. Used to convey attitude. Foolish. Timing metaphor for Thanksgiving. TV. Also LCD screen. Broadcast of prophetic information. Prophetic gifting. Umbrella. Protection from rain, or loss. Revelation that will help prevent losses when its raining (market is going down). Uncle. See People. Can be the Lord, or your natural father. Underlying. A term I used to describe the equity index or commodity that underlies my actual trading vehicle, which is a derivative of the underlying. The moves of my underlying impact the moves in my actual trade vehicle. The S&P 500 index an example of an underlying, while SPXL is a derivative ETF that I might use to actually trade the S&P. Unlocked. Available. Open pathway. Entrance or exit is available. UPS Truck. “Ups” denotes long. The truck is brown, so often refers to oil, or other dark colored commodities of your trade portfolio. V-words. We have seen V words or names, representing a V price action in the market. An example is VW cars. These represent back and forth market action inside a trading range. See context of the car for more detail. Vacuum cleaner. A metaphor for spiritual help in cleaning up misinterpretation or misunderstanding. Can be paired with warnings. Vending machine. A small additional piece of revelation along the way. Note the item. Violin. Playing the violin can be a warning about an upcoming trade “sadness”, especially if it is an “air” violin.


Volcano. Destructive. Explosive. Fire running down a mountain. Mountain exploding its top off. Bearish motif. Volleyball. (see Basketball). Similar to basketball in its organic nature. However, the action is mostly up with the idea of a border (see boundary) from a net. Thus, there are ideas of testing resistance and breaking resistance in volleyball. The ball is white, so silver, sometimes equity. Vomit. Revelation that was not digested. A warning. Since it “comes back up’ it can signify bullish action with a bearish position or intent. VW. See V-words. Can represent back and forth market action inside a trading range. See context of the car for more detail. W-words. The “W” seems highlighted. This indicates range trading, similar to V-words. Wall. Indication of a price move. If you climb the wall, then a price move up to resistance. If you climb down the wall, then a price move down to support. If the wall stops your forward progress than it suggests a dead-end trade or the expiration of options. Wallet. Profits or losses (if included with warning elements, lost money from wallet, for example) from a trade. War. See Battle. If conveying war as a prophetic event, then the “war” part is often couched in metaphor. Example: seeing people in military outfits doing things that can be interpreted geopolitically. Otherwise, a metaphor for bulls and bears fighting it out. Washington, DC. Governmental authority. Water. You will see water often in your dreams. There are three major types. (1) One type are large bodies of standing water like oceans and lakes that are formed around a shoreline, where you may be standing or have a house, etc. This is usually spiritual water and is good. (2) More frequently is the water that represents losses and “underwater” aspects. Any aspect of getting wet is an indication of losses on trades (going underwater). This can be anything from rain, spilling a cup of water, getting your shoes wet, or going underwater in any context. Even swimming is a wet endeavor and leans to the negative. If you are on a boat navigating the water, such as on a river, this is like trading a short move. You are mastering the water and “driving” on top of it. If the spilled water is not on you, but something you see, then it is a short side message in the market. For example, if you see some standing puddles as you are walking along the sidewalk, but you don’t get your feet wet, that would be an indication of short side price action. A dream object that is under your control that gets wet, such as hitting a golf ball into the lake, suggests your positions will go underwater. Water can be floods, which is a deep short play.


Waterfalls are interpreted in the same way. There are different intensities depending on how wet you get. Any type of bathroom or toilet water is also a negative in this sense. The opposite is when water is being cleaned, vacuumed, mopped, or soaked up. These would imply a bullish turn of events as an inverse metaphor. (3) Water can also be liquidity (bullish). If a fireman is extinguishing flames with a hose, then that is like liquidity injections by the FED to prevent the fire, which is bullish. Water used to revive someone is another liquidity (bullish) reference. These liquidity messages could be you. For example, being handed a glass of water, or watching water fill up in an object under your control is a good message of enhanced personal liquidity. It would be the opposite for water draining out of an object under your control. The water messages lean heavily toward a bearish indication, but context is important and there can be times where it is the opposite, as in the case of removing water or liquidity. Waterfall. See water. A bearish motif involving water. Wave. (see Water). A wave is related to water breaking. It is a bearish move. Size of wave gives a sense of the size of the move. Waves have a tendency to recede. Thus, a wave also communicates bearish waves in the price chart. Expect price recovery after the bearish move. Tidal wave is a very large down move. Anything that produces floods is bearish. Wheel. If emphasized may represent a 360 degree trade move (see circle). Wheelchair. Often used in warning dreams if you find yourself sitting in one. If you are in a wheelchair, evaluate the reason to learn of potential trading error. White. A color associated mostly with silver (note context). Sometimes white can represent equities if there are multiple items. The color white is the combination of all colors, so can suggest equities in a minority of occasions. White can also have a spiritual connotation, like righteousness or purity. White clothes would fit this interpretation. Wind. Wind can be a move of the Spirit. In trading it can also be trade movement. If the wind is blowing against you, then it suggests an opposing force to your position. In one dream I was driving up a hill with a flatbed truck. On the truck was merchandise. A strong wind came, but did not knock the merchandise off the truck. This told me the primary move was up, but that I would encounter a brief, but strong counter move that would not stop me out of the trade. Window. Prophetic vision or clarity. Windshield. Prophetic sight. Note condition. Clear, foggy, dark, light, dirty, rain.


Wolf. Predator. False leader. Devour trade. Woman (unidentified). Bearish (weaker, shorter). Identified women are better interpreted in light of who they are to you. The Lord may establish a particular woman as a short side play. My youngest (and short statured) daughter fits this role in my dream life as a short side trade. Woodchuck. An animal that cuts down trees, thus equity bearish indicator. Woods. See tree. Trees grouped together. A bullish market. Worm. Warning dream object. Devours. Yellow. Often a color for gold. Can also represent fear. Zombie. Zombies are trades or underlyings that are like the walking dead. As an example, deep out of the money options that will eventually expire worthless are zombies. For a while, oil traded like a zombie. If you are fighting zombies, then this is a warning because they want to eat your trades and represent a loss threat.

Who Am I?

I am Jim Reeve. You’ve probably never heard of me. But, you know how that goes, that doesn’t really mean much when God’s involved. Here’s some background. I am a Professor Emeritus at the University of Tennessee, where I taught in the College of Business Administration for 25 years. I am also a co-author of several market leading Accounting textbooks for the college market (nice preparation!). While teaching at UT, the Lord invited me on what He called “an adventure” that would require me to leave the university. He told me I could choose to stay, but that I should take Him up on it. So, I did (I think they call that ‘wisdom’). That adventure is the subject of this book. After leaving the university the Lord took me through an eight year Holy Spirit school in prophetic trading. I’ll just say briefly, Holy Spirit school isn’t like any other school (if you’ve been, you know what I mean). As a result, I’ve learned some things that could be helpful to anyone trying to live an active spiritual life by the Voice. I’ve also partnered with friends in developing collaborative prophetic trading. I eventually want to see the start of a prophetic investment fund with Kingdom-minded believers.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

Grace, sufficiency, and abundance for every good work― that is an exciting promise. As we become aligned with Kingdom agendas and realities, the resources of Heaven become available to us. This is His promise and we should expect this reality in our lives. His spoken Word is one of those resources. He speaks to us about the future, and using this information we can navigate toward our Kingdom promises. This can happen with our families, our businesses, careers, ministries, or wherever the Lord is leading us to engage as salt and light. In this book, I demonstrate how the prophetic voice is used to guide market and trading strategies. I know that can sound uncomfortable. Would the Lord really use the “markets” to reveal Himself. Isn’t that just a dark place to be avoided? Why should we? To answer, we have the grace and power of the Spirit in our lives to make a difference. We are trained to overcome, to “occupy until He comes.” That means we occupy even the dark places, which really describes our whole environment: social, political, and economic. So, it really isn’t that strange for the Lord to release power to bring to Himself glory in a place that is filled worldly agendas. That is His way. In this book I share with you my eight-year journey in prophetic investing and trading. I have many examples, and methods on how I interpret dreams and visions in trading the markets. I also include a glossary of dream symbols specifically associated with trading to help get you started.

Jim Reeve is Professor Emeritus, College of Business Administration, University of Tennessee. He is the author of articles and textbooks in finance and accounting. For eight years the Lord has brought him into a Holy Spirit school of prophetic trading. This Handbook is a culmination of the lessons learned in that school.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.