Into The Present (And The Shadows) - Chapter 13 - HuntAtDusk (2024)

Chapter Text

Melinoë breathes in deeply. She holds the air in her lungs, letting the smell of distant rain calm her mind. The thrum of her magic slowly lifts her from the ground, hovering above the grass, her eyes sliding closed as she does. Her hands slowly drift and gesture, and the cauldron bubbles and churns in response. The soft petals of the nightshade and the moly in her hands slide down her fingers as she drops them into the magical mixture before her. Opening her eyes, they blaze with power, and she speaks, spell shaking the ground with each word.

Lady Nyx, with your power of Night, I humbly request you lend me your sight.

Lowering back to the ground, the cauldron roars and bursts a plume of dark purple smoke, shimmering as if filled with stars. Glancing around, Melinoë doesn’t see anything around her differently, but she can feel the change nonetheless. Turning at the sound of applause, she rolls her eyes at Zagreus’ teasing grin.

“Good cauldron trick! Wasn’t that a good cauldron trick?” He says, looking to Persephone, who scoffs and tugs on his cheek to scold him.

“It was a very powerful and impressive spell, louloudi mou. Ignore your brother and his teasing.” The Queen says, her voice soft and full of affection at the sight of her children together. Zagreus stays close to her side, following his Mother like a puppy, with warm smiles, wagging tails, and glowing green whenever he looks at her. But he’s more akin to a guard dog with his growls, shows of teeth, and flashing blood red to any unfamiliar shade that gets too close.

Melinoë was surprised at how quickly Zagreus and Persephone stepped into place, talking and working as if they’d never been apart. On one hand, being frozen in time meant that, technically, they’d only been separated for a month and a handful of weeks at the most. On the other hand, their less-than-ideal situation hardly seemed to affect them, and their work was confident and meticulous with ease. Humming to herself, the princess voices these thoughts as the small family makes their way to her tent to sit and wait for her next attempt at nightfall.

Glancing at each other, Zagreus and Persephone seem surprised at her observations, as if they had hardly noticed their actions.

“Well, I suppose we have some experience picking things up where we last left off,” Persephone says, pouring two cups of tea for herself and Melinoë. Zagreus nurses his own bottle of nectar, which he managed to barter off the broker (with a promise of double payment with his next purchase). How he managed it, Melinoë does not know. Still, she doesn’t want to pull the conversation away from her first thought now that her Mother is giving an explanation.

“I went to visit your Grandmother frequently, on the surface. I’d leave for a few months, coming back for the rest. At first, Zagreus paced the House like a poor lost puppy waiting for me to come home.” Persephone says with a laugh, eyes full of love as she gives Zagreus’ arm a little pat. Huffing in embarrassment, Zagreus takes another swig of his nectar before responding with a shake of his head.

“I did not! I did my job to take my mind off of it.” He defends, shoulders rising to his ears when Persephone leans towards Melinoë, fake whispering as if sharing a secret.

Poor lost puppy,” she repeats, clearly teasing. “I thought the floor would have a permanent divot from how long he walked back and forth. If it wasn’t enchanted to handle the heat, I think he would have burnt a hole twenty feet deep.”

Zagreus gives up on defending himself, his head slumping in defeat and his hair falling into his face at the exaggeration. Persephone chuckles at his antics, Melinoë feeling her own smile tugging at her lips.

“But whenever I came home, he’d immediately get back into his rhythm. He’d attempt to escape, dash around the House doling out nectar and ambrosia left and right, would help me in the garden, practice on his lyre,” Persephone lists, looking at her son with enough affection it warms Melinoë’s entire tent. “and his energy was infectious; I feel like whenever I came home, everyone started working a little faster, a little harder, because Zagreus was such a wonderful example.”

Tilting his bottle of nectar back and forth, Zagreus watches the golden liquid slosh up the sides, never spilling from the top. He sorts through his thoughts, expression fond but distant.

“I wasn't always like that. You just made it easier. Things felt less…cold with you there. It was easier to exist. Whenever you left, it was like the floor of the House was replaced with glass. One wrong step would shatter it. It was walking on eggshells all over again,” Zagreus murmurs, falling deeper into his memories. “But then you’d come home and sweep them away. You’d walk through the garden after being gone, and it would feel like everyone could breathe again. Like I could breathe again.”

Melinoë tilts her head in confusion, a frown tugging at her eyebrows.

“Was Mother’s presence really that impactful? Surely your partners and our Father helped fill the space she left.” Melinoë asks, a feeling of discomfort settling with the tea in her stomach at Zagreus’ unfamiliar expression.

“It was. Over time, we adjusted and grew to stay roughly the same even when she was gone. But it took a long time,” he admits, avoiding Persephone’s eyes as she looked at him, melancholy. “It took a long time for me to feel comfortable again. To trust our Father again. To feel wanted again.”

It’s as if Zagreus’ heart has fallen out of his chest, beating slowly in a puddle of blood on the table. Mwlinoë even goes as far as to glance down, making sure it’s still in place in his body. The goddess knows that there are missing pieces to this puzzle, but the picture becomes clear with every new statement. Every whispered secret, every flippant joke, every bedtime story from Hecate when she was growing up settled and clicked closer into place.

“But you still did, eventually. Yes, it took time, but you healed. We all did. We all grew in our own ways.” Persephone offers, smile returning when Zagreus looks to her with his own, even if weak. “I’m proud of you. Of both of you. Even if it wasn’t perfect, you two found peace.”

Another puzzle piece that Melinoë quickly clicks into place. Glancing at Zagreus, she aims her next question at her Mother, hoping that Persephone’s straightforward way of speaking would reveal more than Zagreus’ usual attempts to brush off her questions with a joke.

“Proud of who? Zagreus and our Father?”

Humming, Persephone opens her mouth only to close it with a blink of surprise when Zagreus suddenly stands, the cups on the table clinking at the sudden movement.

“We shouldn’t speak of him like this when he isn’t here,” Zagreus says curtly, clearly tense. “It isn’t fair to him.”

Pursing her lips, Persephone gives Zagreus’ hand a comforting pat.

“Of course, my son. You’ve nothing if not respect for him,” she says, ignoring how his shoulders flinch up at the word, clearly wanting to disagree. “You’re right. When this is all over, we’ll have plenty of time to talk together as a family.”

The smell of rain grows closer, bringing with it the rumbles of thunder. Raindrops slowly pitter-patter against the roof of Melinoë’s tent, the sound muffling the quiet sound of frogs croaking and crickets chirping outside. It blows a slight cold breeze through the encampment, but that isn’t what causes Melinoë to shiver. Regret rolls off of Zagreus in waves, enough to unnerve the princess.

“It’s almost dusk—we should get ready for Meli to head out,” Zagreus says, his voice quiet and rough. Persephone finally stands, a gentle hand on his shoulder.

“Go do what you must, but try to be back in the clearing before long. You’re an important part of making sure Megaera’s arrival goes smoothly,” Persephone says as he walks out, smiling at Melinoë. “Go prepare your spells and weapon. I’ll clean up these cups.”

Standing with a nod, Melinoë kisses her Mother on the cheek, following her brother out of her tent. He stands outside, under a gap in the branches above their heads. His face is tilted back, and raindrops gently land on and slide down his face and neck. His wild and bedraggled hair sticks to his forehead, and he takes a deep breath.

“I always liked the rain. Only ever saw it a few times when I went up to Ephyra,” He says, quiet as he lets the rain wash away the conversation from before. “But I was fascinated every time I went up to the surface and experienced it. The way it feels. How it smells and sounds.”

Melinoë watches him before turning her own face up to the false sky of Erebus. Her eyes slide closed as she feels the random and sporadic tap of raindrops on her face. She tries to find her own fascination for it, but all she finds is silence.

“I don’t think I like the surface as much as you.” She admits, turning her head and opening an eye to watch her brother, who does the same with a chuckle.

“I always felt different growing up. Fascinated with the surface and what it had that we didn’t: life. I thought something in me was…broken,” Zagreus shares, thankful that Moros was away and the siblings were relatively alone for this conversation. “But when I learned that Persephone was our Mother, something clicked into place. I longed to see life because half of me was life itself.”

Melinoë hums, wiping at the wet hair that stuck to her face.

“Shouldn’t I feel the same then?” She asks, pointing out their shared parentage. Zagreus shakes his head, finally turning his face away from the sky to look at her properly.

“Not necessarily. You long for the Underworld because it’s your birthright. One you’ve been denied,” he says softly, almost apologetic, before it changes to something determined and encouraging. “But that’s going to change. Death to Chronos, moraki mou. Go get him.”

With a smile and a nod, Melinoë turns and dashes towards the training grounds, invigorated to make another attempt.

•─────⋅☆ ☆⋅─────•

“Hello again, my girl,” The Titan of Time drawls, fingers crossed under his chin as he leans forward on his stolen throne. “Did you enjoy your latest plundering of my domain?”

Melinoë growls, pointing an accusatory finger at Chronos.

“It isn’t your domain, you thief. But I’m not here to remind you of that. The rest of my family- where are they?! The courtyard was empty! Lady Megaera, Lord Thanatos, and the rest! Where have you hidden them?!” Melinoë’s shouts, remembering Hecate’s strategy and the order that came with it.

Don’t let him know you can see Megaera just yet. See what information you can pull from him while he assumes you’re ignorant. Saving Megaera will surely put us at a disadvantage, so make up for it in knowledge.

With a haughty chuckle, Chronos pulls her from her thoughts and spreads his hands in an expansive gesture.

“Why, I’ve hidden them away! You stole my trophies unfairly, so I felt it necessary to hide and protect my belongings,” the Titan says, looking down his nose at his granddaughter. “How you’ve stayed hidden while in possession of beings frozen by my power, I’ve yet to fully solve, but you will not get the chance to take more.”

“They aren’t your belongings! They’re my family!” Melinoë shouts, trying to push Chronos to brag and posture one last time, revealing more helpful information.

“What good is family, girl? My siblings abandoned me and supported my undeserving spawn. My children betrayed me. And look at you- your Father is a useless protector! And your Mother a glorified garden decoration!” Chronos shouts, leaning back on his throne with a sneer. “Your brother was the only one who attempted to prevent my return by slowing down my loyal subjects in their attempts to revive me in the temple of Styx. But look at where that got him! Frozen and useless wherever you’ve put him.Or is he?

“I’ll find the others. I’ll find and free them, and we’ll end you once and for all– together.” Melinoë spits, watching Chronos rise from his seat, summoning his weapon. With a growl, Melinoë summons her own, and the conversation ends with her shout of anger. Then, she attacks.

•─────⋅☆ ☆⋅─────•

Zagreus paces the clearing, steps sizzling and steaming in the damp air. The rain had finally moved on, leaving puddles and happy frogs in its wake. With a turn, Zagreus walks back in the direction he came for a few paces before spinning and repeating the process. Hecate watches him from the entrance of Melinoë’s tent, a calming spell prepared and on the tip of her tongue to help Melinoë with Megaera’s arrival. Zagreus turns again, and the movement is so circular and frequent that the Titaness turns her gaze to Persephone to avoid becoming dizzy. The Queen orders a small group of shades around, pointing and delegating tasks with a keen eye. She leads expertly, having the workers improve and expand the tent that belonged to Zagreus, making room for their new arrival.

The god of blood hardly notices, turning again, leaving a deeper line of scorch marks in his wake. He runs a hand through his hair, soft and fluffy, dry after its rinse in the rain. It’s hard to feel the passage of time at the Crossroads, causing Zagreus’ stomach to turn. Biting at the nail of his thumb, Zagreus growls in frustration, turning again.

“How long has she been gone now?” He says when he turns back around to face Odysseus. The shade watches him with something akin to pity, only giving a shrug in response. Zagreus turns and paces again with a huff, glancing at Melinoë’s tent.

The tense calm is broken with a flash of green and the sound of Melinoë shouting; Hecate immediately steps out of sight and casts her spell. Zagreus turns to face Melinoë’s tent in alarm, quickly running across the clearing only to stumble to a stop when Hecate guides a familiar face out from behind the fluttering fabric of Melinoë’s makeshift door. He sucks in a gasp, eyes wide as he watches Megaera step out, expression tense and eyes searching for potential threats. She makes it a few paces before stopping, eyes passing over him before double-taking at the sight of him. Her eyes focus when she sees him, her expression pinching when she notices him shaking. Megaera stands up straight, taking another step before Zagreus runs, throwing himself into her arms. The Fury catches the shorter god with a hiss of surprise, blinking in confusion when he cups her face in his hands, pressing his lips to hers desperately.

Zagreus’ hands shake where he holds her, and she pulls him closer, the need to comfort him second nature. The god pulls back just enough to gasp in a breath before he’s kissing her again, a sob trapped in his throat. One of Megaera’s hands tangles into his hair while the other holds the side of his face, thumb wiping away what tears it can reach. Pulling away slightly, Meg searches his face, alarmed at how distraught and relieved he was simultaneously.

“Zagreus?” She asks, voice comforting and familiar in her usual drawl that has him humming in affection. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

Zagreus presses his forehead to hers, taking a deep and shuddering breath. She continues to rub her thumb over his cheek to comfort him, and he reciprocates, fingers lacing behind her neck in a way he knows is grounding to her.

“A lot. Too much. I wish I could-” his voice cracks, and he sucks in a soothing breath. “I want to explain, but I just…I need a moment. You’re here. You’re here, and that’s what matters.”

Her wedding ring is warm where it touches his face, her hand lowering to gently take hold of his chin. She tilts his face from side to side, taking in every detail. He moves for her easily, mind instinctively going soft, giving her control.

“You aren’t hurt.” The Fury says quietly, more a statement than a question. Zagreus hums in affirmation, eyes sliding closed as he takes in her presence being so close. With a murmur, she presses her lips to his forehead, whispering into his hair.

“Good. As long as you’re safe. As long as whatever threat was approaching didn’t hurt you.” Her voice is low when she mumbles, nearly purring when Zagreus presses his face against her neck. It sharpens into a growl when Hecate finally steps out further into the clearing beside them, the Titaness holding up her hands in a show of peace.

“I’m sorry to ruin the moment, you two. But we have much to discuss.” Hecate says, glancing at Persephone, who turned away from the sight of her son and daughter-in-law, overcome with emotion at their reunion. Persephone quickly wipes her tears away before stepping closer, giving Megaera a smile. The sight of the Queen has the Fury relaxing in relief, but her arms remain tight and protective around Zagreus, who seems content to stay hidden in the crook of her neck.

“Queen Persephone. I’ve only two questions that need immediate answers: is this location safe, and if so, does that safety have a time limit?” Megaera’s voice automatically slips into a professional tone despite the god in her arms, her posture straightening as she easily scoops Zagreus up against her. He instinctively locks his ankles behind her back, content to be carried as Megaera walks behind Persephone, who gestures for her to follow. Glancing back, Persephone clicks her tongue and scolds her son as he tightens his hold around Megaera’s shoulders.

“Zagreus, you have perfectly working legs- don’t make her carry you around like a spoiled brat.”

Zagreus grumbles, turning his face from his wife’s neck just enough to be heard.

“But she’s strong, and I missed her,” he mumbles, settling against her when she squeezes him tighter in response.

“Alright, alright– just so long as you let go if she asks,” Persephone says, clearing off the usual table used for important meetings. Glancing back, the goddess spots her daughter awkwardly trailing behind the group, playing with her fingers nervously. With a sympathetic smile, Persephone raises her voice to call to the princess.

“Melinoë? Can you fetch Odysseus for me? He needs to give us his latest reports and explain the situation to Lady Megaera.” Her voice is sweet, loving, and kind to her daughter, who’s clearly intrigued with this new side of her brother she hadn’t seen before. With a nod, Melinoë dashes off, leaving the Queen alone with her son and daughter-in-law again.

Megaera’s voice is soft when she eases Zagreus down, extracting him from her arms and forcing him to sit at the table.

“Watch your knees. Let go– good boy.” Pressing a kiss into his hair, the Fury sits beside him, purring when he leans against her, cheek pressed against her arm. Persephone smiles at the sight again, meeting Megaera’s confused and worried gaze.

“To answer your questions first, Megaera: yes, this place is safe. As for how long? Hopefully as long as we need, but with your rescue, we’re going to be a bit on edge.” Glancing at her son, Persephone continues. “I understand that from your perspective, you saw Zagreus mere minutes ago. But you’ve been frozen in time. For Zagreus, it’s been a while since he saw you last. Since any of us have seen you.”

Megaera nods, expression tight with anger at the explanation, glancing at Zagreus with concern. She remains silent, allowing Persephone to continue.

“This whole time, you’ve been deep in enemy territory,” she explains, glancing over when Melinoë and Odysseus approach. “But my daughter has pulled you out. While we explain the situation, Hecate is preparing a spell to see if there is any lingering magic on you to ensure our enemy can’t track you. She’ll also strengthen the wards protecting this place.”

Megaera takes the information in stride, wing tucking against her back in discomfort.

“This enemy of ours…our theory was correct then? Chronos has returned?” She asks, an arm protectively holding Zagreus closer. Persephone nods, gesturing to Odysseus, who sits at the head of the table with a smile.

“I’ll answer whatever questions you might have, Lady Megaera. I’m Odysseus, as you might have guessed. It’s an honor to meet you.” The tactician says, holding out a hand in greeting only to pull it away when the Fury glares at it. Settling in to explain, Odysseus ignores the hostility and begins his story. Megaera asks far more questions than Zagreus did, expression neutral and serious. She glances at Melinoë a few times as if she can’t quite believe the princess is even there. When Odysseus ends his explanation and report, Megaera takes a moment, turning all the information over in her mind.

“I see. So the others, who were trapped like me- you don’t know where they are?” The Fury asks to confirm the information before lapsing into silence to continue thinking. “I was bait then. A test to see if I could be found and removed by your magic.”

The Fury growls low in her throat, wing flapping in anger.

“To be reduced to a test. To be used as a catalyst for the Titan to gain knowledge against us. How insulting.” She spits, looking down at the table with a glare. Zagreus murmurs something only she can hear, threading their fingers together to open Megaera’s tense and shaking fist.

“Well. Nothing we can do about that now. If Hecate’s spell reveals that I’m compromised somehow, I’ll head out into the Underworld and try to lead him away from all of you.” The Fury says, ignoring how Zagreus presses closer with a shake of his head.

“You won’t be. I just got you back. I’m not letting you leave as soon as you’ve arrived.” He mutters, desperately searching for a solution if the worst comes to pass.

The sound of Hecate approaching has him holding onto Megaera tighter, anxiety spiking in his stomach. The group holds their breath, watching as Megaera stands, gently extracting herself from Zagreus’ hold.

“Lady Megaera. If you’ll come with me.” Hecate says, turning when the Fury nods and moves to follow. She pauses, her hand lingering on her husband’s, who squeezes it anxiously. Leaning down and giving Zagreus a final chaste kiss, Megaera brushes his hair from his eyes.

“It’ll be alright, Zag. We’ve gotten through worse.” She whispers before turning and approaching Hecate, who’d begun chanting behind her cauldron. The group at the table watches her go, tense and waiting. Their biggest question is about to be answered: did they just gain another powerful ally, or did they risk it all only to start the final countdown to their end?

Into The Present (And The Shadows) - Chapter 13 - HuntAtDusk (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.