How Soon Feel Baby Move 2Nd Pregnancy Mumsnet (2025)

1. When did you feel your baby move in 2nd or subsequent pregnancies?

  • 10 aug 2010 · 16 weeks the first time, and somewhere between 13 and 14 weeks this time round, I'm quite sure of that! ... But I've been told that due to the ...

  • I am 15+3 and think I just felt him/her move. It was much later on with my dd (my 1st pregnancy). So just wondered if I am imagining things or if it's...

2. When did you start to feel movements in your second pregnancy? | Mumsnet

  • 14 apr 2015 · Have felt little where they weren't they flutters from about the same but only Definate baby movements at 19+ weeks so much later with my 2nd.

  • I'm 7 weeks with DC2 so too early for me. I felt my first movements at around 14 weeks with DS so quite early and I'm hoping it might be even earlier...

3. When did you feel second baby move? - Mumsnet

  • 7 jun 2022 · Flutters from about 15/16 weeks, proper kicks from 20 weeks. Quote. Thanks.

  • I'm currently 14.5 weeks pregnant with DC2 and wondering when I'll be able to feel this baby move. I constantly feel 'sensations' but put a lot of it...

4. when did you feel baby move in 2nd pregnancy??? - Mumsnet

  • 4 feb 2005 · Felt movement in last pregnancy with dt's at 10 weeks prev pregnancies between 12 & 15 weeks.

  • I think i'm going crazy but i think i can feel my baby move. the sensation is the same when i was pregnant DD, but i'm only 15 weeks (had same sensati...

5. When did you feel the baby move, 2nd time around? - Mumsnet

6. When did you first feel second baby move? - Mumsnet

  • 13 feb 2008 · With first pregnancy, about 17 weeks. With second, definitely at 10 weeks. It felt like a slight, localised pressure, and by 12/13 weeks had ...

  • Felt DD1 start to move at about 14-16 weeks. Only just 12 weeks now and could have sworn that I felt a tiny flutter. Cant be though, can it? Seems soo...

7. When did you first feel your second baby move? - Mumsnet

  • 5 dec 2008 · I thought I could feel slight movements with my second baby at about 11 weeks too. Just occasionally, never massive movements. I reckon it's ...

  • Am 11 weeks today with dc2 and could swear I've felt movement already - sort of butterfly feelings and some pops. Is this actually possible or is it w...

8. possible to feel movement at 12 weeks with 2nd baby? - Mumsnet

  • 19 apr 2021 · I'm pregnant with 4th and I definitely felt her at 12 weeks. Possible a bit sooner, I read it's possible and most of the time you don't notice ...

  • so got a couple of days i've been feeling flutters and pops lower down in my belly and sometimes very faint thuds/kicks. they feel completely differen...

9. When did you feel movement- 2nd baby - Mumsnet

  • 25 jul 2017 · I felt my first definite kick 3 weeks earlier in 2nd pregnancy than in my 1st. 20 weeks with first baby and 17 weeks with 2nd. Felt flutters ...

  • Currently 11+4 with second baby. I felt my DS around 16 weeks. Will I feel this one any earlier?

10. Anterior placenta in second pregnancy. When did you feel ...

  • 8 nov 2021 · Hello I'm currently 19weeks 2 days with an anterior placenta. It's my second pregnancy so I think I can feel very occasional movement.

  • Hello I’m currently 19weeks 2 days with an anterior placenta. It’s my second pregnancy so I think I can feel very occasional movement. It’s so sporad...

11. Anterior Placenta with 2nd Baby, when did you feel movements?

  • 16 nov 2018 · From then I would feel something about once a week - but I wouldn't have known it was baby if I hadn't felt those feelings in my previous 2 ...

  • I had a 15 week check up scan yesterday (long boring story I won't go in to), and they told me the placenta is Anterior and I might not feel kicks for...

12. Anyone feel movements *later* with 2nd pregnancy? - Mumsnet

  • 15 dec 2010 · But this time I really couldn't tell if it was wind or baby. I have only felt definite movements this week (18) and even now it's not often at ...

  • Starting to feel a bit despondant...currently 17.5 weeks with DC 2. Had positive 8wk and 12wk scans, and midwife heard the heartbeat at 15wks. But now...

13. Is it possible to feel movement at 11 weeks in second pregnancy?

  • 27 mei 2021 · Congratulations! I definitely felt my second baby at 11 weeks. It was so clear I'm confident that's what it was. I was lying on my side and ...

  • I’m 11 weeks tomorrow. It’s actually my third pregnancy but the second was ectopic and I thought third pregnancy in the title might be confusing. I...

14. 2nd pregnancy- when did you feel baby move? - Mumsnet

  • 10 dec 2019 · I'm currently 13+4 with my 2nd baby. I didn't feel movement's with my first baby until 20 weeks. When did you start feeling movements in ...

  • I'm currently 13+4 with my 2nd baby. I didn't feel movement's with my first baby until 20 weeks. When did you start feeling movements in your next pre...

15. How Early Can You Feel Your Second Baby Move During Pregnancy?

  • 3 dagen geleden · However, even in a second pregnancy, people don't usually feel their baby's movements until 16 to 18 weeks at the earliest. What Do Fetal ...

  • In your second pregnancy, you notice a lot of things are different. These differences can include when you start feeling your baby move.

16. Sarah's story - World Health Organization (WHO)

  • Throughout the second trimester my baby ... I called my partner at work and explained that we needed to go into the hospital as I couldn't feel the baby move.

  • "In November 2016, I was expecting my much-wanted second daughter after experiencing a year of unexplained infertility. I had had a traumatic birth with my first daughter and I was hoping for a healing and empowered birth second time round - no intervention, no medication, and no extended stay in a shared hospital ward away from my partner and toddler at home. I was accepted into a midwife-led continuity of care programme and was scheduled to deliver at the birth centre at my local hospital.

17. How Early Can You Feel Baby Move in Pregnancy? - Verywell Family

  • 13 dec 2022 · However, even in a second pregnancy, people don't usually feel their baby's movements until 16 to 18 weeks at the earliest. Second-time parents ...

  • In your second pregnancy, you notice a lot of things are different. These differences can include when you start feeling your baby move.

18. Second pregnancy: how do you feel about doing it all over again? - NCT

  • You've been through the whole baby thing once and now you're pregnant with your second child ... One exciting difference will be that you will feel your baby move ...

  • Are you terrified of going back to sleepless nights? Worried you can’t love a second child like you love your eldest? Or maybe you’re feeling more confident now you know what to expect. We look at the facts and asked mums how they felt about having their second child…

How Soon Feel Baby Move 2Nd Pregnancy Mumsnet (2025)


How Soon Feel Baby Move 2Nd Pregnancy Mumsnet? ›

Parents typically describe them as feeling like gentle flutters. An experienced parent will be looking for these sensations while a first-timer likely doesn't yet know how to distinguish them. However, even in a second pregnancy, people don't usually feel their baby's movements until 16 to 18 weeks at the earliest.

How early can you feel flutters in 2nd pregnancy? ›

When Will I Feel My Baby Kicking? You should feel your baby's first movements, called "quickening," between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. If this is your first pregnancy, you may not feel your baby move until closer to 25 weeks. By the second pregnancy, some women start to feel movements as early as 13 weeks.

How early can you feel pregnant with second baby? ›

Symptoms during your second pregnancy can be different from your first. People have told us that they have noticed the following. Your bump gets bigger sooner, perhaps because your stomach muscles have been stretched out once before. You may feel the baby kick or move sooner, perhaps as early as 16 weeks.

Do 2nd pregnancies come sooner? ›

If you've experienced very preterm labor before, it increases your chances of another preterm labor, says Heather Bartos, an ob-gyn at Be. Women's Health & Wellness in Cross Roads, Texas. But if your first child was full term or even a few weeks early, there's no indication that the second will come sooner.

When can my husband feel the baby move from the outside? ›

For many, it'll happen sometime between weeks 24 and 28, Twogood says, but that range can be as wide as 20 to 30 weeks. Generally, however, most loved ones can feel baby kick from the outside in the third trimester, adds Cynthia Flynn, MD, a Florida-based ob-gyn with JustAnswer.

Can you feel flutters at 12 weeks with second baby? ›

How soon will you feel your baby move during a second pregnancy? Because the uterine muscles might be more sensitive to movement, those in their second pregnancy might feel quickening a little earlier than first-time parents, possibly around 16 weeks.

Does early flutters mean twins? ›

Early movement

Of course, having two or more babies can mean that you'll feel movement slightly earlier than you would have with only one baby, but this is very unlikely to happen before your second trimester.

Can you feel flutters at 8 weeks in second pregnancy? ›

In the second trimester, a woman will start to notice baby flutters. The exact time is impossible to predict as it is dependent on several factors, but it will generally occur between 18 and 20 weeks. Some women may find that it happens earlier than this, while others may not feel any movement until a later stage.

Can you feel flutters at 10 weeks second pregnancy? ›

No, you cannot feel the baby at 10 weeks pregnant. Typically, it will take 6-15 weeks more to feel the baby bump and the baby's movements. If you are skinny or a seasoned mommy, you sense vibrations or flutters at 13 weeks.

Why do I feel flutters at 4 weeks pregnant? ›

These first fetal movements are called quickening and are often described as flutters. It may be difficult to determine whether this feeling is gas or your baby's movements, but soon you will begin to notice a pattern. First-time moms may not feel these first fetal movements as early as second-time moms.

Can you feel 2nd baby move at 8 weeks? ›

Around 8 weeks, the fetus will start to move. At that point, though, they're only the size of a kidney bean, so you won't be able to feel those miniscule movements. Most moms-to-be feel their baby moving somewhere between the 16th and 22nd week of pregnancy. These first movements are called the quickening.


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