Clinkers Rocky Road | 4 Ingredient Recipe (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Lucy · This post may contain affiliate links · 43 Comments

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Our famous Clinkers Rocky Road is the only rocky road recipe you'll ever need! Made from milk chocolate, raspberry lollies, marshmallows and Clinkers... and ready in less than 10 minutes!!

Clinkers Rocky Road | 4 Ingredient Recipe (1)

Hands up if you love rocky road? Me too! So I know I'm amongst friends when I tell you that I am absolutely OBSESSED with making (and eating!) rocky road... whether it's white chocolate rocky road or my party rocky road, - I'll always be the girl to put my hand up to make a batch for my family and friends!

Clinkers Rocky Road | 4 Ingredient Recipe (2)

Clinkers Rocky Road Recipe

This is the EASIEST RECIPE EVER(and my all-time favourite rocky road recipe!). Just 4 ingredients:

  • chocolate (milk or dark)
  • raspberry lollies (or Turkish delight)
  • marshmallows
  • Clinkers... that's it!

*Please note: Clinkers are a famous chocolate made by Cadbury in Australia - they are a hard candy coated in milk chocolate. If you can't buy Clinkers, you can substitute them for any of your favourites chocolates.

Clinkers Rocky Road | 4 Ingredient Recipe (3)

The Steps

*For detailed steps and tips, please scroll to the recipe card at the bottom

Chop the Clinkers in half

Clinkers Rocky Road | 4 Ingredient Recipe (4)

Melt the chocolate

Clinkers Rocky Road | 4 Ingredient Recipe (5)

Mix through the add-ins until well coated

Clinkers Rocky Road | 4 Ingredient Recipe (6)

Refrigerate until set and cut into pieces (see tips below)

Clinkers Rocky Road | 4 Ingredient Recipe (7)

Tips For Making Rocky Road

  • Choose a high quality chocolate for melting (I like to use Cadbury, Lindt or Nestle). The chocolate is the main ingredient in this recipe, so choosing a good one makes all the difference.
  • Add a little coconut oil to your chocolate when melting it - this will help with cutting into neat slices.
  • Melt the chocolate in the microwave on 50% power, stirring every 30 seconds with a dry metal spoon until the chocolate has just melted (see my tips here for perfectly melting chocolate).
  • Cut the Clinkers into halves before mixing through the milk chocolate. This makes it much easier to cut and also gives a beautiful burst of colour.
  • Remove the rocky road from the fridge at least 30 minutes before slicing - this will help it to stop cracking.
  • Use a large sharp knife to cut the rocky road (or check out my top tips for cutting rocky road here).
  • Rocky road can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for 3 weeks or frozen for up to 3 months.
  • Our rocky road recipe can be made using a microwave, stove-top or Thermomix.

Clinkers Rocky Road | 4 Ingredient Recipe (8)

More Rocky Road Recipes

If you love rocky road as much as I do... these are the recipes for you!!

  • White Chocolate Rocky Road
  • Easter Rocky Road
  • Mint Rocky Road Wreath
  • Clinkers Rocky Road Wreath
  • Party Rocky Road
  • Rocky Road Cheesecake
  • Rocky Road Microwave Fudge

Homemade Food Gifts

Our Clinkers Rocky Road is not only the perfect dessert, it also makes a great homemade gift for friends (especially at Christmas!). For more homemade food gifts, click here for our entire collection.

WANT EVEN MORE DELICIOUS RECIPES? Subscribe to my newsletter or follow along on Facebook or Instagram. And if you love baking, then please come and join myFacebook cooking club group or subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Clinkers Rocky Road | 4 Ingredient Recipe (9)

Clinkers Rocky Road

Our famous Clinkers Rocky Road is the only rocky road recipe you'll ever need! Made from milk chocolate, raspberry lollies, marshmallows and Clinkers... and ready in less than 10 minutes!!

5 from 24 votes

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Course: Dessert

Cuisine: rocky road

Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Chilling time: 2 hours hours

Total Time: 2 hours hours 10 minutes minutes

Servings: 20 serves

Calories: 255kcal

Author: Lucy - Bake Play Smile


  • 500 g milk chocolate or dark chocolate
  • 30 g coconut oil optional
  • 250 g Clinkers cut in half
  • 100 g marshmallows
  • 200 g raspberry lollies


Conventional Method

  • Line the base and sides of an 18 x 28cm rectangular slice tray with baking paper.

  • Chop the Clinkers in half and set aside.

  • Place the chocolate and coconut oil into a heatproof, microwave-safe bowl.

  • Heat, uncovered, on 50% power, stirring every minute with a metal spoon, for 4-5 minutes or until the chocolate and coconut oil melts.

  • Remove from the microwave and stir until smooth.

  • Stir through the Clinkers, marshmallows and raspberry lollies.

  • Spread the mixture into the prepared baking tray and place in the fridge for 2 hours or until completely set.

  • Use a sharp knife to cut into slices (if you are having trouble cutting the slice, run your knife under hot water and then dry completely before cutting - the heat will help to cut the slice evenly).

Thermomix Method

  • Line the base and sides of a 18 x 28cm rectangular slice tray with baking paper.

  • Place the Clinkers into the Thermomix bowl and chop for 2-3 seconds, Speed 4 (or until roughly chopped). Set aside in a separate bowl.

  • Place the chocolate and coconut oil into a clean and dry Thermomix bowl. Melt for 3-4 minutes, 50 degrees, Speed 2 or until melted.

  • Add the marshmallows, chopped Clinkers, and raspberry lollies and mix for 5-10 seconds, Reverse, Speed 3 (using the spatula to help mix), or until completely combined.

  • Spread the mixture into the prepared baking tray and place in the fridge for 2 hours or until completely set.

  • Use a sharp knife to cut into slices (if you are having trouble cutting the slice, run your knife under hot water and then dry completely before cutting - the heat will help to cut the slice evenly).



  • Choose a high quality chocolate for melting (I like to use Cadbury, Lindt or Nestle). The chocolate is the main ingredient in this recipe, so choosing a good one makes all the difference.
  • Add a little coconut oil to your chocolate when melting it - this will help with cutting into neat slices.
  • Cut the Clinkers into halves before mixing through the milk chocolate. This makes it much easier to cut and also gives a beautiful burst of colour.
  • Melt the chocolate in the microwave on 50% power, stirring every 30 seconds with a dry metal spoon until the chocolate has just melted (see my tips here for perfectly melting chocolate).
  • Remove the rocky road from the fridge at least 30 minutes before slicing - this will help it to stop cracking.
  • Use a large sharp knife to cut the rocky road (or check out my top tips for cutting rocky road here).
  • Our rocky road recipe can be made using a microwave, stove-top or Thermomix.If using a stove-top, melt the chocolate and coconut oil (optional) in a small bowl over a saucepan of boiling water (do not allow the water to enter the chocolate bowl).
  • Rocky road can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for 3 weeks or frozen for up to 3 months.


Calories: 255kcal | Carbohydrates: 37g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 13g | Saturated Fat: 8g | Cholesterol: 2mg | Sodium: 43mg | Potassium: 73mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 32g | Vitamin A: 30IU | Vitamin C: 0.1mg | Calcium: 20mg | Iron: 0.9mg

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Reader Interactions


  1. Dianne

    Hi Lucy, love your recipes. What can I use instead of coconut oil please.


    • Lucy

      Hi Dianne, you can omit it entirely or replace it with a little vegetable oil.


  2. Lovinia

    I'm desperately trying to lose weight to have spinal surgery so can't make any of these wonderfully mouth watering delights. But I have to say that in the midst of all this Covid misery, reading your deliciously decadent recipes that contain all my favorite ingredients has truly made my day!! Yum Yum Yum


    • Lucy

      Hi Lovinia, I'm so sorry to hear that you can't make these yourself - but I'm so happy that you're enjoying reading the recipes!


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Clinkers Rocky Road | 4 Ingredient Recipe (2024)


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