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Welcome To Black Desert Online Korea Server

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Title: Black Desert | Rating: Mature | Genre: Action MMORPG | Developer: Pearl Abyss

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Black Desert Online Gameplay

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Black Desert Online is a sandbox MMORPG offering stunning graphics and action oriented gameplay in a Western fantasy aesthetic. Choose from one of eight character classes and distinguish your avatar through an extensive character customization tool, that lets you manipulate nearly every aspect of your character. Defeat weasels, goblins, and gargantuan world bosses with a fluid combat system that requires manual aiming and active dodging. Invest in cities by trading, buying property, and sending caravans between encampments to maximize profits. Hire workers to gather resources and craft sought after items. Converse with NPC's to learn more about the game's world and unlock additional quests and items through an intricate mini-game. Join a guild and engage in guild warfare, vying for control of scarce resources. Sail the high seas aboard your own vessel and explore pockmarked islands in an expansive open world.

  • Parkour System- players can interact and climb over buildings and obstacles to easily navigate environments.
  • Guild Warfare - joing a guild and wage warfare against other guilds for control of resources, and defeat overwhelming world bosses.
  • Robust Trading System - hire workers to collect resources and establish trade routes to maximize profits.
  • Active Combat System - manual aiming and positioning culminate in fluid combat that doesn't rely on tab-targeting.
  • Mount Battles - Players will also be able to battle atop mounts which must be tamed and can be bred to produce unique varieties.
  • Character Customization - design your avatar with one of the most intricate character customization systems in any MMORPG.

Black Desert Online Classes

Spoilerfor Warrior:

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Warriors are the closest class to a typical “tank”. They use a long sword as their primary weapon and a shield as their secondary weapon. The Valkyrie class is the female counter class to the Warrior but Valkyre has more of a supportive skill set, while Warriors are are closer to a knight. The Warrior class has some blocks and taunts, but the vast majority of their skill set is offensive attacks. If you’re looking for a high defense class with lots of mobility and damage then I advise learning this class.

The Warrior class is fairly easy to play for newcomers because of their high defense and decent sustain. But to really master this class you will need lots of practice and to learn when to use your blocks and when to attack. Warriors excel in solo PvP and are still just above average in group PvP because of their survivability and zoning. In group PvP you want to make sure you are not in grabbing distance of another class unless you are ready to block it or grab them yourself.The Warrior class is fairly easy to play for newcomers because of their high defense and decent sustain. But to really master this class you will need lots of practice and to learn when to use your blocks and when to attack. Warriors excel in solo PvP and are still just above average in group PvP because of their survivability and zoning. In group PvP you want to make sure you are not in grabbing distance of another class unless you are ready to block it or grab them yourself.

Spoilerfor Warrior Gameplay:

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Spoilerfor Warrior Awakening:

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Spoilerfor Sorceress:

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The Sorceress class was one of the ‘original’ 4 classes in Black Desert. She is a dark magic user with mostly melee attacks and some ranged attacks. It is a squishy class with a decent amount of AoE skills making them quite good in PvE. They also have high mobility and decent sustain.

Sorceress is very good in 1v1 situations. You may find them difficult to play and even harder to master because of their low defense. Getting caught or messing up your skills in PvP can result in a very quick and painful death. They aren’t as strong in group PvP and sieges, so you will want to kite and try to pick out solo targets.

Spoilerfor Sorceress Gameplay:

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Spoilerfor Sorceress Awakening:

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Spoilerfor Berserker:

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The Berserker class is a melee tanky/bruiser class from the “Giant” race. They are a very chaotic and fun class to play with a unique play style due to their size. Berserkers can wildly stomp, grab and throw enemies with ease. Then when they are finished playing, deal some real damage. Their main weapon is duel handed axes and their secondary weapon is an ornament knot. Most skills use “Fury” but you can use mana pots just like any other class.

This tanky class is often found in the front line of PvP. They don’t have a lot of mobility, causing issues in solo PvP. They only have a few short range gap closers, but their endless amount of crowd control makes it almost impossible for anyone to escape your grasp. The class is one of the easiest to play, and whilst not taking much to master, it is definitely a fun and chaotic play style.

Spoilerfor Berserker Gameplay:

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Spoilerfor Berserker Awakening:

Spoilerfor Ranger:

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The Ranger class uses a long bow as their primary weapon and a dagger as their secondary weapon. The Ranger class has lots of movement and dexterity, allowing you to kite your target and deal damage at long distances. They have high attack damage and have no problem grinding. But they do have low defense and if you are caught out you will most likely end up dead.

This class is by far the worst class for leveling but it totally makes up for it when you reach higher levels. Ranger is really strong in PvP, it’s a kiting class and if you are good at kiting you are going to excel at this class. This class does fairly good in 1v1 situations and also in large scale PvP and sieges mainly because of strong AoE skills, mobility and CC. It is a fun class to play but some find it difficult to keep up with the complex combos and similarities in the combos.

Spoilerfor Ranger Gameplay:

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Spoilerfor Ranger Awakening:

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Spoilerfor Tamer:

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The Tamer class has one of the most unique play styles in Black Desert, along with the Berserker class. The Tamer class is fun to play and PvE is really easy because you have plenty of AoE skills. The combat style of Tamer is very fast paced with lots of mobility and low defense.

At level 20 you are able to summon your pet “beast” who will aid you in combat. Once you reach level 49 another skill becomes available which allows you to ride your pet as a mount and attack whilst riding it. The Tamer class is quite dependent on their pet which makes large scale PvP quite challenging.

Spoilerfor Tamer Gameplay:

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Spoilerfor Tamer Awakening:

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Spoilerfor Valkyrie:

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The Valkyrie class was the 7th class to be released. This class uses a sword and shield like a Warrior, focusing on blocking and sword skills. However, they also have an arsenal of light skills to deal damage to their foes, but also heal and support/empower allies.

Valkyrie is a tanky class which can also deal damage. They are quite strong in 1v1 PvP situations. They do lack mobility however, and are considerably slower than other classes. Where they excel is in their abilities to provide supportive buffs, their huge amount of knock down skills, and their survivablity. The class is fairly easy to play because of their blocks. But to master the class you must be able to time them effectively and use your counter attacks.

Spoilerfor Valkyrie Gameplay:

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Spoilerfor Valkyrie Awakening:

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Spoilerfor Blader:

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The Blader class is a traditional samurai with a female counterpart named “Plum”. There are a couple skill differences to the Blader class, which change the play style completely. They wear light armor and use a sword as their primary weapon with a horn bow as their secondary weapon. Bladers use Stamina and Energy (EP). Mana pots will regenerate your EP.

The Blader class is a fast paced, dynamic, and fun class to play. Bladers have more AoE skills with a lot more mobility and utility. Due to this they thrive in PvE. They are also quite strong in small scale PvP but their low defenses make them a little harder to master in large scale PvP. They rely heavily on their mobility and utility to survive a larger battle. New players must really keep in mind that there is quite a learning curve with any low defense class. However, just like any other class, they are very rewarding when you master them.

Spoilerfor Blader Gameplay:

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Spoilerfor Blader Awakening:

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Spoilerfor Plum:

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The Plum class is a female samurai with a male counterpart named “Blader”. There are a couple skill differences to the Plum class, which change the play style completely. They wear light armor and use a katana sword as their primary weapon with a horn bow as their secondary weapon.

The Plum class is an agile, fast paced, and fun class to play. Plums use a mixture of melee and ranged attacks with plenty of dodges and charges. They thrive in small scale PvP due to their single target lockdowns and high burst. They are also quite strong in PvE but their low defenses and lack of survivability make them an easier target in large scale PvP. New players must really keep in mind that there is quite a learning curve with any low defense class. However, just like any other class, they are very rewarding when you master them.

Spoilerfor Plum Gameplay:

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Spoilerfor Plum Awakening:

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Spoilerfor Ninja:

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The Ninja class was the 12th class to be released in Korea and is the male counter part to the Kunoichi Class. This class uses a sword as their primary weapon and shurikens as their secondary weapon. The class is dynamic and fast paced with many movement and jump skills. Ninja uses light armor and has many complex combos making it a hard class to master.

Spoilerfor Ninja Gameplay:

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Spoilerfor Ninja Awakening:

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Spoilerfor Kunoichi:

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The Kunoichi class was the 11th class to be released in Korea. This class uses a sword as their primary weapon and shurikens as their secondary weapon. The class is dynamic and fast paced with many movement and jump skills. Kunoichi uses light armor and has many complex combos making it a hard class to master.

Spoilerfor Kunoichi Gameplay:

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Spoilerfor Kunoichi Awakening:

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Spoilerfor Wizard:

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The Wizard class is the typical magic caster class with plenty of ranged AoE spells, slows, knock downs and stuns. Their main weapon is a staff and their secondary weapon is a dagger. This high damage dealing class can also be played as a support class due to them having heal skills, shields and can resurrect an ally. New players will find the Wizard class fairly easy to play but requires you to manage your cool-downs and mana for expert level plays.

Wizards are very strong in group PvP and sieges but are relatively weak in 1v1 PvP unless you catch your opponent off-guard and are able to stun/knock down. This class can also be played on horseback really well due to the ability to cast all your main damage skills while riding the horse. PvE is very strong and easy due to the amount of AoE skills and long range.

Spoilerfor Wizard Gameplay:

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Spoilerfor Wizard Awakening:

Coming Soon

Spoilerfor Witch:

Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (36)
The Witch class is the typical magic caster class with plenty of ranged AoE spells, slows, knock downs and stuns. Their main weapon is a staff and their secondary weapon is a dagger. This high damage dealing class can also be played as a support class due to them having heal skills, shields and can resurrect an ally. New players will find the Witch class fairly easy to play but requires you to manage your cool-downs and mana for expert level plays.

Witches are very strong in group PvP and sieges but are relatively weak in 1v1 PvP unless you catch your opponent off-guard and are able to stun/knock down. This class can also be played on horseback really well due to the ability to cast all your main damage skills while riding the horse. PvE is very strong and easy due to the amount of AoE skills and long range.

Spoilerfor Witch Gameplay:

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Spoilerfor Witch Awakening:

Coming Soon

Black Desert Online World Boss

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Black Desert Online Castle Siege

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Black Desert Online Character Creation

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Black Desert Online Indo Review Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (43)

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Spoilerfor Screenshots:

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Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (46)
Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (47)
Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (48)Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (49)Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (50)Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (51)Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (52)Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (53)Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (54)Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (55)

Black Desert Online Upcoming Future Content

Spoilerfor BDO Upcoming Future Content:

New Awakening Series
-Ninja Awakening (Multiple Swords 3-5) (Like Zoro of One Piece) (Image Below)
-Kunoichi Awakening (Large Chakram)
-Wizard Awakening (Elemental Orbs Water and Fire)
-Witch Awakening (Elemental Orbs Earth and Lightning)

New Playabe Character / Race Added
-Dark Elf (Image Below)
-Long Sword (It looks like a Great Sword, but my KR friends say Long Blade)
-Sub Weapon
-Elf Race specialty is movement and offensive playstyle.

PvE Content
-New Areas Winter
-Snow Areas and More
-Underwater Content
-Underwater Exploring
-Random Life Stuff
-Siege Islands
-New Battleships will be added for Naval War
-Trading Merchant ships to be added
-Giant's home area and new Snow Area
-Coop content TBA

Horse Stuff
T9 Added
-New Skills Added
-Offensive Skills Added
-Pegasus added (What?) (No fall damage) (Not flying or limited?)
-Unicorn Team Buffs

Misc Stuff
-Skill Awaken System (Enchanting Changes?)
-Wanted Bounty System
-Something about Baby Elephants (Pet?) Not sure.

Spoilerfor Picture:

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Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (59)

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Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (61)

Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (62)

Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (63)

Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (64)

Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (65)

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Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (67)

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Source :

Black Desert Online KR Server | KASKUS (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.