Annual Review 2023 | International IDEA (2024)

Table of Contents
International IDEA A message from the Secretary-General Message from the Secretary-General International IDEA’s reach around the world United Nations United Nations General Assembly The Gambia Mauritius Botswana Nigeria Bhutan Belgium Sweden European Commission Supporting democracy worldwide How we work Supporting Democracy Worldwide Our Impact France becomes International IDEA’s 35th Member State Member States support International IDEA in new and diverse ways Monitoring and analysing the global state of democracy Protecting electoral processes and holding elections during times of crises Sharing political finance assessments for evidence-based reform Spotlight on the Democracy Tracker Enhancing gender equality as a prerequisite for democracy: 2023 Summit for Democracy and beyond From discussion to action: The impact of Women Constitution-Makers’ Dialogues Building a multi-stakeholder coalition to protect and promote democracy Serving as a catalyst for democracy and SDG 16 at the United Nations Rule of Law and Anti- Corruption Programme in Nigeria Nurturing democracy defenders in Sierra Leone and crafting a manifesto for journalists International IDEA supports electoral transparency demands in Mozambique’s 2023 municipal elections From Yemen to Tunisia: Fostering dialogue and democracy awareness across the Arab region The climate change and democracy nexus in Asia and the Pacific Protecting Indigenous rights in the Philippines Helping CSOs advance electoral reform in Nepal Assisting Ukraine in preparing for post-war out-of-country voting Albania gears up for increased political finance oversight through digitalization Sparking an EU debate on a new democracy narrative Promoting creative solutions from young citizens in Peru Preparing women leaders for political participation in Paraguay Young people in Costa Rica promote interparty ethics pact International IDEA in numbers Top media mentions by country 2,416 (34%) 896 (13%) 644 (9.1%) 637 (9%) 276 (4%) 238 (3.3%) 173 (2.4%) 129 (1.8%) 90 (1.4%) 88 (1.3%) 85 (1.2%) 79 (1.1%) Financials Funding by theme Donors Top 10 core funders Top 10 restricted funders Partners Learn more about us! References


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International IDEA

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Secretary-General of International IDEA

Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora

A message from the Secretary-General

Democracy faces critical challenges around the world, from polarization and authoritarianism to disinformation and climate change. What’s more, these issues are not unique to developing countries or to nascent democracies. They are problems common to all democracies, and they require collective solutions. In such a context, the unique mandate of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) to support sustainable democracy globally has become more important than ever.

Message from the Secretary-General

Democracy faces critical challenges around the world, from polarization and authoritarianism to disinformation and climate change. What’s more, these issues are not unique to developing countries or to nascent democracies. They are problems common to all democracies, and they require collective solutions. In such a context, the unique mandate of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) to support sustainable democracy globally has become more important than ever.

In 2023 we successfully delivered on this mandate, while continuing our growth trajectory in terms of programmes, membership and policy influence. The Institute became more relevant and more impactful, in line with the four pillars of work in our institutional strategy.

We improved the quality and impact of our knowledge production, including via a reconceptualized Global State of Democracy report that now integrates qualitative data from our Democracy Tracker.

We grew our capacity development programming, launching our single largest programme anywhere, a European Union–funded initiative to support rule-of-law and anti-corruption efforts in Nigeria, as well as major new initiatives in Peru, Ukraine and the Western Balkans, to name but a few.

We enhanced our global influence and convening power by welcoming France as our 35th Member State and by reinforcing partnerships with other intergovernmental organizations, including around the Summit for Democracy.

And we stepped up our advocacy efforts—for instance, by supporting Sweden’s presidency of the Council of European Union with recommendations to enhance the EU’s global support for democracy, and by using our United Nations Permanent Observer status to make more statements at the UN General Assembly on key issues connected with democracy.

Even in these challenging times, we continue to expand our work, helping people, communities and organizations that are striving to make their countries more democratic places to live. I am very proud of our ever-growing contributions as a convenor, programme implementer and policy research institute, all supported by an organizational commitment to learn from our activities and enhance our results. When you read the stories of action and impact in the following pages, I hope you will agree that this work is relevant, valuable and worthy of support. 

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Secretary-General of International IDEA

Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora

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International IDEA’s reach around the world

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United Nations

Annika Silva-Leander, Head of North America and Permanent Observer to the UN, presents her credentials to UN Secretary-General H. E. António Guterres, on 16 June 2023. Credit: UN Photo

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United Nations General Assembly

President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (left) is greeted by Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora, at the 2023 UN General Assembly in New York. Credit: International IDEA

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The Gambia

The Gambia’s President Adama Barrow (fourth from right) meets with International IDEA staff member Maurice Mboula Jean-Claude Didier Enguelegue (at left) in 2023. Credit: International IDEA

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The President of Mauritius H. E. Mr Prithvirajsing Roopun (right) receives a gift from Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora. Credit International IDEA

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Botswana President H. E. Mokgweetsi E. K. Masisi regards the gift shared by Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora during a visit to Botswana, an International IDEA Member State since 1997. Image courtesy of Daily News

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Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora greets former President of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan at the Special Envoys Retreat on Constitutional Transitions convened by International IDEA in Abuja, Nigeria, October 2023. Credit: International IDEA

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H. E. Dasho Tashi Dorji, Chairperson of the National Council of Bhutan from 2018 to 2023 (centre) pictured with Pema Tenzin (left), International IDEA Project Manager for Bhutan, and Leena Rikkilä Tamang (right), International IDEA Director for the Asia and the Pacific region. Credit: International IDEA

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On 9 June 2023, Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora (left), signed a memorandum of understanding with Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization. Credit: International IDEA

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Event of the Global State of Democracy 2023 Report, Brussels, 17 November 2023. From left: Marilyn Neven, Programme Manager EU
Liaison, International IDEA; H.E. Anders Eide, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to the European Union; H.E. Hadja Lahbib, Minister of Foreign
Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade of Belgium; Sam van der Staak, Director for Europe, International IDEA. Credit: Bruno Maes

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Professor Eddy Maloka, CEO of the African Peer Review Mechanism, and Roba Sharamo, International IDEA Director for the Africa and West Asia region, during the signing of a memorandum of understanding. Credit: International IDEA

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International IDEA’s Secetary-General meeting with Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström. Credit: International IDEA

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European Commission

Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora and Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships. Credit: International IDEA


For the past 28 years, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) has honored its mandate to promote and advance democracy worldwide.

This Annual Review highlights our global contributions as a think-and do-tank dedicated to researching, delivering comparative knowledge resources and supporting in the implementation of democratic practices that help everyone build and maintain inclusive and resilient democracies.

Our Vision

A world in which everyone lives in inclusive and resilient democracies.

Our Mission

International IDEA advances, promotes and protects sustainable democracy worldwide in consideration of human rights commitments through policy-relevant knowledge, capacity development, advocacy and the convening of dialogues.

To achieve its mission, and in pursuit of its vision, International IDEA has defined six workstreams to align with the challenges and opportunities of the democracy landscape and the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Electoral Processes, Constitution-Building Processes, Political Participation and Representation, Democracy Assessment, Climate Change and Democracy, and Digitalization and Democracy. The Institute mainstreams (a) gender and inclusion; (b) conflict sensitivity; and (c) environmental protection across all its work.

Institutional Strategy

Learn about our strategic direction in our current democracy landscape.

Supporting democracy worldwide

How we work

International IDEA’s working modalities constitute a reinforcing loop of knowledge production, capacity development, advocacy and the convening of dialogues. International IDEA’s comparative knowledge and research inform its capacity development; these have policy influence and inform advocacy, and enable the convening of dialogues. In turn, capacity development in the field provides valuable lessons for knowledge production, policy influence and advocacy, enabling continuous learning within the Institute.

International IDEA at a Glance

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Supporting Democracy Worldwide

Activity and Reach

Member States

IDEA offices

Active projects and programs

Support activities


Member states

Our Impact


Global Programmes

North America and the Office of the Permanent Observer to the UN

Africa and West Asia

Asia and the Pacific


Latin America and the Caribbean

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France becomes International IDEA’s 35th Member State

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Member States support International IDEA in new and diverse ways

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Monitoring and analysing the global state of democracy

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Protecting electoral processes and holding elections during times of crises

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Sharing political finance assessments for evidence-based reform

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Spotlight on the Democracy Tracker

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Enhancing gender equality as a prerequisite for democracy: 2023 Summit for Democracy and beyond

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From discussion to action: The impact of Women Constitution-Makers’ Dialogues

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Building a multi-stakeholder coalition to protect and promote democracy

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Serving as a catalyst for democracy and SDG 16 at the United Nations

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Rule of Law and Anti- Corruption Programme in Nigeria

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Nurturing democracy defenders in Sierra Leone and crafting a manifesto for journalists

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International IDEA supports electoral transparency demands in Mozambique’s 2023 municipal elections

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From Yemen to Tunisia: Fostering dialogue and democracy awareness across the Arab region

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The climate change and democracy nexus in Asia and the Pacific

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Protecting Indigenous rights in the Philippines

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Helping CSOs advance electoral reform in Nepal

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Assisting Ukraine in preparing for post-war out-of-country voting

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine forced millions of Ukrainians to flee the country and search for protection across the globe. Once the war is over, Ukraine will need to hold elections for the presidency, the parliament and thousands of local self-government bodies. Organizing these first postwar elections will pose unprecedented challenges.

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Albania gears up for increased political finance oversight through digitalization

International IDEA worked closely with the University of Helsinki’s Rule of Law Centre of Finland, to help Albania’s Central Election Commission (CEC) and CSOs increase the transparency of political finance in the country.

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Sparking an EU debate on a new democracy narrative

With the support of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and input from more than 100 democracy partners around the world, International IDEA’s Report on the EU’s external democracy action influenced the EU’s thinking about its role in promoting democracy around the world.

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Promoting creative solutions from young citizens in Peru

Tambogrande is a small district in northern Peru that in 2023 began to transform itself thanks to a movement organized by school students. It was part of a project to develop a toolbox for democratic citizenship focusing on developing competencies and capacities through learning by doing in Peru.

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Preparing women leaders for political participation in Paraguay

Six years of close collaboration between International IDEA and the Gender Policy Unit at the Superior Tribunalof Electoral Justice in Paraguay has strengthened women’s leadership and political empowerment, helpingwomen gain access to popularly elected and decision-making positions.

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Young people in Costa Rica promote interparty ethics pact

International IDEA supported a pact on ethics in municipal elections that was signed by 42 national and local political parties in Costa Rica.

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International IDEA in numbers


Publication downloads on the International IDEA website


Visits to the International IDEA website


Total new followers on social media


Total new views and reach on social media

Top media mentions by country

1. United States

2,416 (34%)

2. Mexico

896 (13%)

3. Argentina

644 (9.1%)

4. Spain

637 (9%)

5. Peru

276 (4%)

6. Nigeria

238 (3.3%)

7. Dominican Republic

173 (2.4%)

8. Canada

129 (1.8%)

9. South Korea

90 (1.4%)

10. Belgium

88 (1.3%)

11. United Kingdom

85 (1.2%)

12. Paraguay

79 (1.1%)

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Total funding 2023, EUR 53,535,169

Total funding 2023

Core funding

Restricted (project) funding

31% increase in restricted project funding between 2022 and 2023

Total funding by programme 2023, EUR 52,040,326

Total funding 2023

Global Programme

Africa & West Asia

Asia & the Pacific

Regional Europe

Latin America & the Caribbean

North America

3% increase in core funding between 2022 and 2023

97% of funding goes to programmes

Funding by theme

Member States and Donors’ contributions to the work of International IDEA are instrumental to advance our shared vision of achieving a more resilient and inclusive democracy for all. We are pleased to recognize our donors who have partnered with us for the delivery of key outcomes for democracy in 2023.

Electoral Processes


Core: €618,817.00 Restricted: €8,296,118.00

Constitution-Building Processes


Core: €1,033,616.00 Restricted: €3,154,094.00

Political Participation and Representation


Core: €487,353.00 Restricted: €10,126,767.00

Democracy Assessment


Core: €1,098,976.00 Restricted: €1,840,521.00




Top 10 core funders

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Top 10 restricted funders

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Learn more about us!

Download: Annual Review 2023 (PDF) Download: International IDEA: What We Offer (PDF)

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.